WW3? RFK, Jr.?

This one is also going to have to be brief. I’m almost out of this month’s hotspot cell phone data and once that goes I’ll have to wait until the 28th to use WordPress. Verizon just warned me I’m almost dry, which means I have about a half hour to get this out. Such is one of the downsides to road life.

I’m going to assume that you all have viewed at least one of the Scott Ritter links I and others have provided, regarding the Ukraine catastrophe. Great as he is, one thing Ritter mentions but sort of soft pedals is the possibility of a hot war between the U.S. (NATO) and Russia, and what that would likely lead to, i.e., the use of nukes, probably tactical at first. 

As Ritter and a few others have said, right now is the most dangerous situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis, which came within a hair’s breadth of escalating to a nuclear holocaust. (Yes, I am assuming that nukes are real. Although I see this a 50-50 assumption, for our purposes I’ll assume the worst.)

The media is telling us that since Russia is losing the war, hence they are most likely to start a nuke exchange: The opposite is of course the case. It’s the West that is losing; my fear is that the media will continue on with this big lie in preparation for a false flag nuke event, which will then be blamed on Russia. As one of you pointed out (and as I’ve been saying), we are being lied to about EVERYTHING. So…. if someone uses a nuke over there, it will be NATO/the U.S., no matter what they say. And watch out for even heavier media hype on this subject — ‘Russia is getting desperate and blah blah.’ This will be the lead in to a false flag tactical nuke attack from the West. The best way to separate the big lie from the usual lie is how often it is repeated. 

But I suspect most of you are ahead of me on this subject.


But given my interest and outrage over the vaccine issue (in general, not just re COVID), what I have really been thinking about is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., since viewing his nauseating exchange with Meghan Kelly.

Addendum: The most useful RfK, Jr. podcast is his debate with Alan Dershowitz (I can’t embed the link but it’s easily found). As good as it is, RFK pulls the same bullshit with Dershowitz, kissing the fucker’s ass about how open-minded he is and so on. Zero could be farther from the truth, as he (JFK) must know. He does the same with this mainstream human garbage. 

I really want to like and trust RFK but if I truly am going to follow the evidence where it leads, I have to assume that the man is either a PTB mole or useful idiot. (Yes, there is a continuum here but in general it’s one or the other.)

For example, in Part One of the interview, after some meaningless crapola, and after not correcting Kelly when she claims that vaccines have saved millions of lives (there is no evidence that they have saved even one life, while killing and maiming millions), he claims to not be anti-vax. So we already know he’s either a fool or a liar. Since he is obviously not a fool, he is lying about this. Okay, we can assume this is so mainstream folks will listen to him, so it’s more of a white lie. Sorry, but it’s still a lie. You cannot have it both ways. 

The real problem of course is that the premise of all he says is a lie — there is no evidence that ‘viruses’ cause disease — and if he doesn’t know it, again, he is a fool or a liar. 

I scanned several hundred of this podcast’s comments and found it depressing that nearly every one was worshipful of this guy. Not a single one mentioned Doctors Cowan and Kaufman or The Invisible Rainbow. This tells us that people who listen to RFK, Jr. do not dig deeper for the truth. They figure if something is important, good old Bobby will tell them. 

Addendum: here’s a beaut from Kelly. She quotes one of ‘her’ doctors (from Johns Hopkins, a classic PTB/big Pharma stronghold) in reply to RFK saying aluminum (which replaced mercury in vaccines) is also a neurotoxin; Kelly’s doctor claims we all take in more aluminum from what we eat (etc.) than is in vaccines. But holy shit, is there a difference between swallowing a poison and injecting it directly into the blood stream? Why doesn’t Bobby mention this?

I made a list of the issues Kennedy is silent about in this interview, although there were plenty of chances to bring them up. Since I have to keep this short, I’ll just name five:

No mention of the deaths due to the COVID vaccine. Kelly brought up the VAERS system, but then claimed that since it’s voluntary, it’s not meaningful. What a crock! What’s ‘not meaningful’ about it is that it under-reports the deaths/injuries by a factor of around 100, i.e., the 25,000 plus deaths listed is actually over two million. 

