Alien Visitors Center, Route 95, Nevada, July 10th
Cruising northwest from Las Vegas on two-lane blacktop interstate Route 95 (stay on two-lane blacktop if you want to see America)…
I sensed a stop for more than gas was warranted when I whizzed past a huge sign that proclaimed, simply, ‘BROTHEL’….
…then I noticed a little green dude peeking at me from above the gas-price sign…
I sensed that this was the right locale to continue with my essay on My Trip to the Electric Universe (conference), so I wound up spending two days ensconced under ‘the sign’… until Gus and I were ejected for not ‘properly’ visiting the brothel (I went in for a drink then bolted in horror)…
My check-in at the Sheraton Downtown Phoenix for the Electric Universe Conference went smoothly. My flashing of Gus’s ‘Emotional Support Animal’ badge hardly drew a blink from the clerk — I didn’t have the required back up letter from a psychiatrist (or ‘qualified health care specialist’) saying something to the effect that without my Support Animal’s presence I might very well run amok, so I was a tad on edge. So far I’ve only been asked for my ‘lunatic letter’ once, at an airline check-in with my old pup Honey when we were flying back from Mexico. I managed to get through that one by escalating my panic in rummaging through my bags for the documentation.
‘I know it’s here somewhere!’ Papers, books, and toiletries piled up on the floor and people on line behind me backed up.
‘Okay, no problem… here’s your ticket… gate (whatever).’
Turned out that Coach Class on this flight was completely sold out, so on boarding and with Honey’s big browns, the gay-dog-lover flight attendant put us in First Class, a whole row to ourselves.
Point being, the Sheraton check-in gal let Gus and me slide. We were in.
The Sheraton was in the heart of the city, with no parks or grassy areas for Gus to pee on (she refuses to pee on concrete), but luckily there was a tree-lined area just outside the main entrance – Phoenix being in the midst of a full-blown desert, stones and gravel as pee-substratum would have to do. Turned out this area was where E.U. ‘eccentrics’ (more in a minute) and smokers hung out between presentations; there were a couple tables and chairs out there. Conversations tended toward the science/esoteric (i.e., beyond me) but that first day I sensed that I was among some kindred spirits. As Gus wandered amongst the trees/gravel I overheard something at a nearby table that got my attention.
‘Excuse me, could you repeat that? What you just said?’ I was excited, actually.
The guy was wearing an E.U. badge around his neck (we all had to wear ‘em), was very thin (I would sense that forgetting to eat was a common occurrence) and had what I took to be a Dutch accent. The guy turns, glances at my E.U. badge, says, ‘I said I sometimes get the feeling that someone else is in charge of Hawking’s voice,’ which was what I thought he’d said.
‘Hawking,’ of course is Stephen Hawking, the famous physicist who has been severely handicapped by ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) ; he has to talk through a voice synthesizer. Thing is, I’m about half convinced… no, not half… maybe 10% convinced that Hawking is a shill for Bullshit Science (conveniently, call it BS); with his inability to speak or even move around and with someone else controlling what he says, he would in fact be the perfect shill… if my theory is correct, odds are that nothing is going on in Hawking’s head. It’s a vacuum in there. Maybe a perfect vacuum.
The other thing is, see, the idea is so outrageous that I figured I was the only person on planet earth to mull this theory. I’d in fact never mentioned it to anyone.
‘I’m kidding, but only a little bit,’ the Dutch guy, Edwin, says.
The guy Edwin was sitting with, Chris, was nodding solemnly, in apparent agreement with the theory I thought was unique to me; now there were at least three of us. I couldn’t believe it. But this would be only the first among many examples that I’d run into folks I could talk to.
Edwin grins. ‘I picture a control room with a TV monitor and an audio feed to Hawking’s voice box…’
I come back with this: ‘There’s two guys in there, giggling like mad as they try to outdo each other on the bullshit they’re handing us.’
‘Black holes have hair!’ This is Chris.
Me: ‘Perfect!’ (An offshoot of Hawking’s theory of black holes resulted in the beaut of black holes ‘having hair’, which refers to the ‘Hawking radiation’ that supposedly is all that can ever escape from a black hole.)
You may be thinking that this is a cruel theory/conversation, given the severity of Hawking’s medical predicament and all that he has accomplished in spite of it. And I’d agree if not for the 10% probability that Hawking is indeed a BS shill, a sort of Carl Sagan meets Howdy Doody.
Now you may be wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Do I mean a shill like, say, Chris Matthews, whose job it is to marginalize any idea that is not in keeping with the motives of the State? And do so by lying right into our stupid faces from the tube every night?
That’s exactly what I mean. If you’ve been on this blog for a while, or if you’ve seen my film Water Time you know that one aspect of my view of the world is that we’ve been lied to about every major historical event since I’ve been keeping close historical track, which is since World War II. Not almost every or virtually every, but literally every historical event. Over the past year or so – and especially since I’ve fallen in with Electric Universe – I’ve had to come to the conclusion that we have to include science in the Lied to about everything category.
Hence Bullshit Science (BS). But with science the situation is a liiiitle different from history/current events, in that the motives for the lies are more subtle – and more devious. We’ll get to the motives down the blog-road apiece but for now please keep in mind that I’m going to simplify and make no distinction between untruths and lies; in fact, most of the mainstream scientists (Gatekeepers) you are subjected to in the mainstream are not really lying; they are living in same sort of doublethink/matrix that we all do, except theirs is way more complex and scary: As Orwell tells us, ‘The greater the intellect, the greater the insanity.’ Meaning it’s one thing for you to commit the ‘authority prevails’ (ad verecundium) fallacy of accepting the absurd notion that a star can collapse in on itself until all its matter ‘approaches infinite density’, and another matter (so to speak) altogether for Hawking himself (who in effect came up with it) — after a lifetime of physics study. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Yeah, ‘Check it out.’
Do me a favor. For the moment assume that everything Hawking is going to go on about (in future post-clips): black holes, dark matter, dark energy, the formation of the solar system, how the sun works, plus, of course, the Big Bang itself, is utter hogwash and obviously so. Just for a moment, give me that assumption. (Add to that, this: Einstein was wrong about everything too.) Okay? And assume there is a motive for all the cosmic bullshit slinging. Then, you have to admit, there is a possibility that a couple of sicko giggling bastards in a room are making fools of us.
Okay? The rest of my E.U. posts will be aimed at showing you that it’s all BS, Bullshit Science.
This new Postcard was from last night, Gus and I having moved to a spot with mellower inhabitants – in other words, no one…