An Assault by ‘Miles Mathis’!

Been awhile since my last post, for which I apologize to those who look forward to them (not a big number of humans but it need not be). My travels have been a bit of a distraction, and the meeting up with a couple other ‘rubber tramps’ with whom I have tentatively hooked up.

Our high country meadow, at nearly 10,000 feet; Logan and Randy are nearby...

Our high country meadow, at nearly 10,000 feet; Logan and Randy are nearby…

It’s interesting and sometimes very cool when you physically meet someone you’ve gotten to know well via email and viewing each other’s websites and videos. Logan McCulloch is an example here. I’ve been in touch with Logan since before I hit the road on this latest extended wander back in July of 2014. Coincidentally (or rather, synchronously), Logan was in the midst of a trek of his own, much more ambitious than mine. He was hiking the Appalachian Trail, meanwhile communicating with the world via the Net and trying to raise awareness of the truths behind Lyme Disease, which he suffers from – another thing we have in common, although my bout with it was less severe. (As you’ll find out when you visit Logan’s site, Lyme’s is a bio-weapon, among its other functions.)

But Logan wasn’t done. After his hike he decided to cross the country, Atlantic to Pacific, by bicycle. His site describing his travels is well worth an examination at

Logan and me minutes after our first 'hello.'

Logan and me minutes after our first ‘hello.’

‘Unitick’, as his trail name emerged, is as awake as anyone I’ve come across; I more or less knew this via our email correspondence and videos, but now, having traveled and sat down with him on the road, I really know it. Logan is not only awake, but very articulate and motivated to communicate to others what he knows from his deep research. Take a look at one of his videos.

Notice how articulate the sumbitch is! I couldn’t do that (a no-edits monolog) if my life depended on it.

Having finished his low tech travels, Logan hit the road still again, this time as a fellow ‘rubber tramp’ – meandering in a pickup with camper cap, similar to my rig from my film Water Time; Surf Travel Diary of a Mad Man. As the months then years wore on it was inevitable that our paths would cross, which they finally did at the El Vado State Park in New Mexico a couple or so weeks ago. We subsequently decided to wander in tandem, along with a road buddy of Logan’s, Randy Garrett.

Randy and his buddy Godfrey in our meadow.

Randy and his buddy Godfrey in our meadow.

As I write the three of us are ensconced in New Mexico’s high country, some 9,500 above sea level (warm but not hot days, cool but not cold nights this time of year). Although we’ve weaved through the NM State Park camping sites, we are, the three of us, more comfortable with ‘boondocking,’ i.e., finding remote woodland sites with no amenities other than the land and sky.

Gus and I get some bovine visitors.

Gus and I get some bovine visitors.








Here’s a video I made a couple nights ago (only 1:30 run time, so give it a shot):

Logan is camped a couple hundred yards to the WNW of the meadow that is my backyard, Randy about the same distance up the wooded hill to the East. We all three of us are dog-types, by the way. Cuz, Logan’s big mutt, is 14 and suffers from hip dysplasia; it’s moving to see how caring Logan is toward his canine buddy. Cuz has his own little tent, which Logan makes sure is pitched in the shade. Randy’s mutt, Godfrey, is younger and sprier; it’s both sad and amusing to watch Godfrey and Gus romp together while old Cuz watches forlornly from the side, unable to participate due to his doggy-infirmity.


None of us know how long and how far we’ll be in physical tandem this time, but we’ll be meeting up again (and again) down the road. No doubt about that. Coastal Oregon for the hot months of summer has been mentioned. We’ll see.







Those of you who are familiar with the web persona known as ‘Miles Mathis’ are probably aware of my Open Letter to Miles Mathis from a while back, which outs ‘him’ as a committee of spooks, likely out of the Tavistock Institute in Britain. Well, old ‘Miles’ has mentioned me (and not too kindly) a couple times in past essays on his site, but I hadn’t realized the impact I’ve had on the psy op until a few days ago when one of you alerted me to a MM post that demonstrates how upset they are about my exposés.