Kennedy fails to mention the uselessness of the COVID PCR test. In their endless blabbing about Fauci and COVID, that this does not come up is borderline unbelievable.

Kelly claims that there is no evidence that mercury causes autism. RFK’s weak response to this was a tell that he cannot be trusted.

For all his talk about ‘science,’ RFK is silent about the fact that there is not one study that compares outcomes of those vaccinated (with any vaccine) with those who are not. This is the real crux of the vaccine matter.

RFK. when asked outright if the COVID pandemic is ‘real’ he answered in the affirmative, saying ‘millions have died from it.’ He says this in the face of the mountain of evidence that ‘the pandemic’ is a total fraud.

And again, this is just a short list. If Kennedy is not a limited hangout mole, he might as well be one.

Okay, I am out of cellular data and cannot even embed photos. I’ll try to get this piss poor post out; we’ll see if it works. My hotspot data system resets a week from today, so I’ll try to have a decent post done by then. And I’ll try to come up with more interesting subject matter. Maybe something less depressing.



  41 comments for “WW3? RFK, Jr.?

  1. Azzy
    April 23, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    You people are so woefully misinformed and frightfully confused it isn’t even funny, anymore.
    I did try and tell y’all what’s going on months ago but still knockin on wood, it seems.
    RFK a talisman? Who ever woulda thunk it! 😂.
    And don’t be thinkin that fat arse of yours has escaped a big long injection, Brett. Because there’s a little old meeting coming up this May at the WHO. And Bill and friends have been planning this move verrry carefully while y’all have been distracted by the gay anal shitshow Vlad’s taking care of in the Ukraine.
    Zone A be fucked, hommies.
    And then some.

    • bmseattle
      April 23, 2022 at 3:58 pm

      June 18, 2021 at 6:27 pm
      You’ll find out soon enough, goofball.
      Trillionaire bankers and players have just given up and gone back to the drawing board, right?
      Riiiight. Course they have.
      Right know you’re being dangled like a pinada.
      July, stock market wobbles, 50 trillion USD moves to crypto in the biggest wealth transfer in history.
      You? Watching it all happen in true NPC fashion.
      Then comes Biden’s Dark Winter.
      You did listen to his speech at Geneva didnt you?
      Of couuuurse you did, 😂
      You’re gonna be hit by a freight train, and won’t even see it coming.
      Hint: this is part of what’s coming. A tiny part. Dont say you weren’t warned.

      Come on Azzy… unless you link to a Guardian article, no one here will believe you this time! 😉

      • Azzy
        April 26, 2022 at 12:13 pm

        Sure thing, amigo. We Players act according to your timetable.
        A year plus or minus in Our Game is considered quite good enough, don’tcha know.
        Tick Tock, don’t say you weren’t warned. And instead of preparing, you’d rather trawl back through some random blogs’ entries. Obviously got ya riled up though, eh? We’re good at that.
        And of couuuuurse the masks off mandate is all about your fweeedoms and wights!!

        • bmseattle
          April 26, 2022 at 1:26 pm

          Actually…that was *your* timetable, not mine.

          And that post wasn’t random, it was your response when pressed for a *specific* prediction of doom (rather than your usual vague prediction).

          You gave us a specific prediction/date… and even a link to another Guardian article as “proof”, I suppose. (another Azzy speciality)

          I guess now you are back peddling and telling us that your predictions of doom *will* happen, certainly… but it could take years and years!

          One wonders why you bother.

          I guess you are correct after all… your posts become “random”, immediately after you post them.

          • Azzy
            April 27, 2022 at 1:10 pm

            Rather, I think you’re not very clever, old chap.
            Good luck with that, 😂.

          • Bmseattle
            April 27, 2022 at 4:05 pm

            And yet…here you are, engaging with me, and unable to address my comments specifically.

            I may not be clever, but what does that say for ol’ Azzy?

            Im sure you’ll tell me with another derogatory comment.
            Since, you know, you just want to help us here.😏

    • April 24, 2022 at 8:51 pm

      Watch out you don’t drop your mask, and kark it from the deadly disease sucker!.

