I haven’t yet looked into the details of the latest ‘school shooting’ but I can absolutely guarantee it is a fraud. How can I be so sure? The numbers. Twenty dead, zero wounded. Anyone familiar with firefights or ‘real’ mass shootings (if you can find even one) will tell you that when casualties are in double digits there will always…
Author: Allan Weisbecker
The Importance of How JFK, Jr. Died
I’ll briefly deal with the character calling himself ‘Doubting Thomas’ (his email is, partly, ‘ElmerFudd’), because the subject he’s on about (not him) is actually important, i.e., disinfo agents, who they are, how to recognize them, what to believe and not believe, how limited hangout works, the sorry state of the alt media, and so forth. Fudd accuses me of…
This All Started In 1963
A question: If you were among the PTB would you risk a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia? A war that would very likely escalate to a full-blown holocaust that would destroy the planet, and necessitate your living in a DUMB for a couple or more years (maybe a decade), while the earth recovers? I don’t think so. I…
Doctor StrangeDem?
You all know how I feel about Tucker Carlson, but if not: He’s one of the only MS pundits that I take seriously, although he is limited hangout, an entertaining and smart version thereof, but still limited hangout. Worth listening to with the knowledge that he avoids important truths. I bring this up because of this recent podcast. In it he explains…
The Minister of Truth!
I’ve moved again, am now in southern Utah on some elevated BLM land (Bureau of Land Management, not the other f-ing BLM) at about 4,000 feet, which means comfy temps, at least for now. Although I have a good cell signal up here, my Mac’s hotspot is very iffy, which means I sometimes cannot do posts or embed photos. I’m…
The Musk Move
Monday afternoon and I’m camped on Lake Mead after taking a local casino for $300 by card counting at blackjack. A half hour and I was out of there. Good thing too, since I’d just spent about that much for gas; a new record since I hit the road. (A gallon of milk at the station’s store was $11.) Nuts.…
WW3? RFK, Jr.?
This one is also going to have to be brief. I’m almost out of this month’s hotspot cell phone data and once that goes I’ll have to wait until the 28th to use WordPress. Verizon just warned me I’m almost dry, which means I have about a half hour to get this out. Such is one of the downsides to…
Why So Quiet?
So sorry, folks, about the protracted silence. I’m now up in the high desert where at best I get two bars on my cell (like now, early Sunday morning) and am usually unable to access my WordPress to write a post or embed images. Since it appears I can post this I will do so now, so you at least…
EMPs Plus ‘Bug’ Revisited
Bill Engdahl sent me a link I want to share; it’s an eye-opener from Peter Vincent Pry (retired spook) regarding the current Ukraine crisis (but not limited to that). Best you just give it a look rather than my trying to explain it. This fellow, Peter Vincent Pry, may be ‘one of them,’ but he’s telling the truth. You all…
Another Level, Part Two
Most literate folks are aware of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s epic poem, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade (‘Light’ as opposed to ‘Heavy’ — there in fact was a Heavy Brigade in the Brit cavalry — so it’s pronounced with a slight accent on ‘Brigade’ not on ‘Light’; it’s common to mispronounce the title). This event took place in the…