I heard from Joe Atwill regarding my post (two days ago) on his status as a government disinfo agent. What makes our email exchange interesting is his most recent reply. I haven’t answered it yet and will use this post to do so (by just sending him the link).
Here’s how it went. On August 7 (three days ago) I emailed him thusly:
On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 4:21 PM, Allan Weisbecker <acwdownsouth@yahoo.com> wrote:
You figure prominently in my last two blog posts, just FYI.
http://blog.banditobooks.com/ my-old-friend-atwill/
http://blog.banditobooks.com/ a-result-of-a-cranky-wake-up/
His answer:
Hi Alan,
I have no idea why you see me as a dis info agent.
I am not. Salinger was a disinfo agent.
I stopped doing shows with Irvin bcause he kept interuptting me. Think MLK was a real disinfo agent because – among other reasons – he foresaw his own death at the Mason Temple, which seems unreal. [This is just an outright lie.]
If you want to discuss any of this call me.
This of course is a ridiculous message: If he knew I accused him of being a disinfo agent he must have read my blog posts (at least one). Therefore his saying ‘I have no idea why you see me as a disinfo agent’ is just nonsense. I mean, ‘No idea’? So this was one of those ‘answers’ that is no answer at all that I seem to always get from alt media types I contact.
Okay, so I wrote back:
On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 12:22 PM, Allan Weisbecker <acwdownsouth@yahoo.com> wrote:
First, do you not know that ‘Miles Mathis’ (whom you so heartily recommend) is ‘himself’ a committee of spooks almost certainly out of Tavistock? It’s difficult to imagine a guy of your intellect not knowing this.
[Here I included a link to my Open Letter to Miles Mathis even though the link was all over my two blog posts; it’s difficult to imagine that hadn’t already given it a look]
Also, I don’t need to be on the phone to ask you why — in your podcast — you made no mention of William Pepper’s three books or the 1999 trial [wherein the mountain of evidence and testimony re the assassination was publicly aired; the jury ruled that the U.S. Government killed King].
Just to start…
The surprise was his answer to this. Here it is, from yesterday:
Agents, idiots and truthtellers everywhere and it is hard to tell one from the other. As far as Miles goes some of his stuff I like some I don’t. I think Alex Jones is an agent but I still cite some of the stuff he produces. In other words, I think a limited hangout can be useful but never trusted.
This is actually a huge problem. How to make progress with the alt media in spite of the agents?
Any thoughts on this? [end quote]
First let’s keep in mind that I have publicly called Joe Atwill a government disinfo agent and done so multiple times. (More in a minute on this but shouldn’t there be some hostility?) Second, he obviously has no argument with my view of MM as a committee of spooks, although he hedges by saying he likes some of MM’s stuff. Since the same could be said for any LH/disinfo agent, this sentence is likewise meaningless. Also notice his phraseology: He ‘likes’ or (or not) some of MM’s stuff. No mention of ‘truth’ or ‘disinfo’. As I’ve pointed out, Atwill is almost certainly formally trained in NLP (subtle deceit through language).
Then we get ‘This is actually a huge problem. How to make progress with the alt media in spite of the agents?’ This is truly a beaut. In the podcast wherein Atwill claims that MLK was a lifetime federal agent who faked his own death and also recommends Miles Mathis as a source of information, there is no mention of this ‘huge problem.’ As far as I know, Atwill has never publicly pointed out that we have a huge problem with disinfo agents in the alt media.
What’s up with that, Joe? Doesn’t a huge problem of this sort bear mentioning somewhere in your multitude of videos, podcasts, and essays?
But I’ll tell ya, folks, it’s his final sentence that I’m most interested in: ‘Any thoughts on this?’ Mmmm. Lemme think a minute…
Okay, I’ll answer Joe directly, since in part this post is an email to him: Joe, do I have any thoughts on this? I presume you mean aside from my first two emails, which (with their links) contain about 10,000 words of my fucking thoughts on this.
You disappoint me, Joe. Using NLP 101 rather than graduate level stuff on me is a fucking insult. What are you thinking in thinking that by asking me for advice and counsel I would suddenly back off and give you some slack? That is the thinking behind your last sentence, isn’t it?
Some of you might remember my exchange with Andrew Johnson, wherein Johnson surprised me by ‘giving up’ in his final email. I’ll quote from that post:
I mean, look at the accusations I make! I call him an idiot! A government agent (and traitor to all that is right and good)! I parse his nonsense! And what do I get? [I then quote his email]
‘Good luck with your video and blog series. I am not really that interested in it, thanks.
Best Wishes’
Good luck? Best Wishes? I had to come to the conclusion that Johnson just flat gave up. He knew I had him so he fucking caved and was asking me for slack.
Looks to me like Joe Atwill — who has written several ‘scholarly’ books and many historically revisionist papers and so forth — is doing the same regarding my sorry ass observations.
A related matter is that of Alex Tsakiris, who runs Skeptiko.com, a terrific podcast that everyone interested in consciousness and… well, HTWRW… should peruse. Truly, some of his interviews should have a profound effect on how you view your prospects for an afterlife, among other issues. Here’s the link to his archives.
Here’s the email I sent Alex simultaneously with my first to Joe Atwill (a reaction his last podcast, which was with Atwill):

A Rubber Tramp family of limited means, at their Slab City digs. That’s me in the framed newspaper article.
No response from Alex. Experience tells me that if you don’t get an email reply within a couple days you’re unlikely to ever get one. (But we’ll see…) This is a disappointment with Alex Tsakiris, not only given his oft-voiced meme to ‘follow the evidence (or data) wherever it leads,’ but given that he makes a point of asking for feedback from his audience: My above email is not only feedback but provides a bunch of ‘evidence’ to ‘follow wherever it leads.’