A Love Child Found! Hooray!

blog love child

Aside from being a gargantuan whopper, this image comes close to ‘anthropological child porn.’ I mean given that the truth is rape and cannibalism. (See the next image for a reminder of what the figure on the left likely looked like.)

I’m not quite done with the Neanderthal/human interspecies rape issue. The more I comb the Net for a little bit of truth about how we (homo sapiens sapiens) got on with our distant cousins, the more aggravated I get. It’s not just the usual misdirection I’m confronted with, but balls-to-the-wall outright deceit, and the confusion on my part is the question, Why? Why do all the various scholars/academics/researchers in various disciplines in various countries find it necessary to bullshit us on what happened when our ancestors met up with Neanderthals, given that the evidence is so clear that they are lying? In fact, the mainstream has gone to absurd lengths to create an historical image that is the exact opposite of the truth. Check out this doozy from ‘Live Science’ Magazine. You gotta love the photo they include in their ‘love child’ balderdash.

But it actually gets worse, or better, depending on your sensibilities. The article finishes off with this beaut:

Prior fossil finds indicate that modern humans were living in a southern Italy cave as early as 45,000 years ago. Modern humans and Neanderthals therefore lived in roughly the same regions for thousands of years, but the new human arrivals, from the Neanderthal perspective, might not have been welcome, and for good reason. The research team hints that the modern humans may have raped female Neanderthals, bringing to mind modern cases of “ethnic cleansing.” (end quote)

 _blog neander lastYou gotta love the thinking behind  ‘the research team hints (my emphasis) that the modern humans may have raped female Neanderthals…’

They hint that we raped them. Why hint as opposed to, say, theorize? Pure NLP, with a dose of plausible deniability thrown in. See, the ‘scientists’ know good and goddamn well what the DNA evidence means, i.e., that sex between the two species was in one direction only — male Neanderthal bangs human female. And they know good and goddamn well that that this means an interspecies war was fought by our ancestors, a war which at some point we homo sapiens were a twat’s hair from losing, i.e., extinction. It is interesting, though, that they use the term ‘ethnic cleansing.’ Mmmm. Maybe they just couldn’t help slipping in a bit of truth — notwithstanding that they of course reversed the victims and persecutors. See, though, the lie is just hinted at, so they can deny saying it.

Let me remind you of the magnitude of the lie the PTB are foisting upon us. They are trying to tell us that folks basically built like you and I invaded the territory of the ice age apex predator — a creature bigger and pound for pound exponentially stronger than us (a hundred pound chimpanzee would tear the likes of, say, Mike Tyson, limb from limb), and meanwhile keep in mind that this apex predator (a 95% meat diet) was a tool and weapon maker with a bigger brain than ours, and who hunted mammoths, cave bears, and saber toothed lions in packs; keep in mind also that when times went lean, this beast ate his own kind. (The latter cannot be stressed enough.) They had lived this way for some 250,000 years, surviving the coming and going of the ice age. Yet when we showed up, they high-tailed it in fear.

Here's Mr. Sykes telling us how fearful the apex predator of the ice age was of our ancestors.

Here’s Mr. Sykes telling us how fearful the apex predator of the ice age was of our ancestors. A good question: Does Sykes actually believe this?

The mainstream is trying to tell us that when we showed up we did the ethnic cleansing.  While at the same time, we are being told that ‘on the other hand’ the ‘First Love Child of Human, Neanderthal Found‘. How many different ways can they lie to us?

Quite a few ways, even in one short article. Here’s a quote from the above ‘Love Child’ piece:

“From the morphology of the lower jaw, the face of the Mezzena individual would have looked somehow intermediate between classic Neanderthals, who had a rather receding lower jaw (no chin), and the modern humans, who present a projecting lower jaw with a strongly developed chin,” co-author Silvana Condemi, an anthropologist, told Discovery News.

Condemi is the CNRS research director at the University of Ai-Marseille. She and her colleagues studied the remains via DNA analysis and 3D imaging. They then compared those results with the same features from Homo sapiens.

The genetic analysis shows that the individual’s mitochondrial DNA is Neanderthal. Since this DNA is transmitted from a mother to her child, the researchers conclude that it was a “female Neanderthal who mated with male Homo sapiens.” (end quote)
Just a reminder of who would have feared whom.

Just a reminder of who would have feared whom.

What we have here is really sneaky, roundabout deceit. They find a bone and go to the Mitochondrial DNA and find that Mom was a Neanderthal. They look at the shape of the jaw and tell us Pop was one of us. No other evidence and no mention that out of many tens of thousands of human genomes, none, zero, have had Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA. But now they can say, ‘See, we have evidence a that human dude banged a Neanderthal babe!’ This based on the shape of a jaw bone that could easily have been a pure Neanderthal (i.e., Pop was a Neanderthal) who had a little bit more of a chin than the average.

Why don’t they want us to know the truth?

More to come on that but first I have to fess up to an error I made my original post (‘Human Origins, More Lies‘). The version of The Seven Daughters of Eve; The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry I referred to was an audio book, which dated itself at 2017. Fact is, the original book was from 2002, which explains why there was no mention that the human genome carries 2 – 4% Neanderthal DNA. They hadn’t come up with that bombshell yet in 2002. This, however, does not let author Bryan Sykes off the hook, and here’s why: If his book was to stay in print, and if it was to go to audio and to E-book (I checked the Kindle), he should have – at the very least – included a note explaining that further discoveries has changed basically everything about our historical/anthropological relationship with the Neanderthals — that they should be considered of our species, or vice versa (given that we interbred), being just one issue among many, aside from sex-direction.

