It’s now late May of 2021 and Rand Paul is demanding that Fauci testify under oath about his having supported the Wuhan lab via sending them money for ‘gain of function’ research that might have led to the COVID pandemic.
This is from this blog on March 31, 2020, well over a year ago:
By the way, I have documented, open source proof that Anthony Fauci paid millions to the Wuhan lab that is said to have engineered the COVID pathogen. This is not arguable. (I can show you proof that the engineering was also done at the U of N. Carolina Chapel Hill, with Fauci’s funding; the Chinese ‘Bat Woman’ scientist’s name is in the documents.) Giving ‘aide and comfort to the enemy’…. what does that amount to? Treason, maybe?
From an even earlier blog post:
Fauci got rich off the fraudulent aspects of the HIV/AIDS black op/crisis, and was responsible for millions of deaths. Listen to whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits tell her story for just a bit of what an evil motherfucker Fauci is, and what he has been up to in this current black op.
It’s difficult to give one or two links that will sum up the truth of the COVID black op, and Dr. Buttar, who is featured in many of them, will drive you up the wall with his irrelevant blabbing, notwithstanding the importance of some of his information. He’s the only ‘name’ so far who has brought up the two ‘Fauci facts’ that finger the little bastard: One, he was behind the engineering of the COVID pathogen at the University of North Carolina (at Chapel Hill), in cahoots with a Wuhan lab virologist. Two, his that 2017 promise that there would be a ‘surprise’ pandemic during Trump’s administration.
This is from April 2020:
If you need proof, look to the op’s mouthpiece, Anothony Fauci. Go to 3:30 in Fauci’s 2017 keynote address to Georgetown University and you will hear him say this, referring directly to the time of the Trump administration: ‘There will be a surprise outbreak’ of a challenging infectious disease. [Really, click that link and hear Fauci give away his foreknowledge of the ‘pandemic’.]
This is one of those tells that — combined with other evidence — screams in our dumb-ass faces exactly what is going on. Fauci, like many PTB puppets, just could not help himself in bragging about his foreknowledge of the planet-changing event to come.
How is it that some aging ex-surfer wandering around the country with his dog was over a year ahead of the most ‘awake’ congressman? And what does this tell you?
But the real irony is that Rand Paul’s apparent revelation is still more misdirection, either through Paul’s collusion with the PTB or through pure stupidity/ignorance. See, I wasn’t actually a year ahead of Rand Paul: I was inadvertently spouting misdirection with my Fauci-revelation. Truth is, the PTB are quite happy with these sorts of accusations, since they presuppose that there is an actual pandemic.
As long as we believe we’re in mortal danger from a new pathogen, all’s well. Listen to this crapola:
Truth is — and yes, I’ve said this before — no virus (including the Coronavirus) has ever been isolated, let alone shown to cause disease. My awakening came soon after I found out that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was not contagious.
Addendum: Yes, a year ago I was completely wrong about the COVID ‘pandemic.’ I look back at my blog posts and have to shake my sorry ass head. And I think about the fact that no one in a position of any power is going to surface with the truth about the COVID issue.
The big name medical ‘whistleblowers’ are all either controlled opposition or hopelessly mired in their own brands of cognitive dissonance.
We are in such trouble…
And yes, I am repeating myself.
If you still (after all these posts) don’t believe me on COVID and the ‘Spanish Flu’, read this from ‘Harvard Medicine.’ The real mind-blower is that you have to scroll down to near the end to find the revelation:
Under the auspices of the U.S. Public Health Service and the Navy, Rosenau and his colleagues, in an effort to “determine the mode of spread of influenza,” tried to infect military volunteers with Pfeiffer’s bacillus at a makeshift infirmary on Gallops Island in Boston Harbor. Though human experiments were then seen as acceptable, in a paper later published in JAMA, Rosenau noted that the team “proceeded rather cautiously at first by administering a pure culture” of the bacterium.
When the “trials proved negative,” he wrote, “we became bolder.” The scientists gave each of the volunteers “a very large quantity of a mixture of thirteen different strains of the Pfeiffer bacillus, some of them obtained recently from the lungs at necropsy.” They also inoculated the men with specimens taken from the throats and noses of influenza patients and later with the patients’ blood. Still no symptoms, so next the volunteers shook hands with, talked with, and were coughed on by the actively ill. They remained healthy.
“We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person,” Rosenau wrote. “Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”
Do you understand what this says? And the obvious implication is that since that ‘pandemic’ was not contagious, why would you think the current one is, given there is no study showing otherwise?
It wasn’t contagious! They did everything possible to infect healthy people but could not do it. They got so desperate trying to infect that they took snot from the sickest and put it up the noses of the healthy. With no result. They had them French kissing each other with no result. Look at that last paragraph.
They assumed the disease was passed from person to person. These are scientists? And even after the study, they went on with their assumption!
And the article rambles on after the above, like nothing new was discovered! And these are not just regular geniuses, they are Harvard geniuses.
It’s insane. Truly.
And the beat goes on, no matter the subject or issue at hand. I just now watched another Spacex launch. I had to watch it, couldn’t help myself. I also couldn’t help myself in leaving a comment:
Also, please see Bill (F. William) Engdahl’s Piece in NEO (New Eastern Outlook). It complements Virginia Stoner’s work on vaccine deaths:
Final note: Thank you all for the nice feedback re my slideshow. I’m working on my presentation and hope to come up with a hybrid slide show/film one of these days.
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