Logan’s Message

I’m struggling with Part Two of ‘Yesterday’s Troubles’ — mainly to keep it on point and of manageable wordage — so I thought I’d meanwhile send a short one with a couple points that just came up. (I may have to chuck all I’ve written and start over. So be it. I’d like to get this one right.

This past full moon.

This past full moon.

Recent stuff. First, since moving on from the visual evidence that Elon Musk’s  space missions were/are fabricated, I’ve come across indirect but compelling evidence that Spacex has never bought liquid oxygen (LOX) in bulk quantities. Given that any one launch involves hundreds of thousands of liters (hence many tons) to mix with RP-1, which is basically kerosene, what we have is an example of ‘convergence’ in evidence-gathering: When two (or more) separate lines of inquiry point at the same conclusion (the launches were faked, likely through holographic ‘live’ imagery plus CGI), the likelihood that the conclusion is correct increases exponentially.

It’s worth a reminder that virtually all ‘alt media’ outlets and ‘names’ are aware of the ‘impossibilities’ I observe in my string of videos, yet none — other than the flat earth purveyors, which have non-truth agendas — has even broached the subject, let alone its implications. Just something to keep in mind…

Gus cocks her ears at Logan's set up back in New Mexico.

Gus cocks her ears at Logan’s set up back in New Mexico.

Also, my road buddy Logan (Gus’s godfather) just sent me the following email, which echoes my feelings perfectly:

A little hope can be a dangerous thing…but on a day to day basis it sure beats the alternative.  You have really tapped into something with your recent series and opening the comments section.  Save for a few knuckleheads, the insights and observations have been amazing.  I am sooo appreciative for the direct evidence that these folks exist.  Fuck the unsubscribe data (I really question the validity anyway), you have attracted high quality and courageous minds to the fray.  Not all of us are taking our efforts to the airwaves…but imagine what these critical thinkers are accomplishing within their own spheres of influence.  Keep up your creative momentum my friend, but enjoy those magic moments in nature with Gus as well.  See ya when I see ya, Logan

Another Bingo! So hang in, and hey, when you come across a link or whatever you see as worthwhile, stick it in a comment. I’ve lost count of the interesting stuff that’s come in via emails. Now we have an even better way to disseminate insights. There’s so much disinfo out there, we have to help each other in the sifting.



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