If We Don’t Learn From History…

This post is a sort of an exercise. It assumes that what we are being told about the COVID crises is accurate, true, and for our own good. As you’ll see, as is the case with most psychopathic institutions, the PTB can’t keep their story straight and are hoping we will not even look back at recent history in our analysis of HTWRW (how the world really works).

I’ve highlighted the more important passages in bold (plus my comments), although I recommend you read it all.

1968 Pandemic (H3N2 virus)

woman working in lab

The 1968 – 69 pandemic was caused by an influenza A (H3N2) virus comprised of two genes from an avian influenza A virus, including a new H3 hemagglutinin, but also contained the N2 neuraminidase from the 1957 H2N2 virus. It was first noted in the United States in September 1968. The estimated number of deaths was 1 million worldwide and about 100,000 in the United States. Most excess deaths were in people 65 years and older. The H3N2 virus continues to circulate worldwide as a seasonal influenza A virus. Seasonal H3N2 viruses, which are associated with severe illness in older people, undergo regular antigenic drift.

[The point of the above from the CDC, plus the rest of this post, is that the best way to understand what’s going on now is to look back at history and compare with past similar events. Most of the documentation you’ll find below refers to the 1968 – 69 ‘Hong Kong flu’ ‘pandemic’ (it was not labeled thusly then), although the 1957 outbreak was similar. 

As you’ll see, there are more similarities than differences between then and now (‘COVID-19), in terms of epidemiology. The numbers (cases and case fatality rates) are about the same. What concerns us is the reaction to the two outbreaks. Although I’m as sure as I can be that COVID is a black op using a bio-engineered pathogen, this point is ignored for the purposes of this exercise, which asks the question, What happens if we essentially do nothing in the face of a ‘novel’ flu outbreak?

Although there was also a similar outbreak in 1957 (the ‘Asian Flu’), the 1968 – 69 event is personally relevant, since I was there (and old enough to understand what was happening). That I have no actual recollection of the Hong Kong flu outbreak in itself tells me all I need to know. 100,000 Americans died of it (or so the numbers indicate) and no one really heard about it. This puts the number of COVID cases and deaths in their proper perspective. In a population of over 300 million a lot of people die every year…

As you will see, if we ‘do nothing’, the outbreak runs its course and essentially ‘goes away.’ Do I even have to say that the PTB know this? Of course they do. 

So the destruction of our culture and economy, plus the loss of our freedoms, must be the motive for the actions we are being subjected to.

We all of us here on this forum already know this, but it’s useful to have absolute proof (history), not only for our own… sanity (the worry that we may be wrong about all this)… but as evidence for those who are yet asleep.

We are under attack by our own government (and those who control it).

We can either fight back or lose everything.

The Lancet

The 1968 – 69 ‘bug’. Looks about the same as COVID, right? Well. everything else about it is about the same as well… except with this one, we didn’t destroy civilization as we know it as a ‘cure’.


By the time this influenza pandemic—known colloquially at the time as “Asian flu”—had concluded the following April, an estimated 20 000 people in the UK and 80 000 citizens in the USA were dead. Worldwide, the pandemic, sparked by a new H2N2 influenza subtype, would result in more than 1 million deaths.

[No real measures were taken to prevent the spreading of the disease and few were even aware of it. It ran its course and ‘went away.’] 

The subsequent 1968 influenza pandemic—or “Hong Kong flu” or “Mao flu” as some western tabloids dubbed it—would have an even more dramatic impact, killing more than 30 000 individuals in the UK and 100 000 people in the USA, with half the deaths among individuals younger than 65 years—the reverse of COVID-19 deaths in the current pandemic. Yet, while at the height of the outbreak in December, 1968, The New York Times described the pandemic as “one of the worst in the nation’s history”, there were few school closures and businesses, for the most, continued to operate as normal.

[And of course, the outbreak ‘went away.’ That this happened twice in about a decade is the point of this post.]

The relative unconcern about two of the largest influenza pandemics of the 20th century—the Encyclopaedia Britannica estimates that the 1968 pandemic, due to an H3N2 influenza virus, was responsible for between 1 million to 4 million deaths globally—presents a marked contrast and, to some critics, a rebuke to today’s response to COVID-19 and the heightened responses to outbreaks of other novel pathogens, such as avian and swine influenza. “When hysteria is rife, we might try some history”, opined Simon Jenkins in an article inThe Guardian titled “Why I’m taking the coronavirus hype with a pinch of salt”.

[‘a pinch of salt’?! I’d say! That this is the closest a ‘journalist’ has come to seeing the truth is a sure indication that ‘they’ are part of the problem. A large part.]