The reason Sykes did not correct subsequent printing runs is obvious, given that his many lectures and podcasts likewise do not spill the beans regarding the sex-direction issue. Indeed, I have been scouring the Net for references to the truth bombshell I outlined in my post on Human Origins, and have come up empty. The TED talk I linked to in my last post — the speaker’s stuttering avoidance of the issue, etc. — was just the tip of the cube. I sat through an hour of a symposium that, given that ‘Neanderthal Interbreeding’ was in the title, should have been all over the issue of who was fucking who way back when, but nope, they just couldn’t do it. Not a word. The likes of Fred Astaire couldn’t have tap-danced around the subject any better.

I came across this bizarre piece of work, titled ‘Here’s Why Human Women Probably Struggled to Have Babies With Neanderthal Men‘ (believe it or not), produced by a guy with PTB-backing up to his eyeballs. According to this bizarre crapola, human women just loved banging another species; for some reason they just happened to keep having girls. Pure nonsense. Oh, and the question of where the human males were while their wives and girlfriends were romping with our fur-bearing cousins, the video does not say. It’s a good question, though, isn’t it?

This looney video doesn't mention Mt DNA. Just claims the babies were all girls! This is the level of lies...

This looney video doesn’t mention Mt DNA. Just claims the babies were all girls! This is the level of lies…

In trying to get to the bottom of the motive for this stupendous series of lies, I emailed Bryan Sykes, the author of Seven Daughters. Directly to him at his website. A couple of emails, actually, asking him the pertinent questions, and quoting his book. I wasn’t nasty, just curious. Predictably, no response.

I did get a response from a colleague, another genomic expert, named Richard Hall, who enthusiastically touted Skykes’s book. Here’s what I got back:

On Friday, August 16, 2019, 02:28:30 PM MDT, Richard Hill <XXXX@gmail.com> wrote:
That book is 17 years old. In a fast-changing field it’s certain to be outdated.
I’d sent Mr. Hall my previous post, which he presumably read. Had nothing to say about it, or the rape/war implications.
Addendum: It just occurred to me that this post is largely a rehashing of my previous post. For some reason I seem to be more aggravated than usual at being lied to about something important. The irony is that the very foundation of this subject — the relationship between us and the ‘Neanderthals’ — may itself be a lie. As has often been the case, they tell us one lie, then, within that lie, they layer in other lies. Such may be the case with the nature of reality itself. Oh, shit, don’t get me started on that. Anyway, my apologies to those who are thinking ‘Haven’t we heard this stuff before?’
Richard Hall figues the book is 'outdated' yet touts it on his site. What gives?

Richard Hall figures the book is ‘outdated’ yet touts it on his site. What gives?

 But the question I started this with was, ‘Why don’t they want us to know the truth about our prehistory?’
I suppose the best I can come up with is to repeat the finish of my previous post: For whatever PTB-backed reason, they don’t want us to know that our species almost died out from Neanderthals killing and eating us – not to mention raping our women – for tens of thousands of years — until we figured out how to kill them better. That last bit —until we figured out how to kill them better – is maybe the secret. You and I are not supposed to know that slaughtering our cousins is deeply set in our DNA. If we knew that we might get an idea of what should be done to those who are pathologically lying to us.


 Okay, it’s a couple hours after I posted this and I’m watching a Youtube lecture titled ‘Are We the Last Neanderthals?’

blog neandert copy

He’s claiming that this is what a Neanderthal would look like. Seriously. Now look at the skulls…

Not a word about sex and the implications I’ve pointed out. Worse, look at the screenshot of what this PH.d tells us Neanderthals looked like.

Look at the Neanderthal skull. Look at the human skull. Is this guy a moron or is he consciously deceiving us?
blog skull human

A human skull. Now look at the Neanderthal skull and decide which one matches the ‘Neanderthal’ representation. This one, the human skull, right? Why is he lying?

Human. Notice the forehead and smaller eye sockets.

A Neanderthal. Notice the lack of forehead and huge eye sockets. Nothing like the representation in his lecture. What is going on here? Does he just assume we’re stupid? And again, Why the deceit?

  53 comments for “A Love Child Found! Hooray!

  1. Chris
    August 20, 2019 at 2:51 am

    What about this:


    “Human DNA found in Neanderthal woman.”

    • Chris
      August 20, 2019 at 2:53 am

      Never mind. Locked behind a paywall.

    • Chris
      August 20, 2019 at 3:02 am

      Wikipedia seems to agree with you on the one way sex…


      “Interbreeding appears to have occurred asymmetrically among the ancestors of modern-day humans, and that this is a possible rationale for differing frequencies of Neanderthal-specific DNA in the genomes of modern humans.”

  2. m
    August 19, 2019 at 6:53 pm

    shoot. you know it was all brutal back then!!! We’re brutal now, of course it was! And hell no they don’t want us to think about that. They have to push harmony and all that crap while they try to intermingle the western nations in an attempt to bring them to their knees so everyone can be weak and dependent.

