Cui Bono?

A coupla shots from last night.

I’m working on the video and accompanying essay and I tried to post this last night (didn’t have the bandwidth), it’s that important. (I don’t normally do ‘breaking news,’ especially when I’m distracted.) As usual, it was Tucker who clued me to this one, i.e., the North Sea pipeline sabotage. If you don’t know about it, and/or don’t realize that the U.S./NATO is behind it 100%, go here and then think about it. (Tucker isn’t going to come out and blurt that the U.S. did it, but even he is on the verge of doing so.) Fer chrissakes, Biden and good old Vickie Nuland both outright warned Putin that they’d blow the thing up if they felt like it.

Hilariously (and predictably), the MS media is either hardly mentioning the event at all or… wait for it… blaming Putin! As if he’d blow up his own pipeline. As usual with events like this, just ask yourself cut bono? Then maybe consider the clips Tucker showed of Biden and Nuland telling us they were going to sabotage the pipeline if Putin pissed them off.

Folks, this is worth my blabbing when I’m busy on something else because it could lead directly to a military escalation between the U.S./NATO and Russia, and fast. Tucker and some of the alt media are already talking about how easy it would be for Russia to sever internet connections between international banks, which (they say) could end civilization as we know it (or some such crapola). True or not, screwing around with Putin in this way is apt to piss him off. And he ain’t no Biden-esque idiot. 

Anyway, what the sabotage tells us is that the PTB are dead serious about their Great Reset and understand that they have to destroy the present order (such as it is) to get it.

Hang in, but the shit is headed for the ventilator. 


The ultimate irony of course is that the billions of cubic meters of natural gas streaming up from the bottom of the North Sea is mostly methane, which is the ultimate green house gas.   

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