The first email I opened this morning asked me what I thought of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. The emailer was obviously well-informed on the subject so I didn’t try to get cute, given my ignorance of all things IT. Still, my answer, in retrospect, was maybe exactly what he needed to hear, and reflected the level upon which I instinctively think about HTWRW. I wrote back:
I can sum up any ‘wisdom’ I might have on the subject with two words… no, wait… three words:
Carrington Event…Overdue.
Which reminds me: Last night I really had a tough time dropping off, then finally woke up… with a feeling of real dread.
I have to back up a bit. As I may have mentioned, I haven’t watched TV since I hit the road around July 4, 2014. None whatsoever. I keep track of developing world events via other means. Then AT&T offered a deal that involved more gigs of fast data and an iPad (rental) for less than I was paying (b/c of my roadie style I access the Net strictly via cell phone).

How’s bitcoin doing now, Jackson? No electricity world-wide. Me, I have some gold and a bag of old silver coins.
Plus – and this would lead to my morning’s dread – the iPad came with an app called ‘Watch TV’: 30 channels of commercial TV plus either HBO or Showtime; the data drain of the latter would not touch my fast data. In other words, unlimited TV.
Now, theoretically, I have less than zero interest in the commercial (broadcast) channels, but being a ‘good story’ buff I was interested in Showtime. The talent involved in long-form story-telling on networks like HBO and Showtime has improved considerably since my H-wood days. Like Showtime’s Homeland. I’d viewed the first 4 seasons via DVD and was curious to see how they’d keep the conceit going (a female CIA operative with severe bipolar disorder).
I’ll soon have more to say about this type of programming (take the word literally), but right now something else is on my mind. CNN. Last night my means of nodding off was to fire up CNN on my new iPad and let it drone. I figured to be gone in 60 seconds (a movie title, right?). Whoa. Not so.
You all are likely aware of what’s going on with Trump, his antics, and the media. As you might remember, before the election I blogged what I thought was the obvious: Trump would be installed as president by the same PTB and for the same reason as Obama, i.e., the toppling of the U.S. as a world power in order to install a world government. Obama would be the set up, Trump the pay off, via the chaos/division he would cause.
I really did think this was obvious; the final proof that the alt media is run by the PTB was their ridiculous meme that Trump’s election was not only not part of a long-range plan, but was some sort of ‘victory of the voters.’ As I said before and which now must be über-obvious: Anyone who backed Trump without serious warnings (Alex Jones anyone? Fetzer?) was under direct orders to do so.
Point being, though, is that I had no idea how far along the plan now has come. Last night I went from eyes half-mast to starkly alert as I noted (via a 4×5 card next to my bunk) that, in less than 10 minutes, Carl Bernstein uttered the following words/phrases in referring to our Commander in Chief:
‘does whatever is necessary to keep the people frightened’…‘creates fear’… ‘appalling deceit’… ‘greatest threat to National Security’ (twice)… ‘deceptions’… ‘not fit to be president’ (twice)…’dictatorial’… ‘impeachment’… ‘unstable’… And so forth. Patti Reagan (Ronnie’s daughter) came on telling us that Trump is a flat out ‘enemy of the people.’
Someone else compared Trump to Hitler and likewise called for impeachment. And on and on it went and it was worse than this even sounds and I was… staggered… that it’s already come so far. I dunno. For you guys, did this… creep up on you or were you completely aware of it?
I recall in In Search of Captain Zero I had a chapter wherein I was in San Jose (Costa Rica) watching television for the first time in a year, likewise CNN droning, me muttering, ‘Has all this been going on without me?’ This was when Clinton was in the White House. Christ, Clinton, the Underboss of Crime Lord H.W. was The Good Old Days!
Speaking of long-form TV, imagine, as a producer, pitching ‘The West Wing’ now. How would that go?
I’m sorry, really sorry, if what I’m saying here is old news to you, but if not: There’s a flat out war going on, folks, a meticulously planned conflict between branches (not factions) of the government and the media and that is meant to end with the destruction of (what remains of) our society. And it really does appear to be coming to a head. I thought it would take longer.
I have to say it again: What’s happening now with the government/media clusterfuck is exactly what they planned, well before Obama. Maybe as far back as 1947.
I should have something to say about the enabled comments and how that’s going but I don’t want to distract you from the above. And, again, I apologize if this is old news. For my own sake I’m wondering how I let myself be so vulnerable, living the way I do. Something snaps or a button pushed and Gus and I could get scooped up just for being on the loose.
A last minute addendum: A portrait of Cuz the Elder, my Rubber Tramp buddy Logan’s pup, who passed away recently. Logan is Gus’s godfather.
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