Although you can go here to read the whole post, I’ll paste the relevant paragraphs below, as ‘MM’ does his best to persuade his ‘vast’ readership (according to ‘ranking’) that I’m the spook. It’s pretty humorous (at least to me). I’ll insert my comments in bold.

I wanted to see if Allan Weisbecker is part of this group [Military Intelligence(!)], but I wasn’t able to make a quick link. What I did discover is that he is 70 years old and has lived in Beverly Hills, Venice, Montauk, East Hampton, and Morehead City, indicating he is from great wealth. [You may (quite accurately) imagine the barrel laugh this lead-in precipitated from yours truly. I ‘come from great wealth’… How does MM figure that? Re-read the reasons he gives… bear with me and do it… I’m ‘from great wealth’?! I’m a fucking rubber tramp, dude! ‘Homeless!’

(Back?) No ‘quick link’ to Intel, eh? That’s rich. The irony here is that instead of doing their byzantine (and time consuming) ‘online searches’ all they had to do was read my books to ‘expose’ way more ‘incriminating’ stuff about my past. I mean how could ‘Miles’ not know of my relationship with Manuel Noriega and my Panama Canal treaties escapades in the late 70s, wherein I outright ‘admit’ to hobnobbing with spooks? (This from In Search of Captain Zero.) My year in North Africa smuggling hash and my adventures as a pot smuggler (all potential CIA activities) in Central America fail to make it into Miles’s ‘exposé’ of my spook past?

Btw, ‘Beverly Hills’? I’ve driven through it, yes… Venice? Does Miles think my one room apartment back in the ‘80s was in Venice, Italy? (Why else mention ‘Venice’ as evidence of great wealth?) Talk about shoddy research!

In addition, he has had his portrait done by Eric Reichbaum (above). It is on the front page of Reichbaum’s website, along with portraits of Elton John, David Byrne, Cheryl Hines, Katy Perry, and many other famous people.[Other famous people? I love it!] I finally looked at Weisbecker’s website, and he was a Hollywood writer for 20 years, working on Miami Vice and other shows. Two of his books have had the movies rights bought by John Cusack and Sean Penn. He has a positive page at Wikipedia. Still think he isn’t a spook? [Aside from the last sentence, I might have written this myself as part of a cv. What it does tell us is a bit of the MM M.O.: Spout a few facts then tell you what they mean. This is all over his limited hangout essays. ‘Someone took AW’s picture and he was a minor success as a Hollywood writer, ipso facto, he’s a spook!’ Yeah, Miles, that’s what’s known as critical thinking!]

Then ask yourself why such a person [such a person?] would be assigned to the anti-Mathis project [shall we beg the question?]? He was just bored? Doesn’t sound like it. I guess this is what old spooks [Ouch!] do in their retirement: they run projects against guys like me. I suppose I should be flattered. . . but I’m not. I wish he would go back to surfing and knock off the open letters to me. [This last sentence is surely a ‘slip,’ if not of the Freudian sort. More like a ‘spook slip,’ one which makes my heart soar like an eagle (as the Apache saying goes), for it truly does say, ‘Allan, you’re Open Letter to MM really bugged these scumbags!’ I’ll tell you what happened. I exposed so many ‘unnecessary’ slip ups in their black op propaganda that someone got in trouble. Bet a valued possession on it. As we’ll see, the ‘Britism tell’ is no doubt one of them.]

Maybe he’s pissed because his website’s global rank is 28,670,143. In Arts and Entertainment, his rank is 1,910,759. [I’m almost embarrassed for MM at this fuck up. The website Miles refers to is one I haven’t touched in over six years! He looked up ‘’, which I know still exists online but has nothing to do with ‘’ or, especially, ‘,’ which is where my Open Letter to Miles Mathis appeared. In fact, my Banditos sites have considerably better numbers – which came as a surprise to me. As I’ve written several times, I do this blog mostly for myself, to keep my critical thinking sharp (by making my research ‘public’, and subject to criticism).

Nope, I haven't seen, let alone touched this site in 6 years.

Nope, I haven’t seen, let alone touched this site in 6 years.

