(Note: If you don’t have the patience to read this, skip down to the new videos.) My last post resulted in a lot of messages from out there, from you guys, and on balance they were very encouraging… I thought I’d paste one here (with permission). Although many were very smart and insightful, this one hit closest to home, how I feel about the way things are going:
Thank you for writing this post, especially since you are coming from the ‘Rough Patch’ of a global recognition of ‘The Terror or the Situation’ ……. the recognition of the encompassing ‘illusion’ being created moment by moment on the screens in front of our eyes
All those once imagined ‘good guys’ holding up ‘our side’ by their ‘disclosures’. …. even Catherine Austin Fitts … OMG!
But this has been sinking in with us … those who have an appetite for ‘Truth’ …. I signed myself, ‘starving for Truth’ the last email I sent you.
In a reply to that email [I sent] you said back, ‘What if 100% of the ‘Truthers’ we listen to were shills’? Intuitively, I considered that possibility … especially since their lies are getting so fragile [but that’s balanced by people getting dumber & just not wanting to know].
The feeling is, if this is true, then where do I stand? How do I relate? What’s the point?
With these thoughts, I reflect; “They are winning.”
The enormity of this time … we are seeing The Harvest. I’m at the point that I hardly do searches [for information] any more because I recognize the daily disappearance of information from the search engines & the manipulation of ‘The One Right Answer’ that I can see before my eyes, every day.
I don’t have any solution. I have only the acknowledgement of what you’ve been reporting & communicating; it’s importance is… IT’S STILL THE TRUTH. We still have to know ‘how bad it is’ … that is our awareness now. What we do with this, how we get on … is not known to me yet, [signed] Aria
Yeah. Uncertainty. You can feel it in her, even aside from reading her words. I wrote Aria back and one of the things I said was that we have to move on from distressing issues like the state of the alt media and lying billionaires and government agencies and of course I have to take my own advice and do that. And I will.
Thing about a blog like this is that there is no hurry…
Mmmm…what do I mean by that?
I’ve written some books but most of my writing was done for… showbiz… feature films and TV series, the episodic type (not ‘continuing stories’). I did okay – mostly prostituted myself but also did some good work (none of the good work made it to the screen). Thing is, the one medium I wanted to do and almost got the chance to do was a mini-series, a limited one – think Sopranos or Breaking Bad.
I just watched the latter again, the whole thing, in a few days and was amazed at the writing, how they set up pay offs that didn’t occur until way down the road, for several seasons in a couple cases. Brilliant (even if you didn’t care for other aspects of the story). You know how tough it is to see far ahead in a story you’re making up? (I had one miracle, Cosmic Banditos, which pretty much wrote itself.)

A story here: Saw these abandoned boots (fit me perfectly) so I stayed 2 days waiting for the owner. No show. Mine now…
My last memoir, Can’t You Get Along With Anyone? A Writer’s Memoir and a Tale of a Lost Surfer’s Paradise, came close to being a mini-series, with HBO. I had their top director (really) and a long-time HBO producer behind it (they came to me). It would have been a challenge; there were aspects of the book-story that wouldn’t have worked… but we thought I had some solutions. (There’s a free pdf of CYGAWA on the sidebar, in case you hadn’t noticed.)
As some of you know, what happened was that Sean Penn found out about the incipient deal and pulled strings to kill it. He didn’t like what I say about him in the book. Really didn’t like it. Or me. And make no mistake: Penn is one of them. In a way I’m lucky I didn’t just go… poof.

My former showbiz attorney read it and told someone, ‘He’s insane.’ Meant what I wrote about S. Penn (repercussions).
My point is, though, it worked out. I got to do the long-form series I wanted. I’ve wasted most of it, time-wise, but am trying to do better now. I’m talking about this blog. See, in long-form series you can take your time. When you do this, the pay offs are fewer and farther between but they can be powerful.
I’m hoping this will work out like that. This NASA/Musk roll I’m on, coupled with the compromised alt media, and so forth… give it time. Aside from its intrinsic worth, I’m hoping there’s a payoff down the road. On the other hand, maybe the road itself is shorter than I think…
Anyway, this long form (blog) allows me to take side trips if I want, as long as I keep you wanting to know what happens next (italics because this is the secret to all storytelling). So. I have a little side trip for you, which I hope will make a worthwhile point.
