Out On A Limb Again

That Trump (and his wife) ‘tested positive’ and is ‘symptomatic’ is likely very bad news. It’s likely that this is part of the op and there is more to come. Here’s a paragraph from my post of March 24:

No, as I say, Trump is soon to be history. In fact, let me go out on a long limb and suggest you watch as Trump comes down with COVID, winds up in ICU, and maybe even croaks. What a perfect sendoff! And what a perfect way to scare the shit out of everyone and get them to agree to anything. 

So we’ll see, but if I were running this op I wouldn’t let Trump off the COVID hook and have him quickly ‘recover.’ No, uh-uh. That would be very counter-productive in that it would lessen the fear, and have little effect on the election. So we have two possibilities: He gets very sick, hangs in there for a long while (a couple weeks at least) in ICU (meanwhile the media continues to have a field day lying about what Trump said and did, and what COVID is), almost dies, or he does die. Either way, he ‘loses the election,’ and any possibility that world-wide ‘normalcy’ returns is history, let alone some truth about epidemics and virology. ‘Our president’ dying (or almost so) of COVID-19 will act as still another ‘9/11’ event that will be used to still further the PTB agenda. 

Addendum: Fer chrissakes, they can’t shut up about the 1918 outbreak and it was not contagious! Fer chrissakes, no virus has ever been proven as the cause of any disease! Fer chrissakes, the inventor of the COVID test made it plain that it cannot be used for diagnostics. And so forth!!!

From my post of March 23:

[Trump’s] complete ignorance of what is going down is obvious and cannot logically be seen as an act of sly deniability; he is in the process of ending his presidency with his unawareness of the physical principles of pandemics…. Trump is history; its just a matter of time. (Last week, Trump: ‘There will be no lockdown.’ Me: ‘Hey, Donald, Wanna fucking bet?’)

Seriously, folks, during the next press conference, examine the head bobbers behind Trump and ask yourself how it could be that Weisbecker (and a few others) saw all this coming many weeks ago and they didn’t. Of course they saw it coming! (And were ordered to keep their traps shut and bob their heads.)  

The CDC, NIH, FDA, and other lettered agencies are a different ball game altogether. The idea that they didn’t/don’t know what I (and others) know and predicted weeks ago is untenable. Laughable. That they are active participants in Trump’s downfall is obvious, although this is a minor part of The Plan. A ‘nice’ sidebar for the PTB. (Looks like I have been in error thinking that Trump’s election was a part of the overall Plan.) As you know if you’ve been here a few weeks, my view is that COVID is a black op via a Western Intel faction of the PTB, the same cabal that did 9/11. One of you (Lynda) directed us to a link that backs up this view via very strong circumstantial evidence.

One more reminder. This is my list of the op’s agenda, from my post of February 25 (this is not in chronological order):

1. Voluntary isolation of the sick
2. Mandatory isolation of the sick (they will come and get you, as in China)
3. Voluntary quarantine (of not-sick people who test positive) in their homes, plus…
4. Curfews and spot checking (for symptoms) on the streets
4a. Travel bans are enacted, including street travel between cities and towns
5. Hoarding of food/water/supplies is outlawed (to make the populace dependent on the government)
6. Mandatory quarantines, first at home (you can’t leave the house) then…
7. Quarantine camps (which are now called Fema Camps and are ready and waiting)
8. Guns (They will come and get them, as with Katrina in New Orleans; no reason needed)
9. Vaccination (idiots will plea for it)
10. Mandatory vaccinations (in the camps and in order to procure food from the government)
11. ‘Fake News’ is banned (as suggested at ‘Event 201), arrests made; in some areas the Internet is shut down — to prevent ‘a crisis in confidence’ (some measures will start early on)
12. Cash money is said to carry The Bug and is outlawed
13. The United Nations, at first via WHO, is gradually given jurisdiction, with some foreign troops on U.S. soil
14. One World (cashless) Economy and Government is eased in
.(Formal Martial Law is declared somewhere around measures 7 or 8)
15. At some point aerial spraying may be initiated, with some sort of bull shit reason given relating to fighting The Bug. God only knows what will be in these admitted chemtrails.
16. The Bug will serve as another reason for unlimited surveillance (through ‘contact tracing) and the curtailing of personal freedoms in general. The excuse will be the ‘identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated’, something like that.

Part of the ‘Trump positive’ agenda is to ensure Biden’s election. From Biden we get more lockdowns, a federal mask mandate, and a giant next step to world government. (Masks? Masks do more harm than good. But you already know this, right?)

This is a short, out-on-a-limb post putting on the record that Trump will get very sick over the next few days. He may or may not die. To repeat: ‘Our president’ dying (or almost so) of COVID-19 will act as still another ‘9/11’ type event that will be used to still further the PTB agenda. 

Have I suggested you stock up?


Addendum (an hour after posting): I just read Jon Rappoport’s post on the drugs Trump is said to be taking for COVID. I’d love to know where Jon got the information that the drugs are untested and dangerous. Does he really think they would give Trump drugs that open source says are not tested, etc.? Open source may say they are not tested but I don’t believe it. If they wanted to kill the president of the United States they certainly would find a more subtle way — which is likely the case, as I say in this post. Are Trump and his family and personal advisors really so utterly, stupendously stupid that they would not get advice from a doctor they know they can trust?  

But I do agree Trump is in great danger. What I believe we can take away from the drugs he’s being given is that his initial condition was way worse than they have told us. I suspect that many ‘cures’ for COVID have been secretly developed (or were developed before the op was launched) over the past few months (or longer).

And as I’ve shown in the last couple posts (Doctor Cowan, The Invisible Rainbow, etc.), the real cause of the COVID condition is not what we’ve been told.




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