  3. Ronr
    August 19, 2019 at 6:30 pm

    Hey wildman.Hope this finds you well and full bellied. All this deception,imo, is a deliberate misdirection from “truth” so we’re easier led down the false lane cause one truth will lead to another, ad infinitum. Complete fiction appears to be their card game, and 99% of the public are playing. Thank you again for your refreshing debunking of “popular” belief

    • August 19, 2019 at 8:15 pm

      m & Ronr – EXACTLY!!
      The elephant in the room these LYING Fucks! ( PTB/NWO) are continually trying to hide, are the “money changers” , ie the white collar FINANCIAL TERRORISTS!.

      I’m not religious at all, and the bible is 99% bullshit – except the bit where he “threw the money changers out of the Temple”.
      Today the money changers are STILL at it, but using the scourge machine of the INTERNET.
      Have a listen to Ken O’Keef on youtube.

  4. TTM
    August 19, 2019 at 6:14 pm

    I now see why Allan is so interested in the implications of Neanderthal DNA in humans:
    “… they don’t want us to know that our species almost died out from Neanderthals killing and eating us – not to mention raping our women – for tens of thousands of years — until we figured out how to kill them better. That last bit —until we figured out how to kill them better – is maybe the secret.”
    Perhaps (((they))) don’t want us to know that because we are in a similar situation now, aren’t we? Until we figure out how to kill (((them))) better, we are surely done.

    • August 20, 2019 at 6:45 pm

      I think the main reason is to keep neo-Darwinism going. They don’t want us to understand that a very different sort of creature could use tools, have a big brain and so forth. The implications of that are no good for their agenda. IMO this is the main reason for the Neanderthal deceit. I do believe that a high percentage of academia are unaware of the deceit. It’s like the big bang paradigm. It’s been drummed into them to the point where they cannot see the logical and empirical problems.

      Vaccines, ‘climate change,’ and a long list of other lies are in the same category. Hard to tell who is an active participant and who is an unwitting participant (AP or UP).

      • August 20, 2019 at 9:21 pm

        Allan, the other big lie they are peddling, is over population of humans.
        Did you know, that if we scaled the earth down to a model globe – about 12,742mm diameter (scale 1mm = 1 klm), all the approx 7.2 billion people would easily fit on a TINY 70mm fly-shit spot.
        Also, only 1 person in 6 drives a car!.

  5. Barbara Müller
    August 19, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    all that faces of our “predecessors” are “artist’s impressions”, based on parts of skulls. They never even found complete skulls anywhere. Always parts were missing and recreated artificially. How reliable can that be? Think of a person who gains or losses weight. How dramatically can the face change. The skull of a grownup does not change anymore, right? Yet still you may not recognize somebody you know very well after some time just because in between he lost a couple of pounds. The popularization of the evolution theory back then started all that digging for ancient bones. Culminating in the dinosaur hoax. And it is so full of gaps. It’s by no means any better than what creationists deliver.

    • August 19, 2019 at 8:27 pm

      I absolutely agree here!!

      • August 19, 2019 at 8:30 pm

        …..in fact, I have been SHOCKED to see a guy (old guy) I knew well when he was alive, and how DIFFERENT he looked lying there DEAD. He was totally unrecognizable.

    • Bill
      August 21, 2019 at 11:02 pm

      Barbara, why should anyone believe anything you say considering the fact that you have yet to respond to my response to your comment that theoretical scientists have never produced anything of value.

      “…theoretical scientists never produced anything that could be applied in reality… theoretical physics never produced anything of value…” – B. Muller

      Oh, really? What about Quantum Theory, initially developed early in the 20th century by theoretical physicists like Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg and others in order to explain the behavior of nature at the subatomic level?

      There are a number of practical applications of quantum theory. Lasers are used in medicine, electronics and machine work. Fluorescent bulbs help to light up our homes and workplaces. Transistors are omnipresent in electronic devices like cell phones, televisions and personal computers.

      Lasers, fluorescent lightbulbs and transistors are all useful and valuable technologies based on quantum mechanical principles, and they represent only the tip of the practical application iceberg.

      “There is nothing more practical than a good theory” – Kurt Lewin

      BTW, you remind me of Allan Weisbecker, who is quite good at pretending to be a “truth seeker” yet who refuses to respond to valid challenges, including compelling empirical evidence that completely refutes his conspiratorial nonsense.

    • Bill
      August 23, 2019 at 9:14 pm

      Barbara, I was going to reply to your response to the points I raised regarding the practical applications of quantum mechanics, but for some reason your response mysteriously disappeared from this thread. Hmmm…

      Anyway, let me reiterate.

      Quantum Theory is arguably the most successful theory in the history of science, one that helped to usher in a post-Industrial Revolution that is transforming the modern world.

      A sizable chunk of our economy (indeed, the global economy) involves practical technologies that were only made possible as a result of the seminal work of theoretical physicists like Bohr, Heisenberg, Planck, Schrodinger and others. Such technologies include computers and the internet, lasers, TVs, DVDs, MRIs, microwave ovens, smart phones, transistors, silicon chips, semiconductors, etc.


