Curiouser Still…

__mudflood antarctica3

This 16th century map shows land at the north polar region, plus several islands that ‘don’t exist.’ More in the linked videos below.

Now that I think about it, whenever I pre-judge someone based on something ‘odd’ they are doing I ought to back up and think about whether I know anything about the odd thing they’re doing. Last night, for instance, I’d set my alarm for 3 AM so I could go out and change the batteries in my sky-lapse cameras. I’m fiddling with the stuff wearing a flashlight on my head in the wee hours, right? Someone happened to notice me, what are they going to think? ‘What’s that goofball doing?’, right?

But what’s my point?

_mudflood 1574

This map from 1574 is very strange in that it should not exist. The famous ‘Piri Reis’ map is just the tip of the cube.

You go to the beach you’ll often see people with metal detectors: ‘There’s another goofball’ being my typical reaction. Yesterday I saw a woman metal detectoring the desert nearby so I went over and struck up a conversation. Didn’t take long before I realized that my goofball judgment of metal detecting folks was incorrect. I mean how is what she was doing any different from my sky-lapses? We both use technology to see what we can learn about HTWRW. I look up, she looks down.

‘As above, so below’ actually occurred to me as I spoke to this woman about the stuff she’s found over the years, including artifacts of unknown origin. She and her husband are from Montana, he being a retired logger. They’ve been traveling around for a few years, as i have been, seeing what they could see, including stuff they find under the ground.

_mudflood canaries1

There is a Canary Island on this map that should not be there, never should have been there. How can all these cartographers be so wrong?

About 10 minutes into our conversation I decided I had to buy a metal detector. The couple is going to help me get the hang of it. I watched a few tutorials on Amazon, did some searches, and found there’s a subculture out there of folks who comb the underground for weird stuff. My kind of folks. So in spite of my iffy finances I’ve ordered a Garrett Ace 300 Metal Detector ($260) and will get back to you guys when I’m rigged up and actively detecting.

_mudflood frisland2

Before it ‘disappeared, Frisland was on all the maps of the North Atlantic, pre-18th century. Mandela Effect nutcases would call this ‘residue.’

As above, so below. Yeah, definitely. Looking back at the places I’ve been, especially those outback areas with strange rock formations that just maaaaybe are not so natural, who knows what I might have unearthed, had I had a Garrett Ace 300. When you look into the geological history of this planet — yeah, I mean really look into it — you come away just knowing that there is a whole other history down there under the patina where earth ends and sky begins.

Perhaps not coincidentally (given my ‘as above, so below’ revelation plus my Ace 300 purchase), yesterday ‘Kevin’ reminded me of a subject I’d looked into a while back but then got distracted… probably by the Spacex fraud, now that I think about it….

_mudflood greenland 1600s no ice

One odd thing about these maps of Greenland et al is that there is no ice, no glaciers, and many towns where now there is a mile of ice.

I’m talking about the ‘mudflood’ issue, another one of those weird, possibly spooky deals, like the Mandela Effect (I really hate that moniker, plus the idea that one might ‘suffer from’ it). In fact, the ME could be one of the possible explanations for the mudflood evidence. In brief, I’m talking about the evidence that certain cities worldwide have been inundated by what appears to be mud flows. Sometimes completely, but more often only partially buried, then built up again over the ruins. Check out the adjacent images for what I mean. How many of you have looked into this?

_mudflood greenland 1600s no ice2

Still another example of a world that ‘never existed.’

The strange thing — and why I even bring up the ME — is that the phenomenon seems only to have affected cities, which, if true, is inexplicable. The other thing is that, whatever is going on, it was not that long ago. Like one or two hundred years. I spent much of yesterday viewing the video series I’ll link you to below. I got even more interested when the videos segued to ancient cartography and the horrendous anomalies uncovered, especially if you go back to the 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries. I’ll reproduce some of the maps. Notice Greenland, for instance — the forests and rivers depicted, where now we have miles of ice. Greenland isn’t currently green at all, is it?

How did Greenland get its name, given it’s been covered with ice for hundreds of thousands of years? (‘To attract settlers’? You believe that?) See, if you look at the old maps, it was apparently green, and I’m talking about only a few hundred years ago. This is why I bring up the goddamn Mandela Effect. See, something is so wrong here that we cannot explain it in… ways that ‘make sense.’


A possibly related subject is the worldwide ‘mudflood’ that has left evidence like this. It sure looks like what’s underground now used to be the first floor, street level.

Addendum: I’m at the very beginning of looking into this subject and should point out that I was severely disappointed toward the end of the third video, when the narrator brought up flat earth; he even recommended moles like Eric Dubay and fucking Jeranism (whom I’ve seen fit to blog about as a flat earth disinfo mole). 

_mudflood trailer

I wouldn’t bring any of this up except for the mountains of ‘residue’ that point to a different history altogether from what we’ve been told.

Then, in another video, he started in on numerology, which, as a subject, I’ll not denigrate (out of ignorance), but when he listed about a score of NWO folks whose names all added up to 33 or 44 or the like, I got suspicious. He was displaying his numerology calculator and when I tried to find it online so I could check his findings (if they are genuine, it’s a total mind bender), I kept getting ‘Download for Free’ websites, which I do not trust. (If the calculator is genuine, why wouldn’t someone put it on a website for researchers?)

But I checked some of the cartography claims and they are genuine. Even Wiki defines them as legit, they of course omit mentioning the horrendous anomalies. So for now, let’s suspend negative judgment.  

And then there’s ‘Frisland,’ an island that appears on all the maps of the 15th – 16th centuries, but then suddenly ‘disappeared.’ If there was only one disappearing island I’d write it off (somehow), but there are several others that went poof! at about the same time.

And then there’s the matter of Tartaria…

Although the videos don’t bring up the Mandela Effect, you can maybe see why I do. When there are ‘glitches in the matrix’ of this magnitude and variety, they become paradoxes/enigmas on a whole other level.

Addendum: Those of you who like to ‘hand wave’ away the Mandela Effect as being based on faulty memories, I assume you will explain the ancient maps in a similar way, i.e., all the expert cartographers from the 14th through 16th centuries made the same horrendous errors, and were not corrected by contemporary sailors/explorers. 

mudflood greenland 1500s

Still another one, including Iceland, Greenland, and ‘Frisland’, an island that the PTB say never existed.

I’m going to look further into this but enough for now. I’ll supply some links, if you’re curious (and you should be), if only to explain how Greenland suddenly became buried under hundreds of thousands of years’ worth of ice, in two or three hundred years.


The fellow who calls himself Life Kreationz by David Wells has a series of videos, starting here, with the ‘mudflood’ phenomenon. His next video plus this one zeros in on the Greenland/Iceland enigmas, asking how the glaciers and ice sheets could have been absent in the geologically recent past. Then he goes on to other disappeared land masses. I suggest you give this subject some time; it ain’t easy. And even if Life Kreationz by David Wells is some sort of limited hangout/disinfo agent, the enigmas he describes are real, and in my view, are possibly ‘macro’ versions of whatever the Mandela Effect actually represents.



I’ve showed you this frame from an old movie a couple of times. Notice the island west of Oz?See the connection with the above enigmas, and the ME?

Addendum: Big, big thanks to ‘Joseph’ for the amazing work he’s done in cataloging my various blog links, recommended readings and so forth. As soon as I figure out the best way to do it, I’ll be adding Joseph’s documents to the blog, maybe via the sidebar. 



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