Gus Awakes

If you have not seen my Youtube video ‘Gus Awakes; Evidence For a Psychic Connection Between a Man & His Dog’ please do so now; it’s less than 10 minutes. 

Click here for Part Two, which archives all my video evidence for what Dr. Rupert Sheldrake terms ‘the extended mind.’ (‘Gus Awakes’ represents a small percentage of my footage.)

In my blog I present some of the photos that will be in my book, titled ‘The Art of the Boondock; A Photographic Journey’.

Part Two is intended for people who doubt either the veracity or implications of ‘Gus Awakes’ and need further evidence that ‘coincidence’ (or fraud) is not a factor in that which occurs between Gus and myself.

If you got something out of the video please consider subscribing to this blog. But if you’re not willing to ‘follow the evidence wherever it leads’ (take the italics seriously) don’t bother. It will not work out between us.


Who I Am & Why I Did It

I’ve been on the road with Gus since the summer of 2014, eight and a half years ago as I write. I’ve been blogging about the trip plus science/history and How The World Really Works (HTWRW).

I’m a writer/photographer retired from the screen trade (feature film and TV credits) and am currently working on a photo-driven book, a memoir of my travels and reflections. 

I have three books in print, two of which sold to the movies, with John Cusack and Sean Penn involved: An autobiographical novel (Cusack) and a memoir (Penn); you can look up the details (IMDB, Amazon’s book section, or google me). My third book was almost (ahhh!) made into a mini-series by HBO. You can read it for free via the link in the sidebar. It’s a doozy. 

I made a full length documentary film (a ‘filmed memoir’) titled Water Time; Surf-Travel Diary of a Mad Man, which played at film festivals in Berlin and NYC; it was well reviewed. 

“Gus Awakes’ is evidence that Gus and I are connected via ‘the extended mind’ we all share; call it psychic, psi, telepathic, ESP, whatever, it is a real phenomenon. You’ve seen the video so you know this. Should know.

Yes, my coming book is photo-driven.

I’m doing this because the implications are, in my view — and in the view of scientists like Rupert Sheldrake, Dean Radin, and others (all considered ‘fringe’) — profound, regarding the nature of reality and the falsity of the materialist/reductionist worldview, which is held by more than 90% of the scientific community, i.e., those who purport to inform us on the nature of the Universe and of our place in it.

Deeper Implications

A question: What do all ‘name’ ‘science communicators’ have in common? Answer: They all presume that which should be at issue, i.,e., they see the ‘material’ world as primary and ‘consciousness’, if it exists at all, as ‘emergent.’ That’s right, if it exists at all. If you trust any of these ‘communicators’…

Michael Shermer, Lawrence Krauss, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Brian Cox, David Attenborough,  Michio Kaku, ‘The Science Guy’ (whatsis name with the dumb bowtie), Sean Carroll, Brian Greene, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett (all Neo-Darwinists), plus the late Christopher Hitchens and Carl Sagan. And on and on…

…if you trust them, and given that an aging ex-surf bum and his dog has proved them wrong if not outright delusional, consider revising your opinion.  

Scientists that have a public mouthpiece — like the above names — believe the following (right from their source, Wikipedia):

This one represents a previous memoir titled In Search of Captain Zero.

The prevailing consensus in neuroscience is that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain and its metabolism. When the brain dies, the mind and consciousness of the being to whom that brain belonged ceases to exist. In other words, without a brain, there can be no consciousness.

Most of the above actually believe that consciousness, i.e., that which is you, is an illusion. 

The few that avoid ‘illusion’ claim that whatever consciousness is, it exists solely in the physical brain, within the confines of the skull.

As I hope you realize, ‘Gus Awakes’ puts to bed either/both of these viewpoints. If this isn’t absolutely clear, my coming blog posts will make it so.

My dog Shiner, from the 1980s.

They call consciousness ‘The hard problem.’ Indeed. It’s not only ‘hard’ but all pervasive, meaning all the sciences are (profoundly) misled by their bedrock view that, in effect, what you saw in ‘Gus Awakes’ is impossible.

I am aware that my video(s) are not scientifically robust, but it (they) should get your attention with respect to the idea that it’s consciousness that is primary, not matter. 