      I’m wondering, in light of the above, how anyone could possibly state the following:

      “…theoretical scientists never produced anything that could be applied in reality… theoretical physics never produced anything of value…” – Barbara Muller

      • Barbara Müller
        August 26, 2019 at 6:18 am

        Bill, Niels Bohr wasn’t a theoretical physicist. The others mentioned were and what did they deliver? Schrödingers cat (a silly and absurd insider joke) and uncertainty principle, which is as logical as the holy trinity. A theory is then and only then scientific, if you from the beginning define, what has to happen to prove it wrong. What has to happen to prove the uncertainty principle theory wrong? It says by definition, that you cannot say what its output will be. It’s infallible. All mentioned products were developed by practitioners without use of anything from theoretical physics. It’s just, that they keep sticking their theories to anything others develop later because otherwise some could think, why pay them so much. For instance, computer as a programmable calculator was developed by Charles Babbage in the early 19-th century firstly only in theory. From the beginning it was clear, what has to happen, if this idea was wrong: it would not deliver the right numbers. that’s how real theories have to be done. Now I’m curious, if Allan will delete my comment again. Regards.

        • Bill
          August 27, 2019 at 2:32 am

          Barbara, perhaps my only agreement with you here is that “truth seeker” Allan Weisbecker censored your original response to me.

          “Neils Bohr wasn’t a theoretical physicist” – B. Muller

          For the record, Neils Bohr made fundamental contributions to the understanding of the structure of the atom and quantum theory. In 1922, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to theoretical physics. Bohr also founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen, which is now known as the Neils Bohr Institute.

          Neils Bohr was not a theoretical physicist?

          “Schrödingers cat (a silly and absurd insider joke) and uncertainty principle…” – B. Muller

          BTW, Erwin Schrodinger did not develop the uncertainty principle in physics. That resulted from the work of Werner Heisenberg, a German theoretical physicist who pioneered the development of Quantum Theory. You can poke fun at Heisenberg’s ‘Uncertainty Principle’, but I would argue that simply shows your scientific and philosophical ignorance.

          BTW, Heisenberg was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in physics for “the creation of quantum mechanics.”

          Max Planck, who you do not mention in your response, was a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of the quantum nature of subatomic reality garnered him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

          Erwin Schrodinger won the Nobel Prize in Physics for elucidating the wave function of quantum reality. You make fun of ‘Schrodinger’s Cat, but in doing so you once again demonstrate your scientific and philosophical ignorance.

          How can anyone who pretends to know anything about the history of science possibly conclude that the bold theoretical ideas envisioned by early 20th century scientific geniuses like Bohr, Heisenberg, Planck and Schrodinger did not help to give rise to the new technological (practical) realities of the latter 20th century and beyond?

          Barbara, I thank you for your response, but you seem to be way way off base on the matter of scientific theory and the pivotal role it has played in the evolution of contemporary post-Industrial society.

  6. ea
    August 19, 2019 at 7:55 am

    There was in 1981 a film la Guerre du Feu (lit. War for Fire, but distributed in the anglosphere as Quest for Fire), starring Everett mcGill and Tommy Chong’s daughter Rae Dawn and Ron Perlman, in later decades known for Alien 4 and Hellboy. The boys play H. Sapiens Something (sympathetic, but brow-ridged) and Rae Dawn is certainly Sapiens Sapiens. She teaches Everett how not to do it doggy style every damn time and Playboy magazine was all over that.
    So the point is Everett and Ron’s tribe run into these big, hairy, much more brow-ridged hominids who are eaters of H Sapiens Sth. (it’s not technically cannibalism if it’s interspecies predation, right?) They’re not named Neanderthal (it s all POV, and the source novel by J.-H. Rosny was 1909) — but the scenes of eating are the most appalling i can think of outside the horror genre.

    As to how seriously we are to have taken the film, Wiki tells us: “In an essay for the journal American Anthropologist, Brown University linguistics professor Philip Lieberman described as ‘absurd’ the mixture of different levels of advancement among different tribes living in close proximity. Lieberman pointed out that it ‘would be most unlikely 80,000 years ago’ for humans to still be exhibiting apelike characteristics, at the same time noting that [Rae Dawn’s tribe] was depicted as having ‘a village culture that would have been likely 10,000 years ago.'”

  7. August 18, 2019 at 8:57 pm

    Another example of mainstream deceit, this time from PBS. Look at the Neanderthals depicted: High foreheads (like us), prominent chins (like us) and no brow ridges (like gorillas and chimps would have and so do Neanderthals). Compare these to the Neanderthal skulls (huge eye sockets and no foreheads):


    Assuming ‘Jethro’ isn’t a mole out to misdirect our discussion, it’s the repetition of this crapola that he can’t get past. But given the length of his replies, and how he fails to answer any of my specific questions, I’m starting to think he’s ‘doing his job’ with these comments.

    This issue is all about propping up neo-Darwinism, which depends on the mainstream version of human antiquity.

  8. August 18, 2019 at 6:33 pm

    Go about 11 minutes into this:


    Listen to this idiot as he admits that sex between us and Neanderthals was a one way deal: human women and their men. Then notice his ridiculous theory as to why this was the case — complete with a ‘Neanderthal’ in a hot tub — i.e., Neanderthals were on the brink of extinction. As if this explains why human females couldn’t resist them. Utter nonsense, but at least he admits the one way sex situation. I suspect he got in trouble with the PTB for even bringing this up.

    This is mainstream science (another TED talk).

