The Importance of How JFK, Jr. Died

I’ll briefly deal with the character calling himself ‘Doubting Thomas’ (his email is, partly, ‘ElmerFudd’), because the subject he’s on about (not him) is actually important, i.e., disinfo agents, who they are, how to recognize them, what to believe and not believe, how limited hangout works, the sorry state of the alt media, and so forth. Fudd accuses me of being a disinfo agent. Well, okay. Fair enough, but the thing is that there are tells that point to ‘him’ being what he accuses me of. (Tells are my strong point and his prose is lousy with them.)

My current camp in central Utah. Just me and one other guy on the other shore. Took this about an hour ago.

He (or it) has really looked into me. I’m talking deeply. He’s read at least two of my books and many of my blog posts. He’s read my Open Letters to MM and to James Corbett. (My exposing disinfo agents is probably why he’s here now, at least to an extent.) He’s watched my movie, Water Time (and actually uses it against me). Why, if I am a ‘spook’ and a liar, put in all those hours? Is it his job? Who pays him?

Of my detractors, MM is the only one who uses the term ‘spook’ to describe me, aside from ElmerFudd, which is not a coincidence IMO; it’s a ‘team’ term. If you look at MM’s attempts to discredit me you will find info only available to spooks themselves. Where I’ve lived but never mentioned being a good example. People I know. 

(Fudd is also dumb enough to bring up my photography as if it’s further evidence of my dishonesty. Do I even have to explain why this is an insult to your intelligence?)

The other guy on the lake. We’re at about 6,000 feet here with cool nights, temperate days. The dogs love it.

Let’s think about this. Fudd is denying that MM is a disinfo psy op, using the issue of the JFK assassination as an important reason why I’m dirty and MM is clean. Thing is, you cannot separate MM’s claim that JFK faked his own death with his hilarious claim that virtually everyone who was ever assassinated faked their own assassinations (not an exaggeration), including all four of the Kennedy men (Joe in WW2, JFK, RFK, and… JFK, Jr…. wait… what about JFK, Jr.? I actually don’t think MM brings up this important subject. Why not? Another violent Kennedy death and MM doesn’t point at it as another way for the Kennedy’s to rule the world by telephone. (I’ll let lay the fact that none of MM’s Kennedy motives makes a lick of sense. He even admitted this to me in an email: When I asked for the motive he replied, ‘Do I have to explain everything?’)

Have you seen John Hankey’s exposé on the JFK, Jr. murder, almost certainly by the Bushes. If not, you should. This is maybe the best piece of citizen journalism of all time. Hankey proves beyond doubt that the plane crash was a PTB hit. As far as I know MM doesn’t bring it up; not a word. (If I’m wrong please quote where MM brings up Hankey’s little film, which is actually a crux of the Kennedy matter.)

My lake.

Why not? Why not claim that John-John pulled the same maneuver as his dad and two uncles? Here’s why: MM (the PTB) don’t want to open that can of worms, since it is never talked about, in spite of all the evidence of murder (thanks to Hankey). Let’s just not go there, is what they’re thinking.

Plus, the idea that JFK, Jr. faked his death via a plane crash with his wife and her sister on board is even more absurd than the other MM Kennedy claims. (Why fake the deaths of three people, all of whom will now have to ‘disappear’?)

Make a list of MM’s ‘faked deaths’: there’s no one of note who is not on it. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. as PTB disinfo agent likewise faked his death while he was an agent for the FBI? Yes, MM actually makes this claim. The list is endless.

But my real point: Since we know MM is a psy op, how would it make sense for me to be one too, given my public proofs that he is one? Proofs that have annoyed the team to the extent that they make absurd/irrelevant claims about me. How deeply do you have to think about this?

Anyone who buys all this MM utter crapola — and who has read my exposé on MM as Tavistock team — and who brings up my James Corbett letter as somehow related — is either mentally defective or a mole/troll working for them. 

Another angle of my neighbor. Yes, that I’m a photographer is serious evidence of my spookdom. Especially how it keeps you abreast of where I am; the usual behavior of a spook, right? 

Do you see that?

But the reason I burn the time bringing this up is to make the point that you should assume I am not telling you the truth, and do your own research. If you find me wrong on something, by all means tell us. But stick to facts, not nonsense like ‘what does his photography have to do with anything?’

What I have a knack for — which is what bugs them — is pointing out subject matters about which we are being lied to, matters that for some reason other ‘alt media’ people apparently don’t think of. Stuff no one else mentions. The Spacex fraud being a big one. (I think MM mentioned one time, in a brief, throw away sentence, that Spacex isn’t real. He then moved on and never returned to the subject. (I could be slightly wrong on this, but not by much.) This ‘put him on record’ but without doing any damage, not with the mountains of crapola he buries it in.

Given all the work I’ve done I prefer not to be thought of as a disinfo agent (as opposed to misinfo, which is accidental and does happen). But yes, assume I am mistaken in anything I say. Then look into it yourself. But if you don’t bother to do this, don’t insult me about it. Don’t waste my valued subscribers’ time.

A final word: If you read my Open Letters (MM and Corbett) and don’t clearly see that I’m telling important truths, you really shouldn’t be on this blog (this includes you, Fudd). It just doesn’t make sense. I mean, why waste your time? 

By the way, I’m viewing Hankey’s exposé again (my third time at least). Fucking brilliant work and so important. Watch it and ask yourself why MM (or Doubting Thomas/ElmerFudd) doesn’t mention it with respect to the Grand Kennedy Deception. If you’re going to reply to this, Fudd, answer that question first. Got that?


Addendum: Anyone thinking JFK faked his death — and assuming he/she wants to know the truth — has to read JFK and the Unspeakable. Everything is referenced; it’s all backed up. It’s not reasonably possible that MM’s theory is anything but crapola. Period. Kennedy was far from perfect as a human but he was turning toward peace so they had to get rid of him. This is how it went. (He  may  have  also  been  on  the  verge  of  spilling  the  beans  on  ‘the  alien  presence  on  earth’,  a  big  PTB  no-no.)

As I asked you to do last time, please click the link to his June 1963 speech. Now picture him as one of the PTB. Can you do it? 

Hey Fudd, thanks for the inspiration. Now go fuck yourself. Or just go away. Any more NLP from you will be a waste of time. 

Finally: If this post gets even one person to watch the Hankey film (and think about it), it will have been worth it.

Btw, it took a lot of searching to find the url to the Hankey film. I searched ‘John Hankey JFK Jr. assassinated’ (how much more specific could I get) and it was not listed in the first three pages. (Same problem with a bunch of my YT videos.) This is the degree to which we are being disinformed by the PTB. The motive of course is to keep the truth from you. ElmerFudd works for these people; I’d bet a valued possession on it. (Or he’s a mentally challenged ‘Miles Mathis’ fanboy. Take your pick.)


  104 comments for “The Importance of How JFK, Jr. Died

  1. May 22, 2022 at 1:56 pm

    I took a few days off (no cell coverage) and I come back to find 93 comments, the new ones almost all on the JFK/MM issue, and all by a couple or three of the same people (a few others took the time to debunk them). I started deleting those who kept up their crapola after the third time I asked them to deal with the Hankey video before blabbing about JFK faking it. But I suddenly realized it was not worth the time.

    So be advised that I have stopped reading comments on this post. (I suggest you all do likewise.) It’s too aggravating. To sum up the reason: THIS SUBJECT IS NO DIFFERENT THAN FLAT EARTH. IT’S THERE TO DISTRACT AND DIVIDE US. THE PEOPLE WHO KEEP DOING IT ARE EITHER MORONS OR A DIRECT PART OF THE PROBLEM, I.E., IT’S THEIR JOB.

    • brian
      May 23, 2022 at 9:23 pm

      why don’t you just disable comments like you do when the posts have not been updated in a long while?

  2. bill blaise
    May 18, 2022 at 11:50 pm

    Well now.
    Did JFK fake his death??
    I dont know. What I do know is the news reel
    makes no sense You want to direct everybody to
    somebody else and nobodys’
    aloud critical thinking…..
    It is all what Allan thinks.
    I have watched the news reels they are
    circumvent and if the doesnt make ask questions
    I can onlly assume you are brain dead.

    Why was the Zubruder film denied to the public
    only to be given to an unknown soon to be popular
    Jeraldo Rivera?? Explain how the video was perfectly
    visuailzed for the head blowing off?? You know the
    closeup as best they could do it was perfect for Mr
    Zapruder. Not to mention within hours they had him
    in touting his video, which would not be released for 12
    Then we have the news videos.
    My God those where so ridicoulous and staged you would have to
    a moron not to see it.
    Hey< how about 2 different news stations stating and filming
    jackie go to the hospital to check on her husband??
    We know she was in the limo. How could two separate news
    organizations screw that up'
    But hey,
    The almighty Allan has spoken
    and it is truth.

    • Bill Blaise
      May 19, 2022 at 12:08 am

      If anyone has bothered to look at their browser while going to MM
      it will tell you everything you need to know !!!!
      It is not secure.

      • May 19, 2022 at 12:50 am

        That will teach you to go there!.
        Don’t know what you are talking about, no head was blown off, only badly ruptured, and it was grainy blurry film, but enough to be shocked at his injury.

        “The almighty Allan has spoken
        and it is truth.” – that is the same tired, immature, mud ball insult I got (insert Bretts name instead of Allan) from a young guy in his early 30’s, when I warned him about the plandemic/scamdemic.

        • bill blaise
          May 19, 2022 at 1:21 am

          Look at the facts They did not start
          CPR After his heart stopped… They did a tracheomery on
          Soooo…..You dont do trach on a dead man.
          Once again… for them to do all these procedures on someone
          His heart had to be pumping spilling all over her and that is not
          what we see.

