A Love Child Found! Hooray!

blog love child

Aside from being a gargantuan whopper, this image comes close to ‘anthropological child porn.’ I mean given that the truth is rape and cannibalism. (See the next image for a reminder of what the figure on the left likely looked like.)

I’m not quite done with the Neanderthal/human interspecies rape issue. The more I comb the Net for a little bit of truth about how we (homo sapiens sapiens) got on with our distant cousins, the more aggravated I get. It’s not just the usual misdirection I’m confronted with, but balls-to-the-wall outright deceit, and the confusion on my part is the question, Why? Why do all the various scholars/academics/researchers in various disciplines in various countries find it necessary to bullshit us on what happened when our ancestors met up with Neanderthals, given that the evidence is so clear that they are lying? In fact, the mainstream has gone to absurd lengths to create an historical image that is the exact opposite of the truth. Check out this doozy from ‘Live Science’ Magazine. You gotta love the photo they include in their ‘love child’ balderdash.

But it actually gets worse, or better, depending on your sensibilities. The article finishes off with this beaut:

Prior fossil finds indicate that modern humans were living in a southern Italy cave as early as 45,000 years ago. Modern humans and Neanderthals therefore lived in roughly the same regions for thousands of years, but the new human arrivals, from the Neanderthal perspective, might not have been welcome, and for good reason. The research team hints that the modern humans may have raped female Neanderthals, bringing to mind modern cases of “ethnic cleansing.” (end quote)

 _blog neander lastYou gotta love the thinking behind  ‘the research team hints (my emphasis) that the modern humans may have raped female Neanderthals…’

They hint that we raped them. Why hint as opposed to, say, theorize? Pure NLP, with a dose of plausible deniability thrown in. See, the ‘scientists’ know good and goddamn well what the DNA evidence means, i.e., that sex between the two species was in one direction only — male Neanderthal bangs human female. And they know good and goddamn well that that this means an interspecies war was fought by our ancestors, a war which at some point we homo sapiens were a twat’s hair from losing, i.e., extinction. It is interesting, though, that they use the term ‘ethnic cleansing.’ Mmmm. Maybe they just couldn’t help slipping in a bit of truth — notwithstanding that they of course reversed the victims and persecutors. See, though, the lie is just hinted at, so they can deny saying it.

Let me remind you of the magnitude of the lie the PTB are foisting upon us. They are trying to tell us that folks basically built like you and I invaded the territory of the ice age apex predator — a creature bigger and pound for pound exponentially stronger than us (a hundred pound chimpanzee would tear the likes of, say, Mike Tyson, limb from limb), and meanwhile keep in mind that this apex predator (a 95% meat diet) was a tool and weapon maker with a bigger brain than ours, and who hunted mammoths, cave bears, and saber toothed lions in packs; keep in mind also that when times went lean, this beast ate his own kind. (The latter cannot be stressed enough.) They had lived this way for some 250,000 years, surviving the coming and going of the ice age. Yet when we showed up, they high-tailed it in fear.

Here's Mr. Sykes telling us how fearful the apex predator of the ice age was of our ancestors.

Here’s Mr. Sykes telling us how fearful the apex predator of the ice age was of our ancestors. A good question: Does Sykes actually believe this?

The mainstream is trying to tell us that when we showed up we did the ethnic cleansing.  While at the same time, we are being told that ‘on the other hand’ the ‘First Love Child of Human, Neanderthal Found‘. How many different ways can they lie to us?

Quite a few ways, even in one short article. Here’s a quote from the above ‘Love Child’ piece:

“From the morphology of the lower jaw, the face of the Mezzena individual would have looked somehow intermediate between classic Neanderthals, who had a rather receding lower jaw (no chin), and the modern humans, who present a projecting lower jaw with a strongly developed chin,” co-author Silvana Condemi, an anthropologist, told Discovery News.

Condemi is the CNRS research director at the University of Ai-Marseille. She and her colleagues studied the remains via DNA analysis and 3D imaging. They then compared those results with the same features from Homo sapiens.

The genetic analysis shows that the individual’s mitochondrial DNA is Neanderthal. Since this DNA is transmitted from a mother to her child, the researchers conclude that it was a “female Neanderthal who mated with male Homo sapiens.” (end quote)
Just a reminder of who would have feared whom.

Just a reminder of who would have feared whom.

What we have here is really sneaky, roundabout deceit. They find a bone and go to the Mitochondrial DNA and find that Mom was a Neanderthal. They look at the shape of the jaw and tell us Pop was one of us. No other evidence and no mention that out of many tens of thousands of human genomes, none, zero, have had Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA. But now they can say, ‘See, we have evidence a that human dude banged a Neanderthal babe!’ This based on the shape of a jaw bone that could easily have been a pure Neanderthal (i.e., Pop was a Neanderthal) who had a little bit more of a chin than the average.