    • August 18, 2019 at 11:39 pm

      What jumped out at me there, was how he , or “they” made those creatures as ugly as possible in their “artwork” images. And yes the hot tub scene is bloody ridiculous.

      • August 18, 2019 at 11:47 pm

        …..all part of the Psyop brainwash of course.

      • August 19, 2019 at 12:13 am

        Ugly? A couple of them look more like the Marlboro Man. Thing is, though, with an idiot (P.H.d or not) like that guy, I tend to think he really believes the crap he’s throwing at us. Sort of like our own ‘Jethro.’

        • August 19, 2019 at 5:41 am

          The only honest subject is Mathematic’s – I think!.
          The image of the ‘human’ looks like a Pirate/Axe murderer 🙂

          • Chris
            August 20, 2019 at 2:36 am

            Some humans are both of those things.

  9. Douglas Cohn
    August 18, 2019 at 4:34 pm

    I think the bigger story is the Pole Shift that no one talks about.

    We are gonna get washed away, are we not?

    I am confused by the Cycle. The SO team states 12000 year cycles but there is the group that cannot let go of the current Jewish Calendar claiming 6000 years.

    I’m gonna believe 12000 years. Nonetheless is this not something you expect to hear since it answers why the weather has been so intense (excluding the spraying of course).

    They claim they are spraying to help reflect the heat from the SUN to save us from Climate Change.

    Do they plan to stop the event? The Pole Shift is the Crust Spinning on the Mantle to the new position but like in a few days time according to SuspiciousObservers.org.

    That event will cause all the ice to melt at the poles and eventually Ice caps will recreate at the new Poles. Is this not NEWS?

    • August 18, 2019 at 5:07 pm

      Very important stuff. Thanks for bringing it up. I’m a long-time subscriber to SuspiciousObsrvers and was planning on doing a post on their work (I’ve mentioned it before). Here’s one of their mind-bending videos:


      ‘Eyes open. Stay safe, everyone.’

      • Doug
        August 18, 2019 at 6:00 pm

        Yes that is a full movie (Infomentary they call it) excellent. Watch that after this one that is helpful to understanding them.

        Plasma Universe


        I have subscribed to their channel. First time for me for any YouTube channel and each morning they send a weather report which is based on the Sun and plasma cosmology.

        I love these guys cause they seem to be on the fucking money.

        Plus the images are amazing.

    • August 18, 2019 at 8:52 pm

      Your good post reminded me about the *Grand Daddy* of Chemtrails , I saw with my own eyes being sprayed high above our house here in Auckland NZ, back in 2012.
      It was a clear sunny and still day (almost zero breeze) , and by chance I looked up to the sky northwards, and was amazed to see a BLACK dot in the distance, coming straight towards us.
      Behind the black dot, was billowing out a ton of thick off-white coloured crap, that looked just like top dressing (fertilizer that is normally sprayed on the land close to the ground).
      It was extremely high up, and moving at a hell of a rate of knots,- like the fastest and highest plane I had ever seen in my life.
      I ran inside to get the binoculars, and I had to lie on my back on our lawn to get a fix on it,
      it looked like a silvery white coloured Boeing 737 with no markings on it.
      The junk it left high in the sky hung up there for a good 1 1/2 hrs that we could see it, as it very slowly moved south (the line being side on to a light southerly wind).
      I phoned the airport to ask them what flight No. it would be, – they knew nothing.
      I phoned the aviation authorities, – they knew nothing.
      They told me to call the Agriculture & Fisheries Department, and I did, and they knew nothing AND didn’t want to know…I told them when we are hit with various flora and fauna diseases, to look UP for the source and cause.
      Ag & Fish, then had the gall to suggest I report the incident to the local council , to which I thought to myself , I won’t because I want that department to die.
      YouTube has been flat out removing 99% of the good evidence of this same looking plane, caught on film (through a telescope) for about the past 5 years.
      Even Cliff Carnahans shocking discoveries of the chemtrail crap has vaporized, – including his finding of hollow FIBERS packed with BLOOD CELLS, amongst the aluminium, barium, and strontium etc.

    • Horst
      August 19, 2019 at 11:57 am

      A poleshift is maybe very actual, considering Trump wants to buy Greenland. Maybe they know it is gonna be green again.
      On topic, the yellow press after WW2 in Europe frequently reported about the prophecies of a guy named Alois Irlmaier. Today, these are interpreted as use of a weapon, maybe HARP, against Russia. Russia invades western Europe, but is stopped by a drone attack using C weapons. Three days of darkness follow, and when all is over, climate is different distributed on the world.
      https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alois_Irlmaier Note I consider this relevant, because it was frequent in the MSM at the time.

    • Chris
      August 19, 2019 at 7:14 pm

      Why would a magnetic pole shift cause ice to melt? An overall shift in global temperature higher will obviously melt some ice.

  10. Davido
    August 18, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    Thanks for the Post Allan. Your posts do encourage deeper thought. And Jethro, thanks for your input. Opposing views are needed in every hypothesis.

