First, I really appreciate the (so far) reactions to my ‘Get Along?’ post. I was worried that it would come across as self-indulgent, as in who cares about my (continuing) run ins with scumbags? And no one pointed out the obvious: How could I be so stupid in buying a boat to begin with, given the state of the world and my dearth of funds? (All my gold, silver, and rare coins went into the thing, along with most of my cash cache.) Anyway, the post script to this is my offer to the right person out there who might like to take over ownership of Lady, a sort of partnership.
Oh, an amusing note re Chesapeake Yachts and the ’60 gallons of toxic waste’ in my bilge issue: I went through their emails to me and came across some good ones. From October 9th:
‘The boat has 2-3 gallons of water & fuel in the bilge & we can have our guy pump it out on confirmation.’
My estimate of 5 to 8 gallons was pretty high, as you can see. A few days after the 9th they started in with the ’60 gallons’, etc. Let this be a lesson to any thieves and liars out there. If there is more than one of you involved, you gotta stay on the same page! Otherwise you get caught!
The boat has been with them since September 23rd, right? Out of the water so nothing could leak in. And if there was somehow a leak in the fuel tanks, it would certainly have been noticeable by October 9th, when they tell me that it’s 2-3 gallons. (Emails are great when it comes to catching liars, isn’t it? They always forget what lies they’ve told: Archive your emails, folks!)

Last night. I love the clear nights up here, and shoot time lapses most nights. With luck (and aside from the good stuff I already got) someday I’ll show you something really wild.
Anyway, I’ll keep you apprised of new developments. It will be interesting to see how they explain the above email (there is another which even names the guy who checked the bilge, Bruce, who found all well down there).
One of my methods how figuring out HTWRW is to bite the bullet and take in the most obvious of the PTB propaganda minions, looking for clues as to What’s Coming Next. Given my interest in real science, I thought I’d look at Stephen Hawking’s Brief Answers to the Big Questions, maybe see what this most obvious of the state assets has to say about HTWRW. On a certain level it’s an hilarious read (I actually did it via audio book, to save on eye strain).
I should first mention that the… original ‘Stephen Hawking’— the physicist from the 1960s and ‘70s, but not the one who wrote A Brief History of Time – died in the mid-1980s (and hence could not have written the book) and was replaced by a… literal puppet.
Long-time subscribers might remember my posts from a few years ago on this subject, and how it led me to ‘Miles Mathis,’ the ‘alt media’ psy op I exposed with my Open Letters to him. It was good old Miles who alerted me to the Hawking fraud, in one of his dangles to truth seekers. Although I can’t vouch for everything Miles tells us about Hawking, his photographic analysis is pretty much spot on; plus there’s the impossibility that an ALS sufferer living almost half a century longer than the first runner up.
The Hawking medical miracle sort of reminds me of the Mars Rovers’ (Opportunity and Spirit) battery performances (they were off-the-shelf), which – and this is in spite of near constant far-below zero temperatures — somehow kept their charges for years longer than expected, with Opportunity 14 years more than normal battery life.
Addendum: The evidence that the Mars missions were as fraudulent as Apollo is borderline inarguable, IMO. My favorites are the ‘Mars’ photos, but the cumulative evidence is summed up well by RichplanetTV. (Yes, I seem to have exposed Rich Hall and his sidekick Andrew Johnson as well. (Someone emailed me saying How dare I accuse Andrew, such a great and honest guy and so forth. Be great if this person explained my email back and forth with Johnson.)
Also, I do love it when NASA’s compartmentalization backfires, as when an astronaut recently blurted that landings on Mars cannot be done via parachutes, since Mars’s atmosphere is so thin (1% of earth’s). I did archive this but haven’t been able to locate it. No matter, since any astro-physicist would tell you the same, in spite of NASA’s dumb ass videos purporting to show the entry with a parachute (plus an innately unstable craft design that could not keep the heat shield into the wind, as shown in the video).
The mission press conference is hilarious, by the way, with the mission chief (who looks like an Elvis impersonator) not knowing any tech details about the entry, landing, or anything else. It has to be seen to be believed. (Go to 34:40 in for the best moments.)
