A ‘Dangerous’ Review

Given the Net’s predictive algorithms, anyone doing an online search for the book I have oft recommended, The Most Dangerous Book in the World; 9/11 as Mass Ritual, and who, in the process, has typed ‘the most dangerous…’ into the box, will see ‘game’ as the suggested/predicted next word before he can finish writing the desired title.

most dangerous 1

Social Darwinism? The Elite get to hunt the peons? Take your pick.

‘The Most Dangerous Game’ is an old short story (Richard Connell, 1924) and is one of the few ‘required’ readings I actually recall from my middle school years in our public educational system. The story is about an American big game hunter stranded on a tropical island, and who becomes the prey in a deadly game devised by a Russian aristocrat who is bored with hunting animals.

most dangerous 1 homer

Yep, ‘Dangerous Game’ meets The Simpsons. There must be something about the story that ‘works.’

So yes, the hunter becomes the hunted. Since its original penning going on a century ago, this theme has formed the basis for countless movies/TV narratives, and given the predictive programming/reveal-their-method drift of most oft-repeated motifs, I can hardly avoid assuming that there is a ‘soft mind control’ agenda (however miniscule) behind this one – its being forced upon ‘young minds’ via the school system – the most obvious being something to the effect of ‘The Elite are natural predators of the Lower Classes’ or, better yet, an attempt to conflate biological Darwinism with its ‘social’ complement – a true obsession of those who would do us harm — in their linking of ‘survival of the fittest’ with bloodline concerns.

Whatever the twisted reasoning behind my having to read that story in my formative years, that I recall it out of all the crapola forced upon me surely says something about the intended psychological effect. The same is likely true for required readings like Brave New World, 1984, Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm, Catcher in the Rye, and so forth. (These are books I recall as being assigned before my junior year.)

Addendum: Although it means a whole bunch to me, ‘author’s intent’ means zilch to the PTB (‘Elite,’ ‘PTB’, ‘Deep State’, whatever!) in their concoctions of mind-twisting lists. For example, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was undoubtedly written with mal intent (of the predictive/revelatory sort) while I believe (call it instinct) that Orwell’s works were warnings. He was, to put it simply and IMO, on our side. That his books are promoted (especially to the young, via the reading lists) is likely a function of the fine-tuning of PTB methodology.

most dangerous 5 1984Point being is that the line – or, rather, the theoretical mind control effect — between a warning and predictive programming (etc.) is unclear (at least to me). In fact, it’s looking more and more like some decision has been made by the PTB technocrats that narrative ‘warnings’ (of some dystopia to come) are now viewed en mass as ‘a good thing,’ i.e., ‘It’s all predictive programming, so the more the merrier!’ Based on the H-wood output of the last couple decades, this evolution of mind control philosophy would seem self-evident.

And there is some strange, sort of middle ground with this sort of soft mind control: As I maintained in my ‘debate’ with Joe Atwill, Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye did indeed have many references to Freemasonry (and I give Atwill credit for noticing this); but all of them, every one, was severely negative. Salinger obviously hated the Freemasons and was likely fearful of them, possibly for turning down some offer to work for them, and definitely after the publication of Catcher; hence his hermitic lifestyle. My hypothesis is that the use of Catcher as a ‘calling card’ in assassinations was an example of the wry, sick ‘wit’ of the PTB; linking Salinger’s book to horrendous acts of violence was a means of punishment. (Since Salinger’s death, Catcher-as-calling card for mind control-violence has ceased, maybe because there was no longer any point to it.)

most dangerous 3 catcher

As you may already have surmised via the above semi-tangent, I’ve decided to take my time in my analysis of The Most Dangerous Book in the World; 9/11 as Mass Ritual and, eventually, Who Built the Moon? Notwithstanding the odd tangent, my goal will be to show how they dovetail thematically, and on deeper, subtler levels as well. As is the case with any effective narrative, subtext is everything with both works, but for now I’ll stick to the ‘obvious’ in their thematic convergence: Both works presume and, on different levels, attempt to ‘prove,’ the existence of a ‘higher power.’ More, much more, to come on this, and on the possible nature of this… power. Expect a series of posts, like chapters in a book.

most dangerous 2 book

Be careful. It can be a dangerous read…

For brevity but also as a reminder, I’ll hitherto refer to the 9/11 book as ‘Dangerous’; the book is dangerous, on several levels. The first level of danger a reader faces is based on the inherent, usually unstated presupposition underlying author S.K. Bain’s big picture view (HTWRW) of the event we call 9/11: Dangerous slyly and often with wry, black humor mixes acceptance of, with contempt for, the official fiction. In a strange and largely effective (from the PTB’s perspective) way, and as we’ll see, Bain tries to play ‘both sides’ of the 9/11 issue, by simultaneously exposing ‘the method’ and indirectly lampooning ‘troofers’ and their obsession with historical veracity. To get anything useful out of the book, it must be read very carefully.

As I have said (virtually every time I mention it), the book was written at the behest of the perps (or perhaps at the behest of a warring PTB faction), i.e., by ‘one of them,’ albeit a denizen of a low tier in the pyramid; a ‘worker,’ but consciously so. S.K. Bain is no useful idiot (unwitting participant).

most dangerous 9a pnac

Bain knows ’em all.

Bain freely admits his background association with PNAC honcho/9/11 perp William Kristol, but the real evidence that ‘our’ well being is not Bain’s motive lies in his mixing of astounding (and inarguable) truths with the worst sort of implied ‘official’ prevarications, as you’ll see in this series of posts, assuming I do my job.

