What does the TV show ‘Better Call Saul’ have in common with Climate Change?
We’ll start with the latter. I’ve been posting photos on my Facebook page and a few posts ago let them have it with a paste-in of my ‘Seeing Sea Level’ post from here. Predictably, I got mostly idiocy from my FB ‘friends.’ Here’s a good example:
Talk about Appeal to Authority! All he did was list all the groups/agencies/etc. that are lying to him. Couldn’t he see that? And:

Only real difference between this and the first one is time of day, but what a big difference in quality of light (I like them both).
And on and on. The above from CT Allison sums up the problem: I give them a look at actual ‘science’ and all they can think of is what they saw on CNN or read in The NY Times. As far as I can see, I didn’t change a single mind with data that shows without doubt that ‘Climate Change’ is a crock. ‘They’ say that in 10 years we will all be under water and no one can ‘see’ that ‘their’ own data says otherwise. It was pure appeal to authority and ad hominem answers to my post.
But this is old news. How about ‘Better Call Saul’? I like the show and for amusement have been looking at the fanboy websites, which all pretty much say the show can do no wrong; it’s almost a biblical kind of devotion. They go deep into character and plot, way deeper than the actors and show runners likely do. Thing is, I’ve noticed some pretty serious story fuck ups, being qualified in this area, given how many fuck ups I’ve been responsible for over the decades, in many TV and screen stories. I stick ’em in comments.
Notwithstanding the lively back and forths with which the comment sections are rife, no one ever responded to my points, no matter how obviously correct they were. No replies, no thumbs ups or downs, nothing. Pure denial. I even mentioned their denial, challenged them on it, and got no reply. Denial on top of denial.
Addendum: I did get one reply on one site (about a detail) but it was so utterly dumb, really so incredibly illogical, that I forgot about it. I guess I was in denial about it.
My most recent critique is especially telling, considering the audaciousness of the show’s creators in covering up a fuck up: Back way earlier in the season they had our main character — he’s on the lamb with a new identity and being hunted big time by the PTB — get ‘made’ by a cab driver who recognized him. Our guy at first is going to bolt and get a new identity but then decides to ‘handle it myself,’ i.e., do something to somehow solve the problem, like maybe off the cab driver.
This is weeks ago, right? Then the episode comes up wherein he actually does it (solve the problem himself) and guess what? The show runners have gotten a different actor to play the cab driver. Totally different in every way. They make this public ahead of time, claiming that a ‘scheduling conflict’ was the problem; the original actor is no longer available. (An unknown actor, by the way, meaning there is no way he was actually ‘unavailable,’ given this was the part of his acting life.)

My neighbor in the turnout for three days. ‘Turtle’ is his name. Another Rubber Tramp and a cool dude.
The new actor they get plays the role dumb and meek while the original actor was ballsy, macho, and obviously smart. But the way the show was written, the cab driver had to be a mama’s boy and meek. So the original guy would not have worked.
From experience I immediately knew what actually happened: When the writers had our guy say ‘I’ll handle it myself,’ it was a major plot point, but guess what? They had not a clue as to what would actually happen. They’d figure that out when the time came to write that episode. Well, this is no way to write a show. You have to know basically what is going to happen or you end up… casting the wrong actor.
Well, the fanboys bought the ‘scheduling conflict’ bullshit hook, line and sinker, not believing the show runners would lie to them. As you all know, I hate lies, so me being me I blurted the truth and pasted it in to all the popular Better Call Saul fanboy Youtube channels:
Guess what? Not a word in reply. More denial. In fact, one of the channels even deleted (censored!) my comment.
(Long sigh)… I guess my point is how hopeless it all is, when people are even in denial about the truth of HTWRW in a TV show.
Have I brightened your day?
A.C. Weisbecker
7 days ago