Some critics of the UK Government’s response to COVID-19 have levelled similar charges at today’s tabloid press and at disease modellers whose initial forecast that, in the absence of suppressive measures, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 could result in the deaths of 500 000 people in the UK has been widely credited with persuading the UK Government to reverse course and institute a strict lockdown. But is it really necessary, they ask, to risk plunging the UK into an economic depression through lockdown measures designed to prevent a wave of mortality given that deaths attributed to COVID-19 are broadly in line with those seen in previous pandemic years? There was no panic in 1957 and 1968, runs this argument, so why the panic today?

[A helluva good question, no?]

A few signs like this was the extent of the panic back in 1969. I don’t even recall the outbreak. If you’re old enough, do you? What does this tell us?

…Similarly, a review of hospital admissions in Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and New York, USA, during the 1968 pandemic found that although patient numbers increased by 3%, hospitals coped with the influx. Indeed, the only real strategy considered by health authorities in the UK and the USA was vaccination, but the vaccines arrived too late in both the 1957 and 1968 influenza pandemics to make a difference.

[Wow. Exactly what we just witnessed. Are you getting the point?]

…US influenza activity increased dramatically in October [1968]. The first reported civilian outbreak in the continental United States was identified in Needles, California, with more than one third of its population reporting ILI. ILI reports in Colorado increased from 62 cases for the week ending November 2 to 670 for the week ending November 9,11 a week in which other western states and Hawaii [where I was] also reported outbreaks.12 The first outbreaks in eastern states occurred the next week. All 50 states experienced increased school absenteeism during the pandemic; 23 faced school and college closures and 31 saw elevated worker absenteeism.  [The above can be accessed here.]

Peak Week of Pandemic Influenza Activity, United States, 1968 Influenza A(H3N2) Pandemic

Source. National Center for Communicable Diseases. Influenza—Respiratory Diseases Surveillance. National Communicable Disease Center, June 30, 1969. Report No.: 85.

Newspaper articles chronicled the widespread college closures, slowdowns in business and industry, and threats to Christmas mail deliveries. [Wouldn’t it be nice if missed Christmas Cards was our big worry?] In December, the Apollo 8 astronauts were vaccinated to protect them from pandemic influenza in advance of their December 21 moon-orbiting flight, and President Johnson was hospitalized with a respiratory infection that his aides said “could be called the flu.”

 [Compare the above press reaction with what we’re getting from them today.]

A second, less severe pandemic wave of illness in the United States occurred late in the following season (1969–1970). Over these two seasons, 70% of excess pneumonia and pandemic influenza deaths in the United States occurred during 1968–1969 season. This was unlike the experience in most countries, where the initial 1968 wave tended to be less severe but was followed by an increasingly severe wave in 1969–1970.15

In the United States, the pandemic resulted in an estimated 100 000 deaths.37 As with other 20th-century pandemics, large proportions (half in 1968) of pneumonia and influenza deaths occurred in persons younger than 65 years. 

[Why have you not heard that the Hong Kong Flu ran its course and ‘went away’? Shouldn’t this be front page news? Shouldn’t our president (and the rest of them) be re-assuring us with this (recent) historical occurrence?] 

Vaccine manufacturers released a first lot of 110 000 pandemic vaccine doses on November 15, 1968. Subsequently, 15 million doses became available by the pandemic’s peak50 in January 196951 (Figure 2). After the peak, vaccine demand waned. For most of the population, the pandemic vaccine was “too little and too late,52 and the effect of the vaccine on reducing pandemic spread was questionable. In January 1969, manufacturers began to phase out production, and unused vaccine remained. Some vaccine became available for use in the southern hemisphere.53
[See the embedded chart, which illustrates the uselessness of vaccines: the case rate was already declining sharply when the vaccine was introduced and did not prevent the bump in cases a few months after widespread inoculation. (One might ask if the vaccines caused the bump.)]

As this chart clearly shows, for the Hong Kong flu vaccines were at best useless, at worst harmful.

The truth is that all diseases that were supposedly ‘conquered’ by vaccines showed the same decline at the times the vaccines were introduced. All of them. Which means that vaccines have not done anything positive for global health. They are a total fraud, and worse. Much worse. 

From good old Wikipedia

By September 1968, the flu had reached India, the Philippines, northern Australia, and Europe. The same month, the virus entered California and was carried by troopsreturning from the Vietnam War, but it did not become widespread in the United States until December 1968. It reached Japan, Africa, and South America by 1969.[8]

In Berlin, the excessive number of deaths led to corpses being stored in subway tunnels, and in West Germany, garbage collectors had to bury the dead because of a lack of undertakers.

[Sound familiar? Yet no draconian measures were taken and the outbreak ran its course without catastrophic loss of life.] 