Addendum: As I’ve said before, Dangerous is part ‘Revelation of the Method,’ part misdirection/disinformation, and part pure braggadocio on the part of the perps — an interesting but potentially confusing mix of agendas. Via the occult beliefs of at least one faction of the PTB (that of the perps themselves), they ‘have to’ tell us what they are going to do and what they have done. That they do so with a certain blackly humorous panache is not only Bain’s factual point but his style as well, Dangerous being at times a laugh-out-loud, philosophically slapstick romp; that humor could/would be prodded from the events depicted sucks the reader in, morally, making him/her an after-the-fact guilty party. As with a vampire on one’s doorstep, our acknowledgment of the humor amounts to an invitation for the blood sucker to ‘enter’; the perpetration of evil becomes a shared endeavor. Welcome to the occult.

most dangerous 9a levenda book

Another one with double meaning in the title.

But let’s start our Dangerous analysis with the Prolog; it does perfectly set the stage for what’s to come. It’s author, Peter Levenda – himself worthy of extended analysis – right from the get-go implies how the reader is viewed by the likes of him (and those ‘above’ him) by comparing ‘conspiracy theorists’ to someone freshly buried alive. Right up top he says:

‘Imagine a person buried alive. Imagine yourself. You are equal parts alive and dead…. blah, blah, blah (a mention of Masonic rituals), blah, blah… ‘To be ritually and symbolically slain, buried, and raised again is a feature of many initiatory programs around the world…’ Blah, blah… Conspiracy theorists are kind of like that. (My emphasis; end quote)

(Bain fails to mention the very first truth a 9/11 Troofer learns, having taken his initial, tentative step toward sanity: The ‘Official Story’ itself is of course a ‘conspiracy theory’ – involving scores of ‘conspirators’; by conservative count, at least 30, starting with Osama-in-his-cave as the ringmaster, to his mob of slimeball underlings, all conspiring their asses off. But Bain doesn’t mean that kind of conspiracy.)

Us looking up at Bain and his bosses.

Us looking up at Bain and his bosses.

So, not only are… well, let’s face it (since you’re reading this)… not only are we ‘kind of like’… dead… but Levenda goes on to tell us that [conspiracy theorizing] is ‘a soul-destroying enterprise’. Further, in one three-paragraph psychological roll, out of 163 words, Levenda manages to use the word ‘paranoia’ ten times; this comes in the midst of a four page (1,800 words) Prolog in which he sees fit to use the term ‘conspiracy theory’ (or some direct derivation thereof) seventeen times. (Shades of Corbett and ‘Flight 77’?)

Mmmm…. As a writer myself I can assure you that the main use of a thesaurus is not to find ‘fancy’ terms, but the avoidance of repeating words: The repetition of baggage-laden terms like ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘paranoia’ is a dead giveaway that good old NLP is afoot, i.e., we are being fucked with.

Levenda is apparently unaware that one of the substructures of How The World Really Works (HTWRW) is the soft mind control word game behind the term he is so fond of. Click here if you are unfamiliar with the history of the term ‘conspiracy theory,’ via CIA Document 1035-960, which launched the weaponized version in 1967. As part of Operation Mockingbird, the Agency instructed its media minions how to deal with those who ‘conspired’ to unearth the truth behind the JFK assassination. Make fun of ‘em! Make ‘conspiracy theory’ a thought-stopper! Levenda, and in the book proper, Bain are both (literally!) on the same (CIA) page in their multi-level use of the dreaded term.

Listen: The above analysis is no secret. Anyone who’s gone beyond ‘Truth 101’ should be completely aware of the weaponization of the term; I call the general use of weaponized language NLP for short, but call it what you will: These two guys are shouting in our faces that they’re ‘dirty.’ How about we listen? (Just to get it out of the way: the total uses of ‘conspiracy (whatever)’ in Dangerous comes out at a solid 81.)

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That’s Pete Levenda with pedophile John Podesta to his left. ‘Guilt by association’? Okay, I’ll go with that.

One thing I’ve found, and it should be obvious if you haven’t thought of it, is that ‘dirty bastards’ run together. Find one, look around and you’ll find more dirty bastards. Birds of a feather, blah blah. These two dirty bastards, Levenda and Bain, are of course both up to their eyeballs in psy opery…

I imagine it going something like this between a couple mid-level PTB technocrats:

‘We got Ken Bain to write a limited hangout spilling all kinds of 9/11 occult beans but we need a ‘name,’ one of our alt media geniuses, to pen the Prolog.’

‘I’ll call Pete (Levenda).’

‘Perfect! His Sinister Forces series muddies all kinds of occult waters…’

‘And he’s got no 9/11 baggage to conflict with whatever misdirection Bain comes up with.’

The importance of ‘no 9/11 baggage’ will soon become evident, but in case you’re not aware of it, Levenda outright blurts this issue in his Prolog:

‘I have stayed away from 9/11 conspiracy theorizing since there are already a lot of people doing that and I have nothing of value to add to the conversation.’ (p viii)

most dangerous levenda3

Levenda has his fingers in many pies… but ‘nothing of value’ to add to the 9/11 conversation. Mmmm.

One might ask, How does that work? We have this alt media ‘investigative journalist’ who ‘exposes’ all manner of ‘sinister’ shit, from Kabbalistic Nazis to the supernaturality of MKULTRA serial killers to UFO-inspired séances, meanwhile bridging the gap between magik and magic in the JFK assassination, and on and on, yet with 9/11 he has nothing of value to add to the conversation?

I’ve seen this before. In point of fact, those dirty bastards who can do so make a point of avoiding the subject of 9/11, and with a vengeance (one might say), so as to dodge outing themselves for what they are (dirty bastards) toward those who are paying attention.

A perfect example – and this of course is all over the comment section of this blog – is the ‘no planes’ issue. What government shill/dirty bastard in his right mind would want to chime in on that issue, given that even grade school physics tells us that whatever made the gash in the South Tower, it was no airplane? And with this simple truth, the worms pile out of the can… Noooooo. The dirties want no part of that.

