Why the Silence?

I woke up this morning with (as usual) too much stuff buzzing. I’ll subject you to a list, stopping when my energy to continue fizzles. Most of it can be framed within the question, Why the silence?

Ever feel this way?

Ever feel this way?

Why don’t the Intelligent Designers understand that the numerical ‘coincidences’ that link the earth, sun, and moon (read Who Built the Moon?) amounts to empirical evidence for the existence of a ‘higher power,’ a concept implicit in their work? For an explanation of what I mean, watch this excellent video, which was made (secretly) by I.D. folks. They had to keep their involvement a secret because of mainstream propaganda branding them as religious zealots, which they definitely are not (although many are Christians, this is not relevant to their findings). Seriously, folks, this is a worthwhile little flick.

Why don’t ‘simulation theory’ proponents like Nick Bostrom likewise understand that the ‘moon issue’ as exposed in Who Built the Moon? is likewise empirical evidence for the Simulation Hypothesis (which I don’t believe in for other reasons). I say this because the SH presumes a ‘higher power’ that is not ‘God’, as defined by the mainstream religions. Why the silence? Also see my Open Letter to Bostrom (although I do go on and on). For the numerical evidence that the moon is an artificial object ‘placed’ in orbit by a higher intelligence go to this link (scroll down a bit for numbers). It’s really quite amazing: Neither ‘chance’ nor ‘necessity’ explains the numbers, so we are left with… IntelligenceUntil recently I never thought I’d ever think that, let alone say it.

IMG_0568 copy.JPG useWhy the silence regarding the most important experiment ever done regarding the ‘nature of reality’? I speak of Dr. Dean Radin’s double-blind study that had a yogi (meaning someone with very disciplined control of his mind) materially effecting the double slit experiment, which is the very foundation of all the mysteries of quantum physics; and which experiment completely shatters the reductionist/materialist paradigm that rules all of mainstream science. Go to about 19 minutes in this video and you’ll find that the odds that the effect is real (as opposed to chance) is more than 100,000 to one, in favor. Although Dr. Radin knows the significance of this experiment (and others he’s done) regarding HTWRW (how it really works), it’s obvious (from the silence) that hardly anyone else does.

On the other hand, why does Dean Radin never mention the Mandela Effect? In fact, the same goes for scientist/philosophers like Nick Bostrum, or any of the (very smart) Intelligent Design scientists. I mean, given the implications of the Mandela Effect?

A subtle bit of (further) evidence that we live on a spherical object.

A subtle bit of (further) evidence that we live on a spherical object.

If you consider the ME ‘woo-woo’ bullshit I can only assure you that Mister Rogers never sang, ‘It’s a beautiful day in this (my emphasis) neightborhood…’ Nor did Darth Vader say, ‘No, I am your Father’, nor did Forrest Gump say the line ‘… the world was (ditto) like a box of chocolates,’ nor did Brady, in Jaws say, ‘You’re (ditto) gonna need a bigger boat.’ And on and on. I use movie lines as examples because I’ve been in that biz, the writing of the lines, and can assure you that none of the writers involved would have penned those bits as we hear/see them now. (If the Jaws example seems nit-picky, the reason I’m so sure is the context: After all kinds of conflicts among the three on the boat, this was the time to tell us they were now united as a team with a mission. ‘You’ does not do this; quite the reverse. ‘We’ was the line I remember and the line Spielberg would have allowed to be shot, no matter how the writers first submitted it.) There’s some bull shit in this video but it does sum up the ME pretty well.

Anyway, I’m reminded of this issue because I just yesterday listened to physicist-gatekeeper Sean Carroll tell the world that, ‘One result of quantum mechanics is that we pretty much know that many, many other worlds exist, having only tiny differences from the one we inhabit.’ Well, that is pretty much the exact implication of the Mandela Effect. So: Regarding the Mandela Effect, to Sean Carroll and everyone I’ve so far mentioned today, I ask: Why the silence?

