Author: Allan Weisbecker

An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins

An Open Letter to Richard Dawkins or Why Richard Dawkins Is Wrong (about… everything) Addendum: I add the parenthetical to the title because if Dawkins is wrong about random mutation/natural selection being the cause of macro-evolutionary change (as the formation of the eye), we might as well say he’s wrong about everything. Hang in and you will understand why this is…

A Rambling Discourse On Future Posts

Note to the Reader: I almost chucked this post, having realized the extent to which it rambles all over the place. (Aside from endings being everything, so is structure, insofar as you can separate the two. Meaning this: you will never find a narrative with a good ending but which has poor over all structure. It’s almost logically impossible.) Shit,…

Trolls and Moles

I assume anyone who hasn’t unsubscribed is now aware of what I meant when I said I was happier not having regular Net access. I just got back online and spent almost an hour manually erasing the troll’s comments, only one or two of which I scanned for content. I’m referring to the guy as a ‘troll’ because it’s easier,…

A Quickie From 8,230 Feet

Note (Wednesday AM, about to hit the road): I see there are quite a few comments. I’ll have to read them later; in fact, I’m looking forward to it based on the one I scanned from berger. Talk about desperate. Really amusing. I appreciate the interest, folks! As I write I’m even farther (further?) from the Ranger Station wifi, so…

A Response to a Mole

A response to ‘les berger des photons’ comments on my last post: So nice of you to blame my ‘paranoia’ on ‘the stress (I’m) feeling’, rather than a critical thinking/common sense reaction to your ‘professional photographer brother’s’ horse shit analysis of an area I’ve been researching and writing about and making videos about for over a year (Spacex). I don’t…

More Misdirection? Maaaybe

I’m running on barely one bar up here at 8,400 feet so I’ll not be able to upload any imagery. I’ll have to make this as short as possible, get it out while I can. ‘Mol’ forwarded me an interesting article from Quanta magazine, a tech-oriented mainstream science online rag. The title of the piece is ‘Fossil DNA Reveals New…

A Fly in the Ointment

Before I move on to the complex issue of why the human genome carries one less pair of chromosomes than the other ‘great apes’ (23 pairs as opposed to 24, respectively) — who are supposedly our direct ancestors – I need to explain why virtually all our discussions on human evolutionary history may be based on still another Big Lie,…

Spacex Fraud Reminder

Spacex continues to be in the news so while I continue to work on my ‘primate chromosome number’ post, thought I’d remind you what a transparent fraud Spacex is. I found an old video and cut it down to just the ending, wherein you can clearly see that Musk’s CGI team hardly bothered to even try to make mama earth…

Yikes! A Message From Sykes!

I’m in the midst of an essay on the chromosome number issue, and it’s turning out very interesting. This is still another one of those deals they just do not want to talk about, notwithstanding its blatant relevance and in-your-face obviousness. That is, assuming you care about human origins. Anyway, I’m interrupting it to send you this… I heard from The…