Addendum: Should I blurt it here, right now, up front? (Long pause)… No, but I’ll give you a hint: I’ve repeatedly blabbed that the handling of the ‘no planes’ issue — mainly why it’s so violently avoided by the Truther Oligarchs – is meant to avoid the obviousness of the media’s direct complicity… Well, I’m now pretty sure I was wrong. The media is not the issue to be avoided with ‘no planes’. It’s something else entirely…

Peter Levenda (being interviewed by ‘Forum Borealis):

‘You can make a case of no conspiracy at all in the JFK assassination’…

Ya say wha? Really, folks, I just heard him say that.

most dangerous 9 higher power

Five? Either too many or too few, maybe?

He then goes on to opine that all the ‘coincidences’ (as opposed to ‘conspiracies’) in the JFK killing might be based on… synchronicity… in other words, It was no one’s fault! JFK getting shot was… just the way the (metaphysical) cookie crumbles! Christ, talk about misdirection! And Christ, I can’t go on re Levenda-as-dirty bastard! Too much of an embarrassment of riches, but click here for a hint of what I mean.

By the way, this guy Borealis (the interviewer) is another dirty bastard. They do stick together. Easier and safer that way.

But let’s move on, shall we? I mean you get my point, right? Levenda and Bain are dirty bastards. In it together to mislead, misdirect, and just flat lie to us. But since we know this, maybe we can learn something important…

Oh, and hey, if you want to read along with me (or check up on me), I found a pdf of Dangerous. When I quote from the book I’ll include the page number for convenience. (With a little panache, you can also do document word searches to find stuff.)

most dangerous 9f intro page

Bain starts his tome: You can herein start counting his use of ‘conspiracy theory’ variations, on top of Levendas.

After Levenda’s Prolog, Bain continues on with the same ‘conspiracy theory’ repetition in his Introduction, titling it ‘Dazed and Confused’ (in 20 pt. type), then, in only slightly smaller font, he reminds us yet again: ‘A Maze of Conspiracy Theories.’ Here’s Bain’s first full sentence in his Introduction:

There are so many conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 that it’s impossible to keep track of them all, much less sort through and make any real sense of them.

He finishes this thought a couple paragraphs down, with:

…it is easy to understand why a veritable 9/11-Conspiracy-Theory cottage industry has developed over the last ten-plus years.

most dangerous my review

My Amazon review of Dangerous. It got three times as many ‘Helpful’s as number two.

I’ve claimed that Bain attempts to ‘play both sides’ of the 9/11 issue and perhaps that observation is too obscure. I mean: What do I mean? Best I subject you to a couple passages, both on page 7 of his Introduction:

‘Many conspiracy theories have been effectively debunked, while others have seen experts weigh in on both sides of the issue with equal effectiveness and remain an open question—leaving the general public with a sense of unease but precious few hard answers to allay their fears or confirm their suspicions one way or the other. [I would have used italics to emphasize the bullshit but… right… it’s all bullshit]

Given that the book came out in 2012, and given… oh, fuck… is he fucking serious? I mean, given the above, shouldn’t this piece of utter crapola be…I dunno… thrown out? Nah, burn the motherfucker!

But wait. Check this out, on the same page: 

most dangerous 9d consp pic

Repeated 81 times in the book: NLP 101.

Unfortunately the evidence points to a worst-case scenario. In a real-life CSI-meets-Dan-Brown, the picture that emerges is that of 9/11 as an ultra-powerful mind-control and propaganda weapon—a psychological warfare tool of enormous proportions—infused with techno-sorcery and deep-level occult programming. 9/11 was a global MegaRitual, and the painstakingly reconstructed occult script for the event contained herein convincingly shows this.

Holy shit! Now do you get it when I say Bain plays ‘both sides’ of the 9/11 issue? And we still have a Foreword to get through before the actual book starts.

Are you ready for this?


  41 comments for “A ‘Dangerous’ Review

  1. Martaine
    September 28, 2018 at 1:03 am

    If you guys want to see an example of someone very trained in NLP (since it forms the basis of many articles by AW), you will watch the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford to the senate committee today.

    No dog in this fight but she’s classic.

    • September 28, 2018 at 1:05 am

      Interesting that you made this comment, Martaine: See my current post. I want to hear more from you on this. Put it in the new post.

  2. Andrew
    September 27, 2018 at 7:54 pm

    Reading the comments re: DR Griffin and others, it got me thinking that perhaps the theory of a large percentage of the population being ‘synths’ has some credence.

    Enjoyed part 1, especially the addendum on Bain’s humor style (the “9/11 birthday boy” bit comes to mind). The whole book reads as a twisted joke of which we are the butt.

    re the introduction I thought it interesting that Levenda notes Bain is not one who ‘sees reptiles in human form’ yet Bain begins the book with an invocation of Thoth…

  3. mellyrn
    September 27, 2018 at 11:25 am

    Oh, wow. I’d seen tMDBitW advertised here & there, never picked it up; not sure if it was the grandiose self-importance of the title or the accompanying blurb that put me off, or both.

    But if I had picked it up, I’d never have gotten any farther than the bits you have quoted here, and never given it another thought: that “mega-ritual” stuff would have shut me down. Calling to mind anyone I know in real life — yep, every last one would roll their eyes and tune out.

    And yet, if it really is a reveal — ? Did it not work *perfectly* on me? How to hide in plain sight. . . .

    Wow. Just, wow.

    • mellyrn
      September 27, 2018 at 11:30 am

      Oh, and — it was just published in 2012, and it’s already available free as a pdf? Somebody wants its word spread more than they want recompense for creating content.

  4. Martaine
    September 27, 2018 at 1:19 am

    I’m not at computer and can’t post link but will later Allan if you are interested. Was searching up on Dyer found a little observed youtube where guy exposes how he is linked to all these big shot dirty bastards and plays a clip of Dyer talking to two cronies and they refer to you as “some guy” at the end of clip. I knew it was you because it concerned the mistake you had made about Dyer being related to somebody. These people ARE all inter-related as you say, and are pure evil.

