Note: I thought I’d stick this in while I work on another ‘Pick a Subject’ essay — this one proving that there indeed is a ‘higher power’ that created this mess and wants us to know about him/her/it/them — although I will not be using Cowan’s name in the title; he has insulted me and annoyed me to the extent where in principle (sic) I doubt I’ll bring him up again; we’ve gotten all we need from him, I think.
If you’re wondering about the insults/annoyances go to his last podcast and read my comments. Please do comment on my comment and/or give me Rumble if you’re so moved .
A Movie titled The Principle (Originally, this was going to go with my ‘higher power’ post but it ended up too long)
Via Professor Pierre Marie Robitaille of the YouTube Sky Scholar channel yesterday I became aware of a documentary film called The Principle, and my head is still shaking in multi-faceted disgust, plus (I admit) a bit of I-told-you-so satisfaction. Here’s a link to the relevant Sky Scholar video. Go to about 6:30 in. It’s important as background.
For many months Prof Robitaille has been showing how/why the ‘Cosmic Microwave Background’ (CMB) is still another load of crapola from mainstream science, and the film not only verifies this (if assbackwards and indirectly) but the publicized reaction to it (the film) outs several big name physics gatekeepers as the slimeball hypocrites and idiots that they are. This is my main interest (my heart soars like an eagle when Lawrence Krause makes a fool of himself).
Addendum: Primarily, the mainstream uses the CMB as ‘proof’ of the big bang. It ain’t and there was no big bang. But the issue of the movie is related to where the earth may or may not be located: Is it at the center of the universe? If it is, Someone likely put us there…blah blah…
So: The Principle uses a certain aspect of the ‘CMB’ (the cosmic microwave background, i.e., the supposed ‘echo’ of the big bang — keep in mind that in point of fact the CMB has nothing to do with cosmology or even actual, real science — to ‘prove’ the existence of God (a higher power), and features big shots like Lawrence Krause, Max Tegmark, and Michio Kaku (plus Brit physicist Julian Barbour) verifying this, if indirectly, via an admitted ‘glitch’ in the CMB data, which glitch the physicists refer to as ‘The Axis of Evil.’
In brief, ‘The Axis of Evil’ amounts to a sectioning off of the CMB with the earth/sun ecliptic as the dividing line. The horrifying implication of this division is that the earth apparently is at the ‘center’ of the universe; this is possibly the biggest no-no of all, a nightmare of truly epic proportions, for the materialist view, i.e., ‘the Copernican’ principle (a.k.a. ‘the principle of mediocrity’), which presumes that earth and mankind are utterly insignificant, grand scheme-wise, a sub-implication being that there is no ‘higher power’ creating and/or monkeying with the universe.
Hence the supposedly tongue in cheek epithet ‘The Axis of Evil’: If we are at the center of it all, there must be a ‘god’/God/higher power/whatever who put us there. Ahhh! The horror! The horror!, groans the mainstream.
Addendum: When I type ‘Big Bang’ using small letters (which I just did), my Mac corrects me to caps: a classic (though minor) PTB disinformation ploy (subtly verifying the lie of the big bang).
Recall that what started this series of posts was DCI William Casey’s quote that…
‘We’ll know that our (the CIA’s) disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is wrong.’ (my emphasis)
Especially amusing is that when these big shot physicists — plus the ‘civilian’ (non-scientist) narrator, actor Kate Mulgrew, who, just to add a tad more irony, was a cosmos-cruiser skipper in one of the many Star Trek sequels — realized what they’d said, on film, they fucking flat out panicked. As did the whole of the media, from Variety to Rotten Tomatoes to the esoteric science press.
You guys know me, my love for irony, and holy shit do we have a load of it here, dense as a neutron star (which, like black holes, don’t actually exist).
Keep in mind that (as Prof Robitaille has shown!) the CMB does not measure anything, i.e., it’s meaningless. (If you don’t understand the science, for now just trust me that Prof R is absolutely and obvious correct in his calling the CMB meaningless.)
Meaningless as, say, the PCR test for ‘COVID-19’: not in the sense that it is inaccurate in its measurements, but that (this is worth repeating) it does not measure anything at all. (According to Kary Mullis, the Nobel laureate who invented PCR.)
Legendary co-founder of quantum mechanics Wolfgang Pauli comes to mind here, his labeling of a colleague’s flawed theory as ‘Not even wrong.’ (Or, as The Bard might phrase it: Much ado about nothing.)
The makers of The Principle are more or less correct (as I point out elsewhere and will do so again soon, there is a higher power), but for completely erroneous, i.e., not even wrong, reasons…. They are more less than more, correct, come to think of it. (I don’t know why I’m writing these weird sentences… sorry…. and it gets worse in a minute…)
And given that the proof of the existence of a higher power is right there (in the numbers, in the math of the sun/moon/earth relationship) in front of the stupid faces of the named gaggle of famous physicists, and given said gaggle’s denial of saying what they (or it) did say — but which in point of scientific fact was utterly meaningless (the CMB does not measure anything), makes said gaggle of famous physicists not only ‘not even wrong,’ but (to repeat) not even wrong in every way you can be… not even wrong. (I studied the above sentence and although it may be annoying, it breaks no grammatical or syntactic rules.)
And speaking of stupid faces, they (the gaggle) are outright lying in our stupid faces. Bald-faced (and bold-faced) lies; the babbling of L. Krause — who hopes we’ve forgotten about his dumb-ass/awkward/unwanted sexual sleaziness at a conference — being the most egregious example here: He denies he is even in the movie! The following quote is from his feature article in Slate, the title of the piece being, ‘I Have No Idea How I Ended Up In That Stupid Geo-Centrism Movie,’ which title likely has the William Ockham of titles (and lying) rolling (in) his/their eyes/graves, depending on his/their/ state of existence (I think this last sentence is also technically okay, but I’m less sure):
‘I have no recollection of being interviewed for such a film, and of course had I known of its premise I would have refused. So, either the producers used clips of me that were in the public domain, or they bought them from other production companies that I may have given some rights to distribute my interviews to, or they may have interviewed me under false pretenses, in which case I probably signed some release. I simply don’t know.’
Okay. Now go about 9 minutes minutes in, here. Please just do it. It’s worth it. (I highly recommend you view the whole video!)
There the fucker is, in the movie. And there it is, his signature on the release. Krause is lying through his teeth. In detail. When you lie in detail you are somehow exponentially lying, as a cosmologist/mathematician might put it. (What’s worse still, is that he’s lying about his own state of mind, implying that he is either insane or dishonest, or both.) It’s a law of…. ahhh, nature, or physics… or scumfucks. Something like that.

Here’s the asshole’s (Krause) signature on the release for the movie he doesn’t remember being in (or signing a release for).
And no one called him on it. None of his peers, not one ‘journalist,’ none of his gaggle (of course), no one. Which begs the question, What has happened to science? Or journalism? Or… (fill in the blank). Is this a rhetorical question? (Some nice double meaning in the sentence, ‘Is this a rhetorical question?’, no?)
Make no mistake, The Principle is a crock (not even wrong), but, as Prof R points out, the filmmakers’ only (and big) mistake was that they took the physicists at their word. They believed the ‘scientists.’ Watch the movie.They (the scientists) in effect say exactly what the filmmakers claim; The earth is at the center of the universe. (As far as I’m concerned, maybe it is… Probably not…)
Please do watch the film (it’s free!): It is obvious that no one was ‘taken out of context’ (which they all claim was done), not a bit. The layers of lies from these mainstreamers!
Then watch the filmmakers defend themselves, i.e., make liars out of the gaggle. Robert A. Sungenis is a bit nauseating, but no where near to the extent of the gaggle, every last one of them. Lying sacks of shit, all.
And, again, view the Sky Scholar video, skip about halfway in if you must, to get to Professor Robitaille’s point. By god, he is a smart man…
To understand the current state of ‘science,’ please consider viewing all the above links. Miss even one and you’ll likely miss an important point.
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