      You are here for advice and guidance, because this is the best blog that is always correct and on the money.
      Always follow the money. Or if you can’t do that, then print your own out of thin air & charge interest for it.

  2. Candice Crossley
    April 21, 2022 at 6:39 pm

    My husband is a nuclear specialist and said the nukes are real, not bullshit. He agrees this is the most danger we have been in but feels the Russians don’t give a shit, Putin is a psychopath.

    • April 21, 2022 at 7:17 pm

      Wow. Well now we know the whole thing.

    • April 21, 2022 at 7:34 pm

      RE ‘Russians don’t give a shit, Putin is a psychopath.’…

      Have you or your brilliant scientist husband viewed even one of the Scott Ritter links we’ve (myself and others here) have provided? Are you capable of taking in new information and understanding you may have been lied to?

    • April 21, 2022 at 9:31 pm

      Can you please ask hubby why those 2 “nuked” cities in Japan bounced back, and were rebuilt singing and dancing in no time, and why Chernobyl is STILL a fucked ghost town with the radiation??….and what area of nuclear does he specialize in?…

      • Rab
        April 22, 2022 at 5:50 am

        Several differences.
        A bombs in Japan contained probably a few dozen kg of uranium which were quickly reacted, well above ground level, which results in much more immediate and powerfulenergy release (that’s the whole goal right) and a much wider dispersal of radiation.
        The reaction in a nuclear reactor needs to be controlled and that is done using a LOT more material than found in a bomb. Add in the other waste materials (by products of the fission process in reactors) present that aren’t found in a standard bomb and there is a massively higher level of radioactive material present.
        So you have a lot more material to begin with coupled with an explosion at ground level, resulting in much more radiation at and around the reactor. Orders of magnitude qtys and different types of radioactive material mean it’s going to take a whole lot longer to decay and dissipate.
        Areas affected by a nuclear bomb can recover surprisingly fast (although I wouldn’t eat a crab from the Bikini Atolls yet) compared to “dirty” radiation contamination like at Chernobyl or Fukushima. Especially likely w the early low yield bombs used in Japan.
        There’s still a shitload of isotopes leftover from the atmospheric testing of the last 70 or so years, many of which have been well distributed around the world. I’ve read a few theories postulating that increases in various health issues, cancers etc, may be due to effects from exposures but it’s pretty hard to discern and assign true cause. Personally I wouldn’t discount it but that’s just my opinion.

        • April 22, 2022 at 8:48 am

          Thank you!. We have found blatant fraud with supposed photos from those 2 Japan nukes….and we are wondering if we are being bluffed (LIED TO) about the whole nuclear warhead threat & real danger level.

    • Ea
      April 23, 2022 at 10:17 am

      My husband is a nuclear specialist and he says nukes are fake.

  3. Davido Davido
    April 21, 2022 at 3:12 pm

    Well said Allan. Thank you for this reminder that most opposition is controlled.

  4. Scott
    April 21, 2022 at 2:59 pm

    Also keep in mind that RFK,Jr. has totally been behind the climate change bullshit for years.

    • April 21, 2022 at 7:19 pm

      Yes, but what we still don’t know for sure is where on the useful idiot – mole spectrum he sits…. this is useful altho not vital knowledge.

      • philipski
        April 25, 2022 at 3:16 pm

        Remember he’s a lawyer, and his physiological problems probably now contribute to making him a weak debator. And remember the sheer expectation placed on him or any other Kennedy – you actually slipped up and typed ‘JFK’ at the beginning of your article (not suggesting anything Freudian!), that does a lot to remind one. Robert “Mr. Popular” Kennedy, Jr., the appellation would have fit him in the past, and there’s just NO WAY he’s gonna mention that Covaids is ALL “bullshit,” which it is… Even other relative may shun him. I think “fool” is the apter description for him, and that you’re just expecting too much (reasonably). Kelly, I think – I’ve loosely followed her career since 2016 – is much more likely to be have taken to the side and threatened recently on getting her take on “big” issues within ‘boomer parameters’… or else. That broad is probably not quite the 100% narcissist that’s been needed to adequately (mainstream channels) fulfill her role, although could be sorely mistaken.
        Allan, I know he meant even less to you than he ever did (at least one point) to me, but let’s make a comparison with Trump… if RFK Jr is involved with a project, there’ll be a less harmful net result than there will be for President Trump continuing to be involved with whatever future the Republican Party has for it, of that I’m certain.