  5. YakaWon
    September 26, 2018 at 8:02 pm

    Wow. Feeling your OATS today.

    It may be time to just look for happiness and do our best with what we have as these bodies are only temporary way stations and the real you is a spiritual being. Their work is done by not allowing the very young to learn how to quiet their minds. This took thousands of years I believe but who knows.

    Allan why do you feel Huxley was a bad guy or do I misunderstand this? I find that very interesting as I recently reread Brave New World. He ate Psilocybin and gave very interesting comments about it in one of his other books.

    Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was undoubtedly written with mal intent (of the predictive/revelatory sort)

    You should read the Kaballah so you can rip something with real guts to it apart.

    Hey — You are trying to do a good thing here and I admitted privately you helped me realize the insanity of the flat earth stuff (thanks) though I realized talking to people about these things is quite crazy unless those people are nuts like us or not afraid of what comes with truly knowing the game is a fraud. It’s hard to balance some times. Especially when you are involved with our medical community crazies. You are not even going near the true crimes in our world. Hospitals and Doctors and the system developed for them that they are not even aware is fucked. And all the Humans that are part of the experiment. WooHoo. Meditate Percolate

    • September 26, 2018 at 9:18 pm

      Feeling my OATS? No, feeling pretty shitty, actually.

      Re A. Huxley, do some research. Like ‘Aldous Huxley + Eugenics’ or ‘+ New World Order’ or ‘+ MKULTRA’ and then do the same for his brother Julian and the rest of the social darwinists he hung with. Christ, listen to his 1960s lecture at Berkley. Listen to him tell us that, with the right mind control, (us) ‘slaves should learn to love their servitude.’

      It doesn’t take much to see that dirty bastard for what he was. (Give Bertrand Russell a similar look if you think he’s likewise a great guy.)

    • September 27, 2018 at 1:14 am

      Here’s a Huxley quote, and it doesn’t sound like a warning (the last sentence has a wistful ring to it):

      The twenty-first century will be the era of the World Controllers…The older dictators
      fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses,
      enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really
      work…most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream
      of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship
      should ever be overthrown.
      Aldous Huxley (Brave New World Revisited)

      • YakaWon
        September 28, 2018 at 4:45 pm

        Jeez Depressing. I hear you and they are strong points. That said its hard to make decisions on words supposedly said in the past and supposedly documented many years ago. “Who knows what he truly believed in his head”. His statement is very clear but does that mean he supports it? This is true of all written words. Just look at this medium we are on now and how easily we are misunderstood.

        The difference of a meeting of people live and in person versus a chat only environment is mind boggling. The energy we generate is so beaten down today that many barely have a charge anymore. Imagine if everyone woke up each morning and the first thing on their mind was to check on their neighbors in the town meeting hall where most of the community passes through each day. “Imagine” is each community had their own conception of how things should be and simply implemented that for their group. You could leave and travel to another group. Any group would welcome a stranger of course as the world is tied to LOVE and SHARING.

        We humans need to work on staying present. It is this living in the EGO_Identity that allows the Kabal to greedily absorb us into their game. To simply be aware of the present moment I believe is the best way to grow stronger. To remain humble always.

        These typed discussions are incredibly limited in the energy they can generate between each of us. We are LOVE and sharing that Love and Light is really all there is for us. This is not a religious phenomenon and its also just my opinion of course. I may be 100% off base.

        My point is staying present with myself and seeking happier days for all surely seems a good place for me to live. I purposefully wrote it as first person so I do not sound like I am giving advice to others. What the fuck do I know what is best for you?

        Unluckily I am not able to shield myself and remain always present and at peace. I often have battles with myself as my Ego_Identity starts displaying what it calls the problems I must face today. It helps when I pull back and breath and get present, no question. I grew up a few years behind you Allan on the South Shore of Long Island, Massapequa Park, Bar Harbour. Father worked and mother was smart and able and they were divorced by the time I was 14. I would think most would say I was incredibly lucky. I have no concept what another life is like to compare it to and I am only in my life. I found report cards when my Dad moved on last year (out of his physical body) and in my First second and third grade report cards they stated Douglas would do much better if he was not so sociable.

        Note I will not talk about myself further then the basic facts but my reason for bringing it up should be obvious. As a sensitive human I was always looking to communicate with other people. The insanity of the American School System (which I am sure you know was adapter I believe from the Prussian schools like NAZI’s) was to instill FEAR and control into us.

        Obviously there was a small percentage of us that did not adapt. It seems something was always blocking easy control. Alcohol was made illegal to help the Kabal build its strength maybe? Cannabis, whether true or not I cannot say, I read prevents the MK Ultra effects to take hold with some humans.

        How do we shed these skins Allan. You answered that you were not feeling your OATS. You wrote how SHITTY you are feeling. That is critically important. That YOU said that out loud. Do you believe you are feeling Pretty Shitty? Do you want to feel Pretty Shitty? I am gonna guess you do not. I know from my own personal experience what it is like and while I have only just started a few years ago I see that how we see ourselves is how we will be. We must LOVE ourselves before we can LOVE anyone else and Share with them. Share goodness. Share LOVE.

        So easy to write this stuff. Living it is surely an ongoing and everyday event. If I sent this I hope it is understood in the way I wrote it but as I already stated that is 99.9% of the worlds issues. Misunderstanding. How can the few have taken control of the many if the many do not give away their minds. I am not a religious person but I do believe we are all connected and it is that connection to everything that maintains everything. Consciousness is truly not connected to our bodies in my world. The concept of everything is a Hologram is the only thing that seems possible for me. I am a believer of the statement that something does not really exist until it is seen or inhabited by someone or maybe something. I got that from a Physicist Ervin Laszlo. What is Consciousness. Here is a write UP. https://www.scienceandnonduality.com/akashic-field-and-consciousness/

        That does not mean I am all in and there is the answer to everything.

