Out On A Limb Again

That Trump (and his wife) ‘tested positive’ and is ‘symptomatic’ is likely very bad news. It’s likely that this is part of the op and there is more to come. Here’s a paragraph from my post of March 24:

No, as I say, Trump is soon to be history. In fact, let me go out on a long limb and suggest you watch as Trump comes down with COVID, winds up in ICU, and maybe even croaks. What a perfect sendoff! And what a perfect way to scare the shit out of everyone and get them to agree to anything. 

So we’ll see, but if I were running this op I wouldn’t let Trump off the COVID hook and have him quickly ‘recover.’ No, uh-uh. That would be very counter-productive in that it would lessen the fear, and have little effect on the election. So we have two possibilities: He gets very sick, hangs in there for a long while (a couple weeks at least) in ICU (meanwhile the media continues to have a field day lying about what Trump said and did, and what COVID is), almost dies, or he does die. Either way, he ‘loses the election,’ and any possibility that world-wide ‘normalcy’ returns is history, let alone some truth about epidemics and virology. ‘Our president’ dying (or almost so) of COVID-19 will act as still another ‘9/11’ event that will be used to still further the PTB agenda. 

Addendum: Fer chrissakes, they can’t shut up about the 1918 outbreak and it was not contagious! Fer chrissakes, no virus has ever been proven as the cause of any disease! Fer chrissakes, the inventor of the COVID test made it plain that it cannot be used for diagnostics. And so forth!!!

From my post of March 23:

[Trump’s] complete ignorance of what is going down is obvious and cannot logically be seen as an act of sly deniability; he is in the process of ending his presidency with his unawareness of the physical principles of pandemics…. Trump is history; its just a matter of time. (Last week, Trump: ‘There will be no lockdown.’ Me: ‘Hey, Donald, Wanna fucking bet?’)

Seriously, folks, during the next press conference, examine the head bobbers behind Trump and ask yourself how it could be that Weisbecker (and a few others) saw all this coming many weeks ago and they didn’t. Of course they saw it coming! (And were ordered to keep their traps shut and bob their heads.)  

The CDC, NIH, FDA, and other lettered agencies are a different ball game altogether. The idea that they didn’t/don’t know what I (and others) know and predicted weeks ago is untenable. Laughable. That they are active participants in Trump’s downfall is obvious, although this is a minor part of The Plan. A ‘nice’ sidebar for the PTB. (Looks like I have been in error thinking that Trump’s election was a part of the overall Plan.) As you know if you’ve been here a few weeks, my view is that COVID is a black op via a Western Intel faction of the PTB, the same cabal that did 9/11. One of you (Lynda) directed us to a link that backs up this view via very strong circumstantial evidence.

One more reminder. This is my list of the op’s agenda, from my post of February 25 (this is not in chronological order):

1. Voluntary isolation of the sick
2. Mandatory isolation of the sick (they will come and get you, as in China)
3. Voluntary quarantine (of not-sick people who test positive) in their homes, plus…
4. Curfews and spot checking (for symptoms) on the streets
4a. Travel bans are enacted, including street travel between cities and towns
5. Hoarding of food/water/supplies is outlawed (to make the populace dependent on the government)
6. Mandatory quarantines, first at home (you can’t leave the house) then…
7. Quarantine camps (which are now called Fema Camps and are ready and waiting)
8. Guns (They will come and get them, as with Katrina in New Orleans; no reason needed)
9. Vaccination (idiots will plea for it)
10. Mandatory vaccinations (in the camps and in order to procure food from the government)
11. ‘Fake News’ is banned (as suggested at ‘Event 201), arrests made; in some areas the Internet is shut down — to prevent ‘a crisis in confidence’ (some measures will start early on)
12. Cash money is said to carry The Bug and is outlawed
13. The United Nations, at first via WHO, is gradually given jurisdiction, with some foreign troops on U.S. soil
14. One World (cashless) Economy and Government is eased in
.(Formal Martial Law is declared somewhere around measures 7 or 8)
15. At some point aerial spraying may be initiated, with some sort of bull shit reason given relating to fighting The Bug. God only knows what will be in these admitted chemtrails.
16. The Bug will serve as another reason for unlimited surveillance (through ‘contact tracing) and the curtailing of personal freedoms in general. The excuse will be the ‘identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated’, something like that.

Part of the ‘Trump positive’ agenda is to ensure Biden’s election. From Biden we get more lockdowns, a federal mask mandate, and a giant next step to world government. (Masks? Masks do more harm than good. But you already know this, right?)

