I’ll be on the road for the next couple days and may not be able to post anything, depending on cell coverage and how tired I am from driving. Now that spring is near I have to seek higher elevation to stay comfortable. The low desert is great in terms of clear skies for photography and mild winter temps, but when the equinox looms and heat gets oppressive I don’t tend to get much done.
Where I’m going has great skies, with 3,000 feet less atmosphere between my cameras and the heavens, and generally clear conditions. I have this feeling that my night sky-lapse documenting (now that it’s a formal enterprise) may lead to important conclusions, when coupled with related matters. I’m working on an essay about this but for now suffice to say that I’m pretty sure that whatever it is I’m recording virtually every night (sometimes multiple times, like last night) is directly related to matters I’ve covered before, like the moon numbers, intelligent design, some version of Simulation Theory — plus yes the dreaded Mandela Effect — and so on. See, there is a ‘higher power’ — the moon numbers tell us this quite inarguably — but what we don’t know is… hell, what we don’t know is everything. Maybe a clue is up there in the night skies. (And although less likely, maybe underground, hence my ACE 250.)
So yes, I have been wanting to move on from The Bug, but I can also see that what’s happening with The Bug could be the next game changer, in terms of how our lives will be lived on a daily basis. No small matter, right? And given that knowledge is power, we should all want to know as much truth as is possible regarding what The Bug is or isn’t, plus why and how it’s infecting us homo sapiens.
It’s very frustrating when folks who have been on this blog for a while and presumably agree with most of my conclusions re HTWRW (or why would you be here at all), make statements to the effect of The Bug as a complete hoax, i.e., there is no new pathogen and just the regular amount of people are getting sick and dying from seasonal flu. As I’ve said multiple times, for this to be a complete hoax, virtually every doctor, nurse, hospital worker, ‘patient’ (including relatives) and so forth, around the world, would have to be either in on it or be so dumb that they can’t tell the difference between an empty (or normally busy) emergency room from one which is overflowing with folks with distressed respiratory systems. Folks who believe the hoax scenario obviously have not thought to themselves how a hoax involving hundreds of thousands of people — many of them medically-trained — would actually be carried out ‘on the ground,’ with no one piping up on social media saying ‘Hey, everything is normal here!’ and ‘There is no pandemic at this hospital!’ and so on. The mind, my mind, truly does boggle.
And the above is just the beginning, the tip of the ol’ ‘berg, of why a hoax of this magnitude is not what we’re looking at. I see comments listing the financial reasons why the PTB would not let loose a virus upon the populace, as if accruing money is the prime motive of the people who print the stuff. Honestly, I have trouble dealing with those who apparently listened to the Frances Boyle podcast, and then, apparently, delete it from their memory banks because they don’t like the implications.
There is a new bug and it was made in a lab. Get used to it.
For me to read comments here that posit crisis actors and CGI (or whatever) as the explanation for the images of the deserted streets of China… for me to read that sort of nonsense from folks I normally take very seriously, is at first puzzling, then distressing, then, finally, depressing, as I am again reminded that no one ever learns anything they don’t want to learn. I mean I spent years making a film that proves this to be the default mental state of our species. When am I going to accept what I myself have proved?
In some cases I assume the spouter of nonsense is simply a state mole, surfacing now because now is crisis time, and in crisis time the spreading of confusion and divisiveness and disinformation and so forth is their job. But then, as with Arthur Danu, I find out that the person is merely incapable of critical thought, in this case because he is distracted by his own self-importance.
And so on.
So again, yes, I want to move on, maybe to a search for ‘glitches in the matrix,’ that sort of thing, evidence that the Mandela Effect is just a peek at what… reality… consciousness… call it what you will… and after we get past the language distraction/barrier (describing description), a sense of why we’re really here may surface.
Addendum: Hey, I viewed most of the mini-series of Stephen King’s The Outsider last night and it occurred to me that maybe King is an example of a ‘glitch in the matrix’ slash a sort of human version of predictive programming. I looked up the number and the guy has written about one hundred books. Listen, I’ve written three (plus a shitload of screen and TV scripts) so I know a little about what it takes. A hundred books in about 50 years, so we have two a year, most of them being densely plotted and highly complex. And about the supernatural.
While watching the plot of The Outsider unfold, it occurred to me that King’s books may be ‘channeled’ (in some sense) from ‘the other side’ of ‘the matrix.’ (That King has publicly backed up the ‘Oswald as lone assassin’ of JFK would seem to be evidence here, but I don’t know of what.)
I know, sounds off-the-wall, but I’ll have more to say on the subject if we survive The Bug.
Look. I’ve had people tell me I shouldn’t ‘insult my guests’ and so forth, in my replies to comments. Then I get the usual: (whiny voice) ‘You delete people who don’t agree with you!’ My guests? MY GUESTS??? To anyone who has thought this, let alone blabbed it in a comment (my last straw with Danu) let me explain:
This is not a fucking garden party, and no, you are not my guests. And even if it were a garden party and you were my guests, if one of you spouted nonsense, then insulted me when I called you on it (as with Danu), I’d boot your ass across the street anyway.
You’d be a guest if I invited you to comment on my forum.
No, it’s not a garden party, and no, you are not my guest, and if you are going to use my forum to spout nonsense or go off on a subject not covered in the post, I’ll delete you and ban you. Unless you are particularly nasty or dense I’ll warn you once. Then the boot.
I’ll boot you if you make statements of cause-and-effect that are contrary to what I say in the post without properly backing it up.
No, I do not boot people because ‘they disagree with me.’ They spout nonsense, (of course) don’t back it up, and continue to do so when I correct them.
A statement like ‘the coronavirus is a hoax’ is a good example of the above because it’s impossible to properly back it up, it being nonsense and contrary to common sense on its face. Let alone critical thinking.
Okay. As I say, I’ll be on the road until Sunday or Monday, so see you then, and keep in mind that there is, to my knowledge anyway, no reason why what happened in China will not happen here (the U.S. or wherever you are).
I hope I’m wrong.
Another thing, now that I’m on a roll: Yesterday I spent nearly $500 to keep this blog online, and have spent some $5,000 in total. Point being that if there were a continuum with ‘Guest’ on one end and ‘Deadbeat’ on the other, and assuming you are a regular reader who makes comments and who is not contributing a measly $3.25 a month, guess which end of the spectrum you are closest to?
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