A note from December 6, 2020: I believe this is the post wherein I first mention the COVID psyop. Looking back, I was wrong about the provenance of the ‘outbreak’ if not who is behind it. Anyone reading this is hereby advised that I’m leaving it as is solely for ‘historical’ reasons, i.e., this is what I wrote when I was profoundly wrong about COVID. My present (December, 2020 and on) posts will fill you in on what I have learned since I wrote this post. It’s profound stuff.
As we all know (or should know), often we can get closer to a nasty truth via Hollywood’s take on the subject than we can via the nightly news or its print/electronic analogues. So given my interest in the developing coronavirus ‘pandemic’ (which is defined as a disease outbreak on two or more continents, with severity not a factor), I re-viewed the 2009 movie, Contagion, which I recalled as being pretty well done, with authenticity not a factor in my past viewing. I didn’t look into it back then.
Current research tells me that Contagion was pretty authentic. You watch this flick, it’ll scare the hell out of you. They couldn’t even end it on an optimistic note, presumably because a pandemic of that magnitude would be unlikely to end well, or in any way but catastrophic. You’re watching things get worse and worse and then suddenly the cut to the director’s credit. That was the scary part. Endings are everything with movies. H-wood doesn’t fuck around with its endings. This one was bad news.
As I write, some of the footage from the Wuhan area of China looks pretty much like some of the scenes from Contagion; another scary aspect was the R-0 factor (pronounced ‘R-nought’), which is the number of people who get infected by one infected person. With seasonal flu, the R-0 number
is about 1, i.e., an infected person gives it to one other person.
What made the fictitious virus in Contagion so devastating was that its R-0 number was 4. If you know anything about exponential progressions, you already get it: Four is horrendous. Recall the old one about putting a grain of rice on a chessboard and doubling the number for each square? By the end you have more tonnage of rice than exists on the planet at a given time. That’s equivalent to an R-0 number of two. So ‘four’ is not twice as bad; it’s four times as bad. Horrendous.
They are saying Coronavirus has an R-0 number of… four.
You guys are smart enough to see where I’m going with this thread, so I’m going to jump subjects, to the possibility that this is a planned event, not a natural outbreak like they are telling us.
By the way, what made Contagion inauthentic as far as I’m concerned, was the story’s avoidance of the subject of Big Pharma. They wouldn’t go near those psychopathic bastards. Understand this: the world economy would be devastated by a major pandemic, like the one in Contagion, or if the coronavirus mutates and starts killing a higher percentage of those infected. Devastated. For everyone but Big Pharma. Oh, and for everyone but those who want a one-world government. Big Pharma and One Worlders would be on top of the world. Literally.
I’m only going to give you one example, one little piece of history, that you are probably not aware of, to persuade you that chances are fairly good that this pandemic (it already is one) was engineered.
In 2009 Baxter International tried to start a world pandemic and only failed because of a worker in one of their labs who broke protocol and ran a test he did not have to run. I’ll let others give you the details from 2009…
Czech newspapers are questioning whether the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus — distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter — were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.
Because of laboratory protocols that are routine for vaccine makers, mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually impossible.
Baxter flu vaccines contaminated with H5N1 (the human form of avian flu) were received by labs in the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovenia. Initially, Baxter refused to reveal how the vaccines were contaminated with H5N1, invoking “trade secrets.” After increased pressure, they then claimed that pure H5N1 batches were sent by accident.
But in the Czech Republic, reporters are investigating whether the contamination was part of a deliberate attempt to start a pandemic. [Whatever happened to that story? Mmmm.]
The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses may be the smoking gun. The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses, which are more easily spread, the effect could be a potent, airborne, deadly biological weapon.
A different source in the same essay:
Last month vaccine maker Baxter International sent a mix of flu vaccine and unlabelled H5N1 virus (the human form of bird flu) to an Austrian research company. Expecting the shipment to contain only flu vaccine, the Austrian company then sent portions of the contaminated product to the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany.
It was only when researchers at a Czech Republic laboratory injected ferrets with the vaccine, and they unexpectedly died, that the contamination mistake was discovered. [They don’t mention that this was ‘luck’: Protocol did not require the test.]
But is “mistake” really an accurate term to describe this?
If this batch of live bird flu and seasonal flu viruses had reached the public, it could have resulted in dire consequences. Even though H5N1 doesn’t easily infect people, the flu virus does. So if people were exposed to both of these viruses, they would have become hosts for the combined viruses, and would have become highly contagious and able to transmit the deadly bird flu virus to others. [They also don’t mention that the amount of tainted vaccine was 70 kilos. Seventy kilos. How many doses is that? A hundred thousand? A million? I don’t even know, but if you wanted to make sure of a ‘successful’ mutation (to a superbug), 70 kilos would probably do it.]
There is actually a name for this mixing of viruses; it’s called “reassortment,” and even The Canadian Press has pointed out that it is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created.
Could the Contamination Have Been a Plot to Start a Deadly Pandemic?
A spokesman for Baxter said the virus material was supposed to contain a seasonal flu virus and was contaminated after “human error.”
Yet, other sources say Baxter International adheres to something called BSL3 (Biosafety Level 3).
This strict set of laboratory safety protocols is in place to prevent the cross-contamination of materials, and according to some may have made it virtually impossible for the live bird flu virus to contaminate a flu vaccine by accident. [My emphasis, because whether it could have been an accident is really the point, isn’t it?]
Czech newspapers are among those questioning whether this was a deliberate act to start a pandemic. But then there’s the issue of motive. Would Baxter have had any reason to carry out such a malicious and deadly scheme?
Well, if a bird flu pandemic suddenly broke out, the demand for bird flu vaccines would certainly skyrocket … and the profits from such a mass vaccination program would be astronomical. [No mention of the one-world government motive but okay…] [end excerpt]

Check out this old brass buckle I found with my Ace 250, 4 inches down. How’d it get there? Who wore it and when? How did he/she lose it?
That’s Bayer, Baxter International’s sister organization. Baxter/Bayer, what’s the difference? There is none. And as you may know, Bayer has bought that other gem of an international shitball motherfucker, Monsanto. Mix Baxter with Bayer with Monsanto and what do you get?
One World Big Pharma. As with 9/11, they only need one world-shaking incident to get their balls rolling.
Hey, need I even say it? If you have not stocked a few months worth of food/water, cash, batteries, ammunition, etc., etc., what the fuck is wrong with you? If coronavirus does go the Contagion route, the only way to be safe is to isolate you and your family. Stay at home. Don’t open the door for anyone. You go food shopping, you might die.
Sure, buy surgical masks (I did), but if you go somewhere you need the mask, you didn’t plan ahead and are a fool. If you are hesitating to stock up on supplies, watch Contagion then a few street videos from Wuhan. You wanna go shopping under those circumstances?
And under no circumstances let anyone inject anything into your blood stream. This was what Baxter was counting on in 2009 when it tried to start that pandemic.
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