Oh, and here’s another math question/number conundrum for you. Since my site outranks Weisbecker’s in popularity in Arts and Entertainment by almost 6000 times [see above], why does his stupid open letter come up on the front page whenever anyone Googles “Miles Mathis”? [Maybe because it’s not actually ‘stupid,’ Miles. Have you ever thought of that? On the other hand, when I googled ‘Miles Mathis,’ my Letter came up near the bottom of page two. So I suspect we have still more prevarication here. (I ask my readers to do the same search and email me with the Letter’s ranking, just out of curiosity.)

So do the pages of several other obvious trolls, including RatWiki. Since these search results are supposed to be determined by popularity, their results shouldn’t come up in the first thousand pages. This is proof positive that they are all being promoted by the search engines, and therefore by Intel. On the other hand, a true MM ‘fanboy’ beats ‘Rationalwiki’ by several places when I do a search. A quote from this MM shill/useful idiot/whatever:

My ACTUAL site has better numbers than I thought. But couldn't MM figure this one is mine?

My ACTUAL site has better numbers than I thought. But couldn’t MM figure this one is mine?

‘I emerge from my binge reading of Mathis—artist, physics bad boy, cultural critic, and constant exposer of spooks—with every surety of my youth dispelled by his X-ray vision. Using extensive genealogy from mainstream sources, expert deconstruction of faked news photos, and persuasive logic bolstered by straight-up honesty of method and intent, with a charming way of presenting strong opinions as nothing other than personal speculation, Mathis has caused the house of cards to fall all around me.’

Whoa! With this paean just below Miles’s own links, I have a hard time believing that ranking is ‘proof positive that they are all [Ratwiki, me, etc.] being promoted by the search engines.’

Another aspect of the MM M.O. is to just lie and (quite rightly) assume that few will actually check his citations. Those few who do – and bust him for the liar he is – are not likely to fall for his preposterous claims anyway. (A good example from my Letter was MM’s claim that JFK Jr. was shading his eyes, not saluting, in the iconic clip of him and his mom at the funeral procession. You go there and you’ll see the lie (Jackie obviously tells him to salute, which he does). Miles: ‘Liar liar, pants on fire!’

This is a pic of me from MM's essay 'exposing' me as a spook. Evidence!

This is a pic of me from MM’s essay ‘exposing’ me as a spook. Evidence!

From these few facts alone, we can understand why he is trying to blackwash me [from my last memoir: ‘Tell a lie about someone and they get mad. Tell the truth and they get outraged.’] He and his buddies from the families don’t like me outing all the Hollywood people as cousins from the peerage. I have mentioned Sean Penn by name, haven’t I? I have also mentioned Katy Perry and David Byrne. Just a coincidence? Not a chance. I think we have finally pegged the Allan Weisbecker project. Here we have another example of piss-poor research (or outright lying), as Miles is apparently trying to link me to Sean Penn, as if we’re spook-cohorts. The irony here is that I do have a past relationship with Penn, but anyone who has paid any attention to my blog, knows that not only does Penn dislike me (intensely) because of what I wrote about him in Can’t You Get Along…(free pdf in the sidebar) but have outed him as a spook and, worse, a terrible writer in my post titled ‘How Much Does Sean Penn Hate My Ass?’ I even had a Paypal page where a $10 donation pretty much meant that you were giving Penn the finger along with me.

‘I think we have finally pegged the Allan Weisbecker project.’ This based on… something to do with… Sean Penn? What a fucking idiot. What more can I say?

You may also remember that Weisbecker is trying to say I come from the UK, due to my occasional use of Britishisms like “shite”. Curious then, isn’t it, that my country ranking on is listed as US, while Weisbecker’s country ranking is listed as. . . UK. I have no idea what he’s talking about here, or what some ‘ranking’ has to do with anything, but if MM is trying to say I’m based in the UK… sorry to repeat, but: What a fucking idiot. What more can I say? (I mean aside from the photos here and all over my blog, which are NOT from UK…) 

I suppose this COULD be UK, but more likely El Vado State Park, New Mexico, last week.

I suppose this COULD be UK, but more likely El Vado State Park, New Mexico, last week.

