
These are screenshots from the past week. They are pretty much self-explanatory.

Note: Today’s post is a reiteration of information I’ve brought up before. Thing is, In my essays and in the comments to them, we cover a wide range of subjects, and I can’t stress too strongly that what follows is the current subject of greatest import. (Plus, there may be new visitors here who are unfamiliar with these matters.) Also, since germ theory has been so constantly ingrained in the public mind, no amount of repetition of the truth is excessive. Also, problems with getting online delayed this post.


Below is a comment I left on today’s video from Senator Rand Paul:

How, Senator, did I have all the information re Fauci/gain of function/Wuhan/U of N Carolina/’Batwoman” in FEBRUARY OF 2020 (going on two years ago), and you have just recently brought it up? Do I (retired senior, living in an RV with my dog) have better research at my disposal? Here is an excerpt from my blog post from back then:

Addendum: The same source as above (Doctor Rashid Buttar) also did a videobacking up in great detail Francis Boyle’s allegations that COVID was engineered as a bio-weapon at the University of North Carolina, with the participation of a Wuhan virologist. Buttar goes further, fingering Trump’s mouthpiece, NIH big shot Anthony Fauci, of approving and funding the creation of the COVID bug. The irony of having Fauci on the podium during Trump’s COVID press conferences is obvious.’ 
Here is my post
Are you a controlled opposition for the powers-that-be, Senator?
Here is a separate comment I made on the same video:
‘Why don’t you ask him [Fauci] if he’s making money from the Moderna vaccine via owning part of the company and their patents? And is that a conflict of interest? Huh?’
I’ll be curious to see how long these comments last before they are taken down.
Addendum: Whoa! I just now checked, a couple minutes after posting, and the first one is already missing. We’ll see how long the other survives. [After nearly three days, 
The irony, of course, is that Senator Paul’s accusations are themselves misinformation, a distraction from the truth, which is that there is no new ‘virus’… the double irony here being that even this statement is misleading since ‘viruses’ are not the cause of disease in the first place, any more than the maggots on a dead animal caused that animal’s death. ‘Viruses’ have never been shown scientifically to cause disease, but rather (like bacteria) are in essence the ‘clean up crew’ when there is cellular damage caused by poisoning, starvation, EMF pollution, and/or stress. 
The reason Senator Paul waited nearly two years to point the finger at Fauci is this: Psychological operations such as ‘COVID-19’ need continuing distractions from the truth, the truth in this case being that if there is indeed a new illness on planet earth, it is a result of  one of the above causative factors, i.e., poisoning, starvation, EMF pollution, and/or stress, with the last two being versions of ‘poisoning.’ In my view, the most likely cause of ‘the COVID-19 Syndrome’ (assuming it exists), is 5G EMF pollution/poisoning. 
The real takeaway from Senator Paul’s recent accusations is to reenforce the idea that the pandemic is real. In fact, the idea that it is a bioweapon developed in a laboratory (whether in China or at the University of North Carolina) only gins up more fear, fear-creation being the essence of any psyop. The conflict between Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci is a powerful and perfect distraction from the truth. 
This means that my comment, taken at face value, is actually playing into the hands of the perpetrators of this psyop, since it presupposes that the virus is real, and the cause of the recent deaths and illnesses said to be the result of the ‘pandemic.’
As I have suggested in previous posts, anyone wishing to get to the bottom of the present psyop can start with this interview featuring doctors Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan, then read The Invisible Rainbowby Arthur Firstenberg. It was reading Rainbow that first woke me up to the falsity of germ theory, which is the foundation of medical/pharmacological cartels in the U.S. and around the world. (The one worrisome aspect to Cowan/Kaufman is that they claim there is no new illness at all, and COVID is completely ginned up via manipulating the numbers. As a reading of The Invisible Rainbow‘s history of flu epidemics implies, flu outbreaks always follow an increase in the world’s EMF environment. Wuhan had just fired up city-wide 5G when people began to fall ill in the fall
Addendum: As is often the case with epiphanies, it only took one realization to launch me into a paradigm change: Reading the study that showed beyond doubt that the devastating worldwide pandemic known as the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ was not contagious person-to-person, at least not in manner demanded by germ theory. Again (yes, I am repeating myself), this is the study that did it. But the real shocker was that the ‘scientists’ who did the study ignored its findings and continued to believe the illness was spread person-to-person. (This is a perfect example of what is wrong with ‘science,’ or, rather, those who practice it.)