Brief Answers to the Big Questions is unique for a book-length science ‘lesson,’in that there was not one ‘question’
whose answer wasn’t demonstrable hogwash. For reasons of attention span I’ll just give you some of the real howlers (at some point I had to cease being outraged).
Runaway climate change is the biggest threat to humanity. ‘Hawking’ can’t keep his trap shut on this one.
I know most of you are ahead of me here, but here is a good rebuttal of this continuing chunk of manure. ‘Hawking’ even warns that if the ice keeps melting we will soon have the climate of Venus — 800 degree temps and sulphuric acid rain. Wow. Sulphuric acid rain. Are you scared yet? Keep in mind that this is coming from ‘The World’s Smartest Man!’ (according to South Park). And he does go on and on and on, managing to slip in references to the coming climate catastrophe as he lies about other issues.
Addendum: You want a good example of how the various PTB agencies/arms stick together on this issue? Okay. To find a link to the above documentary I searched YT via the film’s title, which is ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle,’ and guess what? I had to scroll through three pages of titles (CNN, etc.) to find it. And it has almost a million views (with 15,000 thumbs ups).
How did we get here? Darwinian random mutation/natural selection.

This lemming was supposedly photoed on Mars. You believe that, I have 60 gallons of bilge you can pump for me. (Or something…)
The future? We are running out of space so we must go to other worlds.
The doomsday clock is closer to midnight because of the election of Donald Trump. (As if we’d be better off with Hilary.)
Wait. Hold on. I’ve got a stack of 3×5 cards with notes on Big Questions but frankly I don’t have it in me to go too deep. I’d really prefer to get back to Origins and the bits of truth I know about cosmology, rather than listing the lies of a PTB puppet.
That said, ‘Hawking’s’ ramblings about UFOs and time travel (he manages to see them as one and the same) are fairly amusing, depending on your sense of humor. After some utter double talk about ‘space-time’, we get (my comments in bold):
[Begin quote] ‘If time travel were possible why hasn’t someone come back from the future to tell us how to do it? Even if there were sound reasons to keep us in ignorance, human nature being what it is, it’s difficult to believe that someone wouldn’t show off and tell us poor, benighted peasants the secret of time travel. There ought to be a logical fallacy named after Hawking here: ‘Assuming one knows the thought processes of ‘alien’ species (humans from a million years hence would count as ‘aliens’).’ His ‘it’s difficult to believe’ phrase also qualifies this as an ‘Argument from incredulity’ fallacy.
Of course, some people claim that we already have been visited from the future; they would say that UFOs are from the future and that governments are involved in a gigantic conspiracy to cover them up, and keep for themselves the scientific knowledge these visitors bring. Pay attention to how he pays this off…
All I can say is that if governments are hiding something they are doing a poor job of extracting information from the aliens. Need I say it?: If the governments are covering them up, then he (‘Hawking’) wouldn’t know about it, would he? So how would he know they are doing a poor job of anything? A child could see this as fallacious reasoning.
I’m pretty skeptical of conspiracy theories as I believe the cock-up theory is more likely. I could not find ‘cock-up’ in the dictionary but let’s assume it means ‘incompetence.’ This bald assertion, although predictable, is
Reports of UFOs cannot all be caused by extra-terrestrials because they are mutually contradictory. Whoa! How are ‘they’ mutually contradictory? This is just pure nonsense. ‘Not even wrong.’ But once you admit that some are mistakes or hallucinations isn’t it more probable that they all are rather than we are being visited by people from the future or the other side of the galaxy? How does this follow? Because he says so, and he is ‘The World’s Smartest Man’? He might as well say, ‘If I made a mistake that means everyone else did too.’ I forget which logical fallacy this is, aside from Red Herring. If they really want to colonize the earth or warn us of some danger they’ve been rather ineffective. Obviously: How would he know these are the only motives visiting aliens might have? Another Red Herring, plus ‘incredulity’, plus… the whole book is like this, if you listen carefully. [end quote]
The above drivel comes right after ‘Hawking’ tells us how an advanced civilization might very well warp ‘space-time’ (more to come) and either travel in time or voyage between galaxies in the blink of an eye. So, even aside from my comments, this passage makes no sense.