This is a short, out-on-a-limb post putting on the record that Trump will get very sick over the next few days. He may or may not die. To repeat: ‘Our president’ dying (or almost so) of COVID-19 will act as still another ‘9/11’ type event that will be used to still further the PTB agenda. 

Have I suggested you stock up?


Addendum (an hour after posting): I just read Jon Rappoport’s post on the drugs Trump is said to be taking for COVID. I’d love to know where Jon got the information that the drugs are untested and dangerous. Does he really think they would give Trump drugs that open source says are not tested, etc.? Open source may say they are not tested but I don’t believe it. If they wanted to kill the president of the United States they certainly would find a more subtle way — which is likely the case, as I say in this post. Are Trump and his family and personal advisors really so utterly, stupendously stupid that they would not get advice from a doctor they know they can trust?  

But I do agree Trump is in great danger. What I believe we can take away from the drugs he’s being given is that his initial condition was way worse than they have told us. I suspect that many ‘cures’ for COVID have been secretly developed (or were developed before the op was launched) over the past few months (or longer).

And as I’ve shown in the last couple posts (Doctor Cowan, The Invisible Rainbow, etc.), the real cause of the COVID condition is not what we’ve been told.




  50 comments for “Out On A Limb Again

    • Todd
      October 7, 2020 at 9:46 pm

      Yes, hopefully this TORT case gets traction to put these global criminals in jail and then some. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich explains this very well.

    • Azzy
      October 7, 2020 at 9:27 am

      There’ll be no economic crash bcoz the dollar is backed by the US military: orders of magnitude more powerful than anything else on the planet.
      There will however be a social crash– by design. And a population reduction.
      Nothing you hear, read or see on anything electronic will give u the slightest hint at what’s coming to America. Soon.
      This is the Big One and prepare if u can.
      Donnie, Biden, BLM, Nazi right– it’s all just theatre. 100%
      Don’t get distracted, get your ‘money’ out of the bank, and get some crypto if you’re able.
      Good luck, ya’ll
      Or alternatively, you could watch Fox News and Hannity will set yee straight: Where We Go Willy We Go Wonka!!

      • October 11, 2020 at 1:20 am

        I just heard today, that as from 26th September here, the NWO bankster thieves will be taxing the hell out of Crypto.
        I just knew they would get their stinking claws into Crypto from the very beginning.

        ANYTHING good for joe bloggs on the street, they do their best to steal – or preferably destroy – every time.

        • Azzy
          October 14, 2020 at 3:02 pm

          Duh, it’s blockchain, Brett.
          They can’t tax it; they can’t stop it. Short of pulling the internet.
          It’s yours FOREVER.
          Clearly you know nothing about DEFI, DAPPs or Blockchain so you really shouldn’t be commenting on something you know nada about.

          • October 14, 2020 at 6:46 pm

            Tells me what a green horn you are Azzy! – DUH yes it’s yours while its locked in cyberspace. As soon as you try and actually USE IT, they can come after you for what property or goods you converted it into.
            The average person would need Rotweiler lawyer/accountants to deal with them. At $500+ per hour fees.
            The stress of the litigation “they” can bring upon someone can go for decades.

          • Azzy
            October 14, 2020 at 8:33 pm

            You’ve never heard of DAI stablecoin, either, then.
            Ho hum,
            Nor DEFI.
            Quit while you’re ahead, Brett.
            you’re locked in a centralised world along with the rest of the Qtards.
            How d’ya think China’s gonna get her pound of flesh, eh?
            That’s right, DE-centralised finance.
            Enjoy life in the Q lane, the rest of us are going to the moon.
            Lawyers and tax, 🤣
            You still dont get it.

  1. Azzy
    October 6, 2020 at 8:24 pm

    Donnie don’ look too good, amigos.
    Here you see the very ordinary man behind the legend. And he’s suffering.
    As they used to say on Stingray: anything can happen in the next half hour.
    Get ready for the organised chaos, and stay safe, ya’ll.

    • Azzy
      October 6, 2020 at 8:24 pm
      • Azzy
        October 6, 2020 at 8:29 pm

        Covid is very, very dangerous. And this is what happens when you play biowar for real. 100% certainty.
        Either his vax didn’t work, or he was dosed with something else.
        What’s happening now is unclear and above my paygrade– but we’ll know soon enough.
        America might be saved. Might.
        Fingers crossed.
        Watch the vid b4 it’s scrubbed.

