Human Origins, More Lies

As mentioned in my last post – this my own version of tilting at windmills — I complained to Amazon that they had no right to censor my review of The Ghost; The Secret Life of Spymaster James Jesus Angleton, given that all I said was true and on the record. I even re-submitted the review with an outraged note up front, accusing Amazon of censorship.

To my surprise, they got back to me and apologized for the transgression and inserted my review, even including my accusatory note. You can find it here. (Make sure you go to ‘Most Recent Reviews’)

As I say at the very end of Can’t You Get Along…, ‘Sometimes people will surprise you. I mean in a good way.’ I say this because the apology came from a person, who signed her name at the bottom of the email. Although Amazon no doubt has a PTB-backed policy that resulted in my review’s initial banishment, whatever the policy is, it was apparently overruled by an individual. Yes, a tiny, tiny victory.

Note the 'Note' they also left in.

Note the ‘Note’ they also left in.

As promised, I’m working on a post regarding the issue of the biological/evolutionary origins of man. Along these lines, over the last few days I delved into a book I’d been meaning to get around to, titled The Seven Daughters of Eve; The Science That Reveals Our Genetic Ancestry by Brian Sykes, an Oxford-ensconced heavy-weight in mainstream genetics. On a certain level I was over my head but on another level I was not. I’m not particularly math-minded and likewise aspects of the technical intricacies of genetics are above me, but on the other hand, I knew where the author was apt to go wrong via my studies in other areas of science, like cosmology. Also, in the back of my mind lurked the fact that humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, while all the other primates have 24. I’d looked into this issue in enough depth to know that no mainstream geneticist wants to discuss it, in spite of the staggering implications.

Addendum: I also knew that mainstream geneticists assume that the DNA mutation rate has been constant over the millennia, indeed over the whole two billion-plus year history of life on earth, and knew that this assumption was almost certainly very, very wrong; this based partly on my interest in Electric Universe theory. Mutation rates vary directly with the intensity of cosmic ray bombardment, for example, which has had horrendous spikes over the eons. There’s a lot more to this but here is not the place.

I was pleasantly surprised, however, by the book’s apparent clarity and the firm basis of most of its conclusions, with a couple major exceptions.

I might as well say this here: My over-the-top claim to know more about HTWRW than almost anyone else on the planet is based on my multidisciplinary approach to subjects of import, and the rest of this post will be an example of this. What do I mean? Since I mentioned cosmology, let’s deal with it, the ‘queen of sciences.’ There are many, many folks who know way more about cosmology than I (all the Electric Universe scholars, for ex), but their dedication to the subject means they are unaware of the deceit imbedded in other, even related, subjects.

EU folks support the official fiction of Apollo, for example, a belief that hoists me up pretty far regarding ‘general knowledge’ of HTWRW, IMO (I mean compared to them). None of those very smart folks are aware of the extent to which we are bombarded by false flag events, either. They all tend to believe in the random mutation/natural selection aspect of neo-Darwinism, to boot. And so forth. (Since EU is considered a ‘fringe’ science, its proponents bend way over in an attempt to show how ‘reasonable’ they are in accepting various ‘standard models’ in sister sciences. I find this pretty upsetting.)

Just one problem: This dinosaur would've passed out, since his heart could not pump blood all the way to his head.

Just one problem: This dinosaur would’ve passed out, since his heart could not pump blood all the way to his head, in earth’s current gravity.

Another example of why I think I’m ‘smart’ just popped into my head and some of you may remember it. A while back I tried to correct Dr. Jospeph Farrell’s view that a planet much more massive than earth would be apt to have ‘giants’ living on it. Quite the opposite, I told him (via email), given that – for example – neither dinosaurs nor any other huge land animals could have survived in earth’s gravity; larger animals need less gravity to move about, not more. (You also may recall Farrell’s outrage that I quoted him on his ignorance.)

Point being, I’m not a true expert on most issues, but I know enough about enough subjects to deserve my own unofficial P.H.d in over all knowledge. Plus I tend to notice things, and connect these things with other things, and then see the implications.

Having read The Seven Daughters of Eve I think I can give you all an interesting example of how I ‘know’ more than the author (a highly regarded P.H.d in the hard science of genetics), and will correct a fairly serious error he makes in his book. I hope you find the information worthwhile.

The Mitochondrial DNA. Complex yes, but just remember that only females pass it along.

The Mitochondrial DNA. Complex yes, but just remember that only females pass it along.