Why don’t they want us to know the truth?

More to come on that but first I have to fess up to an error I made my original post (‘Human Origins, More Lies‘). The version of The Seven Daughters of Eve; The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry I referred to was an audio book, which dated itself at 2017. Fact is, the original book was from 2002, which explains why there was no mention that the human genome carries 2 – 4% Neanderthal DNA. They hadn’t come up with that bombshell yet in 2002. This, however, does not let author Bryan Sykes off the hook, and here’s why: If his book was to stay in print, and if it was to go to audio and to E-book (I checked the Kindle), he should have – at the very least – included a note explaining that further discoveries has changed basically everything about our historical/anthropological relationship with the Neanderthals — that they should be considered of our species, or vice versa (given that we interbred), being just one issue among many, aside from sex-direction.

The reason Sykes did not correct subsequent printing runs is obvious, given that his many lectures and podcasts likewise do not spill the beans regarding the sex-direction issue. Indeed, I have been scouring the Net for references to the truth bombshell I outlined in my post on Human Origins, and have come up empty. The TED talk I linked to in my last post — the speaker’s stuttering avoidance of the issue, etc. — was just the tip of the cube. I sat through an hour of a symposium that, given that ‘Neanderthal Interbreeding’ was in the title, should have been all over the issue of who was fucking who way back when, but nope, they just couldn’t do it. Not a word. The likes of Fred Astaire couldn’t have tap-danced around the subject any better.

I came across this bizarre piece of work, titled ‘Here’s Why Human Women Probably Struggled to Have Babies With Neanderthal Men‘ (believe it or not), produced by a guy with PTB-backing up to his eyeballs. According to this bizarre crapola, human women just loved banging another species; for some reason they just happened to keep having girls. Pure nonsense. Oh, and the question of where the human males were while their wives and girlfriends were romping with our fur-bearing cousins, the video does not say. It’s a good question, though, isn’t it?

This looney video doesn't mention Mt DNA. Just claims the babies were all girls! This is the level of lies...

This looney video doesn’t mention Mt DNA. Just claims the babies were all girls! This is the level of lies…

In trying to get to the bottom of the motive for this stupendous series of lies, I emailed Bryan Sykes, the author of Seven Daughters. Directly to him at his website. A couple of emails, actually, asking him the pertinent questions, and quoting his book. I wasn’t nasty, just curious. Predictably, no response.

I did get a response from a colleague, another genomic expert, named Richard Hall, who enthusiastically touted Skykes’s book. Here’s what I got back:

On Friday, August 16, 2019, 02:28:30 PM MDT, Richard Hill <XXXX@gmail.com> wrote:
That book is 17 years old. In a fast-changing field it’s certain to be outdated.
I’d sent Mr. Hall my previous post, which he presumably read. Had nothing to say about it, or the rape/war implications.
Addendum: It just occurred to me that this post is largely a rehashing of my previous post. For some reason I seem to be more aggravated than usual at being lied to about something important. The irony is that the very foundation of this subject — the relationship between us and the ‘Neanderthals’ — may itself be a lie. As has often been the case, they tell us one lie, then, within that lie, they layer in other lies. Such may be the case with the nature of reality itself. Oh, shit, don’t get me started on that. Anyway, my apologies to those who are thinking ‘Haven’t we heard this stuff before?’
Richard Hall figues the book is 'outdated' yet touts it on his site. What gives?

Richard Hall figures the book is ‘outdated’ yet touts it on his site. What gives?

 But the question I started this with was, ‘Why don’t they want us to know the truth about our prehistory?’
I suppose the best I can come up with is to repeat the finish of my previous post: For whatever PTB-backed reason, they don’t want us to know that our species almost died out from Neanderthals killing and eating us – not to mention raping our women – for tens of thousands of years — until we figured out how to kill them better. That last bit —until we figured out how to kill them better – is maybe the secret. You and I are not supposed to know that slaughtering our cousins is deeply set in our DNA. If we knew that we might get an idea of what should be done to those who are pathologically lying to us.


 Okay, it’s a couple hours after I posted this and I’m watching a Youtube lecture titled ‘Are We the Last Neanderthals?’

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He’s claiming that this is what a Neanderthal would look like. Seriously. Now look at the skulls…

Not a word about sex and the implications I’ve pointed out. Worse, look at the screenshot of what this PH.d tells us Neanderthals looked like.

Look at the Neanderthal skull. Look at the human skull. Is this guy a moron or is he consciously deceiving us?
blog skull human

A human skull. Now look at the Neanderthal skull and decide which one matches the ‘Neanderthal’ representation. This one, the human skull, right? Why is he lying?

Human. Notice the forehead and smaller eye sockets.

A Neanderthal. Notice the lack of forehead and huge eye sockets. Nothing like the representation in his lecture. What is going on here? Does he just assume we’re stupid? And again, Why the deceit?

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