A Predictive Program

For those eternal optimists (and state trolls) who choose to believe that the PTB are not currently making their move with bio-weapons, take a look at the interview in this video, which was recorded in 2014:

If you’re too busy to watch it all (10 or so minutes), go to 7:45 and listen to the 2014 prediction of exactly what is happening today.

Notice that mentioned are many from my list of what may be to come:

1. Voluntary isolation of the sick
2. Mandatory isolation of the sick (they will come and get you, as in China)
3. Voluntary quarantine (of not-sick people) in their homes, plus…
4. Curfews and spot checking (for symptoms) on the streets
4a. Travel bans are enacted, including street travel between cities and towns
5. Hoarding of food/water/supplies is outlawed (to make the populace dependent on the government)
6. Mandatory quarantines, first at home (you can’t leave the house) then…
7. Quarantine camps (which are now called Fema Camps and are ready and waiting)
8. Guns (They will come and get them, as with Katrina in New Orleans; no reason needed)
9. Vaccination (idiots will plea for it)
10. Mandatory vaccinations (in the camps and in order to procure food from the government)
11. ‘Fake News’ is banned (as suggested at ‘Event 201), arrests made; in some areas the Internet is shut down — to prevent ‘a crisis in confidence’ (some measures will start early on)
12. Cash money is said to carry The Bug and is outlawed
13. The United Nations, at first via WHO, is gradually given jurisdiction, with some foreign troops on U.S. soil
14. One World (cashless) Economy and Government is eased in
.(Formal Martial Law is declared somewhere around measures 7 or 8)
15. At some point aerial spraying may be initiated, with some sort of bull shit reason given relating to fighting The Bug. God only knows what will be in these admitted chemtrails.
16. The Bug will serve as another reason for unlimited surveillance and the curtailing of personal freedoms in general. The excuse will be the ‘identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated’, something like that.
Bingo! There is nothing about The Bug that is not perfect in terms of The Agenda. My impression from some of the comments is that not all of you read that post. Here it is again.
You also might recall the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) document from 2000 (almost exactly a year before 9/11) that posited ‘race specific bio-weapons’ as a political tool. Yes, they actually said that.
That was 20 years ago. It’s overdue. Was overdue.
I sure hope I’m wrong.


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