          • bill blaise
            May 19, 2022 at 1:33 am

            The doctor on call said
            They tried and tried to get her to let
            go of him. She would not. He said he then figured
            out she did not any one seeing him in his condition.
            She has minor blood stains on her dress She was cradling
            his head in her lap he must of quit bleeding

          • May 19, 2022 at 6:07 am

            You have been taken down the Garden Path with endless Bullshit Hearsay Lies, after the fact that he was blown away in front of the worlds eyes. Also his terrified wife crawled out of the back of that limo for her life (the “Elephant in the Room” detail that no one can explain away).

          • Bill Blaise
            May 19, 2022 at 7:41 pm


            Hey Brett,
            according to the agent who jumped on the limo,
            she was trying to grab the parts of his head that blew off.
            Everything makes no sense. Just like RFK and the picture of
            the waiter holding his head. All those people there and the only one
            by his side is a busboy. OK.

          • Bill Blaise
            May 19, 2022 at 7:49 pm


            Read further. the agent states the President falls to his left
            into her lap……..She was on his right side no??????
            It makes no sense!!

        • Bill Blaise
          May 19, 2022 at 7:57 pm

          “They were 15 to 20 deep on each side of the street.”
          The Zapruder film shows 8-10 people at most for 100″

          !5-20 deep????

          • Bill Blaise
            May 19, 2022 at 8:19 pm


            She was on the left. My bad.

          • Philipski
            May 20, 2022 at 3:49 am

            Your referencing some journalistic error as proof is what’s suspicious. Frankly, some secret agent getting a detail off is kinda part of the point at hand… although cops and these secret service people certainly follow orders, you’re definitely off in assuming they could be part of some complicated conspiracy that involves faking a president’s death!!!! ‘Specially not a-good Ol’ boy of pre-‘Nam Dallas, Texas I’d a thunk.

        • May 23, 2022 at 7:22 pm

          Thanks, Brett (and others) for putting in the time and effort on these people (if they are people), but it’s not worth it. In fact, they want you to react, no matter how transparent their BS is.

          Let’s move on.

    • May 20, 2022 at 4:10 pm

      Easy, now, Bill. Uhhhh… you say…

      ‘I have watched the news reels they are
      circumvent and if the doesnt make ask questions
      I can onlly assume you are brain dead.’

      Accusing someone else of being brain dead with this sentence says it all. Plus your quotes of MS news as proving anything. Please back off or I will have to start deleting.

  3. May 17, 2022 at 3:46 pm

    Getting back on the road, which seems ok since no one is commenting on all my comments. That’s ok. I can take a hint. Let’s not dwell further on MM or the idea that JFK faked it.

    • Ea
      May 17, 2022 at 9:41 pm

      i m happy to drop JFK (junior or not), but i shall reply to you re: MM, who let ‘s face it is (and may always be) a bit of a bugbear. Cf below

  4. May 16, 2022 at 10:35 pm

    Anyone interested in MM should go to his current writings page: Between May 2 and 14th, on average every two days he comes up with an essay of 3 – 4,000 words, all on completely different and, of necessity, all heavily researched, topics. Utterly and absurdly impossible. And he’s been doing this for YEARS, with no let up, meanwhile claiming to be creating art that for a real human would be a full time job.

    Somehow plus his physics essays?

    I think I’ll move on.

    • Ea
      May 17, 2022 at 1:30 am

      Of course it s a team. But look at the Biden paper. Shall we ignore that information ? Shall we wait till we get the photogenic band that plays their own instruments in the studio before we listen to the song ?

      • May 17, 2022 at 3:09 pm

        I hadn’t looked at the Biden paper but will do so. Since you know MM is a psy op I assume you are not accepting the info without checking independently. right?

        • Ea
          May 17, 2022 at 9:49 pm

          i dont accept info without checking even if it comes from you, who do not seem to be a psy-op, and give every indication of being a real person. However the value of blogs is more in the sharing of observations, isn’t it? insights? When you show how to look at a subject from a new angle, that cannot be true or false. That does not need to “check out.”

      • May 17, 2022 at 3:22 pm

        Did you actually read all that? MM’s obsession with lineage is no doubt pure misdirection, but this one is a good example of how ridiculous his output is. The paper is thousands of words — all heavy research — right in the middle of 6 other papers he did in 12 days. He (or they) must think we are all morons. But maybe there is something valuable in there. Please tell us what you took away from this paper…

        • Ea
          May 17, 2022 at 10:34 pm

          i did read all that.
          hard to say what is obsession and what is simply proven method. MM is not the first researcher to notice that our rulers are all connected. Wasnt there a high school student some years ago who showed us that the presidential candidate with the most ties to British royalty has always been the one ‘elected’? And –goldurnit– lineage is a major theme in the ‘alternative’ independent research community. there’s nothing wrong with going at it with ferret-like

          Of course the output strains credibility. You have made your case and it is a strong one. Some people may, as John Lennon sang in 1970, “believe in Beatles.” (Peter Tork might have sung a year earlier “i don’t believe in Monkees,” but who aside of the morons would have thought that profound?)
          No, the reality of the MM character is not the point. When you quote or credit Alex Jones, you seem to feel you have to append an “i am not saying i trust Jones, but …” Well, then, what’s wrong with an “i m not saying MM is a person, but …”

          • May 22, 2022 at 1:31 pm

            MM fails to mention that if we go back enough generations, mathematically we are all related. Which begs the question (re his posts) So fucking what?

      • Todd
        May 17, 2022 at 4:06 pm


        What are the key findings or important points you agree with or disagree with in MM’s Biden essay?

        • Ea
          May 17, 2022 at 10:51 pm

          How about this, from the second paragraph:
          “Wikipedia tells us Beau was Attorney General of Delaware for two terms, from 2007-2015, but it also tells us he was deployed to Iraq as a Judge Advocate General [Corps] major in 2008, and completed a yearlong stint, including seven months in the combat zone. Except that the military doesn’t deploy high-ranking sitting officials during peacetime.”
          Well, wiki does say that, but explains that Beau had kept on serving Delaware by ‘working in ‘conjunction’ with Attorney General senior staff back home. is Miles wrong to find that dodgy ?

          • Todd
            May 18, 2022 at 7:33 am

            Hey Ea… Don’t know if he’s wrong (as I haven’t checked Wiki), but his regurgitation of Wiki doesn’t add any value.

            His hypothesis about Neilia Biden’s death being faked has no evidence to back that claim other than genealogy.

            On Page 2, we get this, “… So again as in TV, they had to replace her character. They didn’t kill her[Neilia Biden], they just faked her death and asked her to color her hair for a few years, until it blew over. Langley may have moved her overseas. That is how these things usually work.”

            Team MM pulls that out of thin air using complete conjecture. Just because so-and-so may be related to so-and-so or strange work/friend relationships occurring doesn’t prove a fake.

            To be clear, I’m not defending Biden either – he’s a creepy ass scumbag like all the rest.

    • May 17, 2022 at 8:07 pm

      Allan, I heeded your warnings about him many moons ago, and never waste my time reading his stuff. Definitely not reading stuff, obviously pumped out by a team, and headed by a “Mr X” who won’t reveal who or what he/it is.
      With your expert opinion on his writing timelines, all anyone has to do is look & THINK for themselves, and agree yes you are most correct!.

      I have a theory, – they are an off shoot of that ugly spider headed outfit – NEWS CORP (FakexFake News).
      They are too ugly to read the TV news, but they are happy to burn the candle at both ends in the basement into the wee hours, mixing truth and bullplop distractions for the sheeple slaves to soak up,

      • May 17, 2022 at 8:23 pm

        Stunning photographs again BTW Mr! – LOVE your pics procured by drone! 🙂

    • Patrick
      May 20, 2022 at 11:56 am

      I think it is safe to assume that the MM output is a psy-op of some kind, so the important questions are can anything useful be gleaned from the misdirection, and where are they trying to misdirect us to?

      In my opinion much of the MM output is aimed at some of the most inquisitive and independent minded people out there, with its purpose is to sow the idea that everything is faked, which sows confusion and apathy, but also introduces ridiculous elements to the discourse which makes anyone who brings it up in polite company look ridiculous.

      I suspect there is an element of truth of the geology thing but I believe it is totally overplayed, to serve as a distraction and misdirect away from the mechanics of how people actually conspire in the real world.

      What I have learned from the MM output, is to assume nothing in terms of the truthfulness of any given narrative, either in current affairs or in a historical context, and that we the general public are being fucked with on a gargantuan scale by multiple different factions with in TPTSNB, including Team MM.

      • May 20, 2022 at 4:48 pm

        Yes, exactly. Thank you for the summation.

        • Patrick
          May 21, 2022 at 3:19 pm

          I think we can tell team MM are some type of operation by what they don’t touch. Nukes could very well be a fake, Adolf Hitler may well be the most spectacular intelligence asset plant ever, but all this debunking of serial killers and faked deaths is just sensationalizing and off the point.

          Every once in awhile the true glimpse of the underbelly of TPTSNB is revealed, like with the Mark Dutrus Affair in Belgium, now if team MM wanted to give me some true crime expose that may actually be of consequence, that’s an obvious candidate, the cronyism and sexual abuse within the British establishment is well know, not a peep on that, Ted Heath? I could really do with having Poppy Bush’s involvement with BoysTown unwound from me, again I don’t think they will be lazering in on that one any thing soon.

          So in my opinion team MM are revealing some of the props and stage craft of how things really work, but steering us well clear of the mechanics of how it is all tied together, the nuts and bolts, the oil that greases the cogs of the Leviathan.

  5. Cat
    May 16, 2022 at 9:02 pm

    Sorry if you e seen this before by Hill..
    Probably too graphic to be made up…

    • May 17, 2022 at 8:53 pm

      So obvious that guy is in on the cover up, it’s sickening.
      Can you not see this??
      He is actually annoyed they couldn’t “interrogate Oswald for his motive” . Bullshit LIES.

      Just ONE of the giveaway’s, are his dead plastic eyes BTW.