Further, I would bet that the above reference to ‘Britishisms’ (Miles is supposedly born/bred in Texas) – my pointing out the many fuck ups the writers of the MM Project committed – is what got someone (on the Project) in trouble. Lower level spooks-shills are not going to be of much intellect but… fer chrissakes, glance at the Britism section of my Open Letter (do a word search for ‘twelvemonth’ when you get there – one of the many examples of ‘Miles’s myriad slips). My only question is, Why was I the first to notice? 

Since Fakeologist [Who?] is promoting Weisbecker [he is?] as well as Flat Earth and Trannies, I think we have him pegged, too. [Bravo, Miles!] And remember, Fakeologist is another anonymous webtroll, with no given name and no biographical information available. Why would you listen to anything he says? His rank in Arts and Entertainment>Music and Audio is 15,137. In the US it is 229,194. In the world it is 810,348. My art site by itself ranks almost 3 times higher worldwide, and far higher in Arts and Entertainment. Blah blah, here he goes with ‘ranking’ again, as if it means… something. (If it does, Miles, how come CNN’s site is ranked way, way, waaaaay higher than yours? See what I mean?)

Mercifully, that’s that for MM’s ‘outing’ of me.

For a psy op as intricate/complex (combining quantum physics, cosmology, art history, genealogy, and the MM version of ‘historical revisionism’ with his career as a portrait painter) and costly (the research committee alone must be a dozen or so, minimum) as the MM Project to devote 600 words to my sorry ass in a 1,600 word defensive screed would seem to indicate that yours truly is the biggest threat to the Project on planet earth! I kid you not!

And I thought no one – or rather hardly anyone (I do appreciate you, my friend) — cared about my analyses of HTWRW. Yes, the above MM research (sloppy as it is) and all around effort by the PTB to blackwash me (as a spook!) gave me a much needed shot of enthusiasm, especially given how my subscribership seems to shrink with each blog post.

Truly, and notwithstanding ‘MM’s overblown view of ‘himself’, I feel like I’m actually accomplishing something worthwhile in my waning years. Thanks… Miles… since I mean so much to you, I’ll keep at it.

A Logan pic (screenshot from a vid) of a bad chemtrail day on his hike across America.

A Logan pic (screenshot from a vid) of a bad chemtrail day on his hike across America.

Addendum: Coincidentally (or, rather, synchronously), a few days ago Logan and I passed through Taos, New Mexico, on our way to the high country (see above) – Miles claims to live in Taos. For laughs I emailed him and suggested we get together for a coffee and chat. I say ‘for laughs’ because I knew very well that he’d pass on that, no question, which he of course did, even when I assured him it would all be ‘off record’, i.e., I promised not to write about our encounter. Nope. (The only real question I had for him was ‘How do you live with yourself, Miles?’) 

An Addendum to the Addendum: If I were the ‘real’ Miles Mathis – Renaissance Truther extraordinaire — a one man show who truly knows everything about everything… If I were that guy and another guy (me, actually) who’d written a two-part, excruciatingly detailed ‘exposé’ accusing me of being a hypocrite of truly monstrous proportions – and assuming said exposé was having a real affect on my ‘truth-spreading’ (which appears to be the case) — and that guy (me) offered a sit down (at a café adjacent to my local Walmart, a short drive from home), I’d jump at the chance, if only out of curiosity.   

This is all assuming that there is ‘an artist’ named Miles Mathis living in Taos, New Mexico. Who knows? 


I’ve decided that if Spacex is going to keep faking rocket launches, I’ll keep making videos pointing out that they’re doing so. I’ve even gotten ahead of my blog posts alerting you to their existence. So, here’s one:

And here’s another. Q.E.D., no? By the way, I wonder why Miles Mathis hasn’t exposed these frauds. Right, right. MM is one of them and is under orders to leave the Musk Space Fraud alone.


I truly cannot believe the stupidity of the Miles Mathis Project giving me that much ink. And especially this: ‘I wish he would go back to surfing and knock off the open letters to me.’ Anyone reading my letter and who is capable of even minimal critical thinking is going to know what ‘Miles Mathis’ is.

Someone is in even bigger trouble, is the bet I’d make.