Let’s take a brief break from The Bug and think about the heavens, a major interest of mine, especially of late. I recently realized (more alliteration) that a formal examination of the nightly heavens is in order for yours truly. So I’m now equipped for 360 degree, all-night (dusk ’till dawn) sky documenting, wherever the hell I am.

Remember this one from a couple years ago? Very different from the current stuff, but it still is on my mind…
I also realized that no one else is (publicly) doing this, and it therefore may be important. Maybe very important. See, a time lapse forces you to notice things that normally would not stand out. A little white dot, or even a big white dot in the sky that your vision passes by, becomes a streak that quite obviously should not be there, not via known natural or manmade phenomena.
Since I started my formal documentation a week or so back (I’ve been doing it on and off for some time, as most of you know), I realized that something that should not be there pops up every night, on average. And although not spectacular, the very consistency of these appearances has got me to thinking (uh-oh).
Anyway, relax, try to forget about The Bug for a bit (the b-b-Bug for a b-b-bit), and check out what’s been up during the last four nights down here on the desert. Here ya go:
If you want a bit more of… whatever that stuff is… here’s a link to my recent ‘Japanese Lantern’ embarrassment, which also contains… whatever that stuff is…
Hey, in fact, I’ve been recording whatever that stuff is for years now. I just hadn’t thought about it before. Well, I’m thinking now, and preliminarily, I’m thinking that whatever that stuff is, it ain’t ‘nuts and bolts’ or ‘flesh and plasma’ aliens. I’m thinking that whatever that stuff is, it’s a hint as to the nature of reality. Right: Whoa!
I’m working on something more specific and will get back to you on it. Assuming we all survive what might be the coming apocalypse…
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