  6. May 16, 2022 at 8:58 pm

    MM says there was no corpse therefore blah blah. I beg to differ. One of the five (i think) doctors at Parkland signed a death certificate. Or if not, the five plus nurse Bell are witnesses that would all have to be in on it. If you look at their history you will know how preposterous that is. How could I forget this? How could MM forget? Is maybe a better question. (I think it was Doctor Occam who signed the death certificate.)

  7. May 16, 2022 at 7:25 pm

    I’ve spent half a day trying to re-read the MM JFK essay and am shocked that for a moment years ago I wondered if it could be true. Jesus. I’ve learned to see misdirection since then, really learned, I guess. Yes, anyone with resources could fake their death, but I already knew that. Problem is, of course, IT MAKES NO SENSE. MM could not come up with a motive and neither can anyone blabbing here. Not a problem? Christ.

    I don’t know that I have the energy to parse the crap I’ve just been reading, but here’s one example (quoting):

    ‘Here’s another strange piece of evidence, so far not explained or tied to any consistent theory. In 1964,
    a year aftgr JFK’s “death”, a woman named Mary Pinchot Meyer was allegedly murdered in an apparent hit in Georgetown in broad daylight. It turned out she was one of JFK’s mistresses, but no one knows more than that to this day. She had been married to Cord Meyer, one of the highest ranking CIA agents in the country, and her diary was taken by the CIA under strange circumstances. The current theory is that she had been told something by JFK about his enemies, but if that is so, then these enemies would have killed her a year earlier. No, the fact that it is a year later is the big clue. It isn’t what she knew about his enemies that put her in danger, it was what she knew about JFK. She knew he was still alive, because he was still visiting her. That put her in danger in two ways: 1) if JFK were sneaking out of his place of retreat in order to visit old girlfriends, that would put the entire underground government in danger.’ (end MM quote) BIG RED FLAG MARY’S MOSAIC TEN YEARS AGO The caps are my notes.

    You all recall how I very recently recommended you read a book called Mary’s Mosaic? It’s about the woman mentioned by MM. Written ten years ago and MM somehow doesn’t deal with it. And it’s a PERFECT example of how/why the MM crap does not hold up. Context. About a hundred books I’ve read would all have to be written by either moles or useful idiots. If you don’t understand why this is true then read this one book. Then understand there are 100 others like it (many not as good) that show MM for what ‘he’ is, i.e. a massive psy op, with you as the sucker.

    One more (quoting):

    ‘Am I through? Not even. JFK, Jr. is said to have died in 1999. Let’s look a bit more closely at that date. Is it a coincidence that all three Kennedys died on the eve of a Presidential election? Jack died just before the 1964 election, Bobby just before the 1968 election, and John just before the 2000 election. How old would Bobby have been in 1999, if he had lived? 74. That in itself is highly suggestive, since 1999 would be the expected time for a Prince to come to power. And that is just what happened. I propose that Bobby Kennedy died in hiding in 1999.
    Even those that may have followed me this far will balk at imagining that John, Jr. could be responsible for 911 and the Iraq War and the Military Tribunals Act and the loss of habeas corpus and the Patriot Acts, and so on. But why balk at that? His father was never who you thought he was (listen
    again to the “shadow government speech to the press”), his uncle was never who you thought he was (he used all that civil rights stuff just like Johnson did, to get votes and make you think he was a great guy. It didn’t work with Johnson, why did it work with Bobby? Ask yourself that. If Johnson had been better looking, you would still love him, too. You would find excuses for him, too.) And John, Jr. was never who you thought he was. We are told that George magazine was a progressive journal, but that is just hooey. It was a glossy star-kissing piece of fluff, with the required reactionary politics. The truth is that John, Jr. was always just a dopey rich pretty boy who couldn’t pass the bar and didn’t know anything he wasn’t told. He is now playing Commodus to his dad’s Marcus Aurelius.
    To prove this, let us look once again at Jr.’s “death”. This time we have no photos and no film, but we do have a mass of anomalies and lies and impossibilities. We have a cover-up of something, and once again the most logical thing to assume, given the place and form and other players in the cover- up, is that the death was faked by the Kennedys themselves.’ (end quote)

    Now view Hankey’s video, linked above. Maybe ask yourself why MM doesn’t debunk it, since it destroys his whole Kennedy Grand Deception World View.

    Come on now, go ahead, do it. You might learn something.

    Back? Are you starting to get the picture? No? Well then, I suggest you go somewhere else. Unless commenting here is your JOB or something. AT any rate, if you are going to go on and on here and waste my subscribers’ time, you first have to deal with the Hankey video (the info in it) and explain why MM does not mention Mary’s Mosaic…. or JFK and the Unspeakable, or any of Bill Pepper’s books or LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK Assassination and on and on and on. (Oh, and re Jr., explain why he brought his wife’s sister along…. but I’ve already asked that. So much stuff….)

  8. May 16, 2022 at 3:39 pm

    On the road I listened to Phil Nelson’s book on LBJ being the mastermind of the assassination. It’s another example (there are scores) of why the faked assassination theory is such garbage, and an obvious attempt at misdirection, as is almost all of MM’s crapola (with one notable exception from a long time ago).

    Please don’t be a useful idiot for these fuckers. ‘Well, everything else is a lie, so MM is right,’ is so…. if I can help even one person get past this crap, I’ll do it. If you believe this (after having read my Open Letter to MM) please tell me what it will take to change your mind. I’ll cancel my road travel today, go back, take a dramamine, and re-read MM’s ‘essay’ on JFK, so I can be specific.

  9. Todd
    May 16, 2022 at 4:11 am

    Can those who support MM’s theory please explain the hanging MIC’s shadow being incorrectly cast on the wall during the shooting of Oswald by Ruby?

    The presence of the MIC is brought up by MM (as proof), but not the shadow problem.

    This is a big deal because MM states the MIC proves multiple takes (i.e. it’s staged). So, if the mic’s shadow is wrong then…

    • May 16, 2022 at 4:39 am

      …Of course that is the fake, made up patsy goat killers, to make the public think THEY did the shootings/murder of JFK.

  10. Jack
    May 15, 2022 at 6:43 pm

    The people who work for the cia/dhs/abc/blahblahblah and various other government military ‘intelligence’ agencies are low quality, low intelligence, cognitive dissonance filled scumbags.

    They know what they are doing is wrong. Defending mass murderers covering up mass murderer on a daily basis by pretending to be fake people online. And they always make the same mistake because their pride makes them mentally deficient.

    And that mistake is as you say they talk to you about your own personal information that they can’t possibly know about, that you have never mentioned online or anywhere else.

    And they do this because they think they will get away with it. And they think they will get away with it because they’ve been getting away with it for so long. They are filled with stupidity from top to bottom and all their entire lives are failures.

    How much of an evil mentally retarded dumbass does one have to be to work with backstabbing lying murderers and then think they won’t get backstabbed themselves?

    They have no peace in their life. Not a one. Their lives are all failures. They can’t keep healthy relationships. They are all addicted to some drug or another and they end up destroying their own lives. All for what?

    Money and a smug sense of prideful foolish superiority thinking they know and can control other people. What a pathetic petulant bunch of idiotic babies in adult bodies as well. Of course they are all into rape and murder of babies so they love to act like little raging babies online.

    They are an eternally frustrated bunch who can only get joy from hurting other people. Pathetic isn’t it? That they have to hurt others and lie and cheat and steal and murder innocents just to get their rocks off.

    These people are the lowest of the low who desperately try to rise in the ranks but are forever stuck in their low level code monkey desk job creating millions of bot accounts to spam truth teller websites online.

    These people are all pathetic people living pathetic lives and they will all have a pathetic end. They are all weak and they all have no power at all.

    • May 15, 2022 at 8:38 pm

      Awesome post friend, solidly hitting the nail on the head all the way.

      The crickets chirp on, as we wait for the ‘Doubting Thomas’ to explain to us, how the hell he thinks they faked JFK’s murder – especially with Jackie K right there too.
      We all saw the HORRIFIC injury dealt to JFK’s head, because they made sure it went to air for all to see, even little kids watching their TV.
      BTW, it appears he was shot from BEHIND, from a real nasty type of bullet.
      EVERYONE (who is slightly awake) knows the PTB have no problem at all, murdering or mass-murdering for a dollar or 2 ($TRILLIONS in fact).
      All wars are Bankers Wars.

      • DoubtingThomas
        May 20, 2022 at 6:09 pm

        The crickets chirp, is that right Brett? So you think I’m an agent, lol? Sorry, no.

        As to the post before yours from Jack I’ve no idea if he was referring to me or not but just for the record all I know about AW is what he’s revealed in his own blog/movie/books. Nowhere have I been disrespectful publicly towards AW unless you consider asking questions being disrespectful. I did send him not very nice e-mails but then if he can get pissed in public towards me, I figure it’s fair game to get pissed in private towards him.

        Let’s remember AW was absolutely sure the covid thing was legitimate and even chastised some commenters for questioning it in his typical nasty tone. Then slowly he came around. I don’t remember seeing any apologies to the people he shit on. Or as you would say the crickets chirp on.

        Yes it’s his blog and he can do and say whatever he wants but I have to say he’s really good at alienating people that disagree with him, even in the slightest. Personally I’m not interested in participating in this blog’s comment section anymore which I’m sure suits AW just fine. If it’s yes men he wants, so be it.

        • May 20, 2022 at 9:53 pm

          Why can’t you just be CORDIAL and bonafide, and STICK TO THE SUBJECT, and give us a friendly explanation of how you think JFK faked his death.
          I for one was all ears (eyes) to read what you had to say….but nothing, and after reading all your posts, all hope is dashed on the rocks for ANYTHING real from you.

          And you going on about JFK and the “Cuban missile crisis” – guess what – the Presidents & Prime Ministers control NOTHING.
          You should know this, but you don’t.
          Everything is controlled by the Banksters (I think you are pretending to not know this).