If you’ve gotten this far I’m going to ask you for help. I need you to help spread far and wide the link to ‘Gus Awakes.’ We need public pressure on the ‘science communicators’ (gatekeepers) to deal with my video. If they call it a fraud (which they will have to do since ‘coincidence’ is ruled out) I will challenge them by going to wherever they are (within reason) and duplicating ‘Gus Awakes’ in front of them. They will have to have agreed to then have me on their show (most have one) for a discussion/debate on the video and the proofs by scientists like Sheldrake and Radin that materialism is false. 

My coming blogs will deal with ‘the hard problem’ plus the many other issues that mainstream science has got wrong. Or ‘not even wrong’, to quote physicist Wolfgang Pauli. A short list includes:

  1. The Big Bang (expanding space, dark matter & energy, black holes, and so forth).
  2. The nature of the sun and stars (what powers them). Possibly the nature of space itself.
  3. History of civilization, including extinction events you were never told about. 
  4. Neo-Darwinism.
  5. Germ theory.

A campsite from my present road trip.

I’ll stop there. You may already be thinking ‘The Big Bang? What is he talking about? Everyone knows…’ Listen: Whenever you hear ‘Everyone knows’… odds are good you are about to hear an untruth. 

I will show you via robust studies and experiments that none of the evidence for expanding space (the Big Bang) stands up to real scrutiny. Same goes for Neo-Darwinism (not evolution in the sense of change over time or even common ancestry, but rather the mechanism of it); ditto the nature of the sun/stars, which are not powered by giant internal fusion reactions. (Yes, I will show you the evidence!)

The view from a recent Oregon campsite.

Ever hear of The Younger Dryas or its accompanying Impact Theory? None of the aforementioned ‘science communicators’ have, in their podcasts/books/TV appearances mentioned these heavily evidenced, peer reviewed hypotheses. Why not? This is another question I’d like to pose to them, should we force them into a meeting.

I have never monetized a video and will not monetize ‘Gus Awakes.’ Although I need it to live and work, money is not a motivating factor in what I do, never has been. In the dozen years I’ve had my blog, I have only recently broken even. 

If you found ‘Gus Awakes’ to be worthwhile/enlightening please subscribe to this blog, and considering helping me with a small donation, either one-time or monthly. I have been asking for $3.25 ‘gas money’ per month, which is now a borderline joke, given the rising cost of… everything. (It now costs me a dollar a mile to go anywhere.) But it’s still a help. See the link in the sidebar or click here.

I’m working on another book, a photo-driven memoir. Subscribe and I will keep you informed on its progress. (Meanwhile, you can click my other books’ Amazon links in the sidebar to see what I’ve written so far.)

One more thing for now. I have implied that we are being lied to about a lot… about nearly everything of any importance. Why? 

A colleague of mine was privy to why. But who is she? Who is Barbara Honneger? Here is her cv:

Barbara Honegger worked as a researcher at the Hoover Institution before joining the Ronald Reagan administration as a researcher and policy analyst in 1980. Honegger headed Reagan’s gender discrimination agency review before resigning in August, 1983.

While working for Reagan she discovered information that convinced her that George H. W. Bush and William Casey had conspired to make sure that Iran did not release the U.S. hostages until Jimmy Carter had been defeated in the 1980 presidential election.

In 1987 Honegger began leaking information to journalists about the Reagan administration. However, it was not until Reagan left office that Honegger published October Surprise (1989). In her book, Honegger claimed that in 1980 William Casey and other representatives of the Reagan presidential campaign made a deal at two sets of meetings in July and August at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid with Iranians to delay the release of Americans held hostage in Iran until after the November 1980 presidential elections. Reagan’s aides promised that they would get a better deal if they waited until Carter was defeated.

In the years since October Surprise was published other sources such as Ari Ben-Menashe have come forward to confirm Honegger’s story. [end quote]

Barbara has told me and the world that she was in the room (this is first hand) when then-CIA Director William Casey said the following to Ronald Reagan:

‘We will know our disinformation campaign is successful when everything the American people believe is false.’

This was in the 1980s. Do you think things have gotten better since then? 

If you enjoy good photography, subscribe.

I’ll be in touch if you like.


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