IMG_1109 copy.JPG gusWhy the silence on NOAA’s own website that clearly proves that AGW (human-caused global warming via CO2 emissions) to be the psy op that it so clearly is (no matter how you approach it)? Explanation: when you click the sub-link ‘Linear Trends’ you find that the rate of sea level rise (averaging about a half inch a decade) has not changed over the past 150 years. I’ll let you do the logic from there. I’ve sent queries on this to about a score of mainstream scientists and not gotten back even one response. Right: Why the silence? (Yes, I’ve blabbed about this one before but it’s worth repeating.)

Why the silence? from Joe Atwill and Alex Tsakiris (of skeptiko.com)? I sent both of them my last two posts and did so in a way that asked for a response. Why I’d do that with Atwill should be obvious: my inability to ‘help myself’ in aggravating disinfo agents. Alex is a different matter. His site is a series of podcast interviews with interesting ‘out of the box thinkers,’ usually regarding the nature of consciousness, that sort of stuff. He’s interviewed Dean Radin numerous times and is a big time debunker of the materialist/reductionist view of mainstream science (as I am). I’ve emailed him before thanking him for certain interviews. This time I informed him of the problems I have with Atwill, whom is his latest interviewee. I explained (in my email) that Atwill is almost certainly a government agent, and provided additional links/info proving my point. I also sent him my radio interview that IMO proves that Apollo 13 was a hoax. I did this because one of Alex’s weaknesses is that he believes Apollo was real. This anomaly is likely due to ‘Apollo astronaut’ Edgar Mitchell’s founding of the Institute of Noetic Studies (IONS). Here’s bit from its home page:

‘Traveling back to Earth, having just walked on the moon, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell had an experience for which nothing in his life had prepared him. As he approached the planet we know as home, he was filled with an inner conviction as certain as any mathematical equation he’d ever solved. He knew that the beautiful blue world to which he was returning is part of a living system, harmonious and whole—and that we all participate, as he expressed it later, “in a universe of consciousness.” [Obviously, if he never went to the moon, he never had his ‘experience’]
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[Going to the moon] radically altered his worldview: Despite science’s superb technological achievements, he realized that we had barely begun to probe the deepest mystery of the universe—the fact of consciousness itself. He became convinced that the uncharted territory of the human mind was the next frontier to explore, and that it contained possibilities we had hardly begun to imagine. Within two years of his expedition, Edgar Mitchell founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences in 1973.’ (end quote)

IONS is, I’m quite sure, a subtle psy op, aimed at thinkers like Alex Tsakiris; Mitchell’s involvement is a ‘thought-stopper’ re critical thinking about the Apollo missions, for obvious reasons. I say ‘a subtle psy op’ because I doubt that the PTB interfere with the Institute’s work, the drift of which is very much anti-mainstream, anti the PTB. (Dr. Radin is a big part of IONS.) It’s a trade off, with ‘support’ for the Apollo myth getting the nod in terms of importance. (I’d love to know the provenance of the money Mitchell came up with to found the Institute.)

The existence of IONS is a great water-muddier.

It was only yesterday (Tuesday the 7th) that I contacted Atwill and Alex so they may still answer my emails.. yes, I’m betting against it, although I don’t think Alex’s work is part of a psy op, not directly. His problem is simple denial, in spite of his ‘follow the evidence’ mantra (I’ve found that the more often someone repeats it, the less likely he is to actually do it),… I’ll keep you informed.IMG_1020 copy

I’m running out of steam here and Gus is due for a beach walk… before I go, I should add that the Why the Silence? question is rhetorical. The silence is due to double-think, cognitive dissonance, call it what you will. The inability of people to actually ‘follow the evidence.’


By the way, have any of you not seen my film, Water Time; Surf/Travel Diary of a Mad Man? If so, give it five minutes, just the credit sequence. See how far you get. And let me know what you think.