A couple days ago I met a woman, a fellow ‘rubber tramp’ in her RV, here in the Arizona desert, a medical researcher and biological. ‘scientist’ who at first seemed awake; she knew Fauci from the days he was perpetrating the HIV fraud and is aware that he was/is an arch-criminal working for the medical/pharmacological cartels. A good start, right?
Then I tried to wake her up to the real COVID fraud and got nowhere — even after patiently explaining (in science-speak) that the COVID virus has not been isolated — so I asked for her email so I could send the above Cowan/Kaufman link to get her started down the road of awakening. I sent it and got the following reply:
‘Go away.’ (This sort of experience keeps recurring and recurring and so on, to the point where I truly wonder why I bother. I truly see very little hope for our species.) 
But the real point I want to make today is the degree to which — and the current methods used — we are being brainwashed by the purveyors of public (dis)information into believing in paradigms that are quite easily shown to be false. Aside from germ theory, Big Bang/expanding space/dark matter/dark energy/black holes/etc. is almost certainly false, as is Neo-Darwinian evolution (random mutations/natural selection as driver); the history of civilization and of the human species specifically is likewise suspect (to say the least). What these false paradigms have in common is the base belief in strict materialism, which itself is easily debunked (which I have done in past posts).
So add academia (pre-school through university) to the list of disinformation purveyors. 
But you may not be aware the degree to which social media has become the propaganda arm of the current psyop (and the psyops on the above list). We all know about the blatant censorship (deletion of videos, tweets, Facebook posts and so on), but it goes way beyond that, via the various search algorithms these platforms are built upon. A good example of this is a Youtube video I posted a while back. Based on footage and outtakes from Water Time, and titled Vaccines, Autism, and Denial, the video presents irrefutable evidence linking vaccines to childhood autism (a true modern holocaust). It has less than 600 views in four years, in spite of its 100% ‘thumbs ups’ and rave reviews in comments.
The vid’s poor view count was explained when I tried to find it via searching for its exact title plus ‘from the ac weisbecker’ channel and could not find it at all; it was missing from the results pages altogether. In fact, virtually all the results were videos with the exact opposite message, i.e., there is no connection between vaccines and autism. (If you view the above link, which I do recommend, skip the first 3 minutes.)
The blatant censorship phenom has now spread to Youtube comments (presumably, comments anywhere), as we saw up top (and as I have found through other attempts at commenting): My comment was deleted almost instantly, which indicates that some sort of A.I. is constantly sifting the web itself for ‘bad thoughts.’ This is fairly new, or at least the brutality of it. They are not fucking around now, and, again, they don’t seem to care that their censorship is blatant First Amendment breakage, or that most of their shenanigans are of the ‘Freedom is Slavery’ archetype.
Addendum: Speaking of obvious psyops I just visited good old ‘Miles Mathis’s site and found the most ridiculous string of posts I’ve come across. Here’s the email I shot him:
Hey, how stupid do you figure we all are, with your bizarre and physically impossible output? At 60 words a minute I couldn’t TYPE as fast as you (your Tavistock team) pump them out.
This is another modern phenom: The PTB no longer care if they expose their own psyops for what they are. This is worrisome on two levels. First, their A.I. must be telling them that there is nothing to lose here, meaning that the vast majority will not notice the blatant tells (like MM’s output). Independently, I have noticed this also. People are that fucking stupid. Second, they must not fear any amount of pushback; it’s like they are saying to those of us who are awake, ‘Whaddya gonna do about it, asshole, given there are so few of you?’
One last thing: You are all no doubt aware of the recent promotion of transexuality, but it has now spread to include children as young as five years old. HBO’s documentary, Transhoodactually promotes this nauseating notion, as does the MSM in general. This is, I suspect, an extension of their desire to destroy the nuclear family, a mammoth psyop that’s been ongoing for decades. That Youtube has not deleted videos like this one — which indicates that our former ‘First Lady,’ Michelle Obama, was actually a man — is an indirect set up of this op.
I’m reading a book titled When Harry Became Sally, which exposes the horrendous results of premature transexual surgery, but had to do a real search of online bookstores when I found that Amazon has deleted it from their list, saying it ‘offended the LGBTQ community.’ Imagine that.
Okay, I am Mexico-bound, for some cheap-but-good dental work.
If you view my Vaccine, Autism, and Denial video (and I recommend it), skip the first three minutes. 
The next day: I came across an interesting podcast. Go 34 minutes in, where he speaks of the difference between dictatorships and totalitarianism, and how there are about 30% (of the population) that are hopelessly ‘hypnotized’ by ‘the narrative’, 40% who just go along with the narrative, and 30% who are awake. It’s quite insightful re the current ‘narrative.’ Give it a look.

