You all know how I feel about Tucker Carlson, but if not: He’s one of the only MS pundits that I take seriously, although he is limited hangout, an entertaining and smart version thereof, but still limited hangout. Worth listening to with the knowledge that he avoids important truths.
I bring this up because of this recent podcast. In it he explains how/why we are on the brink of a nuclear exchange — which could escalate to WW3 — for reasons I hadn’t yet considered. (Yes, for our purposes here I am assuming nukes are real.) Give it a look, but to sum it briefly: According to Tuck, the dems are apparently stupider and/or more reckless than they even seem (holy shit!), and the basis of their dementia goes back to the 2016 election and their insistence that Putin was behind Trump’s victory. Right: Nuts. (In other words, they may actually believe this ridiculous premise, rather than just using it to stir up more division. I actually hadn’t considered this.)

Just one image today: My version of a nuclear fireball over Los Angeles, as seen from an Arizona truck stop.
So now Pelosi and others (mainly Adam Schiff) are over in Ukraine, having already said we need to arm Ukraine ‘…so we can fight Russia over there and not here (in the U.S.)’. This was before the current mess. Now they are telling the world that they don’t want a settlement in Ukraine; they want total victory, i.e., Putin out. And they are willing to fight a war to get that.
As I say, this hadn’t occurred to me.
Rather than my going on, please give Carlson (and his clips) a listen. Listen to the lunatic dems telling us they are ready for a shooting war with Russia.
Addendum: Keep in mind that Putin has outright told us that he will use nukes if he feels threatened existentially. In other words, if NATO is on the verge of total victory. And Pelosi/Schiff are saying they will not accept any Ukraine outcome other than total victory. See the problem?
Whaddya think? Is this all more bullshit to scare the hell out of us? First death by COVID, now this? Can we trust a word we’re hearing on the MS media, including Tucker Carlson? (A Tucker quote: ‘This is the most reckless foreign policy… in American history.’)
Me, I’m wondering.
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