    • August 18, 2019 at 4:15 pm

      I agree, as long as open minds are kept re the evidence. I’m interested in seeing Jethro’s response to my response to his comment. What’s happening with him, I think, is he’s mired in the mainstream repetition of ‘what Neanderthals looked like’ and needs to just look at the actual evidence and use some some connect-the-dots logic. What Neanderthals looked like is a complex question. Yes, I could be wrong but for anyone really interested, Vendramini’s ‘Them and Us’ is a must read. I’ve tried contacting him but have not heard back. It’s possible he’s just completely disgusted by the failure of his book to make a dent in the mainstream paradigm. I can relate.

  11. August 18, 2019 at 2:17 pm

    Reminds me there may be some element of truth in Michael Crichton’s “Eaters Of The Dead”, later re-made as “The 13th Warrior”.
    Not that the novel represents true events, but dovetails with your narrative.


  12. August 18, 2019 at 9:39 am

    I stumbled upon the Grand Matrix of Lies we live in, only about 12 years ago.
    One of my best friends (who I have known for 55years!), said he found out way before I did, but he said he didn’t tell me about it , because I had to find out for myself – to believe it.
    It was devastating and life changing when I found out.
    All anyone has to do, is study the history of the ROTHSCHILDS (and the Fed reserve) , and how “MONEY” is *created*.
    When you study that, and find out we live in a BS world built on one giant “monetary” system PONZI-SCHEME – driving almost ALL countries into fast increasing, and out of control debt (have a look for yourself on the world debt clock),
    the WHY of the lies all falls into place.
    What stuns me, is the level of greed, and how many yachts these psychopaths at the top want to ski behind.
    I was visiting the Rome Colosseum back in 2017, and our guide told us, that was controlled and run by the ‘money men’ – 2000 years ago, ie the Banksters… NOT the Emperor, or the Senators.

  13. Rachel
    August 18, 2019 at 4:49 am

    Looking for answers to the question why don’t they want us to knew our true history and origins came upon this article which I found interesting.

    How to change the course of human history
    (at least, the part that’s already happened)
    David Graeber
    David Wengrow
    2 March 2018


    It’s obvious that PTB are not interested in equality, hence they bury any notion that it is possible for the majority. First majority has got to wake up from the alternate reality of massive lies forced on us daily.
    Our government U.S. passes a law that they are allowed to propagandize its citizens through the media and the people not only let them get away with it, they believe every word. So sad.

    • ea
      August 18, 2019 at 9:37 am

      The LAW was the Smith-Mundt Act (1948-2012, RIP). it prevented, actually, or anyway illegalised Radio Free Europe-style crapola within the Lower Forty-Eight. What Obama did was ‘modernise’ the law, declawing / decriminalising RFE-style crapola. But hey, we drank before, during and after Volstead (1919-33), right?


    • August 18, 2019 at 3:45 pm

      Altho I don’t agree with a lot of it, that is an interesting link. The criticism of Jared Diamond’s work is on the money, tho. I recall hearing him opine that the mega-fauna extinction of about 13,000 years ago was from ‘over hunting’ by man and realizing that if he believes something THAT dumb, he’s probably wrong about a lot of things. I’m over simplifying but i just got up.

    • August 18, 2019 at 4:18 pm

      Yeah, it’s pretty amazing that they did that — actually passed a law making it ok to lie to us. Sort of a beta test to see who is paying attention. Not many are, apparently.

      • ea
        August 19, 2019 at 7:17 am

        .. actually revoked a law that had made it not OK. Whatever.

  14. Jethro
    August 18, 2019 at 2:50 am

    I’m telling you, your use of “Neanderthal looked like an angry gorilla at all times” imagery just undercuts the deeper arguments and will make most rational, evidence-based researchers dismiss any argument thereafter.

    There is no evidence Neanderthal looked ANYTHING like these images. They are known to have had red hair and lived in Northern latitudes. Why do you have them having black skin like this? That makes no sense. And have every single one of them built up like the strongest possible musculature compared to a homo sapiens without any muscle? That’s misleading. Those images don’t even show Neanderthal as having homo genus ears or a nose, and with full body fur! These images are just not right. The skull comparison image is especially bad, specifically the middle skull. That orbital socket is way too big for a Neanderthal. You can make the point that Neanderthal was more brutish and there was interspecies rape without taking it to this absurd, unsupported extreme. Why suddenly would an offshoot 30 species down the line, who lived at the same time as us, suddenly have gone back to having tiny ears, body fur, and no nose cartilage like a gorilla? It makes no sense. It is widely accepted that we and Neanderthal had a common ancestor, and that we progressed down the same line of descent up until then. Why would you imagine we look so different?

    There is a lot of disinformation out there and outright deceit…I completely agree, but don’t let that make you accept something like these Neanderthal images. I say this from a position of wanting people to be open-minded to ideas outside of the mainstream. I know this comment is going to go over like a lead balloon, but it is a major problem with your whole concept.


    That’s an honest side-by-side. Your points about interspecies rape can still be valid without an insistence that Neanderthal looked like gorillas. That’s it for me for awhile. I don’t want to stir the pot too violently, but please consider what I’m saying. I really like a lot of the places you are going on this topic, but I feel like if it was my research and something so fundamental were sticking out and undercutting the greater points, I would want to know. Peace.

    • August 18, 2019 at 3:26 am

      I’m tired but for now I’ll simply ask you a couple questions. Keep in mind that our last common ancestor with Neanerthals was somewhere between 400 and 800 thousand years ago. So we don’t have any idea what that ancestor looked like. But we do know that all the other primates – all of them except us — had think hair (fur).