One email I got was generally positive about what I’m doing but the fellow disagreed about Catherine A. Fitts, whom I pointed a finger at last time – mainly by reproducing her own words, but… but this fellow went on and on about how I misinterpreted her and how I didn’t really know her and so forth. Okay. Fair enough.
But I didn’t go down the Fitts-road blindly. I’d met her and had been in touch with her before and have written about how it went. So, in the spirit of a Breaking Bad flashback, bear with me as I remind us of that which came before. In fact, the whole NASA/Musk issue that I’ve been harping about is – in a sense – a payoff to my visit to the Secret Space Program Conference back in 2015. In ‘An Open Letter’ (February 2016, aimed at my ‘list’) I wrote:
Given the assumed reality of the SSP – which implies that scientific questions that are best answered by physical probes, manned or unmanned, exploring off-earth locales, have already been answered – why would NASA spend hundreds of billions of dollars on any given ‘space program’, when they can fake it for the price of a feature film? Again, given that wherever (in space) the ‘public NASA mission’ supposedly goes, ‘they’ have already been there, long ago and multiple times; according to SSP advocates, there may even be bases ‘up there’.
For those searching for the provenance of the gargantuan funding mechanism necessary for a SSP, the cost differential between an actual mission and the ‘production cost’ of the fake is a partial answer, with the added advantage that the multinational corporation (Lockheed Grumman, say) handling the money would be the same in both cases. This is one way of solving the ‘laundering’ problem. This should be of particular interest to Ms. Austin Fitts…

Falcon Heavy launch. See the way the cloud is lit by the jet flame? Proves it went through clouds. Does not match with the Spacex vid.
Given the above, any given NASA claim or program should be approached with the assumption that it very well could be a fraud. We then let the evidence, along with some critical thinking, lead us to the reality.
To my knowledge, this thought has never been voiced by anyone in the SSP ‘research community.’ [End flashback]
Okay, so aside from my last post let’s keep the above in mind as we consider the possibility that Ms. Fitts is not what she seems. I did in fact succeed in contacting her after the SSP conference and managed to put to her the above question. (Recall that the Q&A was called off, IMO because word got to them that I was going to harp on this issue – remember also that the SSP videos get hundreds of thousands of views on Youtube; this is not a small issue).
Ms. Fitts wrote me a long and pleasant email that was mostly about the JFK assassination – which was not out of the blue, since I’d included a link to my film, Water Time; Surf Travel Diarly of a Mad Man. She was very complimentary about the film and went on about aspects of it, and about the 1960s, her childhood, recommended a book on JFK, and so forth. A very nice, very friendly, email from a smart, well-known alt media figure.
Problem was, she did not refer to my question, let alone answer it.
I have since learned to not give people the opportunity to cherry pick when I have a question. Be polite but just ask the fucking question. If you read her email you might say, ‘Hey, maybe Ms. Fitts was so overwhelmed by the brilliance of your film that she just forgot about the reason you emailed her, i.e., the above question. (Complimenting someone is also a good way to get them to back off.)
I also fucked up in asking her outright if she believed the Apollo missions were genuine; although on-subject in a general way, this query also gave her a reason not to answer the (above in bold) question that – if all was well in the Truther World, especially the SSP world – everyone and his sister would have asked long ago. In Ms. Fitts’s specialty – world finance and the ‘black budget ops’ – this is doubly the case.
So I wrote back a pleasant email reminding her that she hadn’t answered my question, and would she please do so, ‘considering you’re the expert on Secret Space finances’ and so forth.
Never heard back. Okay, now cut to the present. That she already knew that I have ‘dangerous’ thoughts and questions is an added factor in her recent non-response to my Musk-evidence communications, and then her hostility when forced to reply.
Thing is, in her long non-response to my query, her short answer to my ‘Apollo’ question did have implications. Bear with me — I’ve been down this road before, I know – as I quote Ms. Fitts on the Apollo matter. I do believe there is something to be learned here:
‘I have never tried to figure out the truth of the moon landings. I suspect that Jay Weidner’s DVD on the subject is the logical explanation. It happened but the Joint Chiefs had Kubrick make a film to show.’ [End excerpt]
Whoa! Wait a minute. This ‘big name’ truther/speaker for SSP believers has never looked into Apollo? I’m at a loss for similes… uh, how about: A WW II expert that ‘never looked into’ Hitler? But getting past this doozy, the rest of her paragraph has a familiar ring to it. In fact, let’s do another flashback to my ‘An Open Letter’ post:
For example, in multiple podcast interviews, in response to queries on their position on Apollo, both Doctor Farrell and Jay Weidner have said words to the effect that ‘Oh, we went all right, but just not as seen in the images.’ (Sounds like Ms. Fitts all right.)