      • October 6, 2020 at 11:19 pm

        He is 74, out of shape and unfit, and just climbed all those stairs.
        And even he would be breathless from the monster onion layers of lies surrounding toyotacorona & virtually everything else!
        They have probably tried to poison him, but he is refusing to die.

        Also, we simply can’t trust a damn thing from the TV news puppets.

        • Azzy
          October 7, 2020 at 7:52 am

          WILLYWONKA, right, Brett?

          • October 7, 2020 at 8:41 pm

            Nope, chocolate/sweet factory owners are some of the kindest business people on earth.
            But I do like Trump for calling out the FAKE MS media at least.
            A very interesting time/act/scene pause going on right now.
            I wonder if Trump will reappear and do that famous WillyWonker limping walk & then summersalt – or what!?? 😀
            He definitely isn’t ill at all, unless it’s the NWO PTB doing his latest tweeting (within the last hour).

  2. Larry C
    October 6, 2020 at 7:31 pm

    Out of the Woods?

    Jim Kunstler’s take on recent events:


  3. Cat
    October 5, 2020 at 5:40 pm

    Interesting article that doesn’t quite
    say that other non-human intelligence
    Is interdemensional. But it does imply
    to get ready for it.

    Darwinian science is being debunked again. The new playingboard has to include non-carbon based ideas of what everything is and where we are headed as humans and consciousnesses.

    There’s so much to learn about what we’re going though. It is why we search for the Truth.


    • Lynda Craig
      October 5, 2020 at 8:42 pm

      Astrobiologist Lynn Rothschild?
      When that name appears the red flags definitely appear.
      I still don’t understand how anything makes it intact through the Van Allen radiation belt.

  4. Lynda
    October 5, 2020 at 4:09 pm


    The cover of The Economist, December 2019

  5. Lynda Craig
    October 5, 2020 at 4:01 pm

    The Global Research article I previously shared seems to have been scrubbed.
    I think Trumk is a huge part of this black op. He is simply playing his part. As for the election, the last time the American people got to vote for a President was when they elected JFK. Everyone after that has been pre-planned.
    Look for a global event just before the Nov. 3 election that will plunge the entire world into chaos and despair.
    A few are trying to prepare.
    I hope I am completely wrong on all of this.

  6. October 5, 2020 at 4:07 am

    Event 201 LOCKSTEP……. (Yawn) I’m becoming apathetic, desensitized, this soft kill agonizingly slow. I refuse to participate I refuse to vote I refuse to have a television…..
    I need some surf.

  7. Cat
    October 5, 2020 at 3:31 am

    Everything you’ve listed Allan
    Is happening and/or discussions
    about them is happening. Good study
    and insite there. Thanks.

    PTB, I believe are controlled by aliens
    Good and bad. A struggle between them is to
    give new tech to a few wise humans.
    The bad ones ultimate goal is to clone and steal our human souls which are connected to another dimension. Our consciousness
    is much more powerful than we realize and
    Continues after death unless, maybe, stolen.

    Controlling humans thinking by using
    chaos here, is their way of winning us
    over. A total ruse. We’ll see more of this
    like the tictac exposed by the gov.
    The aliens technology is beyond electromagnetic gravity or speed of light.
    They are interdemensional.

    I think what’s going on is actually much more serious than Russia, China, covid or losing
    our democracy. Keep your Spirit straight.
    The super natural most definitely exists.
    Secrets Suck. But, secrets in the wrong dumb
    mind could be really dreadful.

    • Azzy
      October 5, 2020 at 11:13 am

      100% spot on– a lady who gets it.
      Don’t let ’em stop you enjoying your life and your pets if you have any– they play a bigger role in this reality than we’ll ever know.
      Another reason why animal cruelty is so prevalent globally; by hurting them via their spergy little anthropoid serflings, they try to hurt us.
      One battle being fought now– you won’t here this on TV, BTW– is between forces who wish to destroy the natural environment, us included, and forces who wish to preserve it.
      Either way, humanity in its present form loses out.
      Get prepared,
      Stay safe,

  8. Dag Untermeyer
    October 4, 2020 at 6:44 pm

    If you’re paying attention, you know that Trump’s been nearly entirely focused on abusing the US Treasury as personal piggy bank for his friends & family. Also funneling everyone he can into his hotels, golf re$orts. +selling $5M condos to Eastern Euro Criminals. No provenance required on these all cash transactions. They park dirty money in a condo for a couple years, et voila! Clean money upon resale. (Trump friend Paolo Zampolli (who?) hooks em up w/fresh passports out of Dominica’s Citizenship through Investment Program.) This is Trump’s focus. He measures EVERYTHING – even sacred mother nature – in dollars he can pocket.