        It does add something to the pile.

        Does it matter how they blew up WTC? Does it matter how evil they are or who is an LH or who is a “Good Guy”? I assume it does to some. When we each say the word I such as I am NOT FEELING WELL. Are we aware of the power of our words? Or am I out to lunch and they have no power at all?

        These are questions that man has been asking for some time. That said do we really know anything beyond this present moment?
        LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. It cannot hurt.

        Thanks if you read this far and sorry if I was Out to Lunch myself. “i” was trying to be present. I did my best I can say.

        — Doug —

  6. jnan
    September 26, 2018 at 7:55 pm

    Thank you again Allan for your brilliant and wonderfully written analysis of the ‘Dangerous’ intro. A thrill to be reading your thought provoking words once again .. I wait with bated breath your next installment.
    These old brain cells are in need of a lift
    the drains they get put through run really swift
    smart, thorough, insightful analysis that’s what those cells need
    so keep your words coming .. and by the way, to you it’s Godspeed.

    • September 26, 2018 at 9:01 pm

      Thanks, Godspeed, and I will do my best, but careful with the hyperbolic praise. Aside from the sloppiness I see in my own work, such praise will likely be used by ‘one of the 300’ as evidence of ‘group think.’ (That at least some of the 200 and some subscribers agree with me is no more proof of anything as is the hundreds of ‘unsubscribes’ i’ve gotten in the past few months. Anyone who doesn’t see this is either an idiot or one of ‘them.’ )

  7. Dave Clark
    September 26, 2018 at 7:19 pm

    I’m following this blog with anticipation and interest. I am not new to 9/11 research, only naive about it and beginning to be distrustful of many so-called truth purveyors. Here, and I’d like to say that for me all of this is recent information is new, is what I glean from the past few weeks of this blog:
    1. no planes flew that day. And none were even boarded. The media colluded with the perpetrators to plant the planes phenomena at each “crash” site – this is the key point.
    2. New Yorkers saw “small planes” in the air but not passenger planes – these were seen only by gov’t and media types (eg. Harley guy) Ditto pentagon and Shanksville. (“planes” were also seen as false radar blips on screens controlled by TPTB.
    3. The destruction is likely from nuclear, or advanced, unknown weaponry – not thermite, not shape charges and/or a series of planted bombs. Although I would conjecture that bombs were planted too, perhaps as a red herring. Explosions were certainly reported live on day one.
    4. Elements of 9/11 as satanic ritual are true, even obvious, and point to high-level planning, perhaps over decades, elements of it are false leads – more to come on this. (from Most Dangerous Book)
    5. disinfo agents attached to 9/11 have been with it and us from the start and earlier.

    Therefore, would it be possible/useful to try through consensus here on this blog to list 9/11 sources (people, sites, articles) that one CAN trust?
    Would the list be short because so many truthers are dirty? Impossible to compile? Is such a list just a huge Pandora’s box? (I realize, Allan, it would/could lead to a pile of time-waster references.) Could you act as arbiter?

    • September 26, 2018 at 8:42 pm

      I basically agree with your numbered points, although I’m not sure one way or the other if ‘small planes’ were seen that day. In any case, for our purposes they are not of great importance (neither is the possibility of ‘Doomsday’ planes over NY and DC, which only amount to still more ‘piling on’ of ‘inside job’ evidence).

      Yes, IMO the list of trustworthy sites/outlets/people would be very short, so much so that I hesitate to name even one. This does not mean that valuable information cannot be gleaned from anyone; quite the contrary. As I’ve pointed out numerous times, limited hangouts (LH) can be great sources of facts/truths/whatever. Hey, James Corbett can be a good source of information, as long as you know what you’re dealing with.

      I just found out that David Ray Griffin’s latest book is a paean to anthropogenic global warming (AGW) of the worst sort. He even says that Al Gore’s lying sack of dung movie ‘has recently been verified as true’ (words to that effect). I ask myself, What the fuck does this mean?

      I bring up DRG because in the end his The New Pearl Harbor changed my way of seeing the world; this was in 2004. I got to know the man, personally and via many email exchanges, and have a real problem seeing him as a conscious agent of the state (a ‘dirty bastard’). He has done me personal favors when asked, one being the writing of a detailed and very complimentary review of Water Time, a few years ago. Here’s part of an email I wrote him:

      ‘As I told you a while back (years ago!), it was you who put me on this track, this course, and I have not looked back or regretted it. For what it’s worth, there would be no Water Time without your efforts.’

      I’ve looked him in the eye and seen no guile.

      Yet, even after all these years, and after his viewing of my ‘Walter’ video (which he refused to deal with), and my trying to reason with him about the impossibility that Flights 11, 175, 93, and 77 had anything to do with the damage that day, he is still spreading… mis or dis-information about the events of 9/11. I just looked back at our archived emails and cannot say for sure whether his profoundly wrong writings are, as he claims, a function of wanting to keep the ‘Truth Movement’ ‘on the same page’ or something else completely — that he has been a disinfo agent from the get-go. And now, his book on AGW doesn’t help at all, in understanding his motives. Is it more doublethink, or marching orders from the PTB?

      Most of the ‘dirty bastards’ I’ve spoken about on this blog (Bain and Levenda, say) are simply that: dirty bastards. But some, and DRG is a great example, may be still more examples of ‘the Walter syndrome,’ Orwell’s doublethink. The importance of the distinction is an interesting question… (for me, it’s important in understanding ‘human nature’).

      Does this help?

      Note: Less I be misunderstood, when I say DRG’s writings are ‘profoundly wrong,’ I only mean that he was debunking ‘a story’ (the ‘official’ version) that was itself a fantasy. Like proving ‘Alice in Wonderland’ could never have really happened. DRG was a perfect ‘beginning’ — a first step – in a long journey. In its own way, his work is brilliant.

