Sorry for the silence but I’ve been working on the video you will see below. The night I shot the first part of the vid was a wild experience, as you’ll see, and a humbling one. The subject of UFOs, what they are and represent is always on my mind; as you know, I put a lot of time into recording the skies, in the hope that I’ll catch something amazing or revelatory or just aesthetically pleasing, or all of the above. Watch the video, see what you think.

Click to enlarge or go to the next image, a blow up of this one: the instant reversal of direction you see here is ‘impossible.’ I explain in the text. (Click to enlarge)
To answer a question a few of you have asked me: I’m not sure why I haven’t made the follow-up to Water Time, i.e., a film about my current road trip, over five years now in the making. It might be that currently I don’t have a dramatic structure to hang the film on, as was the case with WT — a search for the whys behind the death of my childhood friend, Donnie. I’ve got so much ‘road-story’ imagery it’s ridiculous, and maybe that’s part of the problem: too much stuff!
Too much stuff. Yes, that’s the problem! There are so many subjects that need illumination/clarification, given the degree of deceit we’ve all gown up with, lived with, put up with. Where do we even start? Whatever I might talk about in a film or here on this blog, means something else is not talked about. Remember when 9/11 was so important that all else was more or less put aside? Now, the question is, What will be the next 9/11? And when? A true catastrophe is coming. It just is a matter of what and when.
And what will be the cause of it: Those who seek to cull us useless eaters or Nature herself, either an outburst from the local star or an impact of some space-wandering, mountain-sized chunk of rock and metal? Or mother earth herself, belching up another super-volcano to rid herself of the human virus?
Remember my video exposing Neil deGrasse Tyson’s slip up blurt in saying he has a secret bunker to run to, presumably when the catastrophe arrives? Tyson was referring to the network of deep underground bunkers and even full-blown cities (Deep Underground Military Bunkers, or DUMBs) the PTB have constructed (with our money) for themselves; they have done so in the wake of our ancestors, who found or constructed caves and caverns when past apocalypses rained fire from the heavens, and the seas rose and covered the land. Had they not done that, we as a species would have gone the way of the dinosaurs, no question. It’s all there, written in the rocks and on the rocks, in the form of petroglyphs depicting the ‘plasma instabilities’ that likely killed many of the artists as they worked with ionizing radiation and thunderbolts of the gods. I put several months into visiting petroglyph sites in the Southwest and can tell you how eerie it was thinking about who had etched them and why, and wondering about the fate of the artist. They were a message to me, personally me, and to anyone else who might come across them. ‘Be aware of the world around you!’ was undoubtedly part of the message. So I try.
Of all the pressing subjects clamoring for attention, isn’t the question of who will survive the next cataclysm the biggie? You all do realize that this isn’t a nutcase subject, right? You know what’s going on with the pole shifts right now as I write this. Right? This is another question that few (of the alt, or any, media) talk about.
Truly: Find a theoretically important subject that no one talks about, and you’ll find the subject you should be thinking about. But you might ask ‘What about SuspiciousObservers?’ and their revelations, messages like this one? Good point but SO is among so few who understand what’s coming. And… and I have to tell you that Ben Davidson made me very edgy when he claimed in an interview that the PTB only keep their DUMBs (and the reasons for them) secret because they don’t want to create a panic, and then went further down the road to naivety by saying that those bunkers will save many millions of ‘regular folks’ when the time comes. Maybe Ben expects an invitation to their underground Shangri La, but I’m not holding my breath.

No, IMO it didn’t slow down. It was ‘gone in an instant’ — the following frame was empty sky. Poof! How else could it disappear?
How could someone that smart say something that stupid? I remember hearing his incredible prediction and yelling at my Mac, ‘Yeah, the same bastards who did 9/11 are going to save us all!’ I mean, is Davidson mentally challenged or is he delivering a deceptive message from the bastards? You tell me. It’s one or the other.
The DUMBs — see Richard Sauder’s research — are not there for you and me, that’s for sure: Tyson’s dumb ass blurt tells us that, doesn’t it? ‘I can keep a secret about the bunker I’m gonna run to’ is a surely blackly comic revelation of the first order, isn’t it? And you can tell Rogan was aware of what Tyson was talking about and how it was a classic slip up.
Please, folks, understand that it’s this sort of thing we have to be alert for — they are not going to tell us their plans in any other way. Yes, there’s predictive programming, and a lot of it, but please don’t tell me that slip ups are not what they seem, or ‘Don’t mean anything.’ Look at my video exposing the slip up of flat earther David Weiss, who outright tells us that he (flat earth ‘pundits’) has ‘controllers’ (handlers) with access to millions of dollars. Watch that video then look at the comments (and the number of thumbs down). Yes, they no doubt did damage control with bots and shills bombarding Comments but at least some of those ‘It doesn’t mean anything’s or ‘It’s a joke, you idiot’s were from regular folks who swallow the flat earth psyop. No wonder the PTB have so much contempt for us!
Speaking of deception (which I always do), I’ve been listening to the impeachment hearings with some interest, trying to fathom what’s really going on, and got so turned around in my thinking that I wrote William Engdahl, hoping he could shed some light. Here’s my email:
William didn’t disappoint, and I should have seen it coming: Trump wanted an investigation because Biden and his kid were up to their eyebrows in corruption, billion dollar corruptions. Here’s William’s email:

The point of this one is that while we’re staring mindlessly at a TV or Mac, all kinds of stuff may be happening right over our heads.
Check out that link if you want to know what’s really going on with the Trump impeachment. Briefly, it looks like the dems are covering their own crimes by pointing a finger at Trump, notwithstanding that he misbehaved too (with the quid pro quo). What else is new?
Okay, I’ll get to my UFO video now, but do look at the first two images above (on this blog). This is a single frame and a blow up of same, done with my GoPro, 30 second exposure time (and 800 ISO). The cam was on a one hour 360 degree swivel, which is why the stars are so blurred (they will blur slightly with a 30 second exposure). Here’s the thing: The track of the green-lit object is not blurred, which — combined with the fact that the frames before and after this one were empty sky — indicates that the reversal of direction was much faster than the 30 second exposure time. Is it clear why this is the case? (At any time during the 30 seconds, the object could have whizzed in and out of the frame.)
But even at 30 seconds, you can see that the reversal was almost instantaneous, which is ‘impossible’ due to G forces, which would turn anyone in the craft to pulp. In my video you’ll see several other examples of impossibly fast reversals of direction, including several right angle turns that occur in a second or two. Although we can’t tell the distance to these objects, which equals uncertainty as to their speed through the atmosphere (or higher), I assure you that these objects are not ‘lightning bugs’ or whatever, very close to the camera. In my opinion, the G force issue means that we are looking at something either ‘not from here’ or an advanced technology, via a ‘Secret Space Program’ (SSP).
The other evidence for a SSP is the incredible nerve the PTB have in touting recent ‘space missions,’ especially those of Elon Musk’s Spacex, whose recent highly publicized ‘abort test’ is laughable: What they are doing now was done when I was a kid, over fifty years ago. I assume they are banking on the ages of most people, especially the ‘Gen X’s and ‘Millennials’, who are too young to remember the ‘astronauts’ who have since died of old age, and who did the same ‘tests’ in the early 1960s.
Really incredible. I speak of the contempt they have for our intelligences. Every aspect of technology, other than ‘space travel’, has seen exponential progress in the latter half of the 20th century. Watch Kubrick’s 2001 and realize the advances shown in the film ‘should have happened’ two decades ago. Kubrick/Clarke had NASA’s help in ‘predicting’ the advances for the turn of this century, and both parties (Kubrick/Clarke and NASA) bragged about how ‘accurate’ the film was.

A classic ‘Squatter Man’ petroglyph I came across in Montana, and which is found all over the world. It reps a ‘plasma instability’ in the sky that may have been part of a solar system shake up and cataclysm. You see this in the heavens, head for a cave.
Combine the above observations with the sudden and complete cessation of referrals to anti-gravity research in the late 1950s, which tells me that they had their breakthrough back then: It all went ‘black’ and has stayed black. And, in my opinion, most if not all the SSP pundits are limited hangouts.
Yes, we’ve been to the moon all right (and who knows where else) but not with Apollo. And a SSP explains the Spacex fakery I’ve exposed (in many videos): Why spend the money on a real chemical rocket program when you can fake it for the price of a low budget movie. And indeed, some of Spaces’s FX (special effects) antics are in the order of Plan Nine From Outer Space. (If you are unfamiliar with my Spacex videos, ask in comments and I’ll link you, but here’s my last one, and my second to last one.)
Yes, I’ve said all this before, but given the implications of the deceit, it bears repeating.
As you view the video keep in mind my list of possibly related subjects:
Paranormal Phenomena (which may be related to UFOs)
Star Visibility Anomalies
Historical Anomalies
The ‘Moon Numbers’ (Statistical evidence of a ‘higher power’)
Intelligent Design (I speak of bio-evolution and the ‘fine-tuning’ of the cosmos)
Simulation Theory (SH)
The Mandela Effect
If you’re new to this blog or don’t recall what I mean by any of the above, stay tuned. I’ll get back to these subjects.
Hey, thanks for the several generous contributions lately, especially the ‘Birthday Gift’ one (last Tuesday I turned… Jesus… 72… how did that happen?). I’m actually in the black for this month.

Some wild ass Petros, these from New Mexico. What inspired these odd shapes? They are of unknown age, likely around the time of the last cataclysm.
A last minute addition. William Engdahl just alerted me to how bad the Chinese ‘Flu’ outbreak may be. Here is one of the links he sent me:
Yeah, I forgot to mention a weaponized virus as a possible cause of the next cataclysm… Too much stuff!
Addendum: Someone left an interesting link in the comments to my video, i.e., another case of ‘disappearing’ lights, this right at Area 51, and color of the object reminds me of colors I’ve caught in sky objects. Here’s the link. Obviously, I can’t vouch for its authenticity.
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