          • DoubtingThomas
            May 21, 2022 at 4:38 pm

            >And you going on about JFK and the “Cuban missile crisis” – guess what – the Presidents & Prime Ministers control NOTHING. You should know this, but you don’t.

            I do know this and I stated so in another post. Thin about what you’re saying. Presidents control NOTHING yet JFK had to be assassinated? WTF kind of logic is that?

            Yes I said I wouldn’t comment anymore but this had to be addressed. Consider me gone after this thread.

          • May 21, 2022 at 9:41 pm

            They had to murder JFK, because he was all for PEACE & UN ENSLAVEMENT of the human race. Listen to his speech’s (for one thing) and Wake Up.

          • bmseattle
            May 21, 2022 at 11:57 pm

            AW: I asked three times that you all deal with the Hankey video re a faked JFK assassination. The first time was on May 16. Here is the end of it:

            To prove this, let us look once again at Jr.’s “death”. This time we have no photos and no film, but we do have a mass of anomalies and lies and impossibilities. We have a cover-up of something, and once again the most logical thing to assume, given the place and form and other players in the cover- up, is that the death was faked by the Kennedys themselves.’ (end quote)

            Now view Hankey’s video, linked above. Maybe ask yourself why MM doesn’t debunk it, since it destroys his whole Kennedy Grand Deception World View.

            Come on now, go ahead, do it. You might learn something.

            Back? Are you starting to get the picture? No? Well then, I suggest you go somewhere else. Unless commenting here is your JOB or something. AT any rate, if you are going to go on and on here and waste my subscribers’ time, you first have to deal with the Hankey video (the info in it) and explain why MM does not mention Mary’s Mosaic…. or JFK and the Unspeakable, or any of Bill Pepper’s books or LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK Assassination and on and on and on. (Oh, and re Jr., explain why he brought his wife’s sister along…. but I’ve already asked that. So much stuff….)

            I asked twice more (at least) and none of you MM fanboys (or whatever) did as I asked. My blog, my rules. So after a few days of peace on the road I am ending this BS by deleting comments that do not deal with the facts I have showed you (Hankey video).

          • May 22, 2022 at 12:40 am

            …Well of course Yes – all a show to DISTRACT the sheeple slaves from noticing the fact, that they are being robbed every day by the same people/demons doing the murdering and warring.
            Look what they did to Trump when he disobeyed, and started talking/calling out “FAKE NEWS” etc etc. (they even refused to televise Trumps Presidential speech’s – a world first!!)

          • bmseattle
            May 22, 2022 at 12:47 am

            AW: I asked three times that you all deal with the Hankey video re a faked JFK assassination. The first time was on May 16. Here is the end of it:

            To prove this, let us look once again at Jr.’s “death”. This time we have no photos and no film, but we do have a mass of anomalies and lies and impossibilities. We have a cover-up of something, and once again the most logical thing to assume, given the place and form and other players in the cover- up, is that the death was faked by the Kennedys themselves.’ (end quote)

            Now view Hankey’s video, linked above. Maybe ask yourself why MM doesn’t debunk it, since it destroys his whole Kennedy Grand Deception World View.

            Come on now, go ahead, do it. You might learn something.

            Back? Are you starting to get the picture? No? Well then, I suggest you go somewhere else. Unless commenting here is your JOB or something. AT any rate, if you are going to go on and on here and waste my subscribers’ time, you first have to deal with the Hankey video (the info in it) and explain why MM does not mention Mary’s Mosaic…. or JFK and the Unspeakable, or any of Bill Pepper’s books or LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK Assassination and on and on and on. (Oh, and re Jr., explain why he brought his wife’s sister along…. but I’ve already asked that. So much stuff….)

            I asked twice more (at least) and none of you MM fanboys (or whatever) did as I asked. My blog, my rules. So after a few days of peace on the road I am ending this BS by deleting comments that do not deal with the facts I have showed you (Hankey video).

          • May 22, 2022 at 6:26 am

            First off, – JFK’s speech’s were made for all to see and take onboard (if they are listening & not sound asleep), back in the day when there were some REAL news journalists doing their job properly.
            So they wouldn’t get suppressed much if at all. Out there just like Eisenhower’s War Machine warning speech.
            They also won’t get suppressed, because the PTB know that public apathy & non-thinking will help their cause along….ie – the few awake people disgusted & angry, and the other approx 80% of dumb plonkers calling the awake “conspiracy theorists”.
            They weren’t suppressed, because the PTB love to show off their power & plans (to those who are awake).
            Pretty much impossible to get rid of those JFK speech’s – I can’t believe you needed to ask that question. See if you can work out why the speech’s can always be found on the net.

          • bmseattle
            May 22, 2022 at 3:20 pm


            You seem to think that I subscribe to MM’s “Grand Kennedy Deception World View”…
            when I *specifically* said that I thought it was ridiculous.

            I thought your calls to watch the Hankey video were to the commenters that were discussing the JFK JR. situation… which I wasn’t and haven’t brought up once.
            I haven’t looked in to the JFK jr situation enough to form an opinion.
            Since I don’t believe that the Kennedy’s are running things behind the scenes, I have no real interest in it.

            You seem extremely hung up on MM and throwing around labels like “fanboy” as a derogatory term is just unnecessary.
            I don’t buy the official narrative or the mainstream alternative narrative of the JFK assassination and that makes me a MM fanboy?

            I haven’t mentioned MM in this discussion *at all*, except to say he is LH and that I don’t buy his conclusions.
            Feel free to point out where I *do* support him/them in this thread if you can.
            Unless your “argument” is that by simply not believing in the JFK assassination, you are by default supporting MM’s entire theory and are, thus, a fanboy of him… even if you disagree with his conclusions.

          • bmseattle
            May 22, 2022 at 3:24 pm


            thanks for the reply and your thoughts re: the speeches.

            I guess I just believe that if Kennedy was such a threat and his speeches were so galvanizing to the public, then he wouldn’t have been allowed to give them and they wouldn’t have been shown and Kennedy wouldn’t have been lionized by the media.

            The Bankers who are in control were certainly in control back then.
            Honest Journalists would be just as vulnerable as Kennedy, don’t you think?
            Have you looked in to who owned the newspapers, magazines and television stations?
            Do you believe they were independent?

            Regardless, I appreciate the discussion.
            You and I don’t always agree (though sometimes we do), but you are usually cordial and willing to have a back and forth, which I appreciate.

  11. May 15, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    Doubting Thomas, BM and RaSol, I applaud you in your efforts to bring an invigorating discussion around the assassination of JFK, RFK and JFK Jr. Unfortunately, you have chosen the WRONG BLOG to do so.

    Allan Weisbecker is incapable of having any kind of conversation, debate or discussion where HE IS NOT THE SMARTEST MAN IN THE ROOM.

    I was one of the people who thoroughly and completely called him to the carpet for falling for the Covid Scam when it first started to run around the world in 2019-2020. He finally saw the error of his ways, but he gave me the same treatment he is giving all of you right now, ultimately resorting to the “you’re a mole”, “you’re a shill”, “you’re a dupe”, or you are incapable of thinking properly because you don’t think like he does. There’s only ONE WAY to see the world, and that’s HIS WAY.

    Miles Mathis may not be 100% correct on all that he posits, but his case for these assassinations being faked is very strong. Why? Well, look at how many others events in our history have been faked, with LONG TERM PLANNING behind them. The plan for 9/11 was in place the day construction began on the Twin Towers. The Covid operation we all are witnessing was in place at least as far back as the 1970s. The Moon landings were faked. Hitler was not killed at the end of World War II. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was also a psy-op to launch WWI. The reason for the Vietnam war was faked. China is a world power today because the Rockefellers said they were going to make China that way back in the 1950s. Most Americans don’t owe the IRS income tax money every year yet over 90% of Americans are threatened or scared into paying up anyway! Miles Mathis makes a very credible argument that the Lincoln assassination was faked, as well. We know the Gulf War was begun under false pretenses and that Saddam Hussein’s, as well as Osama Bin Laden’s deaths were faked. There are so many more events that are faked, too, like serial killers and your everyday weather reports!

    In this particular instance, Allan is fiercely clinging to his point of view because he wants to keep convincing you that HE KNOWS HOW THE WORLD REALLY WORKS, when if he were truly honest about it, would have to admit that he has NO FUCKING CLUE!

    The world we are all witnessing through the mass media and governments is a Magician’s TRICK. Allan is very ignorant about magick and its workings, so he really can offer no tool for you to discern current events other than the tool of LOGIC. That there is a functioning world beyond the scope of materialistic logic is too hard for him to see, and your vision for what is possible will be severely limited if you remain constrained by his kind of thinking.

    I read Allan’s blog for entertainment value solely, like a written version of THE ODD COUPLE, or some other great sitcom. It’s very entertaining to see this latest go round of character assassination, because I’ve experienced it firsthand, myself, when I, too, made the mistake of taking Allan seriously. My best advice to everyone getting upset about Allan’s immature and unfair tactics is to not take him too seriously. He’s an angry old man who likes to vent his rage a lot, but never offers much in the way of solutions, beyond telling you to stock up your food supplies for the coming apocalypse. How brave and original!

    • Philipski
      May 15, 2022 at 11:57 pm

      Allan, don’t pay attention to this idjit (who’s ever had that last name, I’ve only heard of “Dano”). I was going to mention to you a site. Well, it’s very hard to mention a site – especially one as pitiful as this one, which does not match MM at its best in content – without sounding like I’m promoting it, but have you seen “Tyrone McCloskey” and Mark Tokarski – maybe not the same letters scrambled, but I think both are American authors based wherever in the NW they claim to be. “Tyrone McCloskey” wrote a particularly condescending article on how America was at the time of “JFKTV”, and I’d guess from what can only be called its purely hateful tone that it’s by some “spook” that wasn’t born by 1963. (It’s hard for anyone – like myself – who wasn’t born by then, at times, to remember that the World of 1963 was much less different, frankly much less immoral, than that of now. Could you REALLY have bought off THAT many local beat cops, tv cameramen, even Autopsy-ists back then?) I take it as the American wing of what – in “Miles”‘s case – is primarily an English or Irish project. While I think a lot of this “everything fake” has its basis across the pond (you see the attempted takedown of the mythology the Beatles gathered for themselves, wouldn’t such a thing naturally come from Britain)….

