Author: Allan Weisbecker

A Crapola Wrap-up

I’ll try to wrap up recent crapola so I can move on to my point about the creator of ‘24’ and how he fits into HTWRW. I will say, however, that the recent crapola is exactly on point of that subject; it’s not me going off to ‘settle some personal score.’ Anyone thinking this isn’t paying attention. “We’re an empire…

Lou’s Comment

While I’m working on Part Two of ‘Yesterday’s Troubles’ I would ask that those interested in the subject of ‘cognitive dissonance’ (Orwell’s ‘doublethink’ is this on steroids) go back to the post and scroll down to ‘Lou’s comment, which is of interest for several reasons. Although I’d like you to see it along with my Reply, I’ll paste it in…

Yesterday’s Troubles

(Note: Meant to post this yesterday but decided to sleep on it, due to the complexity and personal stuff. So the ‘last night’ and  ‘yesterday’ references are a day off.) A record number of wake ups last night. Didn’t count ‘em but between a dozen and a score sounds right. Went right back to sleep each time, no problem, but…

What Are We Up Against?

After my first ‘day off’ I’m feeling rested, optimistic even, and quite pleased with the results of enabling comments (thanks, Mike!). No obvious trolls have yet surfaced; we’ll see. I’d like to think they’re staying away because they know you guys would shout them down. On the other hand, one or two may be laying in wait, making ‘positive’ or…

Qanon and Deception

Note: Yes, I’m going to start skipping days but this one was easy and is ready to go… I don’t follow Twitter (or even really know what it is) or InstaGram and I don’t know what a hash tag does and I keep away from Facebook (I regret having started a page) and anything that is trending. The list of…

Too Much Stuff, Part Two

Be advised, folks, that I’m discontinuing the daily aspect of this blog. In looking at the numbers it’s apparent that I’m ‘losing eyes.’ What’s happening is that your time is limited and those who want to keep up with me are getting frustrated and in some cases saying, ‘Fuck it.’ In other words, my blog is causing the same problem…

A War Wake Up

The first email I opened this morning asked me what I thought of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. The emailer was obviously well-informed on the subject so I didn’t try to get cute, given my ignorance of all things IT. Still, my answer, in retrospect, was maybe exactly what he needed to hear, and reflected the level upon which I…

Fear of Updates

I’m thinking I should write this before checking emails; the difference would be huge, I think. Based on the first email I opened this morning, I’ve spent the last hour trying to enable comments on this blog so those who’ve been sending smart messages via email can share their wisdoms with the gang. The enabling didn’t go so well. I…

The Beauty of Beauty

Addendum: My system wouldn’t let me italicize the second Beauty in the title. Bad night, which resulted in my late arousal, around 11 AM (Pacific time), which in turn resulted in an fuzzier than usual head as I fired up Word. (Reading and [usually] responding to emails burnt another hour or so. So it’s noon and I’m half tired already and just…