  85 comments for “Psyops

  1. Maggie
    November 12, 2021 at 12:59 am

    Allan and others, but mostly Allan,

    I would love to see what your opinion is about this topic: Transhumanism both in regard to technology and with respect to genetic therapy through experimental shots masquerading as vaccination.

    Hope you give an update soon… My cousins live on Thumb Butte near Prescott.

    • DSKlausler
      November 12, 2021 at 12:22 pm

      Well written and accurate.

  2. November 11, 2021 at 11:25 pm

    Jim Stone’s blog says smallpox is next. Why else would there be so much buzz for something that was essentially eradicated 40 years ago. Those who took the vax (especially two shots and a third booster) have weakened immune systems and will not be able to fight it off.

    From a recent tweet:

    “Just a Coincidence: Approximately $113 Million of Oral TPOXX Targeted for Delivery to the U.S. Government in the Fourth Quarter. Same day Bill Gates threatens another Bioweapon terrorist attack with Smallpox. TPOXX drug is stockpiled to treat smallpox, addresses bioweapons threat”

    • Chris
      November 19, 2021 at 3:08 am

      How did they eradicate smallpox?

  3. November 10, 2021 at 8:45 pm

    I had to tell some more dump muppets this morning, that their Rona Religion amounts to …..

    Damn “awaiting moderation” stops me from proving this with tables (again).

    • November 10, 2021 at 8:47 pm

      See if this works –

      • November 10, 2021 at 8:49 pm

        …..and watch this – China falls from 11.000.000 deaths ( from anything each year) , to virtually none from Rona! LOL!) >

        • November 15, 2021 at 4:42 pm

          I don’t see a comment from you (if that’s the point here). Maybe make your point a little clearer?…

          • November 15, 2021 at 6:31 pm

            When I look around at all the info, AND the Chinese people right in front of me working hard – they now own the world. Because they rejected the monster Rona Con, and didn’t suicide their economy & people.
            They are the biggest importers and exporters.
            Granted, plenty of other countries have rejected the Rona Con too, but China is impressive , with a monster population & biggest economy, and only a handful of Rona deaths in the scheme of things….which would be their yearly normal death rate from the flu.

  4. Guy
    November 10, 2021 at 3:58 am

    Its good you twigged to the terrain theory you might be interested in Aajonus Vonderplanitz a genius nutritionist and scientist.
    Here is what he has to say on Vaccines and Virus.
    Vaccines Ruin Your Health
    (Appendix D)
    I am reluctant to mention the harm that vaccines produce because most everyone is adamantly brainwashed that vaccines produce immunity. However, I would be negligent to ignore how vaccines actually affect health.

    Allopathic medicine is based on the “germ theory”, that microbes and viruses, cause disease. Medical science bases the use of vaccines on the theory that the body forms antibodies to “fight” natural viruses. They believe that these antibodies live on after the virus is contained, thereby creating immunity.

    First we must consider the facts known to evaluate medicine’s viral theory. Science has proved that virus are not alive, that they are predominantly protein but that they contain organic DNA. Science has proved that virus increase only in the presence of live cells, and that they cause certain cells, and/or parts of cells to dissolve. What is believed and taken as fact but not proved, is that viruses are non-discriminatingly destructive “things” that self-replicate. That is like saying that laundry soap, because it is found in homes inhabited by humans, self-replicates. Those assumption and conclusion are shallow and ludicrous. Medical science operates from fear, and it attacks the body. All medical procedures for treating disease are written by pharmaceutical-related individuals and groups. That is a severe conflict of interest. Self-produced health or medication-dependent profit, which do you think that they want?

