Author: Allan Weisbecker

A ‘Tink Tank’?

Regarding this nuclear hoax issue I woke up this morning wondering, What’s Next? It would take some serious research to come to any conclusion above 50 – 50, other than in the negative, meaning ‘No hoax,’ which could be proven, for example, if cities started blowing up under mushroom clouds, that sort of thing. Or there may be a simpler…

Shadows of a Doubt

I’ll tell you, folks, I’m right on the edge of knowing that we’ve been hoodwinked about nuclear weapons. In my last post I put it at over 80% surety of the hoax, but that’s a bit misleading. See, the implications of this one — assuming it is another one — are so staggering that… …another way to put it is how I…

Two Frauds In One

The levels of disinformation on ‘climate change’ that we’re so relentlessly subjected to can rise to the comical, depending on your sense of humor. A couple days ago I came across a piece in the media franchise that calls itself ‘Vice,’ and found myself giggling at their latest scare tactic, i.e., how the rising sea level is likely to cause…

High Desert Update Via Spygal

Got an email from Paypal yesterday, saying ‘New Automatic Payment Profile’ in the subject box, and from a female reader called ‘Ansi Spygal’; one of those pithy, subtext-rich monikers that makes me grin. You can thank (or blame) Ms. Spygal for this post. I hadn’t seen a New Profile in my Inbox in a couple months and it goosed me to…

Big Questions, Big Lies

Note on the imagery: The graphs are from NOAA’s (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) ‘Sea Level Trends’ website, which, on its own, proves that ‘Climate Change’ (AGW, or man-caused) is a fraud. As far as I know, I’m the only source who quote NASA’s own numbers (NOAA is part of NASA) to expose their deceit. This will be explained below. # I finally…

A ‘Hawking’ Detour (sorry!)

First, I really appreciate the (so far) reactions to my ‘Get Along?’ post. I was worried that it would come across as self-indulgent, as in who cares about my (continuing) run ins with scumbags? And no one pointed out the obvious: How could I be so stupid in buying a boat to begin with, given the state of the world…

Getting Along?

A few of you guys have said you’d like to hear more about my ‘road adventures,’ so, in the spirit of Can’t You Get Along With Anyone?, here we go. I never went into details about the my houseboat’s previous owner, the ‘good ‘ol boy’ who didn’t know he had a 30 gallon fresh water tank on the boat he’d owned for…


Note: In the original version of this post I dealt with how the recent UFO ‘disclosures’ conflate with the subject of the origins of man. After a couple viewings of Steven Greer’s Unacknowledged, I changed the drift. Here’s how it turned out, for now. I’ll get back to the original subject soon… One of the comments from the last post:…

Addendums and Addendums

Addendum: Having some formatting problems. Bear with me. (Imagine the drop down spaces as you read…) I’m at a Love’s truck stop dealing with tire pressure issues and thought I’d be in touch. To those who give me added crapola about the fact that your first comment has to be moderated: This is mostly to avoid filling the comment section…