  5. Mike baird
    April 21, 2022 at 2:49 pm

    I think that you are missing something in your purity position the Meghan Kelly interview was to an audience that was relatively new to the lie and if he were to attack every myth as they rolled out he would have lost them all including Meghan who obviously has much to learn kennedy is working out of a Karmic hole dug by his forefathers I believe if you had been following his work you would see he understands the fraud of the pcr and really does believe that some sort of vaccines might have merit I enjoy your viewpoint and have been active at trying to learn more about what you think and believe but bad mouthing kennedys dance moves doesn’t sit well with me he didn’t want to even become involved with vaccines preferring to kajak up rivers and dealing with gross flagrant polluters but once reading the volumes of evidence dumped on his doorstep by an angry mother of an injured child, his conscience took control thanks for your energy but please try not to judge without at least trying to get comfortable in each individuals dance I remember how I once judged rather harshly when I raised my family off the grid without the help of doctored individuals and how it was mot productive Health!

    • April 22, 2022 at 3:33 pm

      Good points (maybe) but I still cannot get over the fact that he does not realize — or is lying about this — that germ theory is bunk. I believed the BS at the beginning of the covid crapola but quickly smartened up. am I so much smarter than he?

    • bmseattle
      April 22, 2022 at 4:41 pm

      Kennedy refuses to opine about germ theory, even in less mainstream settings.
      As Allan pointed out, in his “The Higherside Chats” interview with Greg Carlwood, he backed away from the issue.
      Greg’s audience was a perfect place to take a stand there.

    • philipski
      April 25, 2022 at 3:20 pm

      Exactly, Mike Baird. Kennedy’s a weak debater now, plus any “germ theory debunked” matters are gonna be going totally over the head of what he imagines is his idealized core audience. Rough, lawyerly, and with no purity in him, I don’t think we’re actually looking at a blackmail case…I hope.(The much younger Kelly, btw, little chance she doesn’t know/have people who’ve told her ALL she needs to know.)

  6. Sam
    April 21, 2022 at 2:49 pm

    This is a good and necessary post. Thank you. RFK jr. is a limited hangout IMO. He never fights hard enough to expose their crimes, and his VOICE is just terrible. I get that he has tons of name recognition… but his organization should replace him as their spokesman. I can barely listen to him because of his scratchy, nearly inaudible voice. I never send links of his talks to anyone because of how he sounds. I think it overpowers any good messaging he may have to share. Like all my public heroes, he’s disappointing and doesn’t go far enough into the muck to truly expose the crimes here.

    • Scott
      April 21, 2022 at 3:00 pm

      His vocal problems are totally irrelevant to his integrity. Straw man!

      • Ea
        April 21, 2022 at 6:05 pm

        Yeah, Sam, WTF.
        Even if that sh*t was fake (like, say, Michael J Fox’s Parkinson’s) it just endears him to his followers, so it is far from a drawback.

      • philipski
        April 25, 2022 at 3:20 pm

        Not really, unfortunately.

    • April 21, 2022 at 7:36 pm

      Yeah, I have to agree with Scott and Ea. Why would you bring up his voice, which he has no control over and is plainly embarrassed bout. Like bringing up my age. In fact, even worse than that.

    • April 21, 2022 at 9:15 pm

      Aaahh…Praise the Lord! someone who agrees with me in every detail about that guy.
      You are so correct Thanks Sam! , and yes I too wonder how TF anyone can listen to his voice longer than a few seconds at the get go.
      And YES he doesn’t go ANYWHERE NEAR far enough to expose the govt.& media LIES, and tell us the real deal.
      He has the clout of the JFK name, but the goods aren’t delivered.

  7. William Petty
    April 21, 2022 at 2:03 pm

    Alice Bailey’s 10 points. They have all come to pass. When I was a freshman in high school in 1960, my home room teacher read a bible passage every day. The world has and always will hate Jesus and the Bible makes that clear. Believe what you want, but I’m sticking with Jesus.

