Sat CNN, Fundy Flats, Plus Tension

July 18, Johnson’s Mills, New Brunswick.

Thought I’d make it a regular feature of these posts that the up top/first photo will be of Jose (can’t figure out how to add an accent to the ‘e’), his locale on the planet at the writing of the post, which is no small challenge given my aversion to publishing photos lacking in pizzazz (pizzazz being a quality elusive enough to allow all manner of flaws as long as there is…well, pizzazz).  Point being that I will have to figure visual elements (lighting, composition, etc) into my choice of overnight niches.




By the way, Rich Grove thinks the rig should have a feminine moniker. Although I’m not wild about ‘Jose’ (especially absent the accent) I tend to disagree on this one. Tell you what: whomever of you all that comes up with a better handle (than Jose) gets a Six Pack Plus, which is going to be my Thank You for… whatever. Means I send you a half dozen Water Time DVDs plus a CYGAWA, plus a Cosmic Banditos (Penguin edition), all duly signed and sent from whatever P.O. I can find, when I can find it. (No reward for this, but someone please explain how to add the accent to Jose in Mac Word.)

Reason I thought to subject you to another post so soon after the last one is due to what I noticed during my drive south from the Walmart lot at Moncton.

The guy who sold me Jose left the Sat radio functional (at least for a while) and I was listening to audio CNN, which is interesting – imagine watching CNN and you turn your chair around and stare out the window. For me this was a minor revelation. Without the visual distraction of Wolf Blitzer (speaking of monikers, they had to have come up with that one as some sort of inside joke), Anderson CIA-intern-at-college Cooper (look it up) and the rest of the lying pack of slime balls at Mind Control Central (MCC), you really get a sense how they go about implanting in us common folk the ‘official’ interpretation of the latest ‘world event,’ in the case of yesterday, the ‘shoot down’ of the Malaysian Air Boeing 777.

The scare quotes in this case are for good reason, although I don’t doubt for a moment that the plane was shot down; it’s by whom wherein the worm turns. Listen to me for a moment and please let’s all rev up our critical thinking on this one. Think about what I’m going to say and understand that it’s a way of listening to the barrage of bullshit, thereby grasping implications.

After listening, really listening (just the words, remember, no images), to CNN for two hours, I put it at 90% certainty that Malaysian Air Flight 17 (and the 295 souls aboard) was annihilated by Western Intelligence/NATO.

Reason I can say this is not from what CNN said but what they did not say, and it’s quite a simple ‘tell’ (ask a good poker player what a ‘tell’ is). For the first few hours after the ‘event,’ all that was known was that the aircraft exploded in flight at about 32,000 feet. That’s all that anyone knew. Matter of fact, that’s all they know now, as I write, half a day later. 

No one brought up the possibility that the plane exploded from a bomb on board. Remember Pan Am Fl 103, which blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988. A bomb.

TWA 800 in 1996 blew up mid-air in 1996. The investigation – aside from 9/11/01, probably the most transparently mendacious of ‘Official Stories’ –  involved the possibility, the likelihood, of a bomb for months, until they came up with the absurd (impossible by the laws of physics, actually) scenario of a spark in a fuel tank.

They considered the possibility of a bomb until their ‘forensic analysis’ said otherwise.

Aside from CNN’s failure to mention a bomb, I’d bet Jose, Gus and everything else I value that no other media outlet brought up the bomb possibility either. (If I’m wrong here, send a link.) You’ll not read it in the New York Times or any other major newspaper either. That’s my bet.

If I’m right and no one else brought up the bomb possibility, lemme ask you something: How could that be? How is it possible that no one thought to bring up the obvious possibility that a bomb destroyed MA Fl 17? Again, there was, and still is, no actual evidence – physical or eye witness – that it was a missile.

I’m trying to impart a skill I’ve developed over a decade of study of recent (since World War Two) history. How to interpret the lies we are told. Those of you who remember my analysis of the Sikh temple shooting will remember how I interpreted the media’s failure to mention how the ‘lone nut’ got to the scene of the shooting. The other mass shootings (the Batman/theatre massacre, Sandy Hook, etc., etc.) all made a big deal out of the suspect’s car, analysis of its contents, etc.