      • Dave Clark
        September 26, 2018 at 10:38 pm

        Thanks Allan for taking the time. By 2008 I had already rejected most news sources simply on the basis of their not being willing to face what for me were obvious facts re 9/11, many of which I have since learned to be not facts but instead lies. And so down into the rabbit hole I went until I got to you.
        With your recent information, I now have a new fact, or set of, but find it frustrating that so few 9/11 researchers can go there, either because they are protecting themselves or deluding themselves. The other possibility is they have not considered no planes with enough rigour, because, despite what’s clearly on the screen, no planes immediately puts one into loony territory. I’ve been uttering those two words – no planes – a bit lately, and in polite company. The scoffing is deep and full, quickly followed by the holograms comeback.

        Media collusion is a HUGE jump for most people, even me sometimes. As I have said in earlier posts here. This journey is a process.

        What can be said of Judy Wood’s work? Of her motives? 1400 flipped and toasted vehicles don’t lie. Nor does all that dust.

        • September 27, 2018 at 4:18 pm
          • Kimberlie
            September 28, 2018 at 2:38 am


            Thank you for sharing the link to the prior post you did on Dr. Judy Wood. I’ve now read it. She provided the proof about DEW’s being used to take down the Towers. However, because she refuses to venture into the Who Did It arena, she totally gives her identity away as an LH. I agree that if she did venture into Who Did It she could find herself floating in a river.

            Again, you’ve opened my eyes to the importance of digging deeper into ALL aspects of 9-11. Yep, there’s MANY people and systems at work in the planning, execution, and aftermath of 9-11. Government(s), television media, printed media, large and small business, you name it. Now it is almost 18 years….. and all spoken and written history about 9-11 reflects what the PTB want it to reflect.

            9-11 was an inside job of GREAT proportion, just as the assassination of JFK was a hoax of great proportion, as was the landing on the moon. Do you think the Lies will become of greater proportion as technology provides the opportunity? Does technology enable the PTB to entrain (through frequency) the people in the way they want them to see/react to things before they commit their next Lie?

            Kind regards,

  8. Timothy Henwood
    September 26, 2018 at 3:58 pm

    I had a funny feeling about Levenda when he told the story about how he and a friend just happened to walk right into the Bobby Kennedy funeral with no hassles. I know it was the late 60s, but does that really seem possible?

  9. Fast freddy
    September 26, 2018 at 2:11 pm

    “Conspiracy Theorist” as a cudgel to malign anyone who attempts to question “group think”. It has been highly effective. People are are careful not to be tagged with it. I tell them that the cia invented the term to malign those who strayed from the single bullet theory re: JFK. Makes most of us conspiracy theorists now, in fact. Haven’t met anyone yet in person who was aware of the provenance of the term – even as they bring it up in conversation.

    • September 27, 2018 at 3:38 pm

      I go out now and, when I’m conversationally minded, mention right away that I’m a conspiracy theorist. I think that’s the way to go. Proudly claim it. So far, so good. It makes for much more interesting conversation and I get to find out where the mainstream doubts are. Occasionally, I get rewarded with the presence of a like-minded human.

      By the way, Allan, they are still teaching “The Most Dangerous Game” to my kids and I’m reading Brave New World with my senior. I don’t think I ever made it through. It’s horrible and the constant references to orgies, loose behavior are surely there for a very specific reason and it ain’t nice. None of this is very nice, is it? Upon rereading “Game,” I had the distinct feeling this time that they were fessing up a bit. They do love their island-hunting.

  10. Hank
    September 26, 2018 at 2:05 pm

    Allan says, “A perfect example – and this of course is all over the comment section of this blog – is the ‘no planes’ issue. What government shill/dirty bastard in his right mind would want to chime in on that issue, given that even grade school physics tells us that whatever made the gash in the South Tower, it was no airplane?”

    As a matter of *fact*, everyone but disinformation shills and people who can’t comprehend basic physics are the *only* people who deny the proven, well documented *fact* that one plane hit each tower. The reason disinformation shills started that laughable nonsense is because they know that it makes truthers look like deluded nut jobs. It’s a prime example of the sort of idiotic quackery the perpetrators will cite when they want to ridicule and dismiss the 9-11 truth movement. Even though you obviously can’t comprehend basic high school physics or logic, you should be able to at least comprehend that…

    • Timothy Henwood
      September 26, 2018 at 3:54 pm

      Excuse me but your comment makes no sense because you are just attacking the writer without proving your point. If the towers were brought down by controlled explosives (or other pre-planned means), then adding explosives to the offices where the planes supposedly hit would be quite possible. Also the fact that there are no major plane parts anywhere (except for the planted and wrong engine type for the plane) adds credibility to no planes. Then you look at the video of a plane nose cone coming out the other end of the building- IMPOSSIBLE. Or the “plane” melting into the building with NO RESISTANCE. See “basic high-school physics” makes much more sense to explain why the plane theory defies scientific rules.

      • September 26, 2018 at 4:17 pm

        Timothy, ‘Hank’ is a dirty bastard and it’s best not to respond at all to him. As i say in my comment, I’m not banning him only because he will be useful when I have a certain point to make. Other than that, it really is best not to encourage him with replies.

        Although I don’t know specifically how the state pays dirty bastards like ‘Hank’ for their disgusting work, it may have something to do with how many responses they elicit, i.e., how much time and energy they waste (of real humans). So arguing with dirty bastards may actually cost real humans money (via tax dollars).

        It’s likely that ‘Hank’ will go away if we truly ignore him.

    • September 26, 2018 at 4:02 pm

      i’ve decided to refer to state operatives — alt media plants, sorry ass sock puppets, etc. — as ‘dirty bastards,’ rather than ‘shills/trolls’/etc.. More pizzazz, ya know? Plus the term better describes how I really feel about these types.

