I almost had some kind of bizarre disinformation breakdown last night and it was physical, like an infarction or stroke or something. I was listening to a YT audio book I came across (YT has lots of them); it was Carl Sagan’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’ book, from 1994, and I was listening to pick up on some new physics untruths (lies, actually). More on that in a minute. While Sagan was pontificating in the background, I came across a YT video titled ‘The 20 Biggest Science Breakthroughs of the Last Decade’, right? Well, holy shit, but I think the disinformation coming at me from two different directions hit some sort of diabolical synchronistic disharmony and suddenly the world — or whatever it is — was spinning and floating around the rig was a ghostly likeness of Neil Armstrong assuring me in a soothing monotone that it all is flat and…

That’s Gus and me down there, and the rig. Notice how there’s no one near us? The rest of the desert is wall to wall RVs. I must give off a… vibe. Good.
…okay, i’m getting carried away, but the synchronistic disharmony did hit me: Sagan, from his audio book, was assuring me that Venus, while maintaining it’s 4.5 billion year old age, has a surface temperature of 900 degrees (F), , while the video was going on about the image of a black hole they’ve come up with via the worldwide cooperation of advanced technology and scientific accord…
You get the idea; a bullshit overload. Although Sagan’s revelations about the cosmos occasionally were more or less believable, the title of the book was a constant reminder that he was part of the op to keep us dumb and misled, plus his Venus information was nagging me on a level that only came to light this morning, upon my return from Nod. Here’s what that’s about and it’s actually important. I’ll explain via an email I sent to some Electric Universe guys…
I was listening to Sagan’s audio book The Pale Blue Dot (to list the truths/untruths) and noticed something. Sagan tells us that Venus has a super-dense cloud cover of sulphuric acid, so dense that basically no sunlight reaches the surface of the planet. He also makes the usual claim of CO2 and a ‘runaway greenhouse effect’. OK, but he also says that the SURFACE temp of Venus is 900 F. If sunlight does not reach the surface then there is no ‘greenhouse effect’ (which prevents reflected photons’ escape into space, but since no sunlight reaches the surface, there can be no reflection), let alone a runaway one, so how could the surface be that hot? The planet itself is the source of the heat. I’m of course referring to Velikovsky, and that Venus is a new planet.

A Montauker sent me this, from the mid-80s (when I was a looker). A 500 lb Giant Tuna. No that’s not redundant. A tuna over 310 pounds is a ‘giant,’ and worth a lot of bucks to the Japanese. We sold this one ‘on the hoof’ a few minutes later for $5,000. Next day it was in Tokyo being eaten for $30 an ounce.
Addendum: Immanuel Velikovsky, in his classic book World’s in Collusion, posits that Venus was originally a comet, spewed (or ‘born’) from the gas giant Jupiter when the solar system was unstable. This was during ‘pre-history’ and is the source of the myth that Venus was born from Zeus (Jupiter). Although current Electric Universe theory points at Saturn as the source of Comet Venus, that Dr V has been ignored and/or vilified by the mainstream is a hint that he’s right.
It’s important to note that Velikovsky predicted that Venus would be very hot; this was in 1950, way before a probe verified Venus’s super-high temperature. A lucky guess? I don’t think so. This essay is worth a look.
The mainstream will probably say that the atmospheric CO2/sulphuric acid gets that hot but I doubt that is possible (by gas laws?) and anyway, the atmosphere couldn’t heat up a whole planet to the point where the surface is halfway to the melting point of most rock. Seems that the laws of physics debunk the runaway greenhouse explanation for Venus’s temperature, leaving only one reasonable theory, i.e., Velikovsky’s.
This may be obvious but I haven’t heard anyone on our side voice it; if this is the case you guys can probably refine the point made. [end email]
Anyway, aside from the above observations, the video on the 20 Biggest Scientific Discoveries of the Decade is worth a viewing as an example of the insane state of the sciences. (Yes, ‘insane’ state, not ‘sad’ state.) Here is their list and please note that the ‘discoveries’ are either untrue or upsetting in some moral or existential manner. In reverse order:
20 First photograph of a black hole. There are no such things as black holes. This is provable in several ways, but the easiest is to point out that stars are not gas bodies; they are condensed matter. This is obvious from the fact that the sun has a surface (a gas body can not have a surface). Therefore, stars are not compressible. The physical definition of a black hole demands compressibility. The math and even the logic are also fallacious. By ‘logic’ I mean black holes are impossible by definition. See Steve Crothers here. If that isn’t enough, look up his other videos.
19 Human children now born having three parents. I don’t know if this is true or not but the point is that they see this as progress.

Notice the book ad in the window. This is France. I haven’t seen a buck from the French in 10 years. Think maybe I’m getting ripped off? (I do like their new cover. Wish I had a copy.) By the way, how many authors do you know whose book is over 30 years old and not only still in print, but in the window of a book store? I mean aside from dead guys.
18 Progress toward artificial brains. I would suggest we first get our biological brains in order before we start constructing machine ones. (I know: I’m just being a smart ass with no added information, i.e., an appeal to ridicule. Okay, duly noted.)
17 Memory manipulation in rodents. I hardly need comment on this one, but they do tell us that memory manipulation technology for humans hasn’t been invented… yet. Which of course means it has.
16 Interstellar advances Hooray! They start this one with a doozy of an understatement: ‘Although the decade was notably lacking in terms of manned space flight…’ No shit. It’s been about 60 years since the first manned space flight and Spacex (the current ‘leader’ in space stuff) still hasn’t decided it’s safe to put a ‘man’ in one of their ‘spacecraft.’ What’s wrong with this picture? (Plus, of course, the obvious fakery in their TV specials.)
Don’t get me started on this one!
15 Robot Self-Organization. They start with a question: ‘Is the machine uprising nigh? Ha-ha.’ They then boast that robots are now working together on common goals. Okay. The question is Why are they happy about this?
14. New targeted gene theory. This one would seem a positive claim, given all the genetic disorders that could be cured by genetic engineering, but I suggest you give the movie Splice a look before you get too happy. Seriously, this is the creepiest movie I’ve ever seen, while being thoroughly entertaining. And I suspect it’s one of their predictive programming gems.
13. Animal discoveries. I don’t know what to make of some of the ‘Mandela Effect’ animals that have turned up in the last few years, but before razzing me, do some searches. You wanna talk creepy?