    A rational and logical conclusion would be that virus are solvents (cleansers) manufactured by individual cells to dissolve degenerative tissue (disease) caused by accumulated waste and industrial toxins, including medicines. Virus contain DNA because cells have used substances within themselves to synthesize virus; DNA is a part of that. When the cleansing and healing processes cease, cells stop producing large amounts of virus.

    Normally, healthier bodies symbiotically utilize bacteria and parasites to cleanse themselves of cellular degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are the bodies preferred janitors. Bacteria and parasites consume the degenerative tissue and organic waste and reduce it to a tiny fraction of the original mass eaten. They can consume 100 times their weight and reduce it to 1-percent excretion. When eating a healthy raw diet, our bodies easily secrete and/or excrete the 1-percent excretions from bacteria and parasites.

    However, when bodies become too toxic with industrial toxins, including medicines, the bacteria and parasites are poisoned to death. Under such toxic conditions, the only cleansing method that the body can utilize is virus. So, cells synthesize viruses. I reiterate, viruses are solvents that dissolve degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are beneficial in preventing disease; they do not cause disease. The symptoms that accompany viral, bacterial or parasitical detoxifications are a necessary process but can be mitigated with the consumption of plenty of raw eggs and raw dairy fats.

    The key is: We should trust, nurture and understand the body and Nature, not fear them.

    Inoculating people to prevent viral infections is ridiculous and dangerous. After many years of experimentation, Louis Pasteur realized that the idea of vaccination was doomed. He confessed on his deathbed to his assistants that a poor (toxic) environment within the body creates disease. Microbes do not cause disease.

    Regarding the immediate trauma that vaccines cause in many people, the eminent scientist and physician, Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D. said:

    The injection of any serum, vaccine or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio – at least 400%. Statistics are so conclusive no one can deny it.

    The long term effects of vaccines are just as harmful. Vaccines are made of disease, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other poisonous chemicals. Pharmaceutical houses manufacture diseases in animal tissue. The diseases are sterilized to make vaccines. Sterilization alters the RNA, DNA, structure and actions of diseases and viruses. When a sterilized disease or virus enters the body, the body tries to analyze it and create antibodies to regulate the disease or virus. The body cannot find the logical reason for the unnatural disease or virus. Nor can it find the key to the time that the bacteria or virus will be active. Therefore the body creates mutant antibodies that do not go dormant for up to decades.

    These mutant antibodies remain active long after the disease or virus becomes inactive. The mutant antibodies eat sub-particles from the inside of amino acids (proteins) in the blood.1 That renders proteins unstable. The amount of proteins damaged and lost to mutant antibodies depends on the number of vaccines. Because amino acids are the primary building blocks of cells, the consequence is cellular malnutrition. In all animals, the malnutrition causes gradual genetic mutations, resulting in weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities.

    The life span of mutant antibodies varies, from at least 1 year (penicillin) up to 50 years (polio).2 Each vaccine multiplies the number of mutant antibodies, which increases cellular malnutrition and results in greater weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities.

    Table 1 shows the reported incidents of polio in the year 1958, before the compulsory polio vaccine law, and the year 1959, when the law was adopted. Only four states and one city kept records. The statistics show that the polio vaccine actually created the disease that it was purported to have prevented.

    Table 1: Number of Polio Cases Reported in 5 areas, Before and After Polio Vaccine became Compulsory

    1958 1959 % Increase
    Compulsory Vaccination? NO YES
    Connecticut 45 123 273%
    Los Angeles, CA 89 190 213%
    North Carolina 78 313 401%
    Ohio* 17 52 306%
    Tennessee 119 386 324%
    Ohio had an escape clause and many people declined inoculation. Therefore there were fewer incidents of Polio.
    Eighty-two percent of all of the people who had polio in 1959 (listed above) had been vaccinated with one or more polio vaccines. Twenty percent had at least three polio vaccinations. Polio vaccines create polio.

    Vaccines have other immediate side effects. There is temporary or permanent paralysis (Guillain-Barre) associated with any type of vaccine, including flu shots. Almost everyone receiving a vaccine of any sort suffers some of the following side effects: blindness, brain damage, convulsions, death, dizziness, other serious diseases, fever, headaches, hepatitis, impotence, irritability, muscular pain and soreness, nausea, skin eruptions and disease, sore throat, stiffness and vomiting.

    Former Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimsom, reported that at a military boot camp in only a six-month period, there were 63 deaths and 25,585 cases of hepatitis “as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine.”

