A Dash of Lloyd Pye

So far, our friend ‘Jethro’ has been silent. Mmmmm. I guess I asked questions he couldn’t answer. Anyway, the following video is not for him. He seems unable to change his mind in the face of evidence. Some of you may still have doubts that we have been deceived regarding the relationship between homo sapiens and homo Neanderthals, given the ceaseless crapola from mainstream science and the press.

The following is a short clip from Lloyd Pye’s (RIP) podcast, ‘Everything You Know Is Wrong’ (love that title), and is further evidence (the bones) that Neanderthals were nothing like us.

Does the above guy look like he could tear Mike Tyson limb from limb?.

Human. Notice the forehead and smaller eye sockets.

Notice the sloping forehead, no chin, and huge eye sockets.

I had a thought last night. If any of you live near a great body of water (inland), I’m thinking I could sign my houseboat over to you. Right: A free houseboat that I have $18,000 in. You’d have to pay some slip fees ($700) and have it hauled to your area. I can give you the hauler’s info. They were going to charge me $2,200 to Virginia Beach from Smith Mountain Lake, about 180 miles, I think. You do the math.

You’d own it, but I get to use it for one month per year. If you sell it, I get half. Here’s the video of the boat.

Please, no irrelevant questions. It’s all in the video and the Craigslist listing.

I know: I’m nuts. Whaddyargonna do?


  38 comments for “A Dash of Lloyd Pye

  1. Rex in St Louis
    August 21, 2019 at 4:24 am

    Michael Bradley (RIP) had an interesting take on this.

    • August 21, 2019 at 5:53 am

      More irrelevant, blackwash crapola. Is this (truly) anti-semitic garbage the best you guys can come up with?

  2. Todd
    August 20, 2019 at 9:14 pm

    You really made your boat look like home Allan. Sorry that you have to make the choice to abandon it. Are you SURE that there was no other way to get Gus acclimated? Maybe give her a second chance and/or professional dog training?

    As always, best wishes for you.

  3. August 20, 2019 at 8:01 pm

    Allan & friends, check out the most AMAZING motor ever devised >> The Flagella motor…..


    • August 20, 2019 at 8:18 pm

      Some nice detail about the nano world here….it appears every atom is “monitored & guided”…


    • August 20, 2019 at 9:28 pm

      Yes, see Behe’s ‘Darwin’s Black Box’ for how and why undirected mutations can not possibly be behind speciation.

      • Tim
        August 21, 2019 at 8:44 pm

        this not a comment on the post regarding the artist’s rendition of early hominids, just a reply to your comment above

        First of all, a species is a population (or many populations), some with enormous amounts of genetic diversity segregating in the population..especially if the population is large. Speciation can act on standing genetic variation, it does not need to a spontaneous mutation and suddenly, poof!! ..you have a new species. An understanding of population genetics would help.

        I suggest reading Coyne and Orr’s text on speciation…there are many avenues and mechanisms


  4. August 20, 2019 at 5:17 pm

    Our DNA?
    Most of the DNA, in y’all comes from the microflora exchange market. I mean bacteria live on u & in u but mostly in your stank tube. I’ve heard like upwards 60%… No shit? Huh
    How many bacteria in a person? I’ve heard more bacteria then people cells. 10¹⁴ bacteria on u where the average chode has 10¹³ cells.
    Nuts. I forget what I came here to post. Damn
    Cheers anyway!

    • August 20, 2019 at 7:52 pm

      Yep, we are absolutely teaming with (mostly friendly) bacteria – to enable us to exist in the PHYSICAL world ride/experience. EVERY living thing is teaming with bacteria to function – isn’t it.

    • Chris
      August 21, 2019 at 1:49 am

      Yes, try living without that bacteria.

  5. August 20, 2019 at 5:11 pm

    I’ve only got one bar, folks, so it’s tough to say anything. Give me a couple days.

  6. TTM
    August 20, 2019 at 4:30 pm

    Allan, I think you’ve opened a real can of worms here with the Neanderthal DNA issue. I don’t know if you want to go there, but here you go:


    • August 20, 2019 at 9:33 pm

      Someone else linked me to that garbage. It’s called blackwashing and has nothing whatever to do with what I’m talking about here. As it I’ve ‘opened a can or worms.’ Riiight. Who are you, anyway? Remind me of some other comments you’ve made here, please.