      What evidence do you have that the Neanderthals looked like… anything?

      Why didn’t they leave clothes-making tools behind like sapiens? (Plenty of needles, etc.)

      They survived the ice age, apparently with no clothes. How did they do this?

      I added some photos from a lecture at the end of the post. Do you understand that the guy is lying about what Neanderthal’s looked like? It’s right in front of your face. Why would they do that?

      Do you understand the Mt DNA issue and what it means?

      You’re obviously agitated about one aspect of my essay, and may not think about this clearly. All they have are the bones, no soft tissue to define what these creatures looked like. Again, explain why you think they looked like the screenshot at the end of my post. Please give links that offer evidence, not bullshit artist’s renderings, which mean nothing.

      I suggest you read Them and Us by Vendramini, since you appear so interested.

      • Jethro
        August 18, 2019 at 6:15 pm

        You answered none of my points though, keep pushing the “no clothes” line even though it is not backed up by anything, and then try to spin this back around like I have something to answer for or read up on? Fine, if you really want to go point by point on this then quit recommending books to show you’ve read them and let’s go point by point. Do I understand what the MDNA issue means? I gave my own reading on the MDNA issue. You’re the one who didn’t answer back on that one. I asked whether you were saying that if a female Neanderthal mated with a homo sapiens male even one single time it would mean the MDNA would have survived the 100,000 years to present day? Because you claimed I didn’t understand genetics, and I think you similarly recommended a book.

        Your deeper theory explaining the 2% Neanderthal DNA without mitochondrial is good and feels like it would have to be in the ballpark, but your insistence such pairings NEVER happened in the other direction is unnecessarily excessive. There may have been a strong tendency for the pairings to only be one direction, but this idea that it never, ever, ever happened in the other direction because Neanderthal was a steroid bulked gorilla is not really supported by anything.

        I completely acknowledged that there is a lot of bad information out there and yes the Neanderthal image from that presentation is particularly egregious, but do you not see that your black skins gorilla images are equally egregious but in the opposite direction? As far as I am concerned, I pointed out a good four or five reasons why those gorillas images are completely unsupported by anything and you glossed over that completely in order to try to vaguely paint me as uneducated and mainstream.

        I am not trying to undercut your arguments. I am trying to point out that you may well be undercutting your own arguments by using those gorilla images. Just because there is misinformation out there about human origins does not mean anything about Neanderthal looking like a gorilla. I really do like a lot of the places you are going on this topic, but if I didn’t know this blog any better I would have completely tuned out as soon as I saw the gorilla images because they’re silly and fly in the face of the real non-deceptive science of the subject. And that’s not me with mainstream blinders, that is me not wanting non-mainstream ideas to look silly.

        Neanderthal made cave paintings. Neanderthal buried their dead. Neanderthal made stone tools, and were masters of the Levallois technique. Neanderthal had larger brains than us. Neanderthal came from a common ancestor as us. Neanderthal survived an ice age at Northern latitudes. We might not have been best pals like the mainstream portrayal, which agreed is a joke, but we were at worst slight variations on each other.

        You claim that every ancestor except us had thick fur. This is an outrageous statement and not backed up by anything except your claim. Similarly to what you are saying about the lack of clothes, where you are taking absence of evidence as evidence of absence. It is a classic logical fallacy. There is no proof that even homo sapiens of this era wore clothes, which I already said. Homo sapiens of this age (and present day!) also practice cannibalism and rape. The latitudes Neanderthal lived at would directly imply that they wore clothes, and that their skin would not have looked anything like black in your images due to how melanin in skin is a function of latitudes. Your images also show them as having red eyes, no nose cartilage, and tiny ears. These images are just not correct. This is not me swallowing some mainstream pill, it is just the basic fundamentals of the science behind this. I am all for outside the box theories, but not built upon a foundation with cracks.

        Trying to discredit me and repeating your unsupported points does not add any support to them. If you have evidence that supports this idea that Neanderthal had black skin, no nose cartilage, lived in an ice age at Northern latitudes but did not wear clothes then fine. But don’t just try to paint me as some mainstream person with blinders over my eyes. I really did not intend anything more than to get you to reconsider using those images because they were detrimental to the overall credibility. Heaven forbid.

        If the last post was a lead balloon, I feel like this one is Tsar Bomba so I will show myself the door.


        • August 18, 2019 at 8:35 pm

          I’ll make it simple, so you don’t have to write hundreds of words without really answering me: What evidence do you have that Neanderthals looked like us? See the photos at the end of my post. Do you really believe they looked like the Marlboro man?

          How are the images I use any less credible than the ones the mainstream uses? Again, look at the image that PH.d uses in his lecture. Do you see how deceitful it is, given the skull morphology (which is all we have as evidence)? Why no mention of that?

          Why did you not deal with this:

          Jethro, the bottom line is that our last common ancestor, be it 400 or 800 thousand years ago, almost certainly had thick body hair (fur) like the rest of the apes. Explain how and why Neanderthal would (separately from us) shed his hair, ESPECIALLY given that most of evolution occurred in ice age Europe.

          Researchers in the evolution of lice (yes, folks do that) shows that we lost our thick hair relatively recently, certainly way after we split with Neanderthals. Please think about this and get back to us. If you still disagree, fine, but explain why. (If you want links to the above, you can find them.) [You do not explain why. You just make bald assertions. Notice the imagery and quotes I provide.]

