A Summation

I’m doing this post just to make sure we’re all on the same page — even if you disagree with me, we ought to make sure you’re disagreeing with what I actually am saying. Right? Right.

Happened upon a folk festival the other day...

Happened upon a folk festival the other day…

As I’ve said, the ‘star visibility’ issue — best summed up in this video and this one — is of high enough importance that a little redundancy is called for (or a lot). I’ve also said that there are two — and only two – possible reasons for the lack of stars in the space imagery we get from the various PTB sources. Either they (the images) are all fraudulent or space is not what we’ve been told. That the official imagery is all fraudulent is becoming more and more apparent. This, however, does not infer anything regarding the ‘nature of space’ issue, since in any case — ‘space is real’ or ‘space is something else’ — the imagery would be faked, for one of two reasons, i.e., cost (faking is cheaper than doing) or because chemical rocketry doesn’t work (for whatever reason). So these two subjects should be kept separate in our thinking.

__IMG_1780A related matter is my hypothesis that — given the fraudulent imagery — either man has never left the earth (accomplished low earth orbit or better) in any craft, or man has been zipping around the solar system with anti-grav craft for many decades, resulting in what Richard Dolan has termed a ‘breakaway civilization.’ Either one of these scenarios would result in the necessity to fake imagery obtained from (fake) chemical rocket ‘missions’ — again, it’s possible that man cannot leave the earth, for technical (or who knows, maybe spiritual) reasons; . (Yes, I am repeating myself up the yin yang but, based on some of the comments, a few out there are not understanding the issues at hand; a little word-play might help.)


That’s my campsite in the distance.

Logically speaking, the use of fake space imagery is unrelated to the question of a breakaway civilization’s theoretical freedom to soar about the solar system (and maybe the stars). I’m hoping you all understand the logic here. These are related but not ‘dependent’ issues.

Just as important is the Alt Media’s total failure to deal with these issues, a situation that implies their collusion in the deceit, with ‘Forum Borealis’ being the latest example, given the rambling and ridiculous misdirection rampant in his attempt to avoid the above questions. Given that the whole Secret Space Program crew — see this post for most of their names, plus this one for some rowdiness — have done exactly the same thing tells us that Operation Mockingbird has been busy co-opting the Net from its very get-go, and I mean from one end of the ‘truther spectrum’ to the other, say, Democracy Now (obviously dirty) to ‘Miles Mathis,’ (the most outrageous) and all betwixt. (One signal that this is the case is the fact that no one — not one truther out of the whole mess — has dealt with this subject: ‘To what depth has Operation Mockingbird infiltrated the alt media?’ See, the question is not whether they

Where I am now.

Where I am now.

have infiltrated, it’s only a matter of degree.

Addendum: As you all should know, Mockingbird was/is one of CIA’s most longstanding and wildly successful ops. Going back to the 1950s and run by the Agency’s higher-up sociopaths like Dulles, Frank Wisner, and Cord Meyer, even limited hangout artists like Carl Bernstein had to admit its sleazy efficacy at controlling the media. A question: Does anyone think that Mockingbird was/is limited to the mainstream media? In fact, I would bet that, at least since 9/11/01, more energy and manpower has been aimed at alt media than anywhere else. Evidence of this is the fact that you’re probably hearing this idea for first time here.  

As far as I am aware, it’s only little old me who has raised these vital issues. And, frankly speaking, I don’t believe I have come across even one alt media name who has dealt with my queries differently than Forum Borealis, i.e., by actually answering questions rather than misdirection. (I’ve left a few ‘researchers’ alone, usually for personal reasons.) Anyone wanting to do a study on this need only scan my past posts. One way is to search for a name in my posts, via “Name” site:https://blog.banditobooks.com.

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Love those starry skies, clear air.

They all use the same tactic, which I refer to as ‘NLP via misdirection’; most (including Borealis) get around to accusing me of being dirty, notwithstanding that this accusation makes no sense. (I mean given that the last thing the PTB want is a discussion on the degree to which they have infiltrated the alt media (let alone the Spacex fraud, of which, again, I seem to be the only whistle blower).


I went back and looked at a couple of my old posts on this matter, which are linked above. They are perhaps too wordy, and for those who have really been paying attention, there’s probably no need to re-visit them. But those who are new to this blog, or, especially, those who don’t seem to understand what I’m saying… maybe go ahead and take the time. Again, this one and this one.

To those of you who are tired of this space stuff (you really shouldn’t be, given the implications): My next post will take us back to humankind’s origins.


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