Category: Blog

Putting It To Rest (Yeah, right!)

Rest stop. Barely two bars. Sloooow, but thought to be in touch. About half my screen time is now dealing with comments, which was my original reason for not enabling them. On the other hand, there are interesting messages floating in; interesting in one sense or another… Take ‘Robin Adair’s, which I’ve pasted below… Robin Adair September 16, 2018 at…

My ‘Late’ 9/11 Anniversary Gift

I assume you all realize that my motive in bringing up (or reacting to) issues such as the RV women/Lou’s mindlessness, Joe’s inability to ‘remember’ his thievery, Walter’s flip flop, Barbra Honegger’s lecture (anomalies below), and so forth, are meant to go beyond, or beneath, the surface subject matter. It doesn’t take much digging to find what’s under there: Deceit.…

Nope, It Won’t Stop

‘It just won’t stop…’ This is my brief summation of the email ‘conversation’ I had yesterday with Barbara Honegger. Many of you know how it goes with me when I contact an alt media or ‘Truth Movement’ ‘name’ or outlet. I ask a question they don’t want to answer and Boom! I’m on someone else’s shit list. (Most have learned…

A ‘Short’ One

I’m hitting the road in a bit and will be on the road for a couple days; I wanted to be in touch but have to keep it short. My intention upon waking up this morning was to include in this post a warning to ‘Lou’ – who, for those not monitoring Comments, has been making stupendously ignorant (and stupid)…

Yesterday’s Troubles, Part Two

I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to claim that what follows is a continuation of ‘Yesterday’s Troubles’ and I will provide a photograph as indirect evidence: Below, left is a selfie I did the ‘night before yesterday,’ and what I’m watching as the dank fog rolls in was the inspiration behind one of my as yet unmentioned ‘horrors’…

Logan’s Message

I’m struggling with Part Two of ‘Yesterday’s Troubles’ — mainly to keep it on point and of manageable wordage — so I thought I’d meanwhile send a short one with a couple points that just came up. (I may have to chuck all I’ve written and start over. So be it. I’d like to get this one right. Recent stuff.…

A Crapola Wrap-up

I’ll try to wrap up recent crapola so I can move on to my point about the creator of ‘24’ and how he fits into HTWRW. I will say, however, that the recent crapola is exactly on point of that subject; it’s not me going off to ‘settle some personal score.’ Anyone thinking this isn’t paying attention. “We’re an empire…