          You say, ‘You claim that every ancestor except us had thick fur.’ Not sure if this is a lie or you just didn’t pay attention. I said ‘our last common ancestor.’ Not ‘every ancestor’. Do you understand the difference?

          You say, ‘There is no proof that even homo sapiens of this era wore clothes…’ This is untrue. Here’s a quote:

          ‘The last Ice Age occurred about 120,000 years ago, but the study’s date suggests humans started wearing clothes in the preceding Ice Age 180,000 years ago, according to temperature estimates from ice core studies, Gilligan said.’ (I can provide the link)

          So are you misinformed or is it something else? Please answer this.

          Meanwhile there is no evidence that Neanderthals wore clothes. Why do I have to repeat myself?

          I don’t have patience with people who rather than answering pertinent questions, write long screeds that don’t deal with evidence and which include untruths. This is called misdirection. You keep doing this, yes, please show yourself to the door.

          • August 18, 2019 at 8:41 pm

            Jethro, it appears you also didn’t deal with this:

            Go about 11 minutes into this:


            Listen to this idiot as he admits that sex between us and Neanderthals was a one way deal: human women and their men. Then notice his ridiculous theory as to why this was the case — complete with a ‘Neanderthal’ in a hot tub — i.e., Neanderthals were on the brink of extinction. As if this explains why human females couldn’t resist them. Utter nonsense, but at least he admits the one way sex situation. I suspect he got in trouble with the PTB for even bringing this up.

            This is mainstream science (another TED talk).

            This a short way of answering your misdirection about who had sex with who. this mainstream shill even admits the sex was only between Neanderthal men and human women. If it went the other way one time or 20 times (over 100,00 years), it’s fucking irrelevant, isn’t it, in the overall picture?

    • August 18, 2019 at 6:05 pm

      Jethro, the bottom line is that our last common ancestor, be it 400 or 800 thousand years ago, almost certainly had thick body hair (fur) like the rest of the apes. Explain how and why Neanderthal would (separately from us) shed his hair, ESPECIALLY given that most of evolution occurred in ice age Europe.

      Researchers in the evolution of lice (yes, folks do that) shows that we lost our thick hair relatively recently, certainly way after we split with Neanderthals. Please think about this and get back to us. If you still disagree, fine, but explain why. (If you want links to the above, you can find them.)

      Btw. I tend to believe that sapiens is the result of genetic engineering (post to come), which complicates this issue tremendously. In fact, as I’ve said, this whole issue might be a red herring, to distract us from the engineering possibility.

      • Jethro
        August 18, 2019 at 6:26 pm

        I am quite familiar with the lice genetic study you are referring to, and this only speaks to when clothing began to be broadly worn. Nothing about whether it was Homo sapiens or Neanderthal doing the wearing.

        And if it’s all a red herring, I am definitely on board and excited about any ideas related to genetic engineering! I made a comment on the original post about research into the fusion event of human chromosome 2 that I think has some crazy implications.

        Don’t hate me because I’m a pain in the ass. I feel like deep down, all of your readers must be!!!

  15. Nigel
    August 18, 2019 at 1:48 am

    It’s like they want to subvert people’s ability to think objectively and encourage delusional thinking as a societal norm ….

    • Nigel
      August 18, 2019 at 2:01 am

      Oh and the why – So they can control the money flows and steer humanity to which ever fucked up direction they want to ….

      • Nigel
        August 18, 2019 at 2:47 am

        And the big one – To hide the true nature of reality .

    • August 18, 2019 at 3:28 am

      Who are you referring to here and how does it relate to this issue? (I’m seriously asking.)

      • Nigel
        August 18, 2019 at 7:14 am

        I’m referring to the higher ups and certain people of gov ,policy makers, media , academia , intelligence etc who I believe to be occultists and mystery school practitioners .
        I think a lot of what’s peddled in the media and academia is also leading us in the direction of where the powers want to take us. At first I thought the peddling of consensual mating of the Neanderthal and modern humans tied in with what they’re currently doing with Europe and the massive African migration there (encouraging and making the mixing of races more acceptable in the European psyche) .

        • August 18, 2019 at 3:58 pm

          Good answer. I woke up with the realization that the current lie (that we’re discussing) is probably part of the Darwinian agenda, i.e., keep neo-darwinism going at all costs, even tho it’s absurd and has been debunked. When I say ‘debunked’ I refer to the mechanism of evolution — blind, undirected chance. For proof of that I can refer you to the books by the guys at the Discovery Institute, Behe, Meyer, Axe, Wells, and a few others. You just have to get past their Christian crapola, which is unrelated to their science anyway. (See my open letter to Behe, Meyer and Axe.)

          That last bit I added at the end of this post — the transparency of the guy’s lie — is actually important. It’s unlikely that he is ‘fooling himself’ on the issue (of what a Neanderthals looked like), which means he is… an ‘insider’ of some sort. This implies that many/most/all? scholars (college/university types) are conscious participants in the deceit, not just useful idiots.

          ‘Jethro,’ I hope you can get past your problem with ‘what they looked like’ and realize what we’re dealing with here — a part of another huge lie, i.e., our physical/biological history, which is pretty important.

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