Category: Blog

Taking a Break

I’ve come across some videos that seem to indicate that the state and MSM deceit may be on an even deeper level than I thought. Although you can’t trust ‘citizen journalists’ any more than the MS or alt media, a few are showing NYC hospitals with no COVID patients and no apparent preparations for them. Here are a few.  This Youtuber…

Out On A Limb

I’m working on a post about the coming vaccine, how it will show up sooner than expected, and the staggering amount of money that will be involved, plus a reminder of how a pandemic as bad as this one was almost a reality back in 2009 via a pharmaceutical company’s machinations, but meanwhile I thought I’d do a short one on the…


As most of you know, one of my ‘political’ interests is the exposing of alt media state moles, whom I will henceforth refer to as ‘Dirt’ with a capital D. Aside from Rappoport and Carlwood’s TheHighersideChats, in my last post I mentioned James Corbett as being on my list. (See my original outing of him here.) I mentioned that he…

Are You A Silent Spreader?

I need you all to view a video I made three years ago, The Power of Big A, which is about Artificial Intelligence Algorithms and how they are and will be used against us. You need to be aware of the full force of surveillance that is about to come down on all of us… and it will be at our own…

History Has Taught Us…

We are in the midst of the next 9/11 and I’m being called naive and/or a state mole for pointing this out. Does that make sense? To me, no. Whether these people are fools or state moles themselves I don’t know. My plan, however, is to delete them at my leisure and in general to ignore them. I hope you…

Fury Road On Main Street

As I’ve mentioned, an ex-girlfriend is a doctor down in Australia, an ICU doctor, which in the Oz hospital system is higher up in the medical food chain than elsewhere; she was a heart surgeon in the UK and her ICU position is not a demotion. She is pretty much awake, especially for a medical person of any sort but…

A Sleeper Mole Comes Out

Note: By ‘coming out’ I mean exposing himself for what he is. I say this because if/when the U.S. is in fact devastated by the current pandemic, and given JR’s ‘negligence’ in not warning us to stock up (aside from his disinfo saying with no qualification that there is no new bug), it will be obvious he is not on our…

Batshit Crazy

Note: I’m still a tad spaced so keep that in mind for this post. I have a lot of notes, accrued during my hospital stay, plus the last couple of days. I’m going to ramble around, different subjects and so on, not necessarily in order of importance. How/why did I end up in a hospital? Addendum: Folks like Brett and Arthur…

The First Twinge

Note: I was under general anesthetic yesterday and am still feeling spaced out and dizzy, so my plan was to wait a few days before writing a post. As you’ll see, this didn’t work out. So if my prose isn’t up to whatever standards I used to… fuck it, you get the idea.   I don’t have much time today…