This is where face-to-face comes in. Since no one who holds this view ever explains it, let’s see if a follow up question might shake loose some actual truth. This is never done by any of the ‘alt media’. The reason they never do it is this: The above answer by Weidner/Farrell is pure (here comes that word!) nonsense.
For example, I might respond: ‘Okay, but when did we go, and what evidence to you have to back that up?’ I mean, if a speaker is at the SSP wing-ding, of course he/she believes we’ve been to the moon. Another follow up: ‘Do you mean we went with a Saturn rocket and a LM like the one at Smithsonian?’ In other words, they did everything they claim they did, then came back and ‘faked it’ by hiring Stanley Kubrick? [End flashback]
Do you see how the views of Fitts, Farrell, Weidner, plus many others is complete misdirection?
I’m repeating this stuff because I think it’s really important, at least if we are interested in who is on our side and who isn’t.
Addendum: To the guy who wrote me complaining that I’m boring him with my blog, all I can say… hey, here’s our exchange:
Do you have any plans to write a other book along the lines of “In search of captain zero”. I’ll bet you a dollar you can’t. Your so damn smart and such a good writer. I understand stand your interest in conspiracy stuff and pulling back the curtain to expose the real reality of things, but it’s so fucking boring! I feel like you are wasting a tremendous talent. I’m not saying where your focusing now is a terrible thing or that you’re wrong. It just sucks. Sorry for the shitty critique.
So I replied with an analysis of his email (I’m not referring to myself):
I’m smart and a good writer and exposing the way things really are.
The rest was about you.
So he quickly wrote back:
Yes you are right. I wrote to you out of purely selfish reasons. Maybe somebody other than me could have stated it better or in a more positive way. Cosmic Bandidos and In Seach of Captain Zero are two of the best books I have ever read. Thank You for writing them.
I don’t mean to personally insult the emailer – he was being honest and meant no insult – but on a certain level his email equals why the world is so fucked up. I can only hope that there are one or two people who felt as this fellow does but who somehow stuck with my fucking boring blog and now understand that ‘conspiracy stuff and pulling back the curtain to expose the real reality of things’ is not boring. ‘Exposing the reality of things’ is what we are here on this planet for. I know of one person who I affected this way. One. If there are others I’d surely like to know.
Anyway, as I say, I want to write about other subjects but since this a ‘long-form’ medium, my version of a mini-series, I’m in no hurry.
Yes, time to wrap this up. I made a couple more Musk-related videos. I truly can’t seem to help myself. All I have to do is glance at a Spacex-related video or article and zaaaaaap!!!, something else jumps out at me. And after shaking my head for a bit, I find myself wondering if anyone else (like in the alt media) noticed this, and if so, why haven’t I heard about it? If not… what the fuck?!
This one comes from my background in filmmaking. I don’t mind continuity errors in fiction films but when ‘reality’ is presented that way, I know I’m being lied to. The embed:
This one is truly one of those that, once you see it, you have to slap yourself on the forehead and go, How did I not notice this before? I’ll give it a try here:
With this last one, you should be asking yourself, How could they be so obvious? I mean, no wreckage? (Compare NASA/Musk’s explosions with compilations of real ones.) Poof! Thing is, certain kinds of CGI are very easy, like an explosion. I could do one, a good one, with my Final Cut Pro 7. But randomly falling wreckage is way more difficult and time consuming. They could have done it but with the extra work plus their contempt for our intellects… I can almost hear someone saying, ‘Good enough. That’s a wrap.’
Plus there’s that ‘revelation of the method’ dictum.
Plus, they want to know who’s paying attention. A list for their A.I. algorithm to chew on. By reading this, you’re on that list. Sorry!
One last thing, in case it hasn’t occurred to you: By proving that Spacex has faked its ‘R & D Phase’ – which I believe these two videos do – we now know that the launches must have been faked. I trust I don’t have to walk you through the logic here. Right? Good.
Something for us to chew on.
I’m still collecting ‘Yup’s (or ‘Yep’s), but remember not to repeat yourself. If you’re already a Yupper and you wanna talk, just put something else in the subject box.
And hey, I do love those little PayPal notices, and it ain’t the money, I assure you.