Fundy’s cosmic doings…


They all showed the car, over and over, chopper shots, license plate numbers, you name it. Endless details. But with the Sikh temple shooting, not a word about how the shooter got there or planned to escape. This not only tells us that he had co-conspirators – who drove off in the getaway car after the shooting – but that the various media outlets were all on the same page. They were all, in effect, accessories after the fact.


There is a really good film here… somewhere…


There is no other explanation for these failures in reporting than the media’s direct collusion in implanting a false version of the event in question.


Okay. Why? Is this your question? Why would they fail to mention the possibility of a bomb?


First, they knew it wasn’t a bomb. They knew a missile brought the plane down. How did they know? Only one reasonable possibility: Because ‘they’ did it themselves. Shot the plane down. ‘They’ meaning Western Intelligence/NATO/MI 6, who tell the media what to report. A ridiculous presumption? Hang in.

See, they didn’t want to confuse the issue with a ‘bomb plot.’ They didn’t want us thinking about anything other than a missile. Their agenda was elsewhere: They wanted to blame Russia. Anyone could plant a bomb. Only Russia had the armament and the expertise to shoot down an airliner at 32,000 feet, far above the range of a should-mounted missile.

Had they mentioned the bomb possibility – and actually, a bomb is historically the first cause brought up in the case of a mid-air explosion, especially at high altitude – they would have had to explain that only painstaking forensic chemical analysis can differentiate between a bomb and some other cause. The kind of analysis that takes weeks or even months.


Look closely at the lower right area and you’ll see one of my Gopros….


Their agenda of blaming the Russians would have been delayed indefinitely.


If you listen to the endless droning and repetition of the ‘facts’ as they gradually became ‘known,’ you’ll notice how they sloooowly hinted that Russia (or ‘Russian separatists’ or ‘pro-Russian rebels’) might have been involved, then likely were involved; ‘experts’ (all ‘former’ Intel agents (like Bob Baer) leading us the inevitable conclusion that the Russkies did it. In fact, I’d bet that by the time you read this, Obama and his mouthpieces will have outright accused Putin himself of being a cohort in the catastrophe. And watch and listen for endless blathering about the families and the carnage and so forth.

They knew that no one would notice the failure to mention a bomb scenario. And they were right. As with the Sikh shooting, no one – apparently with the exception of me, as far as I know – has pointed out the failure to mention an obvious lacunae in the reporting of the event.

From here we could analyze the reasons for the Malaysia Air shoot down and the blame being put upon Russia. Cui bono will almost always give away the game. And the game is scary indeed. That the lunatics running Western Intel/Obama want to increase tension between the West and the planet’s other nuclear superpower has been obvious since the end the of the cold war.

Is it possible that the flight was taken out by someone other than the West, unbeknownst,  and they merely decided to capitalize on the catastrophe? Yes, possible but unlikely, which is why I put it at 90%. Problem with this scenario is motive. The shooting down of MA 17 does no one any good – except those with a bug up their ass for Russia. And that’s us, i.e., the psychopaths who run our government and, most of the West.

In any case, the media’s failure to deal with a possible bomb is a lie by omission meant to mislead you about a major world event. Of this there is zero doubt.

But deep history is not the purpose of this post or even of my current journey. Do your own research! ( is a good place to start). I’m merely trying to show you how to think critically. How to spot the lies we are told. (If you think I’m off the wall about MA 17 yet have no answer as to why all of the media outlets would fail to mention the most obvious cause of a mid-air explosion, I have to ask: Who’s off the wall, really?)

Anyway, me, I’m making the Bay of Fundy film. And while Wolf and Anderson subject you to more lies the tide’s turning up here, so I have to hike out onto the mud flats to set up some Gopros on my stepladder…



The challenge is making THIS look and feel…


Strategy of tension…  Fundy…




Hey! Goddamn it, I have stacks of Water Time DVDs. I want you to have ‘em! Fifteen bucks for two! Signed and sent from the road! Click here.

And thanks for helping my Chain NYC Film Festival chops by going to the Water Time page and clicking ‘Like’ and doing other ‘net stuff that helps (I’m damned if I can figure how that works)!

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…amazing… can I do it?