      I am very unsold on “Tavistock”. Like the abortion issue in US, you can’t be on the fence on this one it seems, if you acknowledge the “Tavi”’s existence then it must be the root of all evil. Is it anything that big? I am aware of the 7/7 graffiti, but as far as I can tell, while probably by no means an “all good” psychological thinktank, the only basis for the theory that this bunch of initially Austrian psycho-doctors controlled modern British culture after 1945 (and far away places like Stanford) seems to come from one “John Coleman,” who was a South American-born Mossad asset. (I don’t have the link I was provided with at hand, but his real name, I believe, was sp Johann Clarke…) CluesForum are real shady Brits, but I thought one of them had found an Irish IP address for Miles in County Cork, Ireland. (Like I said I don’t totally buy the Tavistock theory. I recognize it as a good blanket term for all Brit “spook”ness though.) That’s about as far my opinions on Miles or “Piece” go, as I’m not up on how to do an IP search or any thing like that.

      Btw – I just overheard on NPR a bit where they tried to claim that Nurse in Tennessee – – of course, no interview with the nurse herself;)

      • Philipski
        May 17, 2022 at 2:48 am

        This being the famous vaxx-shot nurse Tiffany Dover I referred to (irrelevantly, I’m afraid) of unknown well-being. But Mathis is, in spite of himself, a more interesting general problem.

        • lamont cranston
          May 17, 2022 at 10:05 pm

          How about Tiffany’s brother, Ben?

    • May 16, 2022 at 1:57 am

      Hi Arthur – you should just enjoy ALL Allan’s posts, – they are Gold, complete with the worlds best photography & videos
      I mean, if you can’t believe a word Allan says, why not just enjoy his stories & awesome photography??
      Why blow up so much about different opinions or beliefs?…let it go, and go in peace….
      I think you are 90% on the same pages – right??
      I mean, I have been in total disagreement with a few (very few) things with Allan too, but we don’t hold grudges, and move on…

    • May 16, 2022 at 2:46 pm

      Oh yes, Danu, the guy who p reduces Big videos that get 10 views, one of MM’s useful idiots.

    • DoubtingThomas
      May 20, 2022 at 5:19 pm

      I remember that string of comments and agree with you 100%. They are both limited hangouts. The difference between AW and MM is AW is less subtle about it because he just can’t help himself.

  12. May 15, 2022 at 4:22 pm

    Before the road I just took the time to view one of Alex Delsol’s videos. An interview with someone. After about 15 minutes I had to ask myself ‘What the fuck are they going on about?’ It was New Age stuff, words meaning whatever you want them to mean and so on. Lotsa ‘The Matrixes’.

    Alex says, re something important that happened, ‘I don’t remember when, the way time gets all stretchy now.’ A minute or so later, as a non sequitur he says, ‘that’s right, it happened today.’

    Point being, when I accuse Alex of being an agent of some sort, I am forgetting stuff. Like human nature. Like my own shit. I should be in Costa Rica, like Alex is, running a farm overlooking the best waves I’ve ever seen. Why am I not? irrationality. Stretched out in time, as Alex might say.

    He mentions my ‘cheating gf’ (thanks!). A psychopath, right? I got so obsessed with exposing her (she persuaded my friends and neighbors that I was paranoid [b/c I knew what she was doing], etc.) for what she is that I ended up fucking up my life. It was for a book, i told myself. Now I see the irrational self destructiveness of it. As irrational as thinking JFK faked it. And it lasted for months. And I wasn’t working for the PTB. (You can read the book free on the sidebar.)

    We all have a side to us that makes no sense of the world. gotta go.(DT, he’s dirty, tho.)

    • Spondive
      May 15, 2022 at 4:44 pm

      Simon shack says space x is fake

  13. May 15, 2022 at 3:09 pm

    I only have about an hour before I have to be on the road (or I’ll be charged $ for another night at the lake), so I will be brief and will have to refer to the work of others.

    This guy (?) Doubting Thomas is a mole-Troll here to misdirect us and divide us. 95% sure. He sounds reasonable if you don’t think about what he says, etc. Reading his rap he might as well BE Miles Mathis, who I assume you know is a major psy op (probably out of Tavistock). See my Open Letters please. Here is his argument in brief:

    ‘If AW is not able to provide a lucid argument for his belief that JFK was actually assassinated, then I’ve made my point.’ (end quote)

    That’s it, right? The rest is fluff. If you are interested in this subject then there are books I have recommended, plus the Hankey video. BTW, DT does not even mention the Hankey video altho I have repeated MANY times that it’s a piece of proof that the major assassinations were not faked and I have asked him to explain the video if Jr. faked it.

    No response. Okay. DT: if you don’t deal with this I am going to delete your shit. Censorship? No. A rule of logic.

    He refuses to deal with the info in the video b/c he KNOWS that the info would make no sense at all if Jr. and his wife and sis-in-law faked the crash. (Why bring sis along? Another loose end that could fuck it all up by getting bored in Tahiti or wherever.)

    None of the many excellent books on the JFK assassination (maybe 10 that I have read) would make sense if it was faked. You all agree with this, right?

    I am not ‘appealing to authority’ when I point you all at these books. I am appealing to the REFERENCED material in these books.

    The motive for DT and MM and now Alex del Sol (I don’t remember him from Pavones, btw) is simple and obvious. This exchange we’re having and this comment I am making… this is the motive. Distract and divide. I hope you all see that.

    (By the way, the ‘faked assassinations’ theory is a classic house of cards. If one of the biggies (any Kennedy, MLK, and a few others) are ‘real,’ poof goes the theory. Pretty much. I bring it up b/c I should mention the work of William Pepper, three books I think on MLK. All referenced and none of which would make sense if it was a fake. So Pepper, Lane, Douglass, all of them, many more, they are all in on these fakes. Otherwise during their in depth investigations they would have seen the fakery for what it is.

    I feel stupid even writing this. It’s right up there with flat earth. Really is.

    This topic can be seen as another litmus test re ‘Is someone a disinfo agent’? I tend to give BM a break here, although I have to have doubts about him (?) now. I have to ask how a smart and literate person who has been here a while could say what he has said. It’s discouraging. But we’ll see. If he doesn’t apparently see how ridiculous his ‘I tend to think assassinations (the Kennedys, MLK, etc.) are faked’ are, then there is some sort of problem with him/her. That’s just the way it is. IMO.

    I have to go but I am hoping we CAN move on. Although this issue is interesting on the level of disinfo/misdirection methods and who is dirty, there is a limit about how much of our time we should dedicate to it.

    • DoubtingThomas
      May 20, 2022 at 5:33 pm

      AW: I asked three times that you all deal with the Hankey video re a faked JFK assassination. The first time was on May 16. Here is the end of it:

      To prove this, let us look once again at Jr.’s “death”. This time we have no photos and no film, but we do have a mass of anomalies and lies and impossibilities. We have a cover-up of something, and once again the most logical thing to assume, given the place and form and other players in the cover- up, is that the death was faked by the Kennedys themselves.’ (end quote)

      Now view Hankey’s video, linked above. Maybe ask yourself why MM doesn’t debunk it, since it destroys his whole Kennedy Grand Deception World View.

      Come on now, go ahead, do it. You might learn something.

      Back? Are you starting to get the picture? No? Well then, I suggest you go somewhere else. Unless commenting here is your JOB or something. AT any rate, if you are going to go on and on here and waste my subscribers’ time, you first have to deal with the Hankey video (the info in it) and explain why MM does not mention Mary’s Mosaic…. or JFK and the Unspeakable, or any of Bill Pepper’s books or LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK Assassination and on and on and on. (Oh, and re Jr., explain why he brought his wife’s sister along…. but I’ve already asked that. So much stuff….)

      I asked twice more (at least) and none of you MM fanboys (or whatever) did as I asked. My blog, my rules. So after a few days of peace on the road I am ending this BS by deleting comments that do not deal with the facts I have showed you (Hankey video).

    • DoubtingThomas
      May 20, 2022 at 6:35 pm

      >No response. Okay. DT: if you don’t deal with this I am going to delete your shit. Censorship? No. A rule of logic.

      Sorry, I don’t spend all my time reading your blog. You’re deleting my comments because they strike a nerve with you that you can’t paper over with bullshit.


      I’m asking a very relevant question to your assertion that the JFK presidency/assassination was a legitimate coup de tat. Are you going to tell me JFK wasn’t in on the nuke joke? Well then he was a shitty leader, wasn’t he? If he was in on the joke, why wouldn’t I think he was a puppet?

      You can’t have it both ways.

      Better to resort to outright deleting my posts for asking questions that go against your narrative. There’s a reason MM doesn’t allow comments and now you’re threatening to selectively curate the comment section. You get the most flak when you’re over the target.

      • May 20, 2022 at 10:24 pm

        As I have said MANY times, I DON’T KNOW IF NUKES ARE REAL OR FAKED and yes, i’s very possible that JFK didn’t know if they are fake. He was not part of the PTB. What’s your problem?

        The Civil War was so long ago that we don’t and can’t know what happened. JFK is very different, given the media and the living (then killed) witnesses. Wake up, please.

        Good point about no comments on MM. Talk about censorship. Also, he has LIED about me. Period. Don’t expect replies from here on out unless you say something of value, whether it agrees with me or not. Have I deleted you? No.

        • DoubtingThomas
          May 21, 2022 at 5:26 pm

          And I’ve said I don’t know if JFK was actually assassinated though evidently I’m not allowed to sit on that fence on your blog.

