Gus Keeps Waking Up Plus Calendars

Give a good look at those Nat Geo legs, especially the ankles. It gets worse the bigger you blow ’em up.

Been either on the road or distracted by writing and photo-editing for the book. (I’m up to 36,000 words for the Foreword and ain’t done with it yet!) Hey folks, this book project has grown (in my mind) into something completely new and mind-bending. For better or worse it’s going to be a very different sort of book. Interweaving threads in mixed prose and images that sometimes curve back on each other. Subtext up the wazoo.  

My research into the history and current state of photography has led me down some unexpected paths, a good example being the brothel photo from the 1993 National Geographic article. Take a look at it and tell me what you think, with just your eyes, no forensics. For me, that ‘Big 4’ sex worker (ya’ll can’t say ‘whore’ any more) silhouette in the background looks like she stepped out of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?. Ever see legs like that on an actual human? Especially given her extended, curvaceous derriére? 

I won’t say who the famous photog is (this is a severe crop), not here, but does that look like a human face? (Plus the shadow makes no visual sense.)

Well, see, what this ‘mission’ led to — aside from many miles on The Loneliest Road in America and then still more on The Hard Ride of Route 93, where the Big 4 beckoned in Ely, Nevada — was some similar analyticals of well-known and current documentary and ‘street photographers,’ and by god did I unearth some bullshit? 

You bet I did. In fact with one genuinely famous shooter I had a hard time finding an image that was not manipulated to be perfectly multi-layered and composed. I’m talking figures dropped in whole cloth where no one actually was in real life and others that were obviously made of two or more combined photographs. This of course is not surprising, given the world we live in but it does tell us that ‘creative’ types are just as bent towards deceit as any slime ball politician. 

If I do a calendar with the rig as the theme, this sort of photo might make it in.

This book sees print, there are going to be some upset living photogs out there, along with the estates of some passed ones. You ever look at one of those ‘The 100 Most Important Photographs Ever Taken’ lists? A healthy percentage of them are likewise concocted in a darkroom (in the past) or Photoshop (the recent ones).

‘History, a lie agreed upon’ would have to include imagery, wouldn’t it? 

This was at an old Pony Express Station on The Loneliest Road in America. It’s in the running for the calendar.

Speaking of which, I stumbled upon a company that will make a 2023 calendar with your photos, or mine, which is the point here. I’m going make a few no matter what, but if you guys are interested you can help me defer the costs of all this traveling and shooting and book-producing and so forth (I go anywhere it comes to about a buck a mile)  by buying them (the calendars). It would be a big help if I knew ahead of time how many I can figure to sell, for, say, $25. I mean, everyone is going to need a new calendar, right? At least you optimists who figure we will survive for another full year. 

Shot this a few days ago by hand-holding and shutter dragging. I have no idea how it turned out this way but I do like it. Yep, this is in the camera, no Photoshop.

Tell you what: The world ends in 2023 I will refund, prorated by the month until November (2023). We make it through November without a micro-nova, nuclear holocaust, actual bio-catastrophe, and so forth, we’re good. (How I will get the money to you is separate issue, along with the possibility that money won’t be worth anything.)

So please shoot me an email at allan at banditobooks dot com. and also let me know your preference: Should I just pick 12 or 13 of my best or should they all include the rig (at some spectacular location) in the shot, sort of give it a theme?

One other thing for now. Rupert Sheldrake asked me to make a short video that shows I was not cherry-picking in the first one version of ‘Gus Awakes,’ so I made a new one with no cuts, which proves I didn’t leave out the failed tries (at waking her up via our ‘extended minds’). The problem with really long videos with no cuts is the battery running out (I solved the overheating problem). So here it is.


See what do you think? Pairing it with the other one(s), do you agree it shows a psychic connection? (Someone already left a comment saying I moved my foot once, so it’s flawed’.)

Look closely at the two bright planets: this was the last conjunction between Venus and Jupiter; it was November 17, 2017. I was at Alamo Lake, Arizona. Ah, if I’m showing a photo here it won’t be in the calendar.


Don’t forget to get back to me on the Calendars. 

P.S. Just got an email from Rupert:

Another possibility is empty road shots from across America as a ‘theme.’ I have plenty of nice ones.

Dear Allan,

Many thanks.  The film with the 5 successes and the fast forward bits between them is indeed impressive as is your longer one.  I don’t think anyone else has done filmed tests with dogs or cats waking them up, so you are a pioneer in this.  I’d like to refer to your short film on my social media and give a link to your longer film so people who’d like to see more can do so.  

See how it gets worse?

I don’t think it will change the minds of any sceptics who simply deny any evidence that goes against their beliefs. They are virtually evidence-proof and have been for years.  But most people are more open minded and I hope it will encourage others with dogs and cats to pay more attention to their waking in response to looks.

Best wishes


Rupert is of course correct here. No one changes his/her mind about anything. With all the evidence, however — read virtually any of Rupert’s books, or those of Dean Radin — the materialist/reductionist/ scientism paradigm is still another indication of the trouble we’re in as a species. 

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