Under Attack

You haven’t heard from me in a while because… I’m pretty sure… I’m under attack from Apple.com.

For ‘art’ let’s stick with recent chemtrails. This was yesterday here in Parker, Arizona.

Why do I think that?

Remember my mention of Moore’s Law and how it makes no sense that consumer computers (Mac/PC/whatever) are not improving at all, never mind at the exponential rate that Moore’s Law deems it they should. I told you guys that this is no more a detail (that is unimportant in the grand scheme) than space exploration — that we not only have not advanced at an exponential rate since the 1960s, but have regressed. No, this is not an unimportant detail. 

Last fall, Bouse, AZ.

A perfect example of the space question is how Spacex had to test docking without astronauts (to make sure it’s safe), given that the Gemini missions of 1968 had already achieved this maneuver. (Yes, for the purposes of this exercise I am assuming that the space program is as it is sold to us.)

Adendum: As a reminder, according to Moore’s Law, computer speed/efficiency has, for the past near-century been doubling every 18 months to two years. Taking the conservative view, this means that my new laptop should be at least 32 times as fast/efficient as my 12 year old one. 

Logan will be breathing these heavy metals by nightfall.

Fact is, my new MacBook is slower than my old one. And re storage, my 2008 Mac had 512 gigs, eight. According to Moore (and storage is the best example of his law) my new one should have around 50,000 gigs, but in fact has half, 256.

Point being no one seems to have noticed the failure of consumer computer products to live up to the Moore’s Law paradigm. 

No one. Do a search.

Well, not only have noticed it but over the past four weeks — when I had to return two slow and/or defective MacBooks — I spent many hours on the phone with tech people and for the purposes of research grilled each one on this subject. I may have mentioned that out of a dozen ‘geniuses’ only one had even heard of Moore’s Law, let alone understood the implications thereof. And boy I did not let them off the hook on this. At least two cut off my call, in frustration I assume.

Soooo… Last week, six days ago I found that my Apple I.D. and Password no longer worked, and I was frozen out completely from my iPad. Trying to make a long story less long, one techie admitted that it was nothing did to freeze up my account; it must have been a tech glitch on Apple’s part. 

I went through the process of going to a Verizon store to garner prove I owned the iPad in question. My new laptop worked as long as no Apple crapola was involved. I could not change or use my password from any device, including my phone.

I was told 24 hours to resolve. Then three days. Then two more days, then five hours, then three, two, one hour, then… back to two days — before I would even hear from them, which I never did.

Keep in mind that supposedly this process was to prove I am who I say I am and did not steal the iPad. That is all the bullshit is supposed to accomplish. Period. A simple phone call from them would have done it. Instead, I was on the phone (having had to call them) for like 20 hours over the past five days.

And get this: None of the tech people could contact security in any way, not by phone, not by text, not by email. Totally isolated from customers and their own tech folks.

Does that make any sense at all? Unless, of course, the real motive is to keep me offline or at least inconvenience me.

This morning, after repeated techie-assisted attempts at unlock, we wiped clean my iPad and established a new Apple I.D. and password, using an old Youtube email. 

‘This has to work,’ said today’s genius.

‘You cannot unlock using this I.D.’ comes the message box.

This of course is nonsense, if the purpose of the bullshit is to verify that I am me. (I’d already gone through supplying my CC number, mom’s maiden name, name of my childhood best friend, first pet, and on and on.)

I’m asking myself if the A.I. that analyzes my tech calls decided that my ranting about Moore’s Law and consumer non-access to high technology was too close to some important secret truth and why not cut me off as best as Apple can, in this case by freezing my account and gaslighting me about the reason (the need to verify I am ACW and so on).

Addendum: Last night the techie I grilled finally admitted that it very well may end up with my having to dump my three Apple devices (laptop, iPad, and iPhone) and start over with a new company’s hardware.

Think about that. I dig too deep into TWTWRW and they will do whatever it takes to fuck me, starting with my interfaces to you guys. (Yes, of course they could simply put a bullet in the back of my head or haul me to a re-education camp, but it’s still early…)

We all know that classical fascism is afoot (the blending of government and corporatocracy), in the über-hypocritical  guise of ‘saving democracy’; and, further, we all know that the vast majority of Americans will go along with this tyrannical takeover as long as they can get to go back to bar hopping and Super Bowl partying.

I tweaked the contrast in these so you can clearly see what they are doing.

What I’m saying here — based on recent personal experience — is that companies like Apple are a big part of the process, as much of a part as the media, although their role is not as blatantly obvious.

Except for someone like me. For me their role is blatantly obvious. 


Aside from the above, the other reason for my silence is that I’ve had to buy three MacBooks in the past month; the third one, this one, is so slow I’m sending it back too.

I’ll try to be in better touch, especially when the false flag ‘homegrown terror’ events start to really roll out.  

Listen: This stuff is important, the implications thereof. Deal with it in your comments or keep silent for this one.


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