          Your last post leaned heavily towards acknowledging nukes are fake. MM did a brilliant job of pointing out the bs with nukes in the trinity and bikini papers. Sure “he’s” a team and they put out a lot of disinfo but you forget propaganda only works if it contains at least some kernel of truth. His bikini paper alone pointed out so many inconsistencies with the official story (including plenty of anomalous photos) it was a no brainer for me to KNOW it didn’t happen as portrayed. If they fake one test why should we believe any of it is real? BTW there are many people on the net talking about nukes being fake without citing MM. Take a look sometime.

          If, as you’ve also suggested, somebody or something created this place (based on the supposed size of the near perfect order of magnitude difference between the sun and the moon), why would anyone adhere to events being “real” or “fake”. A simulation can be fucked with at any time. Maybe what was real yesterday is fake today via the Mandela Effect. NASA obviously lies to us daily; why trust one aspect of the media/government/mighty wurlitzer and not another? You point out inconsistencies in our world and then you get pissed when someone runs with it. I don’t get it unless you’re steering people to come to only approved conclusions (approved by you). Try to see it from the perspective of someone who reads your blog, thinks about what you present and tries to integrate it.

          One final note: G. Orwell wasn’t pointing to the future in 1984 – he was discussing things as they were at the time he wrote it. The NWO is already here. They don’t need or want an overt single world government because then they have no dialectic left to play with. Their ritual magic only works on the collective consciousness when they have “sides” or “competing forces” to play with, even if they’re all bullshit.

          P.S. Off to watch the video you mentioned. Maybe I’ll have a come to Jesus moment. (Or AW as the case may be).

          • DSKlausler
            May 23, 2022 at 11:33 am

            “A simulation can be fucked with at any time. Maybe what was real yesterday is fake today via the Mandela Effect.”


            Even further: your simulation may differ from mine.

        • DoubtingThomas
          May 21, 2022 at 6:01 pm

          The only video I found by John Hankey is all about JFK Jr.’s death. Can you provide a link since I thought we were discussing JFK’s death.

      • May 20, 2022 at 10:28 pm

        Btw, I asked SEVERAL TIMES that you deal with Hankey’s video before blabbing on about JFK faking it. You haven’t done so. Now I am serious. You will be deleted if you don’t start with Hankey’s video. Unreasonable? How?

        • May 20, 2022 at 10:32 pm

          And I’ll add this: MM says there is no corpse. I assume you agree. If so, what about the doctors at Parkland. Unbelievably, MM doesn’t mention them, or the death certificate signed by JFK’s doctor, Buckley. Explain this also, up front, before you start blabbing.

          • May 20, 2022 at 10:35 pm

            And a motive. No motive. Even MM (the team) can’t come up with one. Do you know how stupid you sound to anyone who has actually looked into this?

        • DoubtingThomas
          May 21, 2022 at 6:25 pm

          AW: This one deals with the Hankey video first so I’ll leave it. But ‘no evidence’? Are you serious? Wow.

          Anyway, we are moving on.

          I watched it though the topic of discussion was JFK’s death, not JFK Jr so I’m not sure why you’re conflating the two.

          Frankly Hankey makes a LOT of assertions but provides almost zero evidence. If this is the kind of thing that sways you, I don’t know what to say.

          JFK Jr’s important work was to produce George magazine? I read it and it wasn’t earth shattering.

          Nazi’s in the US ordered Hitler around? OK let’s say that’s true. How the hell did JFK become president if the American Nazi’s had enough power to completely control WW2 right down to telling Hitler what to do? You’d think they would be able to fix something as trivial as a presidential election if they masterminded both sides of WW2, right? To paraphrase one of your comments, do you realize how stupid you sound?

          Anyway we agree to disagree. Delete my comments if you’d like. It’s right up there with MM not allowing comments. Your blog, your rules but anyone with an ounce of sense will realize what’s really going on here. Twitter, Facebook, Google and now AW. Hmmm.

  14. May 14, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    Regarding Junior’s faked death, the actual evidence — including photos of him and his wife IN THE HANGAR of his plane’s wreckage posing as FAA agents (quite a hilarious stunt lol!!) — points to it being totally faked. The plane DID crash, was blown to smithereens…but no bodies were found (closed casket, just like with JFK Sr. — pretty obvious they weren’t in those boxes, duh — and a ‘burial at sea’ for Jr., far away from public scrutiny), nor their dog which ALWAYS traveled with them – except for that particular final night (and was mysteriously picked up two weeks later from their friend’s house, never to be seen again 😉 ).
    I am the official Editor (English version) and Western Representative of the future famous book **’BETRAYAL OF A LEGEND – JFK 1963-1985: A Conspiracy Of Treason’** (suppressed by BOTH ‘sides’ of this ongoing Propaganda War – the ‘spooks’ AND the ‘truthers’ — that the Clowns In America have already lost), with over 500 documented references and a massive list of real-world names (used in the book, including the CIA Director McCone and the main Spanish-speaking agent involved in the post-event propaganda program (when the term ‘conspiracy theory’ was actually invented btw, to shame and ostracize anyone who ‘dared’ to question the Official Narrative and speak up about their doubts), it’s almost pure non-fiction disguised as a ‘spy novel’ 😉 ), shows how JFK definitely did NOT die in 1963. Whether or not he faked his death, or was injured and simply ‘removed from Office’ by the PTW (they ‘were’, no longer ‘are’, in power btw 🙂 ), is immaterial. He survived till AT LEAST 1985. His brothers idk, equally immaterial.
    Since the ENTIRE PATRIOT MOVEMENT and ‘The Plan To Save The World’ has been based on the events of November 1963, this is a SERIOUSLY pivotal Major Geopolitical Issue!! And definitely NOT one that should be ‘argued’ about only in blogs. If anyone out there — spooks or not (and I’ve known a few btw, including possibly Alan himself, who I met with personally when he lived here in Costa Rica, went to his house, met his crazy cheating gf and their pack of dogs… if he is one, he’s a way cool surfing one hehe! — who would like to learn more, get the book (on Or contact me directly. I’ve been at this ‘Deep State Exposé’ thing for almost as long as Alan and, due to my business activieies in CR (and other reasons) have run across, done business with, and socialized with *scores* of ‘suspicious characters’ and ‘elites’ . . . and had deep, penetrating, private conversations with many of them. They’re not ALL rotten to the core, thank the Omniverse!
    I’m on Telegram, have a Channel for the book: No worries, guys! I KNOW how heavily I’m ‘monitored’ by ALL these ‘spooks’ haha. It’s kinda fun when you accept it, adjust/expand your perspective a bit, and learn to ‘surf’ those waves of deception, manipulation, and narcissistic sociopath BS that get thrown at you by the disingenuous cretins 😀 Let alone the freakin’ shadow banning, and cancelation of your Twitbrain accounts :-/ But anyway, ‘Shall we play a Game??’

    • May 14, 2022 at 7:38 pm

      Can I get a copy of the book, pdf will do, and maybe see some evidence?

    • May 14, 2022 at 7:47 pm

      When I asked MM for a motive for all these faked assassinations he had none. Can you do better? A motive for JR, his wife, and sis in law having to disappear forever?

      • bmseattle
        May 14, 2022 at 11:29 pm

        MM’s guess at a motive was the whole “ruling for generations behind the scenes” stuff… which is not convincing. (classic LH, right? Present the “truth”, then destroy credibility by finishing up with an over the top, unsubstantiated speculation)

        the motive to fake assassinations, rather than actually killing people seems obvious… That is, to create the same response from the public and elicit the same emotional response that an actual murder would elicit… without actually having to kill anyone.

        So… if “all the world is a stage” and anyone pushed in the media and geopolitics is an actor of some sort, or to put it simply… “in on it”. then it’s reasonable to think that some of them would (either by choice or appointed role) be fake assassinated and then be free to back out of public life and live in peace somewhere.

        Clearly the JFK (and to a lesser extent, RFK and JFK jr’s) murder(s), were seminal moments that had huge societal and political ramifications.
        JFK could have been killed in any number of ways, but this event was meant to be a Television/media event… to elicit the greatest emotional response possible to the greatest number of people.

        Like so much of the evidence that is given to us after these kinds of generational tragedies, the evidence that they present is contradictory, and often ridiculous.
        It intentionally confuses the audience and leads to all sorts of counter theories and speculation of “motives”.

        Guessing at “motives” is interesting… but ultimately it is trying to get in the brain of people who plan shit out decades in advance and likely have all sorts of reasons for pulling the crap they pull.
        Asking someone to come up with a convincing motive (the implication being that if they can’t give you what you consider a convincing motive , you disregard their perspective), isn’t really a strong counter argument.
        It’s like asking…”How could everyone have kept it secret?”
        Ultimately, knowing or guessing at a motive is a separate issue from “what actually happened”.

        As to people disappearing forever.
        Putting aside that the average person isn’t very observant and is terrible at recognizing people out of context… it’s not like JFK jr. is popping into the local Walmart or Whole Foods. *If* they are still alive, there are lots of places that they could go to disappear from mainstream society and never be recognized. Or maybe they are recognized every so often… it’s easy to kookify those Jim Morrison types of sightings.

        Anyway, I tend to think the assassinations were faked. That is based on the mainstream videos, pictures, and narratives we have all been given.
        Obviously I can’t know the truth, and I’m not emotionally tied to either narrative being true.
        The fact that the “alternative to the mainstream story” is that he was murdered, yes… but just by someone else” seems like just another controlled narrative that achieves the same goal as the mainstream narrative…of creating massive amounts of fear, sadness and helplessness because of the tragic death of an American Icon.

        • May 14, 2022 at 11:40 pm

          I disagree. Motive, aka cui Bono is everything, especially when it means your life is OVER. Hey honey, do you and your sister mind never seeing friends again, ever, and for no logical reason. Frankly, this sort of ‘everything is fake’ is a means of ultimate misdirection. That so many buy MM’s utter crapola is proof that it works, unfortunately. The ultimate ‘truther smugness’ engenders a feeling of superiority. Meanwhile, things get worse and worse.