    Point is. Trump is no savior. I believe he will survive, but you will NOT be rescued by Trump.
    Obama gave the Health Insurance industry free rein to run rapacious premiums. Trump and Republicans will end the gov. subsidy and premiums will NOT be dialed back. So Average Guy is going to be screwed by Trump if Trump isn’t stymied by a Dem majority congress. Gridlock is usually the best course of action by any admin. Bipartisanship results in shit like Patriot Act, the NDAA, Retroactive Immunity from prosecution for TELECOM.

  9. me
    October 4, 2020 at 5:14 pm

    Come on, what are the chances of Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson , Prince Albert of Monaco and Trudeau’s wife all coming down with Covid?
    This really is one strange affliction and makes me wonder what it is about the genes of the movers and shakers of this world that makes them seemingly susceptible?
    Should the ” fear” really be felt by the few?

  10. October 4, 2020 at 4:56 pm

    PROGNOSTICATION FOR POSTERITY lol 😀 . . . You have it all backwards, Allan. Here is MY prediction based on even MORE ‘inside knowledge’ of The Plan than you obviously have access to: (1) Trump and his wife shall be ‘cured’ from the China Virus with *therapeutics* within a week, max 10 days. He shall then announce to the world that, since both he and Melania have fully recovered from COVID-19 via these therapeutics, THE PANDEMIC IS DECLARED OFFICIALLY OVER, as there is no longer any ‘danger’ AND ‘we have the cures’ (like HCQ for one example). NO VACCINE NEEDED. (2) The electioins, WHICH CAN NOW BE CARRIED OUT BY PERSONAL PHYSICAL VOTING THE NORMAL SAFE TRADITIONAL WAY, shall re-elect him without a hitch (by a landslide), and he shall begin arresting and putting on PUBLIC TRIAL the a-holes of the Russia Hoax insurgency (treason), and also those who openly called for his removal from office (sedition). Eventually the Clintons and Bidens and Soros will either die or be put on trial as well (Zuckerberg, Bezos, Bloomberg, Gates, and Fauci will be forced from public life, and stripped of all power and wealth). Simultaneously (3) the NEW GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM shall be fully enacted, taking down the Old Guard of the Central Bank System, and the screams and howls of the now-powerless Ruling Elite Global Mafia Aristocracy Cabal will be heard throughout the Galaxy (and maybe even beyond). (4) ALL Public Media Companies shall be forced to comply fully with FREE SPEECH rules — or face takeover by the Federal Government, or dissolution, or a forced sale to others who WILL stop censoring ‘alternative’ viewpoints and political perspectives. (5) Highly Advanced Technologies shall begin to be released in 2021, beginning with suppressed MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES that have been doing things like curing cancer for many decades. Anti-gravitic tech will come out as well, but not for a while most likely. Tesla Electricity Distribution will replace all cable-based electric systems, and electricity shall be FREE TO EVERYONE. (6) Personal Income Taxes shall be eliminated, by law, forever. NESARA and GESARA shall be put into effect (piece by piece through 2024). —> Stay Positive, and stop being such cynical nihilists emotioinally empowering the dark plans of the evil pedo monsters and human slave traders with your juvenile ‘doom and gloom’ Victim Mentality attitudes, and get with the REAL Program People!! Or die soon (suicide is a valid option, as YOU are the one who should decide YOUR OWN Life Path, right? No shame in wanting to ‘check out o’ this crazy Circus From Hell!), as those who are unable to ‘handle’ the JOY of Humanity’s FINAL LIBERATION FROM GLOBAL TYRANNY must leave this World, so that WE THE LIVING can create the New Golden Age without your pessimistic nay-sayer ‘resistance’ 😉

    • Azzy
      October 4, 2020 at 5:20 pm

      WILLYWONGA! We’re trusting the plan, baybee, we’s a trustin’ !!
      Trump the saviour avatar is gonna usher in a new Golden Age with his tranny wife and mobbed up inner circle!
      Why couldn’t we see it all along!
      (Welll, actually, as Jack Torrance would say: You’ve got a biiigggg surprise comin’ to youuuu, Wendy!
      …and it’s not gonna be pleasant.)