      • TTM
        August 21, 2019 at 7:02 pm

        It may or may not be garbage, but it certainly warrants further discussion and study. And it’s directly relevant to what you are talking about, because they screwed us in the past, and they are still doing it now, and we better do something about it before it’s too late. See my point? It’s a huge issue and that’s why I said you opened a can of worms. I thought this was the reason you brought this topic up in the first place, but you talk about Ne-Darwinism instead, which doesn’t make any sense.
        Incidentally, since you mentioned anti-semitism, would you like to clarify your position on this? Is any criticism of jews anti-semitic and bad and shouldn’t be allowed?
        As for me, I’m someone who is interested in HTWRW, just like you. Been reading your blog for half a year now, but have only posted a couple of times, the latest being here:

        • August 21, 2019 at 10:07 pm

          Pu-lease. That link barely rises above phrenology in its reasoning. Show pics of beautiful Aryans next to ‘big nose’ Jews? Christ. This kind of shit blackwashes the real problem — the zionists, which aren’t even all jews.

          Yeah, there’s a lot you can say about jews, but none of it has anything to do with Neanderthals. Stay on subject or stay off comments.

          Here’s how that dumb ass link starts:
          ‘And every true mental revolution merits a mountain of evidence ¦so we begin to see Jews as they are, a prehistoric, throwback and violent race ¦.then becoming a roaming horde of outcasts and criminals, the Habiru (Hebrews) that once plagued the Near East.. a mob whose “religion” is now mere window-dressing for a worldwide life of savagery and crime.’

          No actual evidence or data. Here’s some crapola masquerading as… what?:

          Now, assuming this sort of concentration of Neanderthal DNA in the Caucasus Middle East, that “1 to 4 ³ percent of world population suddenly becomes very significant indeed. It means that the Semitic peoples of the Middle East ” Jews, Arabs and others (like Armenians) ” must, therefore, be substantially Neanderthal. [This doesn’t even make sense]

          If you don’t see how this crap discredits real research…. you’re an idiot or lying. This is a great example of what I say in my next post….

          • TTM
            August 22, 2019 at 4:23 pm

            You avoided my question, and attacked me instead. Why? Is it because you are afraid to deal with the issue I raised? How’s that for someone who claims to know HTWRW, better than anyone?
            Why is it also that you attack people all the time in your comment sections? Not all people are government shills or trolls trying to create confusion. Most people are simply expressing their opinions and trying to talk to you in a civilized manner, only to be rebuffed by you in a rude and obnoxious way. In fact, I think you are likely to be a shill yourself. Either that, or you are a paranoid schizophrenic, suspecting everyone around you to be out to get you.
            Good luck being an asshole to people and raising gas money from them, too. I can better spend my time and money elsewhere.

    • X
      August 20, 2019 at 10:16 pm

      Interesting link TTM, but it’s not a simple race war as DeNugent would have you believe.
      H sapiens is in a battle for survival, and extreme circumstances warrant extreme measures.
      Those talented at control and exploitation are selected to do so, just as are those talented for creativity and innovation. The former cannot survive without the latter, nor can the latter without the former.
      The proposition that there is a race war, a war in which one race would dominate or exterminate the other, is merely one of many useful deceptions/covers.


      • August 21, 2019 at 12:28 am

        If you were correct, it would have to be Lou Cipher doing the “selecting”.

        What they are wanting to do, is make the world one coffee coloured race (as much as possible).
        Trouble is, it causes nothing but Mayhem, Destruction, and Misery.

        • X
          August 21, 2019 at 8:13 am

          Well, Brett, if you know about the light bringer, and those thereby illuminated, then you will understand their motivation to engender gene pool enrichment through miscegenation. It is not homogeneity that is sought, but greater fitness (eugenics) – as one of many strategies to evade, not cause, destruction.

      • August 21, 2019 at 10:09 pm

        See how a dumb, irrelevant comment like TTM’s misdirects to bullshit? Are you two partners here?

        • X
          August 22, 2019 at 7:17 am

          In many forums, the idea that the Apollo landings or Musk’s rocketry were faked would be considered bullshit.
          Everything has to be considered, no matter how incredible. It’s only the impossible that can be eliminated, e.g. flat Earth, Mandela effect, aliens, etc.
          Given you are already aware of how much deception exists, have you yet developed any theories as to why?

  7. August 20, 2019 at 1:47 pm

    Love the poster in the head! If I had coin, I’d buy your boat just for that alone! And Gus is adorable times a gazillion.

  8. frank
    August 20, 2019 at 8:29 am

    I like your excurses in different field of knowledge (and pseudo-knowledge). This is why I’m here. And I enjoy the Neandertal articles.
    BTW, the mentioned Lloy Pye was military intelligence, as even Wackopedia admits. I know he is not the topic here, but one might suspect (I do) his “starchild skull” stunt was a intelligence operation. Which suggests this field is infiltrated by Mockingbird trolls as well, and for decades.

