Thought I’d alert you all to a situation with I recently bought an audio book from them titled The Ghost; The Secret Life of Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, which purported to be the truth behind the spook (head of Counter Intelligence) James Angleton. I was curious to see if they’d deal with his participation in the JFK assassination; I should have known better. When I realized what a travesty the book is, I wrote a one star review, pasted below. Please click the image to the right for Amazon’s reaction to my observations; they rejected it (censored it) although there are no untruths in my review. It’s all on the record. This has happened before, so, being the hilarious optimist that I am, I’ve emailed the complaint department. Anyway, here it is:
Review Title ‘Limited Hangout’
A ‘limited hangout’ is when we’re misled by a little truth, shocking though it may be — when the real truth is much, MUCH more horrendous. So it is with this book.
In scanning the negative reviews I was amused to note that the readers who didn’t like this book felt that Angleton was treated UNFAIRLY, i.e., he was actually a patriot and a great American. Sorry, but any serious student of the JFK assassination will tell you that Angleton was up to his nicotine-stained eyebrows in the plot to kill Kennedy. Although there are many incriminating aspects of Angleton’s behavior re the assassination – none of which are mentioned in this travesty of a book – I’ll sum it up with the matter of Oswald’s supposed trip to Mexico City a month before Dallas, wherein he is said to have met with Soviet and Cuban spooks, and attempted to get a visa for Russia (his ‘escape’ after he would kill JFK). As most researchers know, Oswald was being set up (link to the whole article below):
“The CIA advised that on October 1, 1963, an extremely sensitive source had reported that an individual identified himself as Lee Oswald, who contacted the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City inquiring as to any messages. Special Agents of this Bureau, who have conversed with Oswald in Dallas, Texas, have observed photographs of the individual referred to above, and have listened to a recording of his voice. These special agents are of the opinion that the above-referred-to individual was not Lee Harvey Oswald.”
The paragraph shown above comes from an FBI memo sent to both the White House and the Secret Service on November 23, 1963, the day after President Kennedy’s assassination. It was a follow-up to a phone call at 10:01 AM, in which Director Hoover informed Lyndon Johnson of the same fact. Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of Kennedy held in police custody in Dallas, had been impersonated in phone calls to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City.’ (end quote)
This was Angleton’s handy work and there can be only one motive: Setting up Oswald as the patsy. That the author of The Ghost didn’t know this is impossible; it’s on the record. And it’s proof that it wasn’t just a ‘rogue’ element of CIA behind it. All the higher ups were part of it. Read more of the story here:
This book is still another effort by Operation Mockingbird, CIA’s long-standing op to control the media. Anyone wishing to read the real truth should get ‘JFK and the Unspeakable’ by James Douglas and ‘Mary’s Mosiac,’ the latter a heart-wrenching memoir/history by Peter Janney, whose own father (a CIA associate of Angleton) was part of the murder of JFK’s lover, Mary Pinchot Meyer (wife of CIA’s Cord Meyer), who knew the truth about Dallas and had to be silenced.
These who run the CIA were (and are) monsters; Angleton was possibly the worst of the bunch. This book barely touches on his real sins. (end of review)
Addendum: Anyone interested in a piece of smoking gun evidence of direct, from the bottom up, CIA involvement in the JFK killing should look into this Mexico City/Oswald impersonation issue. Think about it: A month before Dallas, CIA was setting up Oswald as the patsy! For someone who knows the facts, the way this book tap dances around Angleton’s criminal involvement is somehow both disgusting and hilarious.
We of course should not be surprised that Amazon is censoring stuff like my review. The company is high up in the PTB machinery, Jeff Bezos’s phony ‘space program’ being a Spacex-type fraud itself. Living as I do, I use Amazon for much of my buying; I really should get past that, even if it’s inconvenient.
Anyway, I highly recommend the James Douglas and Peter Janney books, the latter being an angle on the assassination that is most illuminating; it’ll knock your socks off.
I looked through my early videos, found one I’d forgotten about. Since it’s relevant to this (somewhat spontaneous) post, I’ll stick it in here. (It’s sort of worth it for Brian Greene’s little comment at the end, wherein the PTB gatekeeper unloads a major truth without knowing it.):
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