Sykes makes a strong case that human mitochondrial DNA – which is only passed down in the female line (this is vital) – indicates that early humans did not have sex with Neanderthals, since the latter’s DNA would be obvious; after many thousands of cases, none of the offending DNA has ever showed up in human remains. (Mitochondrial DNA is separate in the cell from nuclear DNA, and, again, is only passed on by mothers.)

His book came out in 2017, so there is no excuse for his not knowing that most humans (virtually anyone on earth with the exception of pure Africans) have between 2 and 4 percent Neanderthal DNA in their genome (their nuclear DNA), which, obviously, means that the two species did have sex, and quite a bit of it. This has been known since around 2010. Very strange. How/why would this Oxford P.H.d mislead us on this important issue?

Further, in his speculative biography of one of his ‘seven Eve’s’ he claims that when early homo sapiens ran into Neanderthals in Paleolithic Europe and Asia, the two species avoided each other. He goes as far to opine that Neanderthals were ‘wary’ of their smaller much weaker distant relations and even gave up territory to avoid a confrontation.

Mmmm. Do you buy that? But let’s circle back to the DNA issue. It’s true (verified by others) that Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA is totally absent from homo sapiens. Yet the two species had sex and produced offspring – hence the percentage of Neanderthal DNA in all of us. How did this work? Here’s how, and you will only hear this from me (plus one other person, whom I’ll get to): Sex between the two was always via a male Neanderthal and a human female. Male homo sapiens never had sex with female Neanderthals. (Remember, this is coming from Sykes and the mainstream.)

The 'official' version of a Neanderthal male.

The ‘official’ version of a Neanderthal male. Mellow and harmless is the image the PTB science promotes.

This may seem counterintuitive but think about it. Assuming the above, i.e., sex was always between a male Neanderthal and female homo sapiens, since mitochondrial DNA is only passed via the female line, no Neanderthal DNA will show up in the homo sapiens lineage, not in her male offspring and not in her female offspring, whereas if a male homo sapiens impregnates a female Neanderthal – this is in theory, since it apparently never happened — her offspring would have the mother’s (Neanderthal) mitochondrial DNA to pass on to future generations.

This is a really mind-blowing fact, if you think about it (which we will do). Even more mind-blowing is this fact: No mainstream geneticist, anthropologist, paleontologist, or historian is going to tell you about it. They won’t even think about it, let alone write about it, because of its implications. Notwithstanding that what I’m telling you is the obvious truth.

If you evolved in the frozen tundra of the ice age, you might look like this.

If you evolved in the frozen tundra of the ice age, you might look like this.

In fact, folks, if I do say so myself, this is still another example of something vital — something important, something right out there hidden in plain sight — that I have noticed that almost no one else has. (I say ‘almost’ because I know of one other person who has.)

But what are the implications? What’s the big deal? Why is it staggering? One word should do it: Rape.


At least Fifty-thousand years of rape. (The minimum number of years the two species inhabited the same territory, according to the mainstream version of ‘the history of man’.) What mainstream science does not tell you, and what is obvious from the above observation by Sykes and the mainstream (that sex was always between Neanderthal males and homo sapiens females) is that from the moment the two species first met, it was war.

To the death shit.

If you’re wondering how I could come up with this conclusion based solely on the (accepted by mainstream science) fact that sex was only between Neanderthal males and homo sapiens females, hang in for a moment… oh, by the way, the other implication is that us human guys in the Paleolithic wouldn’t, or didn’t, go near Neanderthal babes, not for the tens of thousands of years we were in their proximity.

I am utterly astounded that Sykes makes the observations he does about the human and Neanderthal genomes – via both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA – and claims in this 2017 book that humans and Neanderthals did not procreate. I have found podcasts both pre and post The Seven Daughters of Eve wherein he lectures us on the implications of our Neanderthal DNA (again, 2 to 4%), without making the tiny leap of logic that tells us of the inter-species rape that is directly implied by the lack of Neanderthal DNA in our mitochondrial genes.

_blog neander last

Since there is no evidence that they wore or made clothes, this is more likely how they looked. Why can’t science fess up?

I have spent a good part of the last two days scanning book reviews – by the mainstream and Amazon readers – and have found that no one noticed this utterly glaring… inaccuracy. In fact, Sykes’s failure to understand the implications of his own work is so egregious that I have to give him the ‘moral’ benefit of the doubt and see it as classic Orwellian doublethink, and not dishonesty. See, the mainstream view of Neanderthals has always been that they were merely less intelligent versions of modern humans (homo sapiens) and therefore not inherently vicious, let alone warlike. This is of course is absurd, on several layers, given our behavior since the Paleolithic.