The death rate from the Hong Kong flu was lower than for other 20th-century pandemics.[8] The disease was allowed to spread through the population without restrictions on economic activity until a vaccine became available four months after it had started.

[And as shown, the vaccine did no good whatsoever. Point being that measures like lockdowns and masks have no effect on the course of a flu outbreak. But we already know that, don’t we? The above is merely historical proof of what we already know.]

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that in total, the virus killed one million people worldwide[15] from its beginning in July 1968 until the outbreak faded during the winter of 1969–70.[16] The United States health authorities estimated that about 34,000[17][18] to 100,000[15] people died in the U.S; most excess deaths were in those 65 and older.

[What”s interesting here is that (according to the CDC’s own numbers), only about 9,000 U.S. deaths can be attributed to COVID alone. The rest involved pre-existing morbidities. And we know that the numbers have been inflated to begin with, via bogus testing and reporting. So it appears that COVID is actually a less virulent pathogen than with the Hong Kong outbreak.]

The numbers from the 1968 – 69 flu outbreak. Similar to COVID; we did nothing and all was well. So the measures taken for COVID can not be for our well-being. 

1957 About 70,000 to 116,000 people died in the United States, and an estimated 33,000 deaths in the United Kingdom were attributed to the 1957–58 flu outbreak.[1][11][13][17] It caused many infections in children, spread in schools, and led to many school closures. However, the virus was rarely fatal in children and was most deadly in pregnant women, the elderly, and those with pre-existing heart and lung disease.[1] In Germany, around 30,000 people died of the flu between September 1957 and April 1958.[18]


Okay. The above should be useful with those who are somehow still unaware that we are at active war with our government and the PTB (Powers That Be) who control it. 


I appreciate the thoughtful responses to my last post. I am far from done looking into the matter of the true nature of viruses. Keep the insights coming!

One more time: If you haven’t viewed this interview with Dr. Thomas Cowan, I suggest you do it now.

  15 comments for “If We Don’t Learn From History…

  1. Tnayrb
    December 3, 2023 at 7:23 pm

    I must of missed this one because my TV didn’t work.

  2. KJ
    September 21, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    Alan, here’s some reading and study material. Tried to send it with email but didn’t work.

    COVID-19: The Hegelian Dialectic is the Supreme and Only Rule on the World’s Geopolitical Chess Board

    Real Confessions by World Health Officials About Vaccine Safety

    Donald Trump: Anti COVID-19 Vaccine Rhetoric is Dangerous, Vaccine Will Be Safe

    Here’s What the “FinCEN” Leaks Are Really About

    A 5G Analysis You May Have Never Heard About

    Johns Hopkins’ COVID-19 Data Itself STILL Proves that the Data is FALSE

    The Netherlands: Two Ministers State That They Will NOT Get the COVID-19 Vaccine When it Becomes Available

    Is the Worldbank Website Involved in a COVID-19 Coverup?

    Oh, and check out the “New World Order Behind Closed Doors” song, featured during the UN’s virtual concert:

    • Chris
      September 22, 2020 at 4:44 pm

      This is like a who’s who of horse manure.

  3. September 21, 2020 at 4:36 pm

    Kudos Allan, and thank you.

  4. Kevin Ryan
    September 21, 2020 at 11:13 am

    Many thanks Allan. You continually bring clarification to my suspicions on many fronts.

  5. Cat
    September 21, 2020 at 3:29 am

    Excellant research
    Thanks Allan
    I’m forwarding this
    To friends and family…

  6. Katie
    September 20, 2020 at 4:53 pm

    Have you heard of Dr. Daniels?
    In the questions and answers near end of video she gives her thoughts on the present plandemic. https://vimeo.com/user6590984

  7. Alan
    September 20, 2020 at 4:11 pm

    33,000 deaths in Britain; another 33 code embedded to signify the hidden hand at work.

    • Philipski
      September 23, 2020 at 4:56 am

      Very well and good. I just find it impossible to believe that any of these “tens of thousands” viral statistics, now or in the past, are accurate….

  8. Davido Davido
    September 20, 2020 at 2:18 pm

    This historical perspective is wonderfully helpful. Thank you Allan!

  9. Lynda Craig
    September 20, 2020 at 1:30 pm

    I was 10 years old in 1969 and while I have no memory of said pandemic, I do remember watching those incredible, courageous astroNOTS ‘landing’ on the moon. 😉
    Brilliant work as usual Allan, I cannot be too prolific with my response as my computer is kaput and I am on a phone but I look forward to your insights and appreciate your work.

  10. September 20, 2020 at 12:27 pm

    Wow, very compelling work Allan…excellent research, analysis and writing as usual. See you soon my friend.

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