I occurred to me yesterday how important most of you are to me. This happened when I ran on Facebook a photo of my American flag flying upside down, explained that this signifies distress (not disrespect), and suggested that anyone who agrees should hit the ‘like’ button, no matter their personal reason for the distress we are under. (A bad example might be that no one has yet done in our former president, Donald Trump. Still, that would at least be an agreement that we’re in serious trouble.)
I got less than 20 ‘likes’ out of at least 200 (maybe a lot more) who see each post. There were more stupid comments than intelligent ones: Like ‘If you think the election was stolen you are the problem.’ As if stolen elections were anything new or are our main problem.
And so forth.
To make a list of just the obvious reasons why all American flags should be flying upside down would be ridiculous, given the over all critical thinking skills of those that show up here.
There seems to be no end to it. No limits, although one out of ten is at least better than zero.
Anyway, my point is only to thank most of you for your critical thinking abilities and for expressing them here.
I sent Bill Engdahl a Tucker Carlson podcast and asked his opinion of it, given his European residency. Here is his reply:
‘Allan, very useful video from Carlson. I share your caution but given his large platform it is highly useful for a portion of the public who begins to realize all is not as promised. Everything he says about Germany and Europe is accurate. I just finished a piece on the EU gas manipulation since 2010 to destroy cheap gas for Green Energy. They know what they do. He presents a complex situation in a simplified but IMO useful way that many uninformed Americans can grasp. That’s useful even if he may not be perfect. I am not enamored for example by his praise for DJ Trump. But that’s minor. Here things are unimaginably horrible and all is set to explode in September-November, including more covid insanity from German Govt. Without cheap gas German industry is dead. Homes cannot afford the energy costs.: One example a small homeowner near here got a letter from his gas provider. In 2022 he prepaid circa $5000 for yearly gas to heat the house. Now he must immediately prepay $12,000 for next year.
The German Govt is Davos on Steroids. The Green Party controls all key posts and they are more lunatic than even AOC. The Green Foreign Minister Baerbock, a total amateur, was a Davos Young Leader. France Macron is a banker boy who is destroying France. Dutch Govt is Davos, documented, are killing their productive farmers for a fake nitrogen agenda from Davos. All this is no accident. They all use Russia as a convenient scapegoat to blame. The Greens are deliberately destroying what ten years ago was the world’s most advanced productive industrial economy by hitting the Achilles Heel—energy. Living here and seeing the decline which began after 2011 with Merkel is depressing to put it mildly. Add to this the insanity of supporting Ukraine when NATO has controlled that corrupt state since the 2014 Maidan coup d’ etat.. They know Zelensky is a fraud.
The scary thing is that there is not even a Tucker Carlson on mainstream media here. It is dominated by taxpayer paid state TV. And the trains in Germany do not even run on time 50% of the time. A month ago the Scholz regime began messaging that come winter many people will make protests about high energy prices etc and said these were the “same people” who protested covid jabs. They are ultra right hate groups and must be prohibited. This from the government. This country is becoming Germany 1933 again but worse. I think Tucker’s “reality light” serves a useful purpose if a limited one.
Bill’ [end quote]
He also sent this link, which fleshes out his view on the issue.
Yes, evidence that it’s not just the U.S.A. that is in distress…
One more time: Thank you for being here.
Yesterday I was parked at a nearby post office and found a note on my windshield. It was from one of you, a very smart lady who offered me an ocean view place to camp and who is as awake as any of us. Really made my day.
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