This is from ‘Splice.’ You wanna get creeped out by where gene splicing is going? (The two lead characters are named ‘Elsa’ and ‘Clive.’ Points go to anyone who can suss out the old movie allusion here.)
12. Synthetic DNA. First they tell us that DNA is the ‘recipe’ for life itself, then brag that the PTB can now mix and match it pretty much as they want. As if this is great news.
11 External wombs. If this sounds familiar, it’s right out of Brave New World. If you recall that tale — and the predictive motive of its author — there’s no more to say.
10 Another decade with no evidence of alien life. You gotta love this one. I mean I love it, having probably snapped a photo or two of a craft with aliens inside. Or maybe not. No matter, the point being they are still saying this, even after the New York-fucking-A Times now admits that the U.S. Military has been tracking alien crafts for decades.
9 The rise of artificial intelligence. Yes, they are repeating themselves. And it’s all good news!
8 Combating major diseases. As if there hasn’t already been a surfeit of irony here, the only two diseases they bring up — ebola and HIV — were weaponized by the PTB to kill us. Now they’re bragging about finding cures?
7 Rocket science. As I say, they are repeating, and the irony just piles up, given their only mention of progress in rocket science is ‘Spacex,’ which, as you know if you’ve been following this blog, is faking its missions. Christ, watch Kubrick’s 2001: That’s what they promised us for 20 years ago. HOW CAN THEY BRAG ABOUT THIS?
6 Dating old art. I’ll give them a pass on this one.
5 Filling out the human family tree. Right up my alley. See my posts on Neanderthals and human origins, but a good example of how far from reality human origins has gotten, they show us an image of what a Denisovan looked like, based on one pinkie bone they found in a Siberian cave. You wanna talk arrogance… or stupidity? (How about a combination?)
4 the beginning of the Crispr era. No, not misspelled: Crispr. As if they haven’t blabbed about DNA enough, the ‘Crispr’ is a way of editing DNA. In other words, more monsters are coming. With science over the past decade, if it ain’t a lie, it’s bad news.
3 Kepler 452-B. This refers to the exoplanet they call ‘earth’s twin.’ I don’t know if this one is a lie, a hoax, or a joke. Anyone want to chime in?
2. Discovery of gravitational waves. I was waiting for this one, since it’s so easy to prove wrong (a fraud); Whatever they claim to have discovered (‘gravity waves’) moves through space at the speed of light. Well, if ‘gravity’ moved at the speed of light, our solar system would be unstable, since the various bodies would be reacting to where each other was, not is.
If it took 8 minutes for the sun’s gravity to reach earth, we’d fly off into space tout suite. That’s just the way it is. That none of the pundits bring this up is a perfect example… of something. (Yes, it really is that simple.)
1 Discovery of the Higg’s boson. My next favorite load of horse shit. This is science’s most recent attempt to do what they have failed to do since the Greeks: Define matter. Define energy. If you’re interested in this subject, read the book The Higgs Fake: How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee, by Alexander Unzicker.
With the Large Hadron Collider they spent like $15 billion (so far) on a fraud. What else is new?
That they may have an ulterior motive (possibly relating to the occult) for building the LHC is another question. A really good one, actually, and which may relate to the Mandela Effect. (The LHC produced a video that has a scientist holding up a placard with ‘Mandela’ on it, and grinning like a fool. Before you smirk, go to 2:30 in this, then stutter out your explanation.)
So this is my summation of Youtube’s summation of the previous decade in science. I’m tired, rattled, and not a happy boy.
I’m creeped out!
Here’s part of the sky-lapse I did two nights ago. I like the way the composition and lighting worked. It was my Gopro Hero5 Black set at 30 second exposure (800 ISO). This is about three hours of real time:
In the comments to the last post someone brought up Max Igan, whom I outed as a state mole a while back. Recently William Engdahl forwarded me the following, which is from an associate William vouches for (the redactions are for anonymity):
I know of Max Igan…not to be trusted. A friend of mine who I do trust knew him in REDACTED, ….REDACTED….., etc but caught [him] lying about stuff…apparently he has been compromised by some kind of ex-military involvement with this and that, my friend knows the whole story but [he/she] says that he is what they call ‘controlled opposition’…probably using the ‘truth is our weapon’ approach to tell a lot of the truth but then to marginalize or derail other more significant parts of it…like the military geo-engineering thing. yes, he will probably come out saying that no evidence exists for pulsed energy weapons, etc…his technical knowledge is not very good anyway.
It’s nice to get independent verification of stuff like this. I don’t enjoy outing state mole scum.
I’m still looking into the cartographic anomalies from the last post. I’m concentrating on Greenland for now.
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