      • Philipski
        October 4, 2020 at 11:26 pm

        That’s an absurd comment about Trump having as his wife a tranny, rude, in spite of her not having a perfect face. It’s like these hardcore, know-it-all Dems are taking a page from another’s meme book. Obama, on the other hand, most likely has a tranny wife (pre-Op?) pictures would seem to prove it

        • Azzy
          October 5, 2020 at 8:51 am

          Oh, you’ll have been looking at the images provided to you of the body double with the svelt figure, right?
          And the one’s of Obama, M. altered to give her a pair of balls and muscular biceps?
          Okay, brah, whetever you say.
          And, Chris? We know who you are– go help mummy fix breakfast. 😁

    • Chris
      October 4, 2020 at 11:16 pm

      I think your writing could use just a tad more hyperbole. It comes off as a little UNDERSTATED, and NOT CONTAINING enough language designed to evoke EMOTIONS. 😉

    • Spondive
      October 8, 2020 at 1:04 am

      We can only hope but I highly doubt it.. a Trump just gave a Pharmaceutical and medical pitch


  11. Jjwithers
    October 4, 2020 at 2:20 pm

    Trump being treated by Remdesivir which is made by Gilead Science.Who owns stock in two investment accounts for Gilead Sciences? TRUMP! This is all way too fishy!!! Gilead Sciences, whose former lobbyist Joe Grogan is now a top advisor of President Trump serving on the Coronavirus Task Force. The same company charges $1,100 per pill for Hep-C drugs.

  12. Greg Hohnholt
    October 4, 2020 at 2:08 pm

    Spot on, Allan. I’ve already put up an “in memoriam” post on facebook, as Trump is dead as far as I’m concerned. They can’t push him out of a window, but they can take a page from the Stalin playbook and get rid of him that way, which appears to be the plan. Normally, I don’t think they would go for this “final solution,” but after RBG’s body finally came up cold (she really died last year), they had no choice since they couldn’t steal the election without SCOTUS.

  13. Azzy
    October 4, 2020 at 1:41 pm

    No, Allan, with respect (honest!).
    The reason Trump has ‘come down with COVID’– 🤣– is not to ensure some other silly old fool’s ‘election’ — 😂; it’s to ensure that no election takes place in November.

    Very probably, an election will be the last thing on your average chump’s mind. And that’s bona fide.
    But hey, I know nothing, right?

    Watch it happen, and see y’all on the Far Side.

    • October 4, 2020 at 5:02 pm

      Read my comment, my predictions, Azzy. The Plan is infallible. Designed many decades ago. ‘Future proves past’. Like you say, WATCH IT HAPPEN!! 5D Chess, señorito…while the ‘dark ones’ can only play in 4D 😉

      • Azzy
        October 4, 2020 at 5:29 pm

        QED, Allan. The real question is, of course, as you’ve been posing for so long:
        What are the technologies involved in such powerful psychological entrainment of MILLIONS of otherwise quite normal citizens?
        Even as their country self-destructs on their doorsteps.
        Whatever they are, they’ve enabled the complete destruction of America, and we’ve got a front row seat.
        Statistic from FEMA:
        In a national emergency, 92% of chumps will do nothing even if it means the imminent death of their families. (But they will listen to Q, apparently.)
        6-7% will act if they see somebody else doing something.
        1-2% will take action.
        There you have it.
        Sorry, 100% confidential.
        Stay safe, y’all.

  14. Jean-Francois Aubry
    October 4, 2020 at 1:32 pm

    Anybody wich think that Trump is not part of the Deep State must be very naive. The only politicians wich have just one ounce of credibility on this topic is Bobby Kennedy Jr.. But as we can see i dont think democracy is something that still exist anymore…it died somewhere in the last century. Personnaly i dont believe one second Trump is sick, its part of a deceptive scenario and if they fake his death he will probably live the rest of his life on a island in the pacific with all what a pedo like him need

