I have given all the hints I can without explaining the trick, which I will do now.

1a Corden has just rolled the dice. It doesn’t matter what he rolled because we are going to see the footage shot earlier with a red 4 and a white 5. Notice where his right hand is.
First, I said the secret is right in front of you and that I would prove how it was done. I also said that anyone who read my last post should get this one easily. (I guess Arthur’s comment about my post was without reading it.)
Right in front of you.
As with my last post I will use screen grabs (which I pretty much told you I would do).
Look at 1a and at its time stamp.
Now look at 1b and its time stamp.
Now 1c and its time stamp.
Get it?
I suspect that everyone but Arthur gets it, so I will explain for him.

1b Here it is, shot BEFORE the show. This is proved by the question: Where is Corden’s hand as compared to 1a? Now that it’s pointed out, it’s obvious, isn’t it?
The screen grabs are in chronological order, right? Notice the continuity error?
See James Corden’s hand in 1a and 1c?
It’s missing in 1b, isn’t it?
Now do you get it, Arthur? (Arthur is the only one I challenged; with the rest of you nothing was at stake, so I assume you didn’t put as much effort into this. Arthur sweated over figuring this out, I guarantee.)
Before Brown’s appearance on the show they filmed dice rolling until they got the red 4 and the white 5 (depending on luck, it might’ve taken an hour to get). Those of you who saw the dice as the key to this were of course correct.

1c They cut back to the previous angle and Corden’s hand is still right at the edge of the bowl. Busted!
Then they edited the pre-recorded shot into the show, even for the studio audience, which does not have a view of what Corden actually rolled on the third try.
How does this tell us anything more than my last post? It tells us that a celebrity (if a half-assed one) was in on the dishonest deception. (Camera tricks are a no-no for legit magicians.)

In the rice trick Brown doesn’t pick up any rice at all. Notice he just dips two fingers in the bowl.
This re-enforces the fact that to get to be a celebrity you have to be ready to do anything you are told, no matter how sleazy or insulting to your ‘fans’.
Obviously, everyone involved in the show — from the ‘star’ down to the lowly grips — knows how sleazy and dishonest this ‘entertainment’ really is, and that they are participating in it. Not a peep from any of them. As with ‘Apocalypse,’ we have all the proof we need that ‘conspiracies’ involving many people are not a problem.
You may think you already know this but it’s important to see it to really understand how it works. It’s also important that you figure things out for yourself. Learn to pay attention when the PTB tell you anything.
As I explained, the rice trick is even simpler and no camera trick is necessary.
Notice all the misdirection Brown uses to keep us from thinking about how this was done, especially the bullshit about how he was called ‘Dick Brain’ as a kid. Do you see how this sort of crapola works?
More misdirection is when Brown gets upset and whines that he thinks he screwed up and will be off by one grain of rice. ‘Don’t hate me’ (if he’s wrong) he besieges us, so we are rooting for him instead of paying attention. Given the contempt he (and Corden) are showing for our intellects, how annoying is this bullshit?

Derren Brown is an important agent of the PTB, almost certainly out of Tavistock. He is a real piece of satan-worshipping human garbage, and, I suspect, a devotee of Alister Crowley.
One last touch is the crossed wrists at the end of the show, uniting all us ‘Dick Brains.’
Where have you seen that salute before?
In Michael Radford’s version of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. ‘Dick Brains’ indeed. These two slimeballs might as well have given us the middle finger.
If you (like good old Louise-Phelan) are thinking ‘so what?’ or the like, you are failing to see the big picture, which involves training yourself to notice what’s actually happening in the world around you.

Screen grab from the movie. This salute unites ‘Dick Brains’ everywhere, the salute signifying loyalty to Big Brother. Brown and Corden are telling you Ignorance is Strength and so forth. This is Brown’s NLP/subliminal method, for which he is rewarded.
Please think about this stuff. It is important.
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