    • August 20, 2019 at 9:34 pm

      I haven’t heard that about Lloyd. What’s your best link to that info?

      • frank
        August 21, 2019 at 8:00 am

        The wikipedia page of Lloyd Pye: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Pye
        It says: “He graduated in 1968 with a B.S. in psychology and joined the United States Army as a military intelligence specialist. He later lived in Pensacola, Florida.[16][21]”
        Wouldn’t you find that … hmmm … suspicious ?

        Not that I view wikipedia as a trustworthy source of information, euphemistically speaking. But it is a kind of in-your-face brazenness, isn’t it ?

        • August 21, 2019 at 4:09 pm

          That’s it? He was in military intel? I think we need more than that to brand him a mole. The Star Child skull likely wasn’t what he thought it was but he died before all the evidence was in. Sure looked real to me, for a long time. It still may have been real (alien or hybrid) for all I know. We will never know, I suspect. Any ‘evidence’, DNA or otherwise, could very well be bogus.

          What motive would the PTB have to fake alien evidence? The way the whole thing went, you can’t tell what was going on. The usual misdirection, either way.

        • August 21, 2019 at 7:17 pm

          Bill Cooper was ex military, there are quite a number of whistle blowers who are ex military, including that guy Dean, who reckons there are 1000’s of people on the moon…I wouldn’t be surprised!.
          We have to weed the wheat from the chaff with Wikipedia, because it is definitely controlled by the PTB, probably the FBI or CIA – Yes??…

          • frank
            August 22, 2019 at 8:56 am

            I rememer that fact about Bill Cooper, too. It tainted the pale horse quite a bit, at least for me.
            Maybe I’m still intoxicated by MM (another guy I don’t trust anymore), who once stated “Once secret service, always secret service”.
            As stated, Wikipedia is by no means a reliable source of reference for me. My impression is, a lot of lies in Wiki are omissions and (intentional) misinterpretations. Individual ignorance and bias of the gatekeeper might play a role, too.
            My experiences as conscript left me with a healthy distrust in anyone who enjoys military service. Being a bandog of TBTB, in other words.

    • Nigel
      August 21, 2019 at 7:44 am

      Interesting Frank , looking forward to seeing more posts from you …..

  9. tomkelly33
    August 19, 2019 at 10:35 pm

    Hey Allan, your latest dive into Neanderthal territoy is very fascinating. As you said it is hard to get any objective information on this and the “cute-fication” of Neanderthals over the years is an obvious controlled trend in mainstream science.
    There seems to be only one academic who agrees with your theory but unfortunately he is anonymous. See here: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/10/at-5-neanderthal-you-are-an-outlier/263475/

  10. brian
    August 19, 2019 at 9:35 pm

    Your dog looked pretty comfortable on your bed, I bet you could have acclimated him to life on the water. Good luck with the sale. I think you will get your most of your money back.

  11. Chuck
    August 19, 2019 at 9:33 pm

    There are two stories of mankind’s ascent:
    1) Gradualist: for 99% of our million or so years on this planet we were hunter gatherers, but 12,000 years ago we discovered agriculture and animal husbandry, and rapidly accelerated thereafter.
    2) Catastrophist: We’ve done the 1% 99 times before.

    • Chris
      August 20, 2019 at 5:08 am


    • Horst
      August 20, 2019 at 9:02 am

      I can’t survive a week without my Swiss nail clipper. When did nails and hair start to grow infinite? How did pre metallurgy humans trim hair and nails? Could it be human DNA has been tampered?

      • August 20, 2019 at 11:07 am

        By scraping nails on the right stones, and sharp edged stones to cut hair??
        Concrete is great for scraping and sanding things.
        Yes , DNA could have been engineered by our makers, and by the way, I have heard our DNA has been damaged by nuclear radiation!.

      • frank
        August 21, 2019 at 8:16 am

        You might view the continuous grow as a reaction to environmental circumstances. Nails got used up in the daily routine.
        Did you ever breed rabbits ? They need hard materials (wooden branches) from time to time, or else their front teeth grow too long, the can’t properly eat and starve. If you don’t, the start to “eat up” the cage box. An issue caused by non-natural living conditions. In nature, this grow repairs the attrition their teeth are exposed to.

  12. Caps
    August 19, 2019 at 7:39 pm

    Jethro is using CAPS when he speaks so it must be true.

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