An Encouraging Email

I meant to let you know that I heard from Rupert Sheldrake regarding the ‘Gus Awakes’ video. Here it is: 

Long exposure from my back door last night.

Dear Allan,

Thank you very much for sending us the results of your experiments with Gus.  This is as far as I know the most systematic research anyone has ever carried out on the subject, and the results are impressive.  Gus has a slightly long-suffering look when he turns round and finds you doing it yet again!  

As Pam suggests if you were able to do the experiments using a randomised system, with continuous filming and do it through a window it would be more conclusive because the sounds of opening the door and coming out of the trailer could have alerted him, and possibly also smells, because it looked as if you were smoking a cigar.

If you were able to do this from inside the vehicle as you did in one of the trials, looking through the windscreen this would be one step in the right direction.  Another possibility would be to do some control experiments where you are filmed coming out of the trailer, making the same kind of noises as you would make when you come out to stare at him, but in these trials simply look the other way and don’t look at him or concentrate your attention on him.  

I’m really pleased you’re doing this, and you are opening up a whole new frontier of research!

With best wishes


This is a boat wake, the exposure being so long that the boat itself didn’t register.

As I’ve said in my comments several times, the video is not ‘proof’ but it certainly is evidence that Sheldrake is correct.

We have one commenter that keeps claiming how familiar he is with Morphic Resonance, and so on, but never says anything specific, just negative vibes. He also refuses to answer simple questions about germ theory, like how Cowan/Kaufman are wrong. I’m tired of this sort of thing and will probably ban people who spout crapola and fail to back it up.

By the way, Tucker Carlson did an interesting interview with a guy I never heard of (he used to be married to… Kim Kardashian!) So what? Well, if you listen really carefully, this guy comes very close to spilling the occult beans about the entertainment/fashion biz. 

He continues it in this. You have to listen for the subtext. He doesn’t blurt it all out loud.


If you’re going to shout out that I’m a shill for linking to Carlson, just don’t do it. My finger is hovering over the Spam button. 

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