    Yet, doctors and pharmaceutical houses say vaccines are miraculous – choosing to ignore the harmful effects. Is it because vaccines generate several billions of dollars a year? Isn’t it frightening that our children are the main target?

    I experimented with vaccines in animals (rats, cats, and rabbits) and found that the mutations compounded with each succeeding inoculated generation. In the second generation, with all three types of animals, mutations started as slight deformations of an ear, or eye, or jowl; or a shortened limb; or scoliosis. Glandular malfunctions were prominent. In some animals, temperaments became unruly. In the sixth and seventh generations’ mutations were severe: loss of glands, organs, limbs, features, motor and neural functions; brutal suicidal and homicidal tendencies; and impotence resulting in extinction.

    In my experience, of all the pharmaceuticals that are accepted as miracles, vaccines are the most dangerous because the side effects are most often subtle, or attributed to another problem, or ignored. These side effects become obvious after the third and fourth generations. That is when the mutations start to become exaggerated and pitiful. With humans this will probably be apparent by the year 2015.

    There are many books on the dangers of vaccines. Read them. I’ve listed the ones I’ve read – both well written and not – in the reference section. See Bibliography, page 340.

    While I was experimenting with raw moldy foods as possible remedies for particular health problems, Owanza, who was assisting me, discovered that eating moldy berries affected the mutant antibodies caused by vaccines. She placed raspberries, blackberries and strawberries in separate glass containers with lids that were not tight. She allowed them to sit at room temperature until a healthy mold had formed. Then she placed them, still in glass containers with loose lids, in refrigeration for ten weeks. After these ten weeks, Owanza strained the moldy berries through a porous sieve, separately. The mold-juices were ready for my subjects.

    Blood analyses were done on eleven people with long histories of vaccinations, with specific focus on amino acids. All subjects had minor complaints, ranging from headaches to joint pains. For one time only, each person drank 1/2 cup of one kind of mold-juice – of the particular berry that normally appealed to their taste. Their diets were not altered. Blood analyses were done 30 days after drinking mold-juice. Analyses showed an average of 30% increase in stable amino acids over previous analyses. There was only one side effect as a result of drinking the mold-juice – everybody became lethargic for a period of 30 days. After that period, everyone’s level of energy and health increased sharply above what it had been before drinking the mold-juice. Health complaints either diminished or disappeared.

    Between 13 and 18 months after they drank the mold-juice, three of the people planned to get vaccinations for travel reasons. Blood analyses were done before inoculations and again a month after inoculations. The post-inoculation analyses showed a 30% drop in stable amino acids.

    Twenty-four months after taking the mold-juice all eleven had blood analyses. In eight of them the stable proteins in their blood remained high. In the three who had recent vaccinations, stable proteins were still down and the health complaints that they had prior to drinking mold-juice returned.

    • lamont cranston
      November 12, 2021 at 3:14 am

      Per “What Really Makes Your Ill”, spot on. All injections are toxic. Yes, I’ve read it & Furstenburg. A great source is ET& out of San Diego.

    • November 15, 2021 at 4:57 pm

      Overall probably a valuable chunk of info, although we can’t know for sure that he’s correct about it all.

    • Chris
      November 19, 2021 at 7:06 am

      You were feeding random berry molds to human subjects? How scientific! They found penicillin the same way, but responsibly instead of poisoning people. They noticed bread mold would kill other bacteria, so they found the chemical the mold produces, penicillin, that killed the bacteria, so they tested that on animals, and then people to find the first antibiotic. They did not have people eat moldy bread.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if you kept inbreeding your animals, and couldn’t figure out what was causing all of the mutations generation to generation. “It must be the vaccines…” Maybe your family has similar issues?

  5. bill blaise
    November 10, 2021 at 2:43 am

    Hi allan,
    all I did was use a chart that they used to push their “science”. What does that mean? 576 kids died whether it was cancer or the faux covid . They then used those numbers to systematically, currently in the process of injecting millions of children 5-11 years old with this poison. It doesn’t get any more horrific than this. Sorry if I interfered with your tunnel vision. You are absolutely right. “What am I doing here”

    • November 15, 2021 at 5:02 pm

      I really don’t understand your point here. Please explain. What do you mean by ‘tunnel vision’?

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