Category: Blog

A Return to Five Islands

In response to my last post, which alluded to the question of why I live like this, I got an email saying, in part, ‘Everyone would live like that if we could afford it.’ My response to this response is I don’t think so. My impression is that I was overly successful with my imagery of the beautiful and relatively…


Advocate Harbour, Nova Scotia, July 27. For reasons that I suspect are obvious – and which I’ll try to reinforce with some imagery in this post – in my travels I’ve not yet been asked why I live like this: After all, my road-ramble is not a vacation or a hiatus or an ‘assignment’ or a film location shoot; something…

Sat CNN, Fundy Flats, Plus Tension

July 18, Johnson’s Mills, New Brunswick. Thought I’d make it a regular feature of these posts that the up top/first photo will be of Jose (can’t figure out how to add an accent to the ‘e’), his locale on the planet at the writing of the post, which is no small challenge given my aversion to publishing photos lacking in…

How Much Does Sean Penn Hate My Ass?

Sean Penn hates my sorry ass. I mean actively so. An example: In early 2012 Penn went out of his way to kill a deal I had brewing with HBO; a deal that arguably would have made me ‘rich and famous.’ I was to write a pilot based on Can’t You Get Along With Anyone? A Writer’s Memoir and a…

Pulling the Trigger, a Fedex Truck, and Big Al

Gus and I pulled the trigger on our new life; the nearby photo is about five minutes after I coughed up the cash and papers were signed. (Parting with currency for something physical has always been easy for me…) See if you recognize this dialog from Water Time (me to Honey): ‘We’re giving up house and home and heading for…

Crap Dvds, Mom, and Tilting at Big Al

First some business: I sent out a batch of dvds to those who wanted them. Some were apparently defective. If yours is, please email me at and put ‘Crap DVD’ in the subject box and give me your address again, formatted like a shipping label. I’ll send another. This has been really upsetting. Also, and this is embarrassing: On the site…

My second blog

Dogs and Me I’ve been really lucky with dogs, much more so than with humans. Not only that, but when I think of the work I’ve done, the… larger projects: Cosmic Banditos. Without our nameless reprobate’s canine sidekick, High Pockets, we have a so-so narrative at best. In Search of Captain Zero. Without Shiner’s companionship – and I outright say this…