    • Azzy
      October 4, 2020 at 1:54 pm

      JFA, I love ya, an’ all– but BKJr is about a quarter of a millimetre right of a brainless clone. Literally. He’s a paid actor. He’s playing a role.
      He’s as fake as tits on a tranny.
      Billion dollar cover-up, and then some. Remember?
      If he was in any way bonafide, he’s never have made it outta kindergarten.
      Step back and look at the wider picture. And engage that Quebecois nous y’alls are famous for!
      As for nation states? There aren’t any– you were just told that in school. Just competing, powerful factions; one of whom now controls the entire ‘American’ intelligence apparatus. The official one, that is. White Hats have backdoored the system, and do what they can to fuck up their carefully laid Plans.
      Remember: Humplings will never get to know what’s really going on to the faaaar right of the curve. Never. They might as well be as faaaaar to the left.
      Just a few breadcrumbs from people like moi.
      This is a war between Masters; and as far as the average Chumpy Trumpy Normie Halfwit with a Ph’D’ is concerned, it may as well be Odin and Thor a-firin’ lightning bolts at each other.
      And jes’ as far removed.
      That’s bona faaaaaade,

      • Jean-Francois Aubry
        October 4, 2020 at 2:19 pm

        You know what…remember the father of Bobby, remember the uncle of Bobby ? So yeah i agree it is a war between the master and slave and Bobby sound like a paid actor but Trump also sound like a paid actor and Joe is the worst openly pedo that will ever live at the White House. But who’s the only one against Bill “Hell” Gate vaccine : Bobby Jr…So probably is also one on the Master side. But in my book he have more credibility…he is not perfect, just more legitimate.

        • Azzy
          October 4, 2020 at 3:22 pm

          Credibility for what, JFA? Telling chumps what chumps already know?
          He’s back-up for Qtards. And how quickly he’s gonna disappear to his actually real (safe) private island in the coming few months will remind you of that factotum.
          Planned years ago.
          Take it or leave it.

          • Jean-Francois Aubry
            October 4, 2020 at 7:39 pm

            Credibility for 2 reason:
            1) He’s septic about vaccine and he is the only one
            2) His family have a good background, in french we said “La pomme ne tombe pas loin de l’arbre”..or a apple dont fall far away from the tree

            And what he can do except being low profil…c’mon his dad and uncle assassinate by the Deep State. Put Trump or Biden in the same situation…lol

            So you prefer Trump or Biden, or Ron Paul ? Personnaly i prefer Vermin Supreme over those 3 stooges, at least a free poney it is cool

      • Ea
        October 4, 2020 at 4:29 pm

        Quite right, Azzy — except for one minor point: the only Québécois who are famous for having nous are Jack Kérouac and Louis Lefebvre — both, sadly, TPTSB-handled critters.

        (i shall add Denis Villeneuve to this list if Dune proves any good.)

        • Jean-Francois Aubry
          October 4, 2020 at 7:45 pm

          Personnaly i dont really like the actor they choose as Messia, he look so weak. The camera grain, the costume look like a other boring Disney Stars War. Dune by Lynch will always be the best, the soundtrack so amazing…

          • Azzy
            October 5, 2020 at 8:51 pm

            Guys, STOP. WATCHING. MOVIES. And speaking about them as if they are real. Until you blow this mindset you are doomed.
            One thing I disagree with Allan on– movies.
            Your heart will tell you what’s really going on– metaphysics 101, anybody?
            You are being psychologically entrained. NOT entertained.
            Do you have any concept of the tech involved?
            Let’s just say hypnosis, and then some.
            Things have moved on since good old fashioned entertainment such as, errrr, Miami Vice, for example.
            (Was more of a Knight Rider man, meeseff, remember that chick with the white jump-suit? Fwaaaarrrrrrrr,,,,
            MacPherson was the actress’s name, that’s all I remember!)
            Gone, Allan– last one, promise.🙃

  15. October 4, 2020 at 1:22 pm

    You could be right Allan.

    Depending on related individual health challenges, the treatment protocol(s) for SARS is very well known, and it is pretty much the polar opposite of what we saw being peddled by the perpetrators of the Op via the WHO, and CDC and Governors and County HC “officers” (They are not officers) Some of the medical studies go all the way back to the Spanish Flu. So no real mystery in the Medical community about how to appropriately manage a viral disease.

    Is this a straight up assassination attempt?

    Could be.

    Or not.

    Thanks for writing on all of this.

  16. Cory
    October 4, 2020 at 12:33 pm

    “Are Trump and his family and personal advisors really so utterly, stupendously stupid”


    • Azzy
      October 4, 2020 at 1:58 pm

      No, they’re advised people who in turn are advised by genius IQ level controllers with doctorates and years of research in subjects– and at institutions– you’ve never even heard of, my good man.
      Don’t believe everything you hear on CNN or read on Zero Hedge (or what fucking ever).

    • Chris
      October 4, 2020 at 11:23 pm

      Yes, they are stupendously stupid.

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