      I’ve already explained how I know that ‘Hank’ is a dirty bastard and will do so again in due time. I’m leaving in his painfully repetitive, moronic posts, at least for now, as they will come in handy when i need to make certain points about what we’re up against. Having said that: I’m going to limit you, ‘Hank’, to one comment per post. My blog, my rules, and I don’t care to have my readers’ time wasted more than is necessary. You are of some use to me right now (as an example of very poor NLP skills), but if you annoy me unduly I’ll make you (the ‘Hank’ version of you) disappear and you’ll have to start over.

  11. marsh collins
    September 26, 2018 at 1:34 pm

    I have read all but one of Michael Hoffmans books. Judaism Discovered ; JUDAISM’S STRANGE GODS ; The Occult Renaissance Church of Rome ; The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic ; Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not ; (have not read …They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America ).

    Needed a thesauraus and suspect a few parts were over my head, but the books opened my eyes more than anything else I have read while waking up from the delusions to the reality nightmare.

    I check Michael Hoffman’s twitter every once in a while and was amazed a while ago to see that he does not see the reality of the false flags like sandy hook, vegas, orlando, san bernadin. That from the guy who wrote Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare. Just goes to show, anyone can get sequestered in unbelief. I suspect he has dismissed the possiblity as just too outlandish to investigate, because to me when you look, it is undeniably evident they are all mind control psychological operations , hoaxes, false flags, etc . I believe when he looks more deeply at what non academic citizen researchers have seen, he will change his mind and this takes nothing away from the books which I wholeheartedly recommend as the best investment in time for anyone trying to sort out reality.

    p.s. I did read Dangerous all the way through , and it was not pleasant. Like studying a poisonous spider while holding it in your hand.

    • Todd
      September 26, 2018 at 3:47 pm

      marsh, maybe Hoffman is ignoring it by design, or instructions from his handlers (most likely would be my bet).

    • Todd
      September 26, 2018 at 3:58 pm

      marsh, another book you might wish to read is Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed, which covers the French Revolution thru WW2 and somewhat to ~500B.C. I will look into the books you site and use them for more knowledge.

    • September 26, 2018 at 4:05 pm

      Good comment, Marsh. I was not aware of Hoffman’s blind spots, if indeed that’s what they are. Keep in mind that as good as his books are (especially SSAPW), he could be still another LH. There ARE some very ‘deep’ ones out there.

      • marsh collins
        September 26, 2018 at 6:14 pm

        I doubt the LH. I suspect a life buried in research and primary documents, to the point that the truly strange reality of present mass media public mind mind control psyop circus, has become even more strange than the truth he has uncovered so successfully in his research.

        Time will tell but I believe an authentic good person with a blind spot.

    • marsh collins
      September 27, 2018 at 3:06 pm

      Guess I should have included the tweet that gave me the opinion that M. Hoffman was not buying the crisis actor , false flag, hoaxes, and in my opinion as dismissed this without looking at the evidence closely.

      Michael Hoffman‏ @HoffmanMichaelA Mar 10
      Mr Hoffman: You suggest the #crisisactor meme circulated after a mass shooting is a tactic of Cryptocracy for discrediting conspiracy theory. Hoffman: Yes, it’s an example of #CassSunstein’s cognitive infiltration at work, from his manual,“Conspiracy Theories: Causes and cures.”

  12. marsh collins
    September 26, 2018 at 1:09 pm

    ‘no planes’ issue — mainly why it’s so violently avoided by the Truther Oligarchs – is meant to avoid the obviousness of the media’s direct complicity… Well, I’m now pretty sure I was wrong.

    ?? The main reason is anyone who talks about it, or takes a position is revealing himself, outing himself for what he is. They stay away from the planes vs no planes, because it is obvious to anyone who looks and all the liars would be seen?? That’s my guess at this point.

    • Todd
      September 26, 2018 at 3:50 pm

      Yes marsh, interesting re Allan’s statement, “…I’m now pretty sure I was wrong.” is certainly a cliff-hanger.

      Allan, I’m hoping your future posts give us more details in the NEAR future on this one?

    • September 26, 2018 at 4:06 pm

      It may go deeper than that. Hang in for future posts on this.

  13. Kimberlie
    September 26, 2018 at 2:18 am

    Hi Allan~

    Thank you for this part of your review of Dangerous. You’ve given me much more to think about. I finished reading TMDBITW last week. Hated it. Hated it because I felt the evil oozing out of the pages… the lies mixed with truths were designed to confuse. I don’t like to be confused. The PTB love to toot their own horn. They are Occult of old families, royalty, old money and their use of days, numbers, and astronomy goes way back to pagan worship. Their power is massive and it is evil. They love to use fear to control the masses. They are Masters at their evil crafts! They love to tell us what’s going to happen, what’s happening, and what happened. They also play both sides against the middle so no one will be the wiser and point the proverbial finger at them for all their evil deeds. Levenda and Bain are indeed dirtier and dirtiest. Using a smoke screen and calling it conspiracy or synchronicity or coincidence is how the PTB are able to get away this long without being ousted. No way they can be ousted anyway – just knowing they re Liars is enough. They are on both sides of the coin… doesn’t matter which side comes up when you flip it – they’ve positioned themselves to be in control. 9-11 was a global ritual, yes. Where are the PTB taking us – the world, not just America? Is there hope for America? From what I understand, the word nazi is taken from the Askenazi Jew (not true Jews of Israel, instead Kharzarian peoples who converted to Judiasm). Much occult is surrounded in Nazism – could this be true?