This is the The World’s Smartest Man?
Regarding ‘Hawking’s’ theories of black holes, the big bang, and the expanding universe, please view my video from four years ago:
In Big Questions Hawking goes on and on about black holes. If you believe in black holes, please take a moment to view another of my Steve Crothers videos. This little (2 minutes) interview with Steve is likewise a QED on the subject of the big bang; it shows that black holes and big bangs are… wait for it… ‘mutually exclusive’ (as ‘Hawking’ would tell us).
If you want to look into what is behind the fraud of the big bang, this little video will get you started.
Okay, I’m on a roll, so one more thing. ‘Hawking’ goes on about the standard model of our solar system’s formation, and holy shit is he wrong. Wrong not only by the laws of physics but by common sense. The theory is this: Billions of years ago there was a vast cloud of gas, virtaully all hydrogen. Out there in space. What happens next? The cloud collapses into itself, gets smaller and smaller, until… the heat of the gravitational collapse starts a hydrogen chain reaction and… our sun is born.

Miles Mathis photo analysis of the two (or more) ‘Hawkings.’ Gotta give MM credit on this one. Proves that psy ops can come in handy.
One problem with this is that it breaks the three laws of thermodynamics (mainly that a system cannot do work on itself), but rather than getting technical, let’s think about it. What happens to the gas that comes out if you open a soda bottle in a small room? Well, the gas expands and fills the room. That’s just common sense, right? I mean if you think about it.
It should be the same with hydrogen gas out in space. (It really is the same, but go ahead and look it up.) Imagine this is the cloud of hydrogen atoms that ‘Hawking’ says will become our sun, via ‘collapse’.
Each H2 atom represents a tiny bit of gravity, right? The bit of gravity could be shown as a point with little arrows directed inwards towards its center, right?
The huge amount of gravity (claimed by MS scientists) represented by the ‘cloud’ of hydrogen (or any gas) is merely the sum of all the individual atoms’ gravity. Examine the diagram and look where the arrows are pointing: There is no concerted force toward some theoretical ‘center’ of the cloud. Is there?
One more time (because this is vital): There would be no theoretical or literal ‘point’ at the center of the cloud toward which all the hydrogen atoms would be attracted. Would there?
There is no force acting on any atom to move it in concert with the others.
Addendum: Ooops. I went off on a bit of a tangent and forgot to point out that a gas cloud in space would naturally expand, like the soda bottle gas in a room (then a bigger room, etc.) Do you not find it incredible that 98% of the Ph.d-ed physicists in the world do not see this simple truth (about our own solar system)?
The only thing collapsing here is all of modern cosmology. And the guy (me) pointing it out flunked high school algebra. (Perhaps significantly, I got the highest grade in the history of my school on the New York State geometry Regents exam. How do you figure?)
It really does appear that ‘Stephen Hawking,’ the past, real, one, or the puppet who replaced him, was/is wrong about… everything. Scary, no?
Enough! (I know: I claimed I’d explain why ‘space-time’ makes no sense. Didn’t get around to it.)
For those interested in cosmology I highly recommend two sources . The Electric Universe (of course) and Pierre-Marie Robitaille, whose YT channel is Sky Scholar. The latter will show you why the standard model of our dear sun is likewise hogwash. He really will. You just have to give him an open-minded chance, and pay attention.
Almost forgot. The boat deal. If anyone lives near a great piece of water and wants to share ownership in Lady, get in touch via email. I have an offer you can’t…
Wait. One more from ‘Hawking.’ When asked ‘If you had a party for time travelers, would anyone show up?’
His answer: ‘In 2009 at my college I held a party for time travelers. To make sure only real time travelers would show up I didn’t send out invitations until the after the party. On the day of the party I sat hoping but no one came.’
He then goes on that this is somehow evidence that Einstein’s general theory of relativity is correct. Riiight! But picture how it went: Sending out invitations after he knows no one showed up. If you picture his actual claimed behavior… he’s either a fool or a liar.
Most of the book is like this: He’s hoping you are a fool and won’t actually think about what he’s saying.
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