Hey out there,
Over the past month three of you have sent me links to ‘Flat Earth’ documentaries, possibly as a sort of tacit agreement with my litany ‘We’ve been lied to about everything.’ There are in fact a shitload of flat earth videos and websites out there; they are multiplying fast, it appears. Given that I’ve got ‘A few thoughts about how the world works’ at the top of my blog page, and given that the nature of the very ground we walk upon might apply, and given I have direct knowledge on the truth of the matter, I figure I’d chime in. (Travel photos a bonus…)
Some of you are wondering why I would waste your time and mine on such a dumb ass and obvious issue. Up until about ten years ago I’d have agreed. But then gradually I began to realize the extent of the deceptions we’ve been living under, of late even coming to the conclusion that science itself is rife with blatant deceptions (see the Steve Crothers video in my previous blog). Point being, I have given ‘Flat Earth’ as fair a shot as possible, given that my direct experience as a ship’s navigator (before the era of sat nav) tells me that the earth’s surface is in fact curved, beyond any doubt – which directly implies that we do in fact live on a globe-shaped earth (even if not perfectly round).
Whether or not you already know that ‘the earth is round,’ I figure it might be helpful if you had at least one piece of evidence coming from someone you’re reasonably sure has no ‘agenda’ other than the truth of the matter. So okay, look at this photograph:
I shot this in the mid-1990s while on magazine assignment covering the exodus-by-raft from Cuba. The location is between 12 and 20 miles north of Havana. I was using a long lens, probably my 300mm, which foreshortens, meaning the background looks closer than the view by eye. Notice that you can’t see the beach. In fact, you can’t see any Havana streets or one or even two-story structures. They are below the horizon.
I know that there is at least a handful of you that either believes in the flat earth hypothesis or is leaning towards it. However, if you trust me that I did take the photo and that there has been no fiddling with it, right now you ought to be in the process of changing your mind… But, as we all (should) know, no one changes their mind about anything.
Still, I gotta do my best…
Many of you have read my memoir, In Search of Captain Zero. If so, you might recall the 1978 pot run described in the chapter about The Fucking Boat. I’ll quote a passage (evidence that I’m not coming up with this stuff ad hoc):
(Referring to Montauk Point Lighthouse) ’… I was up there [on the ship’s bridge] squinting into the darkness for no more than ten minutes when that familiar 5-second-period beacon appeared, dead ahead. I found that the flashing light would disappear under the horizon when I was squatting and reappear when I was tippy-toeing (this is called ‘dipping the light’), with eye level about 18 feet above sea level. Plugging 18 feet – plus the height of the light above sea level as given in Bowditch (which is based on the exact degree of curvature of the earth), I defined our nautical mileage from the peeping beacon. (I had also proved that the earth is round.)
If you google ‘dipping the light’ you’ll find a complete explanation of this means of fixing your position at sea. Another relevant nautical expression is ‘hull down,’ which likewise is based on the fact (and I do see it as fact) that the earth’s surface is curved.
Is this enough? For some (those who sent me the flat earth links, say), probably not. See, the documentary I viewed (plus chunks of two others) is really slickly done and quite ‘reasonable’ in tone and technical mumbo-jumbo. Anyone who wants to believe it probably will. The expression ‘I’ll see it when I believe it’ comes to mind.
Let me tell you about those documentaries – and this is actually why I’ve gone to the trouble to post this, and hope you take the time to read it: The ‘good’ documentaries, the ones that seem most reasonable and anti-establishment (pointing out another lie by the New World Order!) are government psy-ops, meant to (literally) make fools of those who seek to expose the actual, and horrendous, lies we’re being subjected to. It’s classic misdirection, limited hangout. Key to these psy-ops is the mixing of some real truth with the utter bullshit.
For example, the one I watched had some really good, even elegant proofs that the Apollo missions were frauds and that NASA is still faking at least some of its missions, the International Space Station, for example.
Obviously, NASA’s past and current lies do not mean that the earth is flat, but the slick editing sure gives you that impression.
With the direct ‘evidence’ of flat earth, they either lie outright or misdirect you in their interpretation of ‘facts.’ I’ll not go point by point here – which would be a waste of our time – but I immediately knew I was being bullshitted when the docu showed a photo of the NYC skyline supposedly from a distance of 40 miles, claiming that this proves that the earth is flat, since the ‘New York City skyline should be about 1,000 feet below the horizon.’
I’m going to assume he’s not outright lying about the photo, etc., which is a helluvan assumption, but even so, this misdirection is as close to lying as you can get.
Yes, if you look at a horizon table you’ll find that from 40 miles away you would have to be at about1,000 feet altitude to see the horizon. But what does this mean?
The narrator – in his mellow, reasonable, English-accented voice – doesn’t mention from what altitude the photo was taken, or that the numbers (40 miles, 1,000 feet) are to the horizon, not to ‘the skyline,’ however he defines ‘skyline’ – the ‘skyline’ of NYC stretches (vertically) from sea level to about 1,000 feet (or it did when the WTC was there). Do you see how misleading it is to claim to see the ‘skyline’ from any distance? (Technically, you can see the Havana skyline in my photo above.)
He also claims that he personally has seen the NYC skyline from ‘Route 17, about 20 miles away.’ Well, pal, I used to live in that area and I can assure you that you cannot see the horizon (which is sea level) below the skyline from that distance. If part of Route 17 is, say, 500 feet above sea level, you might be able to see the upper part of the ‘skyline…’
Anyway, the guy who made this video cordially invites us to email him. So I did, attaching the above photo of the Havana skyline (what little you can see of it) and asked him to explain the image. Two weeks later, I’m still waiting for a response.
You know from the above that the narrator/filmmaker is dishonest, so we have to assume any other ‘evidence’ is either misdirection or an outright lie.
But again, key for this type of mind control is the mixing of good information with bad. For example, watch this little clip on the Shuttle Challenger disaster:

I bring this one up because a couple years ago I checked the Social Security Death Index for the names of the astronauts supposedly killed in the disaster. I recall that after over 20 years, only one name was on the list. This is serious evidence that those not named did not die that day. (You may recall that I did the same for people supposedly killed at the WTC on 9/11 and found that only about 10% of the ‘victims’ were on the list. Plus, for 9/11/01, about the average number of people from NY or NJ died that day.)
I don’t know whether the information in the above clip is true or not, but it does jibe with my research.
The apparent fact that the Challenger disaster was faked hardly proves that the earth is flat. But the way the info is mixed with the flat earth crap makes it look that way. So again, if for philosophical or religious reasons you want to believe the earth is flat, this documentary gives you an excuse.
Keeping my Havana skyline photo in mind (plus my experience as a navigator), if you watch the documentary carefully, you’ll realize that from start to finish this is very slick mind control.
It’s meant to marginalize those who are looking for real, actual deceptions.
‘So-and-so is a 9/11 Truther and Moon Hoaxer – and he’s a Flat Earther!’
Let’s finish up with our dear Commander in Chief as he participates in the above Flat Earth psy-op, mixing in the bullshit that is ‘Climate Change’:

Critical thinking means survival.
Hey, check this website (a subscriber), a knockout (especially check the art and cartoons archives):