    • Scott
      April 21, 2022 at 3:01 pm

      Rolls eyes.

    • Krustysurfer
      April 22, 2022 at 8:29 pm

      Amen and hallelujah!…
      There in lays my hope my Joy and my strength.
      All of this is Satans dominion for just a brief moment so what is written has to be fulfilled, come to pass…
      Jesus is the way, Jesus is the way home, Jesus will reclaim this kingdom that is rightfully his and is also ours as his bride~ the body of Christ where we will reign with Him and worship God that is our reward, not this rollercoaster ride through a fallen sinful world.

      Fear no evil, keep exposing the darkness and do not fear death of the flesh because to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

      The Holy spirit will give you peace, and words to utter that need to be uttered at that crucial testimony just as Shadrach Meshach and Abendego danced in the fire before Nebuchadnezzar in his furnace.

      This brief physical life is preparation for a Eternal existence. Live accordingly the best you can and let the work Jesus did on the cross nearly 2000 years ago lead us all home.
      Stand for truth, be wise, be kind, love one another and remember to forgive as we have been forgiven.

      Can we stop this madness?
      No, not if it is within the will of God to let mankind turn Earth into a living hell so that mankind can teach itself a important lesson. Its going to get much worse and people will seek God in that tribulation.
      Will there be death and tribulation for believers? Most certainly!
      However we are promised eternal life with and beside God did Jesus promise and show us by coming back from being brought back from the dead himself and walking among his disciples and his followers as the first of many sons of God.
      So no matter how bad it gets we have his light to guide us keep us and bless us because this world is going to hell, our reward is not in this life, not in this physical lifetime.
      So lets get on with the show, let the devils damn themselves. RFK and all the other politicians are puppets on a stage that satan owns, funds and runs. and this is the greatest showdown on earth… Popcorn and fizzy drinks in hand… “The show must go on”- Pink Floyd
      Aloha Allan and company.

  8. Elisabeth
    April 21, 2022 at 12:50 am
    • April 21, 2022 at 2:35 am

      Oh yeah, great link. This is what I’ve been trying to say, now you can see it clearly. I admit I was shocked to see RFK on the same program as Kaufman/Cowan, which really shows the level of BS we are steeped in. Yes, check this link out. What’s the point? They are trying to drive us nuts. Just how many of those mentioned are consciously a part of the op is my question. I do have to recall Cowan’s behavior re my posts, etc. Dishonest.

      It’s every man/woman for him/herself, folks.

    • William Petty
      April 21, 2022 at 2:16 pm

      Thanks for sharing this. I must admit, I’ve never heard of Alice Bailey and her 10 points.

    • Ea
      April 21, 2022 at 6:10 pm

      Here’s the short version:

      While RFK had some cred being Trump’s ‘vaccine czar’ until big pharma told Donald No,
      he is after all –along with all the others in Hugo’s network– compromised by continued association with Warp Speed.

    • Phil
      April 21, 2022 at 10:27 pm

      This exposes a whole lot! I am realizing that if they have a voice they seem to be at best limited hang outs! That said I think all of them have some truths it’s just next to impossible to sort out the half truths. I guess that’s the whole idea so much crap out there those of us trying to have some understanding will get frustrated and confused and throw out the baby with the bath water. Hard to understand how they can get to all of them but sure seems as though they do.

      • Krustysurfer
        April 22, 2022 at 8:31 pm

        Bread and circuses…….

  9. bmseattle
    April 20, 2022 at 10:42 pm

    That RFK/Kelly interview was so depressing, I had to stop watching.
    Your point about injecting vs ingesting aluminum is so obvious, and it was one moment after another of Kelly just saying shit like that, and RFK not bringing up the obvious counter point.

    Like you, I want to like the guy, but it’s difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt after watching this interview.

    • April 21, 2022 at 2:35 am

      I tried to watch it again for the post but could not do it.

      • Maggie
        April 21, 2022 at 10:54 pm

        Glad to hear/see you post, Allan. Where could someone send you a bit a gas money if they had the mind to do so? I subscribed but sometimes feel the need to send some coffee or gas money to someone who informs me of a world beyond Narnia.

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