    • September 26, 2018 at 2:31 am

      A quality comment, Kim. I only would add that the book demonstrates just how powerful they can be, with attention to twisted detail. HOW some of the planning could have been carried out still mystifies me, at the very least. I’ll be listing stuff and going into how difficult it must have been, and how nuts it is that they would go that far. I mean, I dunno… they kill a dog named Sirius, whose badge number is occultly important, and play ‘Over the Rainbow’ at his memorial?

      • Kimberlie
        September 27, 2018 at 9:49 pm

        Hi Allan~

        Re: Sirius the dog…. Badge #17.

        Of the occult, 17 is the combination of 10 and 7. 10 is the number of testing in a complete cycle (whether the number is 1, 10, or 100 it stands for a cycle of something), and 7 is completion (some will say perfection). 17 is the completion or perfection of testing.

        Here’s the ‘contrived’ story of Sirius and 9-11

        He was named after the brightest winter star in the Northern Hemisphere – Sirius the Dog Star. A star of legend and mythology.

        K-9 Sirius was a yellow Labrador Retriever,born in January 1997. He became an Explosive Detection Dog upon graduation from the Port Newark K-9 Center on July 15, 2000, he was assigned Badge #17 and was partnered with Officer Dave Lim of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police K-9 Unit. Lima and Sirius were stationed at the World Trade Center where they often searched hundreds of trucks and vehicles each day, as part of America’s “War on Terrorism”. Sirius was the only police dog killed by the terrorists on September 11, 2001.

        On the morning of September 11, 2001, Sirius and Officer Lim were at their Station located in the basement of Tower Two. Lim heard an explosion and assumed a bomb had gone off, not knowing that it was actually the first hijacked airliner that crashed into WTC Tower One. Officer Lim went to aid evacuation of people from the building and left Sirius in his Kennel, thinking 1) it would be easier to have two free hands, and 2) Sirius would be safe in Tower Two basement. He promised Sirius he would be back.

        Officer Lim failed to return for Sirius. Becoming trapped in the falling debris of Tower One, he wasn’t rescued until five hours later. Lim tried to make his way to the basement but was stopped by other rescue workers for it was too dangerous.

        Four months later, on January 21, 2002, recovery teams at Ground Zero located Sirius’s remains. It was determined Sirius was killed instantly when the tower collapsed. Officer Lim was there when recovery teams found Sirius. Everything stopped and everyone saluted while Lim and other officers carried his dog’s body from the wreckage – draped with the American Flag.

        As you’ve stated, the song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, is used in MKULTRA mind control.

        Was this particular dog, Sirius, thus named and given #17 for the very ‘privilege’ of being sacrificed? Did Officer Lim, the dog’s handler, know Sirius was to be sacrificed? Was Lim a part of it? “War on Terrorism” wasn’t declared until after 9-11. Plus, there were no hijacked planes that crashed into the towers. On and on… every story I searched regarding Sirius the 9-11 K-9 had the same scenario! More deep brainwashing. (I’m wondering … there may not have been anything under that flag… the cameras were rolling: …. it’s show time!)

        Back to studying!

        Kind regards,

        • YakaWon
          September 28, 2018 at 5:19 pm

          The repetition of these events in writing as we are doing is the goal.

          Keeping Humans in EGO_Identity mode and not present is the end game.

          We are creators of our destiny. Stay present and decide what you want to do then do it. Me I no longer want anything and therefore no longer know what to do.

          I am not financially rich by my understanding but I assume many would say I am. I want to be spiritually rich. That I hope I am searching in the right way. Love thy neighbor is the title of my method. IE I was indoctrinated into the New York City Garment Industry in 1980. I was a DICK 100%. I married the Puerto Rican Floor Lady from that first job in 1986. She assisted me, in 1983, of taking over the company we worked for after the owner passed away and the family cheated me out of my share of the company he left me by taking me, a 24 year old kid, to their lawyer and asking me to sign the papers. I did sign without reading. It basically left me with nothing.

          I then with the help of other NYC Garmentos took everything I was supposed to have as I was the VP and as the VP i had the legal ability to buy and sell equipment and was the only one that did it. I sold the major equipment, weighing over 10 tons, to a local sewing machine company and bought it back under our new company’s name across the street.

          I write this not to toot my horn as that is insane and gets me nothing (Though I am sure its part of why I wrote it anyway), I write this because it is that event that has taught me how we as humans can CREATE anything that can be accepted. I wish I learned it back then in 1986. I did not.

          That beautiful woman I married. That majestic and wonderful Puerto Rican Floor lady became the boss of the new company aptly named after her. She was my light. My savior. She was an angel of monumental experience. Yet I realized this only after she was gone. She got sick with Muscular Dystrophy after about 18 years of marriage. For the next 12 years she struggled happily with it. Spent 9 years in Bed unable to do anything for herself and never complained once. She would SING IN BED watching her Spanish Music shows with wonderful Guitar playing etc etc. She was an ANGEL I say and the women I hired to help care for her would fight over whose turn it was to be with her. She had Spanish Spirituality books that she would ask them to read to her. She would then explain what it meant I was told in the later conversations. She was not someone that could run a big corp. or be a leader in government. Her smarts was in her ability to be present I know now. I had 32 years of her Love and Company in her body but I will always have her Love in spirit. Few people can say they had the same or better.

          To tell our stories is more of our Ego_Identity illness. The above is unquestionably the same thing. I have so many other incredible events that I know now not to tell as they serve no value. I hope my mention of my wonderful wife is only seen as my reason for how I seem to believe this stuff now. IE that we are creators of our destiny. That LOVE is the answer and being present one of the ways to get there. Additionally that I am aware that my nonsense written here is just a few more bytes of data in the cloud and will wisp away quickly. If but one person feels the energy of Love because I wrote it makes it all worth it. To anyone else I apologize if I said anything to annoy you. It was not my intention.

          • Lin
            October 9, 2018 at 3:32 pm

            Mission accomplished!

          • Lin
            October 9, 2018 at 3:34 pm

            The former, not the latter!

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