Sykes is also ‘forgetting’ that there is copious evidence that Neanderthals practiced cannibalism, which implies – need I even say it? – that the first sight of our ancestors must’ve set Pavlov’s salivation response in full mode.

They ate us and they raped our women.

And like all the mainstream PC views of Neanderthals, Sykes assumes they were as hairless as we are now, i.e., not full-furry like the rest of the primates. Given that Neanderthals evolved in the frozen tundra of the ice age and given that no evidence whatsoever has surfaced that they wore clothes (no bone needles/etc. in any of their archaeological sites), and what we have is a tool-making apex predator of nearly the size and physical strength of a gorilla whose diet was 95% meat, and who had a brain even larger than ours. Oh, and the evidence is that they hunted in packs.

And he’s telling us that they were afraid of our puny ancestors! They avoided us!? Right, except when the silverback males were ravishing our women!

Look, if this one-way sex (Neanderthal males and human females) doesn’t tell you it was inter-species war from the get-go, guys, please picture your wife or lover being ravished by a beast only slightly more human than a gorilla, and ask yourself what you would do.

Think the guy on the left would run from the guy on the right? Rutherford thinks so.

Think the guy on the left would run from the guy on the right? Sykes thinks so.

If this needs to be explained to you further, I suggest you read Danny

Vendramini’s Them & Us; How Neanderthal Predation Created Modern Humans. Danny may not have it all on the money, but his basic thesis is all but proved by the uni-directional sex Sykes himself has uncovered. And yes, Vendramini is the one other person on the planet (that I know of) that has figured out that the mainstream view of Neanderthals is still another crock of shit foisted upon us to make sure that nothing we know is true (to quote CIA chief Bill Casey).

Welcome to mainstream science!

Addendum: In his book, Sykes compounds his inability to see the forest for the trees by writing that if sex had occurred between the two species – ‘and if we keep history in mind’ – it would be male homo sapiens doing the deed to female Neanderthals – exactly the opposite of the truth – since with ‘dominant intruders’ (the Spanish and New World Indians, say) this is the way it works. The strong rapes the weak, is what he is saying, forgetting how it might go if he (Sykes) was thrown in the ring with a sex-crazed 300 pound, fur-bearing version of Hulk Hogan.

But if you need more evidence of how absurd Sykes’s paradigm is (yes, still another mainstream ‘standard model’), take a glance at a Neanderthal skeleton next to homo sapiens. Or look at a gorilla at the zoo, then at a human companion. And this well-known, highly respected scientist not only tells us (in his 2017 book) that Neanderthals and humans didn’t have sex, but had they, it would have been us raping them!

Why is this? What’s the problem with ‘human knowledge,’ given that an aging, semi-senile idiot who doesn’t know enough not to buy a boat is so much smarter than the anthropologists and biologists and evolutionary P.H.ds from the top universities in the country, if not the world?

Here’s my view of ‘what’s wrong’ at least in this specific case: For whatever PTB-backed reason, they don’t want us to know that our species almost died out from Neanderthals killing and eating us – not to mention raping our women – for tens of thousands of years — until we figured out how to kill them better. That last bit — until we figured out how to kill them better – is maybe the secret. You and I, us useless eaters, are not supposed to know that slaughtering our cousins is deeply set in our DNA. If we knew that we might get an idea of what should be done to those who are pathologically lying to us.

I have a bad feeling about this subject. Like they may be lying about everything. Mmmm.

I have a bad feeling about this subject. Like they may be lying about everything. Mmmm.

Okay. I hope I’ve made my point. If some of you are still unclear as to why the issue of ‘no Neanderthal DNA in our mitochondrial DNA’ proves Vendramini’s (and to a much lesser extent, my) point, take some time, do some reading and critical thinking (it took me a while) and you’ll eventually get it.

A final addendum: All of the above hinges on assuming the accuracy of at least the basics of mainstream genetics. Helluvan assumption to say the least. For example – and I’ll get into this in a future post – that we humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes while the rest of the primates have 24, is, to me, powerful evidence that some genetic ‘engineering’ occurred way back in our dim past, before the Neanderthals started raping homo sapiens females. This complicates matters to the point where we cannot have Sykes’s ‘no Neanderthal’ mitochondrial DNA paradigm and the genetic engineering the chromosome difference implies.

One thing I know for sure: Mainstream ‘scientists’ like Brian Sykes do nothing but confuse the issue.

Whether they know it or not, it’s their job.

I'll soon be adding a book review to this one.

I’ll soon be adding a book review to this one.


By the way, to add… insult to ignorance, The Seven Daughters of Eve is not indexed, so it’s very difficult to verify Sykes’s ‘facts.’

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