          Hey, you believe Madagascar exists? You do? Why? The media? Fool!

          • bmseattle
            May 14, 2022 at 11:55 pm

            Sure, knowing a motive is ideal… but do you agree that we ultimately can’t *know* the motive, and can only speculate?

            Do you think that it is necessary to have a convincing motive before interpreting presented evidence as “fake”?

            In any case, I did present a motive to you that *could* be possible… whether you think it likely or not.

            If the ultimate goal wasn’t to actually kill JFK, but to elicit a response to a perceived death, then it’s not difficult to come up with some motives. I mean, the event *still* effects people very strongly.

            And, just to be clear, I agree with you that MM’s thoughts on motives and conclusions are beyond the pale. To me, it reads as classic LH. What better way to discredit the theory that JFK’s death was faked than to finish his paper the way he did. It’s utterly ridiculous and speculative.

          • May 15, 2022 at 1:42 am

            Why the fuck would kennedy or anyone agree with these haibrained schemes? Dallas was faked? Have you pictured how that would actually WORK? Try reading JFK and the Unspeakable. Have you done that? Or any of Mark Lanes books. Listened to JFK’s peace speech? Or… the list is endless. There’s this aspect called Context.

            And I will say it one more time: if you can’t imagine an actual motive (for the people who disappear), then the theory makes no sense. This is aside from the logistics of pulling off a show like that in front of a crowd, JFKs brains flying out of his head. They all in on it? Think what you want but maybe move on. (Does anyone see why I get discouraged? He’s been here a while….where is the critical thinking?)

          • bmseattle
            May 15, 2022 at 2:01 am

            There are many reasons why Kennedy or someone in his position would “agree” to these schemes.
            You can’t imagine a scenario where someone would feel compelled to go along with something that people in power want from them?
            Do you think that it is possible for someone to become “President” and to be autonomous and free to act out in some sort of “rebellious” way?

            (I have read JFK and the Unspeakable, but not Lane’s book)

            Effectively, your argument is “no way could they pull it off… too many people would be in on it”… and “why would they do it?”

            And now you are pissed at me and losing your temper. (sorry, getting discouraged)

            I’m not sure what you mean by “move on”, but I guess you mean quit commenting here?
            I don’t comment often, and I try to be polite when I do, but sure… I’ll stop if you are asking me to.

        • May 15, 2022 at 1:50 am

          I asked if you viewed Hankey’s video. What more would you need re JFK jr.? You know how much Hankey put into that to show you some truth?

        • May 15, 2022 at 2:31 pm

          Sorry about the ‘move on’ stuff. I do overreact. Look, we know MM is a psy op, right? Can we start with that? It’s an important point.

          Have you made a list of the people who are really in hiding?

          Let’s work this out. It appears that the only motive you have speculated on is by faking it they ‘don’t have to kill anyone.’ Right. Why would they have a problem killing someone? A moral problem? Seriously.

          You’ve read Unspeakable, right? Do you think Douglas make it all up? Probably not, right? (Also read Mary’s Mosaic’ please.) Point being, do you think JFK would agree to disappear and let LBJ (whom he hated) kill millions in SE Asia (including my childhood best friend)?

          • May 15, 2022 at 2:35 pm

            For the third (?) time: What about Hankey’s video? Do you see how (assuming Hankey didn’t make it up) that destroys the JFK Jr. faking it theory?

            Do you believe MLK was an FBI agent who faked his death?

            Do you see how Occam’s Razor applies in this matter?

    • May 14, 2022 at 8:54 pm

      One last request. Respond, please, to Hankey’s video re the plane crash.

  15. Jean-François Aubry
    May 14, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    My suspision about RFK junior is base more on his behaviour. A kind of soft agent provocateur. I mean he raise legitimate doubt on vax, but seem to participate in some astroturfing scheme. Because he totaly disapear from the radar for long period of time. He’s broken voice is also a sign for me. In the same order of idea i found out that the 3 celebrities, in the Quebec society, wich were involve in pedo or juvenil prostitution activities, have all the same way to speech, their voice debit were very fast but with some, sheep like, trembling…

    And for the Kennedy in general they fall in the grey zone, JFK and RK sound trustworthy and prouve in many action their genuine open minded spirit, and pursuit of justice. But in a other hand the father had some relation witht the mob (Frank Costello).

    Finaly i wonder if Joseph Patrick. Kennedy Jr was not the first Kennedy assassination. I mean really unlucky this Patrick.
    “On August 12, Kennedy and his co-pilot Willy flew a BQ-8 “robot” aircraft (a converted B-24 Liberator) for the Navy’s first Aphrodite mission. Initially, two Lockheed Ventura mother planes and a Boeing B-17 navigation plane took off from RAF Fersfield, Norfolk, England at 1800 on Saturday, August 12, 1944. Then the BQ-8 aircraft, loaded with 21,170 lb (9,600 kg) of Torpex explosive, took off to be used against the U-boat pens at Heligoland in the North Sea. Following them in a USAAF F-8 Mosquito to film the mission were pilot Lt. Robert A. Tunnel and combat cameraman Lt. David J. McCarthy, who filmed the event from the perspex nose of the aircraft.[13] As planned, Kennedy and Willy remained aboard as the BQ-8 completed its first remote-controlled turn at 2,000 ft (610 m) near the North Sea coast. Kennedy and Willy removed the safety pin, arming the explosive package, and Kennedy radioed the agreed code Spade Flush, his last known words. Two minutes later and well before the planned crew bailout, near RAF Manston, the Torpex explosive detonated prematurely and destroyed the Liberator, killing Kennedy and Willy instantly. Wreckage landed near the village of Blythburgh in Suffolk,”

    • May 14, 2022 at 2:23 pm

      I’ve read the story of Joe K and don’t know what to say. I mean what is the point? What would be the motive for faking HIS death. nonsense, right?

      • Jean-François Aubry
        May 14, 2022 at 7:19 pm

        Yep none sense…but I more and more convice that some people can read in the futur and know perfectly the past. I mean in the hindu religion their no really notion of time specialy regarding divinities wich make sense because they are eternal. About Patrick im sure he die in his mission but I wonder if the people/entities wich knew that JFK will be President did’nt plan to kill his older brother…You know if somebody kill my lil brother I will do all in my power to get this/those MF….it is normal to be more protective about younger member of the family because you saw them in all the stage of their life.

  16. Dave Clark
    May 14, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    For me, the most most valuable takeaway from Douglass’ book on JFK is how it reignited a feeling I had – and in fact the world had – during his presidency. I was 6 and 7, 8 when he was killed, yet even at that age there existed in me a spirit of hope, fairness, possibility (of peace) and a real sense that humanity was moving toward solutions that would benefit all of us. As an 8 yr old I think these ideas came to me via, not only the zeitgeist, but my parents, neighbours, other adults that felt it too and expressed those feelings in the way they lived. Call it a spirit, but it was there. Douglass’ thorough dismantling of the personal and clandestine letter exchanges between JFK and Khrushchev is the means through which the book helped me to feel those feelings again – because two real leaders, honest men, not perfect men, understood the peril associated with continued aggression and hegemonic avarice.
    Contrast that sort of leadership with today and it seems hopeless. Worse than hopeless.
    The cynical politicization of the hippy movement that followed JFK’s murder cashed in on that already dead spirit. I further consider the ensuing social/political chaos created by media manipulation over decades – now in chaotic splendour – and it makes me realize that what that 8 yr old me knew and felt cannot possibly be known by today’s crop of children. It’s sad. It’s beyond sad. Thanks Allen cuz your work really is important.

    • May 14, 2022 at 2:27 pm

      Yes, the sentiments you feel surfaced in me too — and a bit of a retreat of my cynicism — from Douglass’ book. The one negative is I contacted Douglass after seeing Hankey’s video and asked why he was silent on this new incarnation of the Unspeakable (which Jr.’s murder surely was) and heard nothing back from him. I know he read my email…. is a bit of my cynicism returned.

  17. Ea
    May 14, 2022 at 1:31 am

    the Miles committee does discuss John junior’s plane accident/incident, on p51 of the current version of ‘the HIdden KIng(s)’, orig. 2007.

    • May 14, 2022 at 2:25 am

      Please define ‘discuss.’ I don’t recall anything about the evidence of murder or J Hankey’s video.

      • Ea
        May 14, 2022 at 10:55 am

        No, Hankey is not there; so he does / they do not ‘discuss’ the matter thorough-goingly.

        i was correcting the statement that the MM team doesnt point at the plane death “as another way for the Kennedy’s to rule the world by telephone” (paragraph 5) — not providing, as you request (paragraph 6), an instance of MM mentioning Hankey, which i think no one could do.

        is this gnit-picking? Probably. i can’t get along with anybody.

        • May 14, 2022 at 2:29 pm

          No, your point is well taken: I just don’t like to spend time on MM’s site checking shit. gives me the creeps. I’m sure someone will correct me if I am seriously wrong about anything.

  18. DoubtingThomas
    May 13, 2022 at 8:01 pm

    I should have read your entire post but I can’t because I’m laughing at how wrong you got everything I said. This one is a gem:

    Let’s think about this. He’s denying that MM is a disinfo psy op, using the issue of the JFK assassination as an important reason why I’m dirty and MM is clean.

    I literally started my post by saying MM may be a limited hangout. I closed it with I think both AW and MM are limited hangouts. You completely twisted what I said. I challenge anyone reading this (if it gets through moderation) to go back and read my comments in the previous post for proof AW is either unable to comprehend what he reads or is so reactive that his anger filter turns everything to shit by the time it reaches the logical processing module in his brain.

    • May 14, 2022 at 3:16 pm

      Here’s your comment that pushed my button:

      ‘You push the notion that the Kennedy’s (especially JFK) were actually assassinated. The JFK assassination is a major theme of your Water Time movie. Why should anyone trust you aren’t also a limited hangout? You’ve had business with Hollywood (spook central) and you smuggled drugs in your younger years (but were never caught).’ (end quote)

      All the actual evidence points to the fact that JFK/RFK/JFK Jr., plus MLK and others (who MM says faked it) were in fact assassinated by the PTB. The assassination of JFK in fact was a MAJOR turning point in our history, and in the history of our species. THAT is why I bring it up. The idea that this is NLP on my part is a tell that you are a lying sack of shit, or an idiot, whatever.

      Anyone backing up MM on his absurd claims (on all the faked assassinations and the Kennedy Deception) is either a moron or a troll/mole. That’s my view. And bringing up my past as if it means I am a spook is likewise a MM sort of move that I don’t care for: It’s further evidence of either a mental problem or dishonesty. You’ve obviously seen enough of my work that you should know this is bullshit.

      JFK WAS assassinated. Read the books, the documents and the history they cannot hide, look at the context. Why no mention of his peace speech? Why no mention of his son being assassinated by the Bushes? Are these matters of no importance to you or are you just trying to distract readers and me?

      I am dirty b/c I bring up the JFK assassination? This is actually your view? How am I supposed to react, especially given Water Time (years of work). How about some facts? How did I get it wrong in WT, all the evidence that JFK was murdered for this turn to peace? What the fuck is wrong with you?

      It also makes no sense that both MM and me are psy ops, for the reason I give. Why would I expose a fellow agent with my detailed Open Letters to him if I was dirty? Makes no sense. You say MAYBE MM is limited hangout. No maybe about it, as anyone who is so familiar with my work should know. He hooks us with his Manson expose then tells us MLK was working with the FBI and so on and on and on. How dumb could you be not to get what’s going on with this? why not tell me how my Open Letters (to him and Corbett) are wrong?

      Did you view Hankey’s exposé? Why no mention of that? Do you believe Jr. faked the plane crash? MM SHOULD be saying this, given his Grand Kennedy Conspiracy. You are obviously NOT a moron so my claim that YOU are dirty is only logic. Or maybe you ARE a hopeless MM fanboy. I dunno.

      This back and forth of ours is not fun, but I hope my readers get a bit of insight out of it. Whatever you are, you are not displaying any insight and you are writing nonsense meant to distract from the truth. Why you are doing this I cannot know. I’ll leave it at that.

      I have to keep okaying your comments, which I should not have to do after okaying the first one. I may not always be able to do this. Be advised. I don’t know what the problem is.

  19. May 13, 2022 at 6:18 pm

    One other thing. If we need more evidence that we can’t trust RFK, Jr., it’s the fact that he has never mentioned this murder (another ‘Jr.’ family member). It’s not possible that he never came across the Hankey film, let alone figure out for himself the evidence Hankey uncovered.

    • DoubtingThomas
      May 13, 2022 at 7:54 pm

      Wow, I got my own write up. I’m honored.

      One point of correction: I didn’t bring up your photography. I think it was Brett that did (go back and read the comment section). I responded to Brett by asking what bearing your photography has on anything. Reading comprehension is important before going off half cocked.

      Oh one other thing. I absolutely never accused you of being a disinfo agent. I raised it as a possibility.

      “MM may be a limited hangout but then so might AW.”

      I used the criteria you use against others to ASK if you might also be a disinfo agent. Is that not fair game in your world? Are you above being questioned? Is it a case of not wanting to be hung by your own petard? (I don’t even know what a petard is, lol).

      My post was hardly an attack on you. I outright stated I believe MM is a limited hangout. That’s not something team MM would do is it? Or are you going to accuse me of using multi layered psyopery now?

      Last time I checked, my post that pointed out you push the JFK assassination using the same repetitive NLP technique you accused James Corbet of using regarding planes hitting the twin towers never made it through moderation. Why is that?

      Noticing you use the same patterns as those you call disinfo agents is what? Proof I’m a shill? Proof I’m paying attention? Proof that you are thin skinned because you get so DEFENSIVE about it?

      Do you want dumb asses reading your blog or people who actually think?

      P.S. You never acknowledged my e-mail address is legit in the last series of posts. I guess I didn’t jump fast enough for you. I notice you did threaten to delete my posts though. Again how thin is your skin?

      • May 14, 2022 at 3:26 pm

        Here it is again, your words:

        ‘Last time I checked, my post that pointed out you push the JFK assassination using the same repetitive NLP technique you accused James Corbet of using regarding planes hitting the twin towers never made it through moderation. Why is that?’

        See my first reply. One more time: The JFK assassination was THE MAJOR TURNING POINT in our recent history. That MM AND YOU try to distract us from this is evidence of dishonesty/psyopery. Big time evidence. True, I do not react well to this sort of dishonesty. Okay? You wanted to push my buttons (knowing my best childhood friend died b/c of JFK’s death?) and you did. Congrats.

        • DoubtingThomas
          May 15, 2022 at 4:56 am

          “See my first reply. One more time: The JFK assassination was THE MAJOR TURNING POINT in our recent history. That MM AND YOU try to distract us from this is evidence of dishonesty/psyopery. Big time evidence. True, I do not react well to this sort of dishonesty. Okay? You wanted to push my buttons (knowing my best childhood friend died b/c of JFK’s death?) and you did. Congrats.”

          An appeal to heartstrings is bullshit. You’re not the only one who was negatively affected by Vietnam and to blame me for aggravating you because you’re friend died in Vietnam is an appeal to pity.

          The idea that everything changed “in our recent history” is also bullshit. Ever heard of WW2, WW1, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the Civil War, blah, blah, blah? You make flawed and fallacious arguments while expecting to be taken seriously.

          That’s why I posited that you might be a disinfo agent. You keep harping on the JFK assassination as though it’s the only thing that matters in (recent) history while pushing the narrative that it was real. Why focus on “recent” history? The PTB have been putting their puppets in public facing positions for centuries if not millennium but somehow the early 1960’s was THE pivotal moment that changed the world? As Joe would say, c’mon man.

          Do I know if the JFK assassination was real or not 100%? Of course not. But then neither do you and that’s the point. You can say it happened until you’re blue in the face but that doesn’t make it true. For somebody who seems to be good at un-ravelling logical fallacies you somehow lost your critical thinking abilities with this event.

          Here’ another conundrum. You’ve publicly stated you think nukes may be fake. So why did JFK put the world through the Cuban Missile Crisis if that’s the case? What was JFK up to? He either played his part in the kabuki theater called world politics or he almost blew the world to hell for no good reason (the Soviet Union gained little to no advantage by having nukes in Cuba as many think tanks have subsequently acknowledged – the US would have been able to launch an effective counter strike regardless of the proximity of nukes between the US and Cuba).

          So it’s one or the other. Either JFK was a fraud or he nearly blew the earth to hell for no good reason. Not much of a hero. Also since you’ve shown the moon shot was bullshit, who was it that said we’d put a man on the moon before the decade was out?

          Politics is theater, that’s it. Fake elections, fake assassinations, fake everything. Trump is proof of that as is Biden.

          If this is let through moderation, go ahead and hit me with your best fallacy be it ad hominem, appeal to emotion or whatever else you have.

      • May 14, 2022 at 11:49 pm

        YOU came here ONLY to lambast & attack Allan and his fine blog, and you know it.

        I mentioned Allan’s (fantastic – it doesn’t get better!) photography, and many of his photo’s (just a fraction of his 1000’s) plastered on his rig.
        Only a REAL, genuine person WHO LOVES HIS COUNTRY & fellow man would do that.

        This blog of Allan’s is a REAL blog, created by a COOL Artist & THINKER, and a real nice human being, who isn’t afraid to tell us what he has unearthed.
        Allan is “over the targets” – and that is why you tried to distract the readers.

        BTW, MM’S blog SUCKS in comparison, it is also a nothing non-blog in comparison. IMO this is THE BEST blog on the net, and the only one I excitedly look forward to reading every day. Blows Jon Rappaports blog out of the water too.
        WHY? – because the REAL human man, story teller & artist & investigator Allan Weisbecker does it all on his own, complete with fantastic video’s and photography that HE made on his own (pictures are 1000’s of words).
        His storys of his travels and people he meets are STELLA and highly entertaining.
        No Spook can do what Allan does.
        No Spook would love and nurture those cute dogs as well.

        • Ea
          May 15, 2022 at 12:51 am

          Aw, who cares which blog is best. We’re here because we get something out of it. And in a world where an innocent observation can get you snarled at, blogs like this are oases — safe spaces for people who hate safe spaces, so to speak. Anyone who comes just to cause trouble can go fuck themselves off a short pier.

        • DoubtingThomas
          May 15, 2022 at 5:27 am

          Hi Brett. You seem like a nice fella and I admire your defense of AW but this isn’t about putting him on a pedestal denigrating him. I’m questioning things logically – the key word being questioning. I’ve drawn zero conclusions.

          If AW is not able to provide a lucid argument for his belief that JFK was actually assassinated, then I’ve made my point. So far hasn’t done a very good job since he’s falling back on logical fallacies to make his case. To be fair maybe the waters are so murky nobody can ascertain the truth at this late date and that’s OK. Repeatedly insisting that the JFK assassination was real and that everything changed when that happened could be construed as NLP programming – something AW has accused others of.

          BTW I agree that anyone who cares for dogs isn’t a monster. And I do believe AW does care for his dogs. He might just unable to question his paradigm as so many people are. But I take exception to his insistence that he KNOWS what’s what with respect to the JFK assassination. He doesn’t. You don’t and I don’t.

          • May 15, 2022 at 7:09 am

            Explain wife Jackie Kennedy, terrified and crawling out of the back of that limo then. You trying to say she was a blow up doll robot, that was remote controlled or something??….(it was all real Mr!).
            To suggest JFK’s murder was faked is plain NUTS (for many reasons),
            Give us your theory.
            The “remote controlling by phone” – by gentleman JFK is total GARBAGE nonsense. He would flat out REFUSE to do it.

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