A Close Call

What I mean by ‘A Close Call’ is that I almost skipped today, figuring no one would care, then thought about it and realized I’d care. I mean I either do this daily thing or don’t. Come on, bub, stick it out kinda thing.IMG_2341 copy

As mentioned, my routine is to wake up (badly), give my emails a quick look to clear my head, then immediately write whatever is on my mind. Problem was that today a couple emails distracted me and lost a couple hours. One, email, believe it or not, was from Amazon, offering free films. Normally, this would be of no interest because I don’t generally watch films on Amazon (or Netflix); they burn too many gigs. My Net access is via my cell phone and it ain’t cheap. At $175 per, Net access is my biggest monthly buck drain (for which I get 30 gigs of high speed access).

What happened is that one of the movies caught my eye: Oliver Stone’s Snowden. Out of morbid curiosity, rather than firing up Word to write this, I ran the film. (I say ‘morbid’ because I damn well knew what was coming.) In fact, Stone’s film, like the one he did on 9/11, was not so much dishonest, but… irrelevant… the ‘official story’ all the way, with Pointras, Greenwald and co. this century’s Woodward/Bernstein (look into Woodward’s backstory if you think they told the real Watergate story)… If you think Snowden is ‘for real’ do your own research (this post isn’t about that) but I will point out that he publicly supports the official story of 9/11.  (Ditto Julian Assange, as I’ve mentioned before.) Talk about a litmus test.

Scouring the damn Net for some damn thing...Nearly $200 a month...

Scouring the damn Net for some damn thing…Nearly $200 a month…

I wrote a lengthy essay on Snowden for Veterans Today but they took it down (that VT is a LH op is obvious, for many reasons, but as with all LHs, it can also make worthwhile reading.) You can access a bit of it here (someone pasted it). If you want the rest, email me and I’ll send a you a Pdf.

The film gets just a tine under 5 stars with Amazon customers and I’m planning on spending some time today reading their reviews (there’s over 1,000 total), plus probably posting a 1-star opinion for a tiny bit (really tiny) of balance. So I gotta get back get to that. (I do take Amazon reviews seriously and often use them for book purchases.)

The other distracting email was from… wait for it… Jan Irvin… and I’ll tell you… the phrase ‘you could have knocked me over with a feather’ comes to mind. I’ll not paste it here (as I sometimes do with alt media ‘names’); it’s ‘private’ and I do respect that (when it truly is private). Suffice to say that those of you who have emailed me saying ‘Jan has changed’ are apparently correct. Jan asked a favor of me and I’m taking it seriously; thing is, I have a bit of reading and thinking to do before I decide. (I’m sending this link to Jan as an answer to his query. Jan: Give me until tomorrow, okay? Also, Jan, you might take a look at a couple of my recent posts, starting with ‘My Old Friend Joe Atwill’. I’d be interested in your take.)

IMG_8199 copy.JPG gus

So forgive the measliness of today’s offering. I’ll try to do better tomorrow.


I still haven’t heard from Alex Tsakiris and will now send yesterday’s post to him to see if i can provoke a response. Likewise no response from Joe Atwill re yesterday’s post, but what would you expect? At some point ‘they’ all realize that in some instances silence is the best defense. Just shut up and let it blow over kinda thing. Sort of like the Snowden affair (different level, of course) — the NSA is still collecting/archiving everything… the only effect Snowden’s revelations had was per their agenda — scare the hell out of us with the ‘Panopticon Effect’ (look it up).

One more thing: Thanks for all the emails of encouragement…. (On the other hand, see below for one result of yesterday’s post.)

See what I mean about how I'll eventually reach zero? Or is this some weird version of the 'Observer Effect'?

See what I mean about how I’ll eventually reach zero? Or is this some weird version of the ‘Observer Effect’?