The photos are sequences I did two nights ago, which indicate an object that accelerates and is gone in an instant. Read the text then come back to the photos. This one shows how the sky looks with nothing in it. (I just realized I should have left it out…)
I just realized that my ‘allan at banditobooks’ emails are no longer being forwarded to my main account, which means that any emails sent via this blog in the last couple weeks did not get through. I just spent an hour at the other Inbox going over the many comments that needed moderation. So if you commented and didn’t see it, I’m sorry for the delay.
Your lost comment is probably published as of now, but many were from old posts, so if your thoughts are important and relevant, you can redo the comment here, now. Sorry for this but it’s the tech world biting me on the ass again. I burnt a lot of time going back over all those emails, plus it now appears that I will have to check that Inbox every day for blog messages, since I have no idea how to get them forwarded from the Bandito email address. (For personal messages use my acwdownsouth at yahoo address, just to be certain.)
Although the ME is a complex and interesting subject, and may tie directly to other subjects, like the moon numbers, ‘intelligent design,’ and simulation theory, we will probably move on pretty soon. I will be keeping an eye on the archived versions of Ike’s speech for possible ‘future’ changes and will certainly let you know if any show up. It might be interesting if some of you do likewise; changes may not all happen to everyone all at once. Who knows? But be sure to write down (on good old paper) any notes and dates.
One more time: Anyone who simply wants to repeat that the ME is ‘faulty memory’ or a simple psyop, if you don’t read my stuff on the subject first I may just delete you out of aggravation. (Find my observations via a search of this blog for ‘Mandela’ the way I’ve showed you.)
Hey, maybe ‘aggravation’ is part of the ME! The higher power gets pissed and… no, never mind…
‘Maggie’, who is also over at TheBurningPlatform, posted a comment I find very interesting. Here it is in full:
The Bible stuff! I finally got around to looking at some of it and shared it on TBP to get some feedback.
Something is definitely ongoing, Allan. Yes, I know!
I asked my very devout neighbor what the lamb is going to lie down with and when I proved to her it was Wolves not Lions she was shocked. This is a great way to verify changes. Ask folks stuff like you did, being careful not to ask leading questions. Be subtle.
Every freaking time I go to her house to see if she wants to walk she and her old man are reading their Bibles, so if anyone would know, it would be them. You will also find that some will instantly change the wording in their minds — since ‘the Word of God’ doesn’t change — a la Orwell’s doublethink. What they don’t understand is that the Bible is not the ‘Word of God’; it’s just a fucking book.
They think it is supernatural. I think it is revision from the beyond, sort of. A distinction without a difference?
Try this… I was a technical editor for a big military industrial complex perched right outside the largest maintenance facility for airplanes in the country. (Tinker OK) I sat with programmers many times who were trying to figure out how to eliminate my job by having algorithms check the copy from writers.
I asked the head programmer (kneepads) how we could change publications already written if there were no editors.
He told me there is no limitation in the quantum realm so if they could find a way to insert the data (ghost) into the machines, the machines might figure out how to change them in the past. Are you still in touch with this guy?
Now, he actually had a freaking schematic so I knew they were serious about trying. Do you recall anything about the schematic?
I worked for Boeing, for Northrup Grumman, for ARINC and a couple others you might or might not recognize… they ALL were very interested in how to make changes to data without actually “touching” the books. Wow. Do you have any sort of documents or whatnot indicating this?
That was the way it was explained to me… they wanted to be able to update the technical manuals and correct errors or add data without touching them in real time. As if they didn’t see ‘other uses’!
Now, me and my co-workers (three staff editors (I was the lead) on site (a dozen writers) but a team in Seattle that could not be matched for grasp of how word processing works). Note: I don’t really get this sentence but I don’t think it’s too important.
So, I thought the guy was just a looney tune egghead discussing theories about time and space because he thought I was cute. Which I was. But, I’m beginning to wonder if they really weren’t trying to figure out a way to send DATA back in time. Sure sounds like it.
So that the pages now have different words leading to different interpretations. That would be the idea, plus screwing with our minds.
Disclaimer: It’s very early in the morning and I may be dreaming this. [end of comment]
Maggie is likely referring to quantum computers, a subject that often comes up in discussions of the ME. (Maggie, do you know anything about this subject?) That elements of the PTB are involved (via quantum computers) fits with the nasty, sarcastic, and satanic references in some of the changes. (I’ll try to dispense with the scare quotes around words like ‘new’ and ‘changes’ and so forth). There is little doubt that an intelligence of some sort, and one with a motive, is behind the process, as opposed to a random quantum jumping effect… or whatever…
So the Bible enthusiasts who figure it’s Satan doing the messing with our reality may not be far off.

The remnants you see might have taken a small fraction of a second to go the distance pictured. This is why it’s so faint.
As mentioned, most clear nights I set my still cameras for time lapse, point them at the sky and next morning see if anything interesting happened. Often, something does. Last night my two set ups (my Canon Rebel and a Gopro) covered a bit of the same area and both caught an object that is almost certainly either a result of a secret space program or is from ‘somewhere else’ (scare quotes needed). In numerical order, with the Canon first, give the photos a close look, see what you think. The intervalometer was set for 10 seconds on the Canon and 20 seconds on the Gopro. There is a bit less than a second between successive photos. Picture in you head what this means and what you will get with a series. The length of the Gopro shots are longer since it was twice the exposure time. The line would likely be a round spot of light that streaks within the exposure.
What’s interesting and telling, is how the last photo in each sequence sort of tails off, rather than shutting off. Here’s what I think this means: The craft suddenly speeded up and ‘instantly’ disappeared, which is the case in many UFO sightings. You can see in both sequences that the light didn’t get dimmer (who would have a rheostat on an aircraft light anyway?), but rather was gone so fast it left just a little ‘residue’, which was caught in different ways by the two camera sensors.
The color is also interesting, how red it is. This I haven’t seen before. There are no legal navigation lights of that color; from a side view (which we have) you should see green or reddish hues, and maybe white, if a landing light is on. Not orangish.
I’ve caught lights disappearing before, but they don’t leave the tell-tale trails that indicate ultra-high speed. There appears to be no explanation aside from an instantaneous acceleration out of sight, that would result in the effect you see here.
Some strange objects whizzing through our skies, no doubt about that, and it’s a common occurrence. (see my last video on the subject for a different, but likewise strange, effect). I believe this night-sky phenomenon, whatever it is, is related to the Mandela Effect, Simulation Theory, and the moon numbers.
I’m just about out of Water Time DVDs so I can’t send them out any more. If you want to contribute to my well-being, you can still use the DVD sale button, just don’t expect anything back, aside from a personal thank you.
I just got a bill for my internet access (plus two iPads by installment) that came to $255. Given that the deal I made should have meant a $180 bill, I called them and was surprised when the guy said, ‘Too bad if we lied, you still have to pay’ (words to that effect). Have you ever noticed the degree of dishonesty we’re beset with? Is it not distressing? (Then there’s the issue of the sun being overdue for a catastrophic mini-nova event, but somehow that’s easier to handle.)
And get this: I have two iPads because one fell off the table and broke off the headphone jack in the device, which resulted in no sound at all. So I bought another iPad (a couple weeks ago, from AT&T) and guess what? I fell out of my hammock — a truly spectacular head over heals roll as I was sitting down) with the new iPad in my hand. It didn’t strike the ground but I had my thumb between the screen and the cover and boom, the screen is now a spiderweb of cracks. The f-ing thing still works but looks like… I dunno… the screen looks like what you’d see inside my head, most days, synaptically.

Same effect here as in the Canon photos. The light gets faint b/c the object is moving so fast. it disappears in a fraction of a second.
Yeah, a lot of nonsense here at the end but I needed text space/room for all the photos while maintaining visual symmetry.
Anyway, the point of this P.S., if there is one, aside from the space issue, is that I’m spending a lot of money keeping online and connected in various ways. All to make the blog better! So a few bucks would help, if you can afford it.
Okay. Just laid in the photos and there was just enough room to keep my left-right balance in tune…. and so forth. So things aren’t so bad after all.
See if you can explain the photos without invoking instant acceleration. (By what process did the object disappear?)
Last minute, re UFOs: ‘Tim’ sent me this link. I tend to believe the witness; only problem is he’s being interviewed by Steven Greer, who I am certain is a mole, based on his continual claim that Apollo was real (and his uncle helped build the ridiculous LM, the lunar lander). If you are one of those that still buys Apollo, this link is to my radio interview about Apollo 13.
46 comments for “Gone In An Instant”