A Quickie From 8,230 Feet

Note (Wednesday AM, about to hit the road): I see there are quite a few comments. I’ll have to read them later; in fact, I’m looking forward to it based on the one I scanned from berger. Talk about desperate. Really amusing. I appreciate the interest, folks!

Last night. Uploading takes too much time so this will have to be it for the imagery. Sorry.

Last night. Uploading takes too much time so this will have to be it for the imagery. Sorry.

As I write I’m even farther (further?) from the Ranger Station wifi, so my walk tomorrow to see how things are going online will be about twice as long. Gus will love it; the doggy-sniff world up here at 8,000 feet-plus is apparently hot stuff. I sometimes wish I knew what was going on in her little doggy-mind when she’s nose down, tail erect and wild-eyed on some ??? trail. I mean, is it like a good novel or movie for me? (Do visual images conjure?) Is there an actual story in the floating molecules? Some canine version of endings are everything?

Addendum: Maybe Gus’s snoot-trails are like me when I’m full-bore into an online ‘search roll’ and on the verge of an a-ha! gotcha! Experience.

But I ramble. What I was getting at: I’m getting to like not being able to go online at any time – no chance at getting cyber-aggravated via a ceceitful comment or bad-news-email or even a news flash — although the down side is there too. Mainly access to needed information, real or otherwise. As I’ve said many times, occasionally the Lies infer important truths. And holy shit is the online world full of Lies or what?! (Seriously, Youtube ‘science’ vids… 99% untruths. No exaggeration. TED TALKS?… 90% untruths. Joe Rogan… shoot me a high number here.)

Adam is clearly looking across...

This was already uploaded so… my point is that many (including me) recall that Adam was lower down than God. As a REAL ex-pro photog I can also say that the composition (and subtext) is off with the horizontal composition. A genius like Michaelangelo would (and did) do better. The eye line issue was a detail.

Just FYI, as I write I’ve read the first 6 comments to my last post, and I want to explain something before we really know that ‘les berger des whatever’ is a professional mole, an agent of the state. I mean, I pretty much know he is, but as one of you commented, proof is everything. Everything. (Like endings.) On this blog, there is proof and then there is proof.

But we’ll see how it goes with berger. I’ve really thrown down the gauntlet with this guy, haven’t I? A hundred bucks (which, I assure you I will pay if he comes up with the proofs), plus… well, read his last few comments. Believe me, an ego is very much at stake with this scumfuck. He’s been trained in NLP (by my definition), overlooked by handlers, told how to react to cause the most doubt/misdirection/deceit and so forth. I can’t go back and look right now, but this persona has been commenting on my blog… for months… I think… I’ll check, but think of the work he put in to get ‘trusted’…. All gone now. He’s fucked.

The way it is for me, the way I left it (with my last post), there is no excuse whatsoever for ‘berger’s failure to provide the asked-for evidence of his veracity. (A few screenshots that should be handy, or easily attained via his ‘brother’.) Do we all agree on that?


I have to ask, and please do answer if you don’t mind: How many of you were sure he’s dirty? Or just suspected it? I’m talking about before my last post – which didn’t contain any new information; nothing unavailable to you with just a liiittle thinking. And more importantly, how many maybe read his last few ‘sincere’ comments and were thinking, ‘Maybe Allan is getting a little paranoid’?

This would be a help in making my point that this matter of state moles on ‘truthy’ blogs is important, and my getting pissed off is a correct reaction: Scumfucks like this guy are really no different from participators in false flag events, for example. Anyone who lies to you as a matter of course, as his job… if you don’t get pissed off, whatsamatter wid you?

Let’s assume that no ‘proof of truth’ is forthcoming from this guy (although who knows what gender ‘berger’ is, or even if he/she/it is human). Let’s assume there is no real response, or that the response is as ridiculous as his ‘brother’s’ photo analyses, and you all or most of you all comment that he’s a dirty scumsucker and that he should go away. (Please do so if you feel that way!)

If this happens, believe me, it’s a victory for our side. He/she/it may even get yelled at, by a handler. I mean, look at his last comment, the desperation in all that drippy sincerity (being offline, I can’t paste it). This, by the way, is one of the ‘tells’ you should be aware of. Wordy, sincere crap. They get wordy, they’re getting desperate. Think about it, would you spend time trying persuade someone you don’t know how honest you are? They think you’re lying and you’re not, fuck ‘em! Right? Why waste your time on jerks? So why did berger do that?

Or wordy hostile/accusatory bullshit like I’ve gotten from scumfucks like Miles Mathis, Max Igan, James Corbett, Simon Shack, that Forum Borealis creep, and so many others.

Those of you who had doubts and wondered if berger was right – believe me I do not hold it against you – I can only hope that this issue (yes, this one outed mole) nudges you a bit toward what has become the purpose, the raison d’ etre, of this blog: Cluing you in on just how surrounded we really are.

Plus the magnitude of the Lies. You may think you know (the surroundedness and the magnitude) but you don’t.

By the way: Evolution. Boy, have I been reading books on evolution. Got to get back to that. Maybe soon.

Speaking of Lies.


Right: How the fuck do these people live with themselves? That’s the scary question. ‘Berger’? Want to chime in here?

Addendum: One tiny little detail about Spacex (which, actually, is pretty much a QED that it’s a fraud): You can tell where the cameras should be mounted from the angles in the Spacex video (or in all their ‘mission’ videos). Yet when you look at exterior shots of the booster and the capsule, there is no ‘bump’ or any indication whatsoever that there is a camera there. When you look at their videos, from the angle looking down – and how much you see of the booster – it’s obvious that the camera should be visible via exterior shots. Yet it is not. There is no camera mounted on the Spacex boosters. (Since I can’t go online at the moment, do your own search for imagery of the exterior of the booster; you’ll see there is no camera – and it cannot be mounted flush and still give the downward view you get.)

Spacex is like 9/11: there is not one aspect that